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Northwest Basketball Camps

Northwest Basketball Camps Review Experience Basketball Camp

Individual, team and adult-child camps located throughout the northwestern United States .

Camps located worldwide including the US Canada UK Italy Thailand and Austria NBC Camps offers basketball volleyball and soccer training from beginner to advanced We have a camp for you Check it out

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Reviews and Comments for Northwest Basketball Camps

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Best entries for Basketball and Camp

1 76ers Basketball Camp Located in
Located in the beautiful Pocono mountains, just two hours from Philadelphia or New York, the 76ers Basketball Camp is for boys 9-17 and girls 11-17 to learn basketball from NBA stars and college and high school coaches.
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2 Five-Star Basketball Camp A high
A high school basketball camp that has numerous sites throughout the United States and has featured many college and NBA players.
3 Coach Wootten Basketball Camp Camp operated
Camp operated by basketball Hall of Fame member and Head Basketball Coach at DeMatha High School Morgan Wootten. Winners are made here.
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4 Shooting Stars Basketball Camp Youth basketball
Youth basketball camp serving the Albuquerque, New Mexico area.
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5 Higher Level Camps Basketball Camp An off-season
An off-season basketball training camp, located in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, that emphasizes Back to the Basics for boys and girls.
Level Cheryl Programs Camps High Higher Fond Mohr Lac Wisconsin Lynne School Tryouts Glance Campshigher Coaching Coachesstaff Basketball Shootout
6 Lou Carnesecca and Red Sarachek Camp The camp
The camp is for 2nd - 12th grade basketball players looking for a weeks worth of basketball training in a competitive, yet fun and enjoyable atmosphere, located in Delhi, New York.
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7 Hanover Basketball Camp Summer camp
Summer camp specializes in individual skill and competition camps for young basketball enthusiasts, located at Hanover College, Indiana.
8 Bulldogs Basketball Camps Offers several
Offers several programs at Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa: day camp for K-12, individual camp for grades 5-12, junior high camp, and senior high camp. Includes prices, dates, schedules, features, and registration.
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9 Dana Barros Basketball Camp Learn about
Learn about the summer camp headed by this NBA guard and three-point bomber. Includes a camp profile which offers contacts and specifics.
10 Blue Chip High Exposure Girls Basketball Camp A camp
A camp for high school girls wishing to obtain a basketball scholarship. General information, testimonials, application. At Bellarmine College in Louisville, KY on July 23-27, 2000.
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11 Quick Release Sports Holds day
Holds day camps in Lynchburg, Virginia for boys and girls ages 6 to 17. Sessions include football camp, cheerleading camp, and co-ed basketball camp. Schedule, staff, rates, and registration form.
12 All-American Basketball Camp This summer
This summer day camp is located on Long Island. The staff has over 35 years of experience.
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13 MVP School of Basketball A summer
A summer basketball camp for boys grades 5-12, located at Bentley College in Waltham, MA.
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14 Rick Barry Basketball Fantasy Camp A three-day
A three-day camp for adult men and women who want to experience learning from and playing with former NBA players.
15 Luke Walton & Richard Jefferson Basketball Camp Basketball camp
Basketball camp located Catalina High School in Tucson, Arizona featuring Luke Walton and Richard Jefferson.
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16 World Basketball Soccer Camps European basketball
European basketball camp in Sportilia Center, Forli, Italy. Bilingual site in English and Italian.
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17 Saratoga High School Basketball Camp Yearly summer
Yearly summer camp in California offered to youth, 3rd through 12th grades, to improve their skills and fundamentals.
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18 Clark Kellogg Elite Hoops Camp High school
High school boys basketball camp designed to attract top college prospects and hone necessary skills.
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19 Legarza Basketball Camp Ten exciting
Ten exciting weeks of basketball instruction and games for boys and girls grades 1 through 8. Camps run from June through August in Northern California.
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20 Clemson Lady Tiger Basketball Camp An opportunity
An opportunity for young ladies to hone their basketball skills and for coaches to learn from coach Jim Davis. Online registration is available.
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21 Queen City Athletic Association Basketball Year-round basketball
Year-round basketball camps and clinics for boys and girls ages 7-14. Includes camp history, registration, and related links.
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22 Camp Eagle Ridge A boys
A boys and girls leadership camp located in the Northwoods of Wisconsin. Offers sailing, horseback riding, soccer, tennis, golf, basketball, archery, and canoeing.
Camp Eagle Ridge Alumni Leadership Summer Wisconsin Parent Register Preparing Faq Campers Feel Camper Because Girls Mellen
23 Camp Caribou Boys summer
Boys summer camp provides activities and personalized instruction in basketball, baseball, soccer, tennis, archery, ropes course, swimming, sailing, and wilderness trips. Located in Waterville.
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24 Matt Lottich Life Skills Camp A camp
A camp providing fundamental basketball training, in addition to motivation, for young players to set and achieve personal goals, located in northern California.
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25 Camp Cedar A boys
A boys residential summer camp featuring water skiing, sailing, kayaking, tennis, soccer, archery, basketball, arts and crafts, drama and bike trails.
Cedar Camp Welcome Staff Photos Information Request Parents Community Email Maptour Profiles Fees Calendar Dates
26 Camp Eagle Ridge A boys
A boys and girls leadership camp located in the Northwoods of Wisconsin. Offers sailing, horseback riding, soccer, tennis, golf, basketball, archery, and canoeing.
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27 La Salle Mens Basketball Official site
Official site of the Explorers, including current and all-time rosters, statistics, and standings, coach and player profile, basketball camp information, and ticket policies.
28 Big Man Basketball Camp Post player
Post player camp for middle school, high school, and college level athletes from Coach David Dunn.
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29 Camp Caribou Boys summer
Boys summer camp provides activities and personalized instruction in basketball, baseball, soccer, tennis, archery, ropes course, swimming, sailing, and wilderness trips. Located in central Maine.
Camp Alumni Caribou Welcome Clothing Maine Camper Parents Weekend Boys Login Summer Campers Initiative Application Contact Watersports Daily
30 Camp Caribou Boys summer
Boys summer camp provides activities and personalized instruction in basketball, baseball, soccer, tennis, archery, ropes course, swimming, sailing, and wilderness trips. Located in central Maine.
Camp Alumni Caribou Welcome Clothing Maine Camper Parents Weekend Boys Login Summer Campers Staff Buy Sister
31 Camp Cedar A traditional
A traditional boys residential summer camp featuring water skiing, sailing, kayaking, tennis, soccer, archery, basketball, arts and crafts, drama and bike trails.
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32 Hooptown Basketball Hooptown Basketball
Hooptown Basketball provides a Summer Camp and Fall Clinic experience that emphasize the fundamentals of the game, teamwork and the value of sportsmanship in Andover, Massachusetts.

More Northwest Basketball Camps Infos

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Review and Opening Hours Information

If the business hours of Northwest Basketball Camps in may vary on holidays like Valentines Day, Washingtons Birthday, St. Patricks Day, Easter, Easter eve and Mothers day. We display standard opening hours and price ranges in our profile site. We recommend to check out for further information. You can also search for Alternatives for on our Review Site All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. If we should delete this entry, please send us a short E-Mail.

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