Dandie Dinmont Terrier
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Information on the Dandie Dinmont Terrier including size, features, and origin provided by the Continental Kennel Club.Specific Breed Information

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Best entries for Breeds and Contact
1 The Canine Information Library
Guide to
Guide to molosser breeds, guard dog breeds, bull-and-terrier breeds, bulldog breeds and lesser-known breeds. Descriptions of temperament, history, photographs, and references for each breed.
Guide to molosser breeds, guard dog breeds, bull-and-terrier breeds, bulldog breeds and lesser-known breeds. Descriptions of temperament, history, photographs, and references for each breed.
2 Rare Breeds Pigeon Club
Has a
Has a breeders directory, rare breeds list, and classified area, also information on rare breeds meets.
Sign Lifestream Policy Everything Updated Places People Now Simplifying Connecting Network Search Aolcom Email Social Nowon Go Theres Account Or
Has a breeders directory, rare breeds list, and classified area, also information on rare breeds meets.
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4 Dog Registry of America, Inc.
Open to
Open to all breeds of dogs. They register over 300 breeds of dogs and breeds unrecognized by other kennel clubs. You can register your dog or kennel online.
Here Registry Dogs Dog Breeds America Terrier American Club Papers Registration Kennel Welcome Dra Fast Pitbull Hybrid Click
Open to all breeds of dogs. They register over 300 breeds of dogs and breeds unrecognized by other kennel clubs. You can register your dog or kennel online.
Here Registry Dogs Dog Breeds America Terrier American Club Papers Registration Kennel Welcome Dra Fast Pitbull Hybrid Click
5 DottedDreamz
Located in
Located in West Cornwall. Also breeds Siamese and Serengeti cats. Brief description of the breeds and photographs.
Pageplease Missing Requested Contact Found
Located in West Cornwall. Also breeds Siamese and Serengeti cats. Brief description of the breeds and photographs.
Pageplease Missing Requested Contact Found
6 Purebred Dog Breeds into the Twenty-First Century
Article that
Article that reviews the genetic origin of the breeds and the consequences of selection over time.
Article that reviews the genetic origin of the breeds and the consequences of selection over time.
7 Les Pyramides de Cholula
Breeds and
Breeds and shows Chihuahuas and Yorkshire Terriers. Provides pictures, history of breeds, links, and a guest book.
Chihuahuas De Poil Chihuahua Eleveur Elevage Haute Savoie élevage Court Long Chiens Cholula Kennel Alpes Rhône Rhone
Breeds and shows Chihuahuas and Yorkshire Terriers. Provides pictures, history of breeds, links, and a guest book.
Chihuahuas De Poil Chihuahua Eleveur Elevage Haute Savoie élevage Court Long Chiens Cholula Kennel Alpes Rhône Rhone
8 Dogs of the World
An alphabetic
An alphabetic listing of dog breeds, strains, and crossbreeds with information and pictures on some of these breeds. Also, a message board and chatroom.
Yahoo Geocities Policy Copyright Help Sign Sports Mail Sorry Hostinggames Machine Reach News
An alphabetic listing of dog breeds, strains, and crossbreeds with information and pictures on some of these breeds. Also, a message board and chatroom.
Yahoo Geocities Policy Copyright Help Sign Sports Mail Sorry Hostinggames Machine Reach News
9 Molosserworlds Kavkazskaya Ovcharka page
Historical account
Historical account of the breeds development in relation to other molosser dog breeds. Photos, fact sheet.
Historical account of the breeds development in relation to other molosser dog breeds. Photos, fact sheet.
10 Dachshealth
Home of
Home of the Dachsund Club of America Health and Welfare Trust. Free articles apply to all small breeds and cross-breeds.
Club Health Dachshund America Welfare Trust Fund Hwtf Trustfund Arial Hfont Welfaretrust Sorenson Jean Family
Home of the Dachsund Club of America Health and Welfare Trust. Free articles apply to all small breeds and cross-breeds.
Club Health Dachshund America Welfare Trust Fund Hwtf Trustfund Arial Hfont Welfaretrust Sorenson Jean Family
11 Anlaufstelle Kennels
Breeders of
Breeders of German Shepherd and Schipperke dog breeds. Pictures and contact information included.
Net Anlaufstellecom Besty
Breeders of German Shepherd and Schipperke dog breeds. Pictures and contact information included.
Net Anlaufstellecom Besty
12 Anlaufstelle Kennels
Breeders of
Breeders of German Shepherd and Schipperke dog breeds. Pictures and contact information included.
Net Best Anlaufstellecomy
Breeders of German Shepherd and Schipperke dog breeds. Pictures and contact information included.
Net Best Anlaufstellecomy
13 Kingsmark Collies
Breeds for
Breeds for type, soundness and character. Pictures and contact details are presented. Flagstaff, Arizona.
Breeds for type, soundness and character. Pictures and contact details are presented. Flagstaff, Arizona.
14 Kramut Kennels
Breeds and
Breeds and shows Akita Inu and Siberian Husky. Provides pictures, litter, and contact information. [Australia]
Z Redirecting Y
Breeds and shows Akita Inu and Siberian Husky. Provides pictures, litter, and contact information. [Australia]
Z Redirecting Y
15 Kramut Kennels
Breeds and
Breeds and shows Akita Inu and Siberian Husky. Provides pictures, litter, and contact information. [Australia]
Z Redirecting Y
Breeds and shows Akita Inu and Siberian Husky. Provides pictures, litter, and contact information. [Australia]
Z Redirecting Y
16 Carols Cat House
Raises and
Raises and breeds Dollface and Pastel Himalayan Persians. Includes photographs, articles and a contact form.
Raises and breeds Dollface and Pastel Himalayan Persians. Includes photographs, articles and a contact form.
17 Balladair
Breeds in
Breeds in a home environment. Photographs of their dogs, confirmation statistics, and contact details. Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada.
Bichon Balladair Frise Sites Bichons Dickinson Julia List Prev Canada Reg Ring Random Join Champions See
Breeds in a home environment. Photographs of their dogs, confirmation statistics, and contact details. Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada.
Bichon Balladair Frise Sites Bichons Dickinson Julia List Prev Canada Reg Ring Random Join Champions See
18 Marmoll
Located in
Located in the Czech Republic near Prague, also breeds wild cats. Photographs, kitten availability and contact information.
Bengal Cat Cats Bengals Kittens Wild Czech Republic Cattery Leopard Breeders Gallery Europe Consortium Kocky Zucht
Located in the Czech Republic near Prague, also breeds wild cats. Photographs, kitten availability and contact information.
Bengal Cat Cats Bengals Kittens Wild Czech Republic Cattery Leopard Breeders Gallery Europe Consortium Kocky Zucht
19 netEquestrian
Directory of
Directory of equine websites and contact information for all breeds of horses, including sales, training, and business services.
Horse Gifts Tack Care Horses Apparel $ Equine Jewelry Bags Training Ponies Boots Organizations Show Kids Equipment Related Outlet Portraits Racing
Directory of equine websites and contact information for all breeds of horses, including sales, training, and business services.
Horse Gifts Tack Care Horses Apparel $ Equine Jewelry Bags Training Ponies Boots Organizations Show Kids Equipment Related Outlet Portraits Racing
20 Anlaufstelle Kennels
Breeders of
Breeders of German Shepherd and Schipperke dog breeds. Pictures and contact information included. Located in Ponder, Texas.
Net Anlaufstellecom Besty
Breeders of German Shepherd and Schipperke dog breeds. Pictures and contact information included. Located in Ponder, Texas.
Net Anlaufstellecom Besty
21 Dzcoonz
In-home cattery
In-home cattery in Sun Prairie that shows and breeds CFA, TICA and ACFA registered cats. News, images and contact data.
Retired Dzcoonz Family Kitten Maine Relocated Kittens Canine Maxx Willful Blue Cats Raw Available Retiredrelocated Video Portrait Members Homes Coming Dietinfo
In-home cattery in Sun Prairie that shows and breeds CFA, TICA and ACFA registered cats. News, images and contact data.
Retired Dzcoonz Family Kitten Maine Relocated Kittens Canine Maxx Willful Blue Cats Raw Available Retiredrelocated Video Portrait Members Homes Coming Dietinfo
22 Jimtown Kennels
Breeding English
Breeding English Bulldogs, Pugs, Labrador Retrievers, and mixed breeds. Pictures, prices and contact information.
Bulldogs Kennels Jimtown Dogs Retired Sale English Proud Calls Sinks Robert Sires Puppies Bulladors French Michigan Danville
Breeding English Bulldogs, Pugs, Labrador Retrievers, and mixed breeds. Pictures, prices and contact information.
Bulldogs Kennels Jimtown Dogs Retired Sale English Proud Calls Sinks Robert Sires Puppies Bulladors French Michigan Danville
23 Jimtown Kennels
Breeding English
Breeding English Bulldogs, Pugs, Labrador Retrievers, and mixed breeds. Pictures and contact information. [Iowa]
Jimtown Bulldogs Kennels Retired Sale Dogs English Calls Prices Labradoodles Chocolate Robert Dams French Sinks Safety Deposits
Breeding English Bulldogs, Pugs, Labrador Retrievers, and mixed breeds. Pictures and contact information. [Iowa]
Jimtown Bulldogs Kennels Retired Sale Dogs English Calls Prices Labradoodles Chocolate Robert Dams French Sinks Safety Deposits
24 Anlaufstelle Kennels
Breeders of
Breeders of German Shepherd and Schipperke dog breeds. Pictures and contact information included. Located in Ponder, Texas.
Best Net Anlaufstellecomy
Breeders of German Shepherd and Schipperke dog breeds. Pictures and contact information included. Located in Ponder, Texas.
Best Net Anlaufstellecomy
25 Rare Breeds Showcase
This webring
This webring is for breeder, exhibitor, owner, and other informative and educational sites geared towards the betterment of rare breeds.
Found Theserver Apache Portfound
This webring is for breeder, exhibitor, owner, and other informative and educational sites geared towards the betterment of rare breeds.
Found Theserver Apache Portfound
26 Working Breeds Web Ring Listing
Links to
Links to Working Breed group breeds, including Siberian Huskies.
Portserver Found Apachefound The
Links to Working Breed group breeds, including Siberian Huskies.
Portserver Found Apachefound The
27 Nordic Breeds Web Ring Listing
Links to
Links to Nordic breeds web sites, including all spitz-type dogs.
Yahoo Geocities Copyright Policy Help Sign Reach Hosting Terms Internet Machine Privacy Wayback Guidelines Trying Y
Links to Nordic breeds web sites, including all spitz-type dogs.
Yahoo Geocities Copyright Policy Help Sign Reach Hosting Terms Internet Machine Privacy Wayback Guidelines Trying Y
28 Nordic Breeds Web Ring Listing
Links to
Links to Nordic breeds web sites, including all spitz-type dogs.
Yahoo Geocities Policy Copyright Sign Help Machine Mail Wayback Sports Movies Reach Internet Sites User
Links to Nordic breeds web sites, including all spitz-type dogs.
Yahoo Geocities Policy Copyright Sign Help Machine Mail Wayback Sports Movies Reach Internet Sites User
29 Nordic Breeds Web Ring Listing
Links to
Links to Nordic breeds web sites, including all spitz-type dogs.
Yahoo Geocities Help Policy Sign Copyrightsorry Hosting Internet User Reach Wayback Terms Privacy
Links to Nordic breeds web sites, including all spitz-type dogs.
Yahoo Geocities Help Policy Sign Copyrightsorry Hosting Internet User Reach Wayback Terms Privacy
30 Nordic Breeds Web Ring Listing
Links to
Links to Nordic breeds web sites, including all spitz-type dogs.
Yahoo Geocities Sign Copyright Help Policy Internet Machine Sorry Inc Terms Visit Mailnews
Links to Nordic breeds web sites, including all spitz-type dogs.
Yahoo Geocities Sign Copyright Help Policy Internet Machine Sorry Inc Terms Visit Mailnews
31 Dalrymple Rabbitry
Breeder provides
Breeder provides information about health, care, and various breeds of rabbits. Other breeds available in addition to Netherland Dwarf are Polish, Mini Lop, and Mini Rex.
Yahoo Geocities Sign Policy Copyright Help Maps Sorry Games Movies Hosting Popular Usersites
Breeder provides information about health, care, and various breeds of rabbits. Other breeds available in addition to Netherland Dwarf are Polish, Mini Lop, and Mini Rex.
Yahoo Geocities Sign Policy Copyright Help Maps Sorry Games Movies Hosting Popular Usersites
32 Save A Lab
Non-profit no-kill
Non-profit no-kill shelter for Labrador Retrievers and other select breeds. Photographs of available dogs, frequently asked questions, and contact information.
Request Nginxz
Non-profit no-kill shelter for Labrador Retrievers and other select breeds. Photographs of available dogs, frequently asked questions, and contact information.
Request Nginxz