Team Shosholoza
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News, merchandise and team information from the first ever challenge from Africa.“ú–{‚ÌÆ’CÆ’^Æ’Å Æ’Aƒ“ƒuÂÂ[ƒ€‚ð’Ç‹ÂÂÂÂI

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Best entries for ‚¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Â‚©Ã¢â‚¬Å¡çÆ’uÂÂ[ƒ€ÂÂh and â€â€ðŽj‚͌¢
1 Carbon Copy Celebs
Features look
Features look alikes and comparisons.
Guestbook Look Celebs Alikes Arquette Copy Maguire Jason Carbon Moffatt Kd Tobey Princess Leelee Sisters Brad Celebrity Looks Furtado
Features look alikes and comparisons.
Guestbook Look Celebs Alikes Arquette Copy Maguire Jason Carbon Moffatt Kd Tobey Princess Leelee Sisters Brad Celebrity Looks Furtado
2 BirthCertificatesUSA
Get a
Get a copy of your U.S. Birth Certificate. Information is provided for every state.
Get a copy of your U.S. Birth Certificate. Information is provided for every state.
3 AnnaCara
Pictures, copy
Pictures, copy of their contract, and guestbook. Specializing in chocolate and lilac bicolors.
Pictures, copy of their contract, and guestbook. Specializing in chocolate and lilac bicolors.
4 The Rangers Digest
Provides a
Provides a collection of survival tips as well as an order form to buy them in hard copy.
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Provides a collection of survival tips as well as an order form to buy them in hard copy.
Best Credit Cars Luxury Tickets Phones Smart Cheap Designer Mortgage Stocks Penny High Migraine Card Contact Funds Therangerdigestcom
5 The Scouting Way Book
Contains order
Contains order information, pricing for single copy and as a fundraiser, and sample chapter.
Scouts Scouting Way_ Girl Way Inspirational Order Boy Trustworthy Book Scoutmasters Leaders Privacy Cubmasters Loyal Scout Table Brave
Contains order information, pricing for single copy and as a fundraiser, and sample chapter.
Scouts Scouting Way_ Girl Way Inspirational Order Boy Trustworthy Book Scoutmasters Leaders Privacy Cubmasters Loyal Scout Table Brave
6 Ready To Copy
Comprises a
Comprises a forum for Great Lakes Airlines Employees, past and present.
Lakes Posts Topics Great Last Pv Moderator Board Airlines Forum Files Questions Airline Area Audge Non Rev Register Added
Comprises a forum for Great Lakes Airlines Employees, past and present.
Lakes Posts Topics Great Last Pv Moderator Board Airlines Forum Files Questions Airline Area Audge Non Rev Register Added
7 TU-144
A history
A history of the Russian supersonic airliner, focusing on the idea that it was a copy of the Anglo-French Concorde.
Tu Tupolev Wings Aviation Disasters Dc Ebay Gemini Culture Airlines Air Vc Music News Herpa Travel Mileage Aircraft
A history of the Russian supersonic airliner, focusing on the idea that it was a copy of the Anglo-French Concorde.
Tu Tupolev Wings Aviation Disasters Dc Ebay Gemini Culture Airlines Air Vc Music News Herpa Travel Mileage Aircraft
8 Be-Mag
Online and
Online and hard-copy magazine with news, articles, photos, video clips, product reviews.
Mag Articles Jacobi Johannes Fise Interview Videos News Check Live Hotwire World Blade Featured Montpellier
Online and hard-copy magazine with news, articles, photos, video clips, product reviews.
Mag Articles Jacobi Johannes Fise Interview Videos News Check Live Hotwire World Blade Featured Montpellier
9 Sharp
Specializing in
Specializing in exotics. Photograph gallery, breeding plans, and a copy of their health guarantee. Arizona.
Pomeranian Puppies Sharp Poms Page Sale Email Colors Rare Exotic Sharp_poms@yahoocom Lord Proud Parents Pomeranians Blessed James Girls
Specializing in exotics. Photograph gallery, breeding plans, and a copy of their health guarantee. Arizona.
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10 200 Tonnes of $100 Dollar Bills
A copy
A copy of an old news article showing various ways of thinking about how much cash the Worlds richest man has.
A copy of an old news article showing various ways of thinking about how much cash the Worlds richest man has.
11 Core Journals in Pediatrics
Monthly collection
Monthly collection of abstracts from major clinical publications, with subscription information and sample copy.
Elsevier Journals Journal Sciences Consult Corporate Reviewers Authors Mosbys Editors Subject Reviewers’ Research Access Update Advertising Series List
Monthly collection of abstracts from major clinical publications, with subscription information and sample copy.
Elsevier Journals Journal Sciences Consult Corporate Reviewers Authors Mosbys Editors Subject Reviewers’ Research Access Update Advertising Series List
12 Snipers Ferret Network
All member
All member sites have something to do with ferrets or other small animals. Includes form to be added to the webring and HTML code to copy and paste.
Network Snipers Ferret Guestbook Prev Enter Ferrety Your_name Sign Sites Random Name Before Url Requirements Y
All member sites have something to do with ferrets or other small animals. Includes form to be added to the webring and HTML code to copy and paste.
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13 Mainline Modeler
Detailed information
Detailed information and photographs about creating professional model railroad layouts that copy some of North Americas most famous main lines.
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Detailed information and photographs about creating professional model railroad layouts that copy some of North Americas most famous main lines.
Datenschutzrichtlinien Informationenmainlinemodelercomdomain Click Here Dieser
14 Firsts Magazine
A hard-copy
A hard-copy resource for book collecting, including first editions, rare, and antiquarian books. Online provides articles covering the basics.
Vodafone First Firsts Celebrates People Doing Things Amazing Terms Youtube Mary Menu Santos Firstscom Group Fight
A hard-copy resource for book collecting, including first editions, rare, and antiquarian books. Online provides articles covering the basics.
Vodafone First Firsts Celebrates People Doing Things Amazing Terms Youtube Mary Menu Santos Firstscom Group Fight
15 CDAI - Crohns Disease Activity Index
Calculates the
Calculates the CDAI and allows one to email a copy for ones own records.
Crohns Cdai Disease Activity Calculator Progress Weight Retiredsee Rating Bowel Contact Footnotearkieprince Female Semi Current Male Diarrhea
Calculates the CDAI and allows one to email a copy for ones own records.
Crohns Cdai Disease Activity Calculator Progress Weight Retiredsee Rating Bowel Contact Footnotearkieprince Female Semi Current Male Diarrhea
16 Manx Lines Magazine
Breed specific
Breed specific magazine. Hard copy subscription information, breeder listing, FAQs.
Sign Lifestream Now Updated People Places Everything Policy Trademarks Login Connecting Youre Networks Nowoninc Rights
Breed specific magazine. Hard copy subscription information, breeder listing, FAQs.
Sign Lifestream Now Updated People Places Everything Policy Trademarks Login Connecting Youre Networks Nowoninc Rights
17 Ketamine - Schedule III of The Controlled Substances Act (CSA)
Copy of
Copy of the final ruling, including summary, background information, comments, findings, and action schedule.
Schedule Ketamine Federal Administrator Usc Regulations Title Code Deputy Secs Substances Section Controlled Enforcement Drug Part Exportation
Copy of the final ruling, including summary, background information, comments, findings, and action schedule.
Schedule Ketamine Federal Administrator Usc Regulations Title Code Deputy Secs Substances Section Controlled Enforcement Drug Part Exportation
18 Alemars Copy Service
Specializes in
Specializes in dealing with clinics and hospitals to obtain copies of patients medical records. Information about the company and contact details. Located in Monrovia, California.
Specializes in dealing with clinics and hospitals to obtain copies of patients medical records. Information about the company and contact details. Located in Monrovia, California.
19 Nick Van Exel Player Information
Print up
Print up a copy of Nicks player profile, view a complete listing of his statistics, and check out his career highlights.
Nbacom Please Star League Page Career Opportunities Turner Terms Privacy Report Digital Basketball Advertise Found Ventures Vendor Sports Name
Print up a copy of Nicks player profile, view a complete listing of his statistics, and check out his career highlights.
Nbacom Please Star League Page Career Opportunities Turner Terms Privacy Report Digital Basketball Advertise Found Ventures Vendor Sports Name
20 Aylesbury Vale and Wycombe
Includes information
Includes information about their branch, plus a list of breweries, a schedule of upcoming events, local festival information, and an online copy of their newsletter.
Includes information about their branch, plus a list of breweries, a schedule of upcoming events, local festival information, and an online copy of their newsletter.
21 Bridge of the Month Quiz
An image
An image is posted inviting entrants to identify the feature. A free copy of a book on the subject is awarded to one correct entrant per month.
Bridge Spain France Italy Pont Portugal Ponte Sep Oregon Br Texas Dec Usa Mar Hill
An image is posted inviting entrants to identify the feature. A free copy of a book on the subject is awarded to one correct entrant per month.
Bridge Spain France Italy Pont Portugal Ponte Sep Oregon Br Texas Dec Usa Mar Hill
22 Area Code Magazine
Hard-copy, bimonthly
Hard-copy, bimonthly aggressive skating magazine. Includes price, subscripiton instructions and cover shots of past magazines.
Yahoo Geocities Sign Policy Help Copyright Sports Wayback Mail Inc Financemovies Maps Sites
Hard-copy, bimonthly aggressive skating magazine. Includes price, subscripiton instructions and cover shots of past magazines.
Yahoo Geocities Sign Policy Help Copyright Sports Wayback Mail Inc Financemovies Maps Sites
23 GaitPost
An all-discipline
An all-discipline equine magazine/directory free to qualified professionals. Details of editorial content, competition and trade issues. Order free copy online. United States.
Submit Sale Gaitpost Horses Classified Subscribe Articles News Calendar Equine Equestrian Horse Advertising Marketing Other Para Dressage Region Wins Delta
An all-discipline equine magazine/directory free to qualified professionals. Details of editorial content, competition and trade issues. Order free copy online. United States.
Submit Sale Gaitpost Horses Classified Subscribe Articles News Calendar Equine Equestrian Horse Advertising Marketing Other Para Dressage Region Wins Delta
24 Kate Starbird at Stanford: Birds Home Page
Purportedly an
Purportedly an unedited copy of Kate Starbirds web pages from her years at Stanford.
Team Stanford Reign Basketball Kate Page Ill Starbird Ablseattle Teammates Bird Birds Womens They Womens Finchhaven Something Vashon Island
Purportedly an unedited copy of Kate Starbirds web pages from her years at Stanford.
Team Stanford Reign Basketball Kate Page Ill Starbird Ablseattle Teammates Bird Birds Womens They Womens Finchhaven Something Vashon Island
25 AMP Torch Relay
Features archived
Features archived copy of news regarding the Olympic Torch Relay through Australia in 2000.
Torch Relay Olympic Amp Sydney Bearer Prizes Request Tickets Perth Edition Competitions Vic Y
Features archived copy of news regarding the Olympic Torch Relay through Australia in 2000.
Torch Relay Olympic Amp Sydney Bearer Prizes Request Tickets Perth Edition Competitions Vic Y
26 Hiking Books from Robert Wood
The prepared
The prepared backpacker doesnt leave home with out a copy of The 2 oz. Backpacker or with out first reading Pleasure Packing. Find out why! Also, discover the fun of day hiking.
Youre Happened Error Ever Found Placeowner Wrong Surevisitor Feel Things
The prepared backpacker doesnt leave home with out a copy of The 2 oz. Backpacker or with out first reading Pleasure Packing. Find out why! Also, discover the fun of day hiking.
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27 Birth Certificate Passports
Obtain a
Obtain a copy of your birth certificate and file for a passport online.
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Obtain a copy of your birth certificate and file for a passport online.
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28 Jet Skiing at Lake George, New York
Dedicated to
Dedicated to prevent the proposed lake-wide ban by collecting detailed, valid petitions. Includes press articles, a copy of the petition and rules and regulations specific to person watercraft.
Navigationshilfe Ty
Dedicated to prevent the proposed lake-wide ban by collecting detailed, valid petitions. Includes press articles, a copy of the petition and rules and regulations specific to person watercraft.
Navigationshilfe Ty
29 Informatics in Primary Care
Content ranges
Content ranges from scientific research papers, through editorials and case studies, to websites, useful tools, reviews and conferences. Details of journal plus full online text access with citation information and contents alerts. Sample copy available.
Series Health Care Education Primary Learning Healthcare Medical Quality Now Support Mental Books Journals Review Cardiology Port Humanities Context
Content ranges from scientific research papers, through editorials and case studies, to websites, useful tools, reviews and conferences. Details of journal plus full online text access with citation information and contents alerts. Sample copy available.
Series Health Care Education Primary Learning Healthcare Medical Quality Now Support Mental Books Journals Review Cardiology Port Humanities Context
30 Racing Economics
Organization of
Organization of racing economists and strategic analysts to provide consulting advice and analysis for businesses in the global horse racing industry. Includes copy of multi-client prospectus and charter subscription information. Located in the UK.
Organization of racing economists and strategic analysts to provide consulting advice and analysis for businesses in the global horse racing industry. Includes copy of multi-client prospectus and charter subscription information. Located in the UK.
31 Book Source Monthly
Hard-copy, black
Hard-copy, black and white publication with expanded online sections such as book search. Both the website and home-delivered version include auction results, book show information, editorials and other feature content.
Book News Rare Antiquarian Fair Calendar Morgan Books Auction Robert Much Source Literature Exhibition Cage Photographys Bookseller
Hard-copy, black and white publication with expanded online sections such as book search. Both the website and home-delivered version include auction results, book show information, editorials and other feature content.
Book News Rare Antiquarian Fair Calendar Morgan Books Auction Robert Much Source Literature Exhibition Cage Photographys Bookseller
32 Karate Made Easy
Edited online
Edited online copy of Moja Rones 1960 published book 'Super Karate Made Easy'.
Karate Techniques Self Defense Attacks Part Counter Against Made Strikes Blocks Easy Traditional Stances Moja
Edited online copy of Moja Rones 1960 published book 'Super Karate Made Easy'.
Karate Techniques Self Defense Attacks Part Counter Against Made Strikes Blocks Easy Traditional Stances Moja