Atlanta Pulmonary Care
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Pulmonologist Tarsem L. Gupta, M.D., specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of lung diseases in Atlanta, Georgia.Health information you can trust and tools and apps you can use to live your healthiest life From diabetes to depression adults to kids get the straightforward expert advice you need

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Reviews and Comments for Atlanta Pulmonary Care

Best entries for Health and Diabetes
1 eMedicine Health - Diabetes
Consumer health
Consumer health resource center providing an overview of diabetes and its causes, symptoms, and treatment.
Consumer health resource center providing an overview of diabetes and its causes, symptoms, and treatment.
Health report
Health report about the increase of children in North America diagnosed with type 2 (non-insulin dependent) diabetes. Nutrition suggestions given.
Diabetes Children Health Among Insulate Plus Diabetonic Living Teenagers Healthy Triple Complex Diabetic Please Sugar Yourself Route
Health report about the increase of children in North America diagnosed with type 2 (non-insulin dependent) diabetes. Nutrition suggestions given.
Diabetes Children Health Among Insulate Plus Diabetonic Living Teenagers Healthy Triple Complex Diabetic Please Sugar Yourself Route
3 Revolution Health : Type 2 Diabetes
Find information
Find information on type 2 diabetes, covering symptoms, causes, risks, treatments and types. Discuss type 2 diabetes issues with others in forums, blogs, personal stories and recommendations.
Diabetes Health Type Diet Management Hypoglycemia Insulin Treatment Signs Team Heart Glucose Recipes Everyday Healthy Symptoms Millions Emergencies
Find information on type 2 diabetes, covering symptoms, causes, risks, treatments and types. Discuss type 2 diabetes issues with others in forums, blogs, personal stories and recommendations.
Diabetes Health Type Diet Management Hypoglycemia Insulin Treatment Signs Team Heart Glucose Recipes Everyday Healthy Symptoms Millions Emergencies
4 Diabetes Health Care
Linking people
Linking people in the diabetes community to one another. Contains a forum, newsletter, glossary, and FAQs.
Linking people in the diabetes community to one another. Contains a forum, newsletter, glossary, and FAQs.
5 Diabetes and Health
Provides basic
Provides basic information and resources geared at type 2 patients. Includes access to medical and scientific journals and their diabetes prevention study. By Novartis.
Navigationshilfet Y
Provides basic information and resources geared at type 2 patients. Includes access to medical and scientific journals and their diabetes prevention study. By Novartis.
Navigationshilfet Y
6 OHSU Health - Overview of Clinical Complications of Diabetes
Detailed information
Detailed information on the most common types of diabetes complications and ways to prevent future problems.
Ohsu Oregon Resources Health School Science University Research Accessibility Technology Error Were Library Notice Contacts Giving
Detailed information on the most common types of diabetes complications and ways to prevent future problems.
Ohsu Oregon Resources Health School Science University Research Accessibility Technology Error Were Library Notice Contacts Giving
7 OHSU Health -- Endocrinology & Diabetes Physicians
List of
List of physicians specializing in Endocrinology & Diabetes, at Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU).
List of physicians specializing in Endocrinology & Diabetes, at Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU).
8 WebMD: Moderate Drinking May Prevent Type 2 Diabetes
Review of
Review of 15 studies, published in the journal Diabetes Care, reports that consumption of up to four standard drinks per day reduced the overall risk of adult onset diabetes by as much as 30%.
Health Webmd Healthy Information Food Sign Medical Fda Expert Diet See Pregnancy Weight How Living Award Winning Basics Arthritis Pages Blood
Review of 15 studies, published in the journal Diabetes Care, reports that consumption of up to four standard drinks per day reduced the overall risk of adult onset diabetes by as much as 30%.
Health Webmd Healthy Information Food Sign Medical Fda Expert Diet See Pregnancy Weight How Living Award Winning Basics Arthritis Pages Blood
9 Diabetes Insipidus: The Other Diabetes
Susan Thorpe-Vargas
Susan Thorpe-Vargas, Ph.D., explains the types of diabetes insipidus, how the kidney functions, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and living with a dog with DI.
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Susan Thorpe-Vargas, Ph.D., explains the types of diabetes insipidus, how the kidney functions, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and living with a dog with DI.
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10 Orlistat in type 2 diabetes
Roche reports
Roche reports that in Xenical study of people with type 2 diabetes, improvements in glycemic control and cardiovascular risk factors were observed, and the need for insulin and oral diabetes medications reduced. (24 May 2002)
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Roche reports that in Xenical study of people with type 2 diabetes, improvements in glycemic control and cardiovascular risk factors were observed, and the need for insulin and oral diabetes medications reduced. (24 May 2002)
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11 Orlistat in type 2 diabetes
Roche reports
Roche reports that in Xenical study of people with type 2 diabetes, improvements in glycemic control and cardiovascular risk factors were observed, and the need for insulin and oral diabetes medications reduced. (24 May 2002)
Roche History Contact Additional Investigationremediation Resources Cannot Page Environmental La Hoffmann Found The Glossary Policy Sheets Y
Roche reports that in Xenical study of people with type 2 diabetes, improvements in glycemic control and cardiovascular risk factors were observed, and the need for insulin and oral diabetes medications reduced. (24 May 2002)
Roche History Contact Additional Investigationremediation Resources Cannot Page Environmental La Hoffmann Found The Glossary Policy Sheets Y
12 Orlistat in type 2 diabetes
Roche reports
Roche reports that in Xenical study of people with type 2 diabetes, improvements in glycemic control and cardiovascular risk factors were observed, and the need for insulin and oral diabetes medications reduced. (24 May 2002)
Roche Nutley Media Investigation Fact Development Careers Research Sheets Responsibility Error Contacts Hoffmann Community Francisco
Roche reports that in Xenical study of people with type 2 diabetes, improvements in glycemic control and cardiovascular risk factors were observed, and the need for insulin and oral diabetes medications reduced. (24 May 2002)
Roche Nutley Media Investigation Fact Development Careers Research Sheets Responsibility Error Contacts Hoffmann Community Francisco
13 Orlistat in type 2 diabetes
Roche reports
Roche reports that in Xenical study of people with type 2 diabetes, improvements in glycemic control and cardiovascular risk factors were observed, and the need for insulin and oral diabetes medications reduced. (24 May 2002)
Roche History Investigationremediation Cannot Environmental Page Contact Additional Resources Hoffmann La Documentsreports Pleasebe Releases Fact
Roche reports that in Xenical study of people with type 2 diabetes, improvements in glycemic control and cardiovascular risk factors were observed, and the need for insulin and oral diabetes medications reduced. (24 May 2002)
Roche History Investigationremediation Cannot Environmental Page Contact Additional Resources Hoffmann La Documentsreports Pleasebe Releases Fact
14 ClearlyMed - Womens Health
Free Womens
Free Womens health information covering Womens health topics like diabetes, breast cancer, menopause, and liver disease.
Free Womens health information covering Womens health topics like diabetes, breast cancer, menopause, and liver disease.
15 eMedicine Health - Diabetic Eye Disease
Consumer health
Consumer health resource center providing information on the causes, symptoms, and treatment for diabetes related eye disorders.
Diabetic Diabetes Disease Eye Medscape Slideshow Type Reference Learn Exercise Hemoglobin Symptoms See Hazy Information Glaucoma Lights
Consumer health resource center providing information on the causes, symptoms, and treatment for diabetes related eye disorders.
Diabetic Diabetes Disease Eye Medscape Slideshow Type Reference Learn Exercise Hemoglobin Symptoms See Hazy Information Glaucoma Lights
16 Marissa the Juvenile Diabetes Bear
Home site
Home site for Marissa diabetes fundraiser. A portion of the profits from the sale of this bear will benefit the Children with Diabetes Foundation.
Home site for Marissa diabetes fundraiser. A portion of the profits from the sale of this bear will benefit the Children with Diabetes Foundation.
17 Yahoo Health: Diabetes Health Center
Find information
Find information on type 1 and type 2. Includes symptoms, diagnosis, complications, and treatments.
Tumblr Health Things Millervia Instagram How Weight Korin Yahoo Menxs Preventionvia Amp Httpshelpyahoocomkbenable Javascript Food Real Browser
Find information on type 1 and type 2. Includes symptoms, diagnosis, complications, and treatments.
Tumblr Health Things Millervia Instagram How Weight Korin Yahoo Menxs Preventionvia Amp Httpshelpyahoocomkbenable Javascript Food Real Browser
18 Gadsen Regional Medical Center
Presents health
Presents health and medical services, including centers for cancer, diabetes, and occupational health.
Information Patient Health Privacy Services Policy Community Patients Employment Shop Events Visitors Responsibilities Circle Library Cafeteria Classes
Presents health and medical services, including centers for cancer, diabetes, and occupational health.
Information Patient Health Privacy Services Policy Community Patients Employment Shop Events Visitors Responsibilities Circle Library Cafeteria Classes
19 Womens Health Hot Line
Works to
Works to educate the public and the media about womens health issues, including cancer, diabetes, exercise, and menopause.
Works to educate the public and the media about womens health issues, including cancer, diabetes, exercise, and menopause.
20 Diabetes and Pregnancy Guide
Guide on
Guide on gestational diabetes, preconception planning, and various issues during pregnancy for people with diabetes.
Diabetes Pregnancy Preconception Symptoms Planning Glucose Gestational Labor Diabetic Nutrition Blood Delivery Lifeclinic Steps Smooth Physical
Guide on gestational diabetes, preconception planning, and various issues during pregnancy for people with diabetes.
Diabetes Pregnancy Preconception Symptoms Planning Glucose Gestational Labor Diabetic Nutrition Blood Delivery Lifeclinic Steps Smooth Physical
21 Royston Clinic
Family practice
Family practice with special interests in natural hormone replacement therapy, anti-aging, mens health, womens health, sexual problems, preventive medicine, asthma, diabetes and obesity.
Sponsoredlistings Privacy Policyroystoncliniccom
Family practice with special interests in natural hormone replacement therapy, anti-aging, mens health, womens health, sexual problems, preventive medicine, asthma, diabetes and obesity.
Sponsoredlistings Privacy Policyroystoncliniccom
22 Diabetes Jobs
Job openings
Job openings and position wanted notices for diabetes camps.
Diabetes Children Blood Type Products Support Kids Policy Privacy Care School Jobs Team Adults Inc College Humoroustidbits Signs Diabetic
Job openings and position wanted notices for diabetes camps.
Diabetes Children Blood Type Products Support Kids Policy Privacy Care School Jobs Team Adults Inc College Humoroustidbits Signs Diabetic
23 Diabetes-l
Intended as
Intended as a support group for people who have diabetes or care for someone with this disease.
Yahoo Groups Help Sharing Group Lists Please Free Forum Mailing Community File Photo Terms Newsgroups Autos Email
Intended as a support group for people who have diabetes or care for someone with this disease.
Yahoo Groups Help Sharing Group Lists Please Free Forum Mailing Community File Photo Terms Newsgroups Autos Email
24 The Diabetes Center at Mercy
Provides diabetes
Provides diabetes research, new medications, and clinical trials.
Provides diabetes research, new medications, and clinical trials.
25 Diabetes International
Moderated yahoo
Moderated yahoo group mailing list for people interested in, or suffering from, diabetes.
Yahoo Diabetes_int Help Groups Diabetes Please Screen Food Makers News Style Sports Central Finance Httpgroupsyahoocomgroupdiabetes_int Politics
Moderated yahoo group mailing list for people interested in, or suffering from, diabetes.
Yahoo Diabetes_int Help Groups Diabetes Please Screen Food Makers News Style Sports Central Finance Httpgroupsyahoocomgroupdiabetes_int Politics
26 Abate Diabetes
Provides a
Provides a fact sheet on diabetes addressing the causes, symptoms, preventions, and treatment available. Includes a self test.
Diabetes Gestational Symptoms Type Causes Diet Abate Insulin Treatment Cinnamon Diagnoses Healthy Injections Preventions Heres
Provides a fact sheet on diabetes addressing the causes, symptoms, preventions, and treatment available. Includes a self test.
Diabetes Gestational Symptoms Type Causes Diet Abate Insulin Treatment Cinnamon Diagnoses Healthy Injections Preventions Heres
27 Alex Walks to Cure Diabetes
Florida walkathons
Florida walkathons to raise awareness of, and funds for, the fight against juvenile diabetes.
Florida walkathons to raise awareness of, and funds for, the fight against juvenile diabetes.
28 Living with Diabetes
Explains how
Explains how the author was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes and her recommendations for sugar-free drinks and food.
Explains how the author was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes and her recommendations for sugar-free drinks and food.
29 Health Success
Group that
Group that shares fitness and nutrition tips and ideas concerning health issues and weight loss. Eating habits, weight loss, and diabetes education materials available.
Software Management Data Imagetrend Support Web Solutions Based News Development Eds Events Contact Custom Enterprise School Closely
Group that shares fitness and nutrition tips and ideas concerning health issues and weight loss. Eating habits, weight loss, and diabetes education materials available.
Software Management Data Imagetrend Support Web Solutions Based News Development Eds Events Contact Custom Enterprise School Closely
30 Feline Health Links
Links to
Links to sites that focus on specific health issues for cats such as CRF, constipation, nutrition, feline cancer, latest research, holistic, diabetes and diet.
Feline Cats Cat Disease Health Nutrition Asthma Problems Flutd Clinical Hyperthyroidism Urinary Chronic Animal Research Vaccine Associated
Links to sites that focus on specific health issues for cats such as CRF, constipation, nutrition, feline cancer, latest research, holistic, diabetes and diet.
Feline Cats Cat Disease Health Nutrition Asthma Problems Flutd Clinical Hyperthyroidism Urinary Chronic Animal Research Vaccine Associated
31 Diabetes Hope Foundation
A grassroots
A grassroots non-profit organization whose mission is to enhance the lives of children and adolescents living with diabetes.
Hope Transition Retreat Program Sponsors Photo Diabetes Scholarship Workshops Apply Youth Successful Application Video Mentorship Sponsor Alumni Tribute
A grassroots non-profit organization whose mission is to enhance the lives of children and adolescents living with diabetes.
Hope Transition Retreat Program Sponsors Photo Diabetes Scholarship Workshops Apply Youth Successful Application Video Mentorship Sponsor Alumni Tribute
32 Diabetes Hands-On
Motivational presentations
Motivational presentations about living with diabetes. Mr. Fusillo shares his experiences, lessons, and knowledge he has learned on his journey.
Diabetes Motivational Contact Rick First Hand Presentations Fusillo Directly Type Inspirational Resources Hyperglycemia Help Education Living
Motivational presentations about living with diabetes. Mr. Fusillo shares his experiences, lessons, and knowledge he has learned on his journey.
Diabetes Motivational Contact Rick First Hand Presentations Fusillo Directly Type Inspirational Resources Hyperglycemia Help Education Living