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Reviews and Comments for World Wind Kites Calendar

Best entries for Kites and Kite
1 Jennifer Chan
How to
How to go and fly a kite. A beginners site on kites - the physics, history, myth, and basics of kites.
Kite Kites Fly History How Ive Story Sites Behind Physics Page Does Own Stories Faq Banner Craft Tuesday
How to go and fly a kite. A beginners site on kites - the physics, history, myth, and basics of kites.
Kite Kites Fly History How Ive Story Sites Behind Physics Page Does Own Stories Faq Banner Craft Tuesday
2 Hobby Fanatic: Kites
Power kite
Power kite design and construction, buggy plans, trick kites, and photographs.
Power kite design and construction, buggy plans, trick kites, and photographs.
Kite blog
Kite blog showcasing custom kites, builders plans, photos, videos and other information related to kites.
Kite Kites Janggan Rarr Dieppe Festival Walter International Island Coney Baddeck Premier Corsetti Competition Building Flight Edition
Kite blog showcasing custom kites, builders plans, photos, videos and other information related to kites.
Kite Kites Janggan Rarr Dieppe Festival Walter International Island Coney Baddeck Premier Corsetti Competition Building Flight Edition
4 The Power Kite Site
Dedicated to
Dedicated to power and sport kites with reviews for the top kites, comparison tables, store listings, festival dates, photos, and links.
Kite Kites Power Kiting Prism Flying Benson Cerf Volant Sport Elixir Tricks Traction Shops Buggy Team Welcome Trick
Dedicated to power and sport kites with reviews for the top kites, comparison tables, store listings, festival dates, photos, and links.
Kite Kites Power Kiting Prism Flying Benson Cerf Volant Sport Elixir Tricks Traction Shops Buggy Team Welcome Trick
5 The Power Kite Site
Dedicated to
Dedicated to power and sport kites with reviews for the top kites, comparison tables, store listings, festival dates, photos, and links.
Dedicated to power and sport kites with reviews for the top kites, comparison tables, store listings, festival dates, photos, and links.
7 Extreme Kites Australia
Power and
Power and traction Kiting sports including kite surfing, buggying, mountain boarding, scudding and jumping. Site features forums, kite reviews and faq.
Power and traction Kiting sports including kite surfing, buggying, mountain boarding, scudding and jumping. Site features forums, kite reviews and faq.
8 Power Kite Forum
Discussions about
Discussions about Kite Surfing, Kite Buggying, Kite Skating and Kite Skiing. Topics include kite traction information, tricks database, product resources and reviews. Official forums for NABX, DBBB and SOBB kite traction events.
Discussions about Kite Surfing, Kite Buggying, Kite Skating and Kite Skiing. Topics include kite traction information, tricks database, product resources and reviews. Official forums for NABX, DBBB and SOBB kite traction events.
9 Kites on Ice Winter Kite Festival
A Wisconsin
A Wisconsin Winter Kite Festival on the ice of Lake Mendota.
Wordpress File Edit Manager Page Click Files Found Default Settings Broken Example Correct Modify Rewritecond Rewriterule Media Check File The
A Wisconsin Winter Kite Festival on the ice of Lake Mendota.
Wordpress File Edit Manager Page Click Files Found Default Settings Broken Example Correct Modify Rewritecond Rewriterule Media Check File The
10 Lord, Dave
Lots of
Lots of detail on traction kites, kite buggies and land yachts.
Kite Land Buggy Lord Dave Gallery Yacht Sailing Experimental Click Dirt Designs Built Commercial David Hybrid Kites Design Here Whats
Lots of detail on traction kites, kite buggies and land yachts.
Kite Land Buggy Lord Dave Gallery Yacht Sailing Experimental Click Dirt Designs Built Commercial David Hybrid Kites Design Here Whats
11 TetraLite Kites
Plans for
Plans for building an ultralight, collapsible, multi-celled tetrahedral Kite.
Kite Kites Mouse Tetralite Hands Plans Free Assembly Manual Disease Tetrahedral Bell Tetra Head Operated Possible Cannot
Plans for building an ultralight, collapsible, multi-celled tetrahedral Kite.
Kite Kites Mouse Tetralite Hands Plans Free Assembly Manual Disease Tetrahedral Bell Tetra Head Operated Possible Cannot
12 Topica: Fighter Kites
Email discussions
Email discussions about single line active controllable kite flying.
List Topica Kite Fighter Directory Join Send Northwest Requires Concerned Unmoderated Hobbies Subscription Created Categories
Email discussions about single line active controllable kite flying.
List Topica Kite Fighter Directory Join Send Northwest Requires Concerned Unmoderated Hobbies Subscription Created Categories
13 Glenn Davison - Kiting USA
A growing
A growing collection of resources related to miniature kite making and using kites in the classroom for educational purposes.
Kiting Kites Maintained Davisong@verizonnet Indoor Kite Glenn Davison Pomfret Welcome Classroom Usa Miniature Resources Keywords
A growing collection of resources related to miniature kite making and using kites in the classroom for educational purposes.
Kiting Kites Maintained Davisong@verizonnet Indoor Kite Glenn Davison Pomfret Welcome Classroom Usa Miniature Resources Keywords
14 Galloway Kite Trail
Route for
Route for viewing Red Kites in Dumfries and Galloway, southwest Scotland.
Trail Kite Galloway Rspb Farm Cottage Here Stay Points Holiday Events Viewing Contact Guide Station Field
Route for viewing Red Kites in Dumfries and Galloway, southwest Scotland.
Trail Kite Galloway Rspb Farm Cottage Here Stay Points Holiday Events Viewing Contact Guide Station Field
15 Kite Pixels - Kite Shop Directory
A directory
A directory for locating online kite shops and kite festival websites. Kite banners and logos build a collage of pixel advertisements. Store owners may add links to their websites. Free zone for non-profit kiting events.
Navigationshilfe Ty
A directory for locating online kite shops and kite festival websites. Kite banners and logos build a collage of pixel advertisements. Store owners may add links to their websites. Free zone for non-profit kiting events.
Navigationshilfe Ty
16 Joanne Baker
Kites 4
Kites 4 Kids. Team Positive Lift of Melbourne, Australia. Aerial Displays, Festivals, School Workshops, Stunt Kite Exhibitions.
Kites Kids Requiresz
Kites 4 Kids. Team Positive Lift of Melbourne, Australia. Aerial Displays, Festivals, School Workshops, Stunt Kite Exhibitions.
Kites Kids Requiresz
17 Patrick Mann
Plans, photos
Plans, photos and discussions of single-line kites, including several original designs. Also features: kite book reviews and building tips.
Yahoo Geocities Policy Copyright Sign Help Guidelines Archiveorg Sorry Hosting Terms Privacy User Archives Y
Plans, photos and discussions of single-line kites, including several original designs. Also features: kite book reviews and building tips.
Yahoo Geocities Policy Copyright Sign Help Guidelines Archiveorg Sorry Hosting Terms Privacy User Archives Y
18 Galloway Kite Trail
Route for
Route for viewing red kites, where it is possible to see this re-established bird of prey flying, feeding, nesting, and breeding. Includes details and sound recording.
Trail Kite Galloway Rspb Farm Cottage Here Stay Holiday Points Guide History Leaflet Places Station Field
Route for viewing red kites, where it is possible to see this re-established bird of prey flying, feeding, nesting, and breeding. Includes details and sound recording.
Trail Kite Galloway Rspb Farm Cottage Here Stay Holiday Points Guide History Leaflet Places Station Field
19 Berkeley Kite Festival
International festival
International festival sponsored by Highline Kites on a windy peninsula in the California Bay area.
Kites Kite Berkeley Line Wind Fest Making Tails Quad Hours Location Dinner Fathers Zone Parking Shopping Festivals Basic Ceewan
International festival sponsored by Highline Kites on a windy peninsula in the California Bay area.
Kites Kite Berkeley Line Wind Fest Making Tails Quad Hours Location Dinner Fathers Zone Parking Shopping Festivals Basic Ceewan
20 Miniature Kite Designs
A site
A site dedicated to miniature kites including plans, kits, construction tips, building materials, photo galleries and contest results.
Miniature Fly Mini Kite Lin Tips Designs Kites Page Photos Youll Build Davisong@verizonnet Free Stunt Japanand Shopping
A site dedicated to miniature kites including plans, kits, construction tips, building materials, photo galleries and contest results.
Miniature Fly Mini Kite Lin Tips Designs Kites Page Photos Youll Build Davisong@verizonnet Free Stunt Japanand Shopping
21 Queensland Kite Flyers Society Incorporated
Flying their
Flying their kites in and around Brisbane and the state of Queensland Australia. Find local kiting events, photos, membership details and past festivals.
Kites Flyers Kite Email Park Moore Qks Calendar Events Contact Australia Queensland Webmaster Thyssen Anthony Capalaba Promotional
Flying their kites in and around Brisbane and the state of Queensland Australia. Find local kiting events, photos, membership details and past festivals.
Kites Flyers Kite Email Park Moore Qks Calendar Events Contact Australia Queensland Webmaster Thyssen Anthony Capalaba Promotional
22 Prokites
Impartial reviews
Impartial reviews of leading power kites with set-up instructions and flying tips. Web site includes power kite event coverage and popular flying locations in the UK.
Impartial reviews of leading power kites with set-up instructions and flying tips. Web site includes power kite event coverage and popular flying locations in the UK.
23 Rec.Kites
Site providing
Site providing support and resources for the usenet group rec.kites
Oracle Revfaq Specs Gallery Modified Misc Hang Sewing Reich Axel Building Airgallery Ref Postings Lines Dearden Aoxomoxoa
Site providing support and resources for the usenet group rec.kites
Oracle Revfaq Specs Gallery Modified Misc Hang Sewing Reich Axel Building Airgallery Ref Postings Lines Dearden Aoxomoxoa
24 Cocktail Napkin Kites
Detailed discussion
Detailed discussion of building miniature kites.
Kite Kites Plans Miniature Construction Materials Dont Kits Flying Eddy Cocktail Contest Thismethod Wait Hata
Detailed discussion of building miniature kites.
Kite Kites Plans Miniature Construction Materials Dont Kits Flying Eddy Cocktail Contest Thismethod Wait Hata
25 4 Seasons Kite Club
Kite organization
Kite organization and sponsor of the annual Michigan Sport Kite Classic. Includes forums and image galleries.
Kite organization and sponsor of the annual Michigan Sport Kite Classic. Includes forums and image galleries.
26 Kite Store Directory
Gomberg Kite
Gomberg Kite Productions list 250 kite stores in the USA.
Kites Kite Gomberg Store Virginia Carolina Dakota New Directory Minnesota Texas Alabama Connecticut Indiana Arizona Oklahoma Pennsylvania Nevada Kansas
Gomberg Kite Productions list 250 kite stores in the USA.
Kites Kite Gomberg Store Virginia Carolina Dakota New Directory Minnesota Texas Alabama Connecticut Indiana Arizona Oklahoma Pennsylvania Nevada Kansas
27 The Power Kite Site
Jo Coates
Jo Coates posts information on kite buggying with photos, instruction, event calendar, kite reviews and store listings.
Kite Kites Power Kiting Flying Prism Benson Elixir Reviews Cerf Volant Shops Tricks Traction Buggy
Jo Coates posts information on kite buggying with photos, instruction, event calendar, kite reviews and store listings.
Kite Kites Power Kiting Flying Prism Benson Elixir Reviews Cerf Volant Shops Tricks Traction Buggy
28 The Power Kite Site
Jo Coates
Jo Coates posts information on kite buggying with photos, instruction, event calendar, kite reviews and store listings.
Kite Kites Power Kiting Benson Prism Flying Shops Cerf Volant Elixir Traction Buggy Reviews Tricks Sport Dynamic Andy
Jo Coates posts information on kite buggying with photos, instruction, event calendar, kite reviews and store listings.
Kite Kites Power Kiting Benson Prism Flying Shops Cerf Volant Elixir Traction Buggy Reviews Tricks Sport Dynamic Andy
29 Dannys Kitextreme
Danny Francks
Danny Francks kiteboarding, kite sailing, buggying, kite expeditions site, also offers general information on kite flying in Israel.
Navigationshilfet Y
Danny Francks kiteboarding, kite sailing, buggying, kite expeditions site, also offers general information on kite flying in Israel.
Navigationshilfet Y
30 Rolleys Kite Buggy Life
Kite traction
Kite traction info site dedicated to parakarting, kite buggying, and land surfing in Blackpool, Fylde Coast UK.
Kite traction info site dedicated to parakarting, kite buggying, and land surfing in Blackpool, Fylde Coast UK.
31 World Kite Museum and Hall of Fame
Collection includes
Collection includes about 1500 kites from around the world and archival materials. Includes details of exhibits, calendar of events, educational programs, membership and contact forms. Located in Long Beach, Washington.
Kite Festival World Events Museum Fame Beach Hall Workshop Record Maps Washington Attempts Upcoming Contact Donate Hours Wednesday
Collection includes about 1500 kites from around the world and archival materials. Includes details of exhibits, calendar of events, educational programs, membership and contact forms. Located in Long Beach, Washington.
Kite Festival World Events Museum Fame Beach Hall Workshop Record Maps Washington Attempts Upcoming Contact Donate Hours Wednesday
32 4 Seasons Kite Club
Southeast Michigan
Southeast Michigan kite organization, sponsor of the annual Michigan Sport Kite Classic. Includes forums and image galleries.
Southeast Michigan kite organization, sponsor of the annual Michigan Sport Kite Classic. Includes forums and image galleries.