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Health Effects of Tobacco and

Health Effects of Review Experience Tobacco Smoking

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Best entries for Tobacco and Smoking

1 Powerpoint Presentations on Tobacco 18 powerpoint
18 powerpoint presentations from leading tobacco experts, including tobacco company bar promotions, marketing tobacco to women, economics of tobacco, types and uses of tobacco litigation, US tobacco marketing tobacco outside the US, and teenagers, smoking, and transnational tobacco corporations.
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2 French Consensus Conference on Smoking Cessation Summaries and
Summaries and recommendations on: tobacco consumption and associated costs, individual variation in smoking and quitting, scientific evidence of effectiveness of various quit smoking methods, conditions that allow health professionals to be more effective in reducing tobacco use.
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3 TobaccoWeek Tobacco news
Tobacco news, resources & information for the tobacco control professional engaged in policy development and implementation and tobacco users looking for effective ways to quit smoking.
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4 British Medical Journal, 5 August 2000 Tobacco is
Tobacco is the theme of this issue, articles on health policy, lung cancer, passive smoking, tobacco dependence, tobacco litigation.
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5 Alberta Tobacco Reduction Strategy Information about
Information about tobacco, spit tobacco, smoking, prevention, quitting, and what Alberta Canada is doing to help.
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6 Pyramid Media: Tobacco Videos Produces and
Produces and distributes educational videos on smoking, tobacco, and the tobacco industry, from classics like 'Death in The West' to recent releases like 'Smoke & Mirrors: A History of Denial'.
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7 Smoking and Tobacco Use Among Young People 5 papers
5 papers (abstracts only) from RWJ Foundation sponsored study on youth tobacco practices and attitudes.
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8 Resources on Smoking and Big Tobacco Articles on
Articles on the tobacco industry, state and national elected officials, regulators, the media, and conservative groups.
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9 American Legacy
American Legacy Foundation tobacco education campaign covers cigarettes, smoking, other tobacco products. 'The truth about how the cigarette industry operates'.
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10 The Price of Coffins: Specious Arguments by Eeminent Doctors against the Dangers of Tobacco Letter to
Letter to the British medical Journal reviews some tobacco, medical, and public policy history: 'good evidence showed that smoking causes lung cancer, the medias response to this information was initially resistant, specious arguments were used to detract from the real issue, which confused the general public and lessened its concern, after 40 years there has been little change in smoking rates.'
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11 Youth Tobacco Issues: A Roundtable Discussion Session from
Session from health conference on smoking influences, smokefree programs and policies, and engaging youth in tobacco control activities.
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12 The Heart Foundation Queensland: Tobacco Control Information on
Information on smokefree lifestyles, smoking versus other causes of death, effects of secondhand smoke on the heart, and holding the tobacco industry accountable.
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13 Smoking Causes Web-Links Links to
Links to pro-smoking sites, smokers rights groups, tobacco companies.
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14 Smoking Causes Web-Links Links to
Links to pro-smoking sites, smokers rights groups, tobacco companies.
Tobacco Smoking Health Smokers Forces Rights World Products Web Organizations Collected Forest Pro Homepages Companies Anti Country Defence Media
15 Smoking Causes Web-Links Links to
Links to pro-smoking sites, smokers rights groups, tobacco companies.
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16 Smoking Causes Web-Links Links to
Links to pro-smoking sites, smokers rights groups, tobacco companies.
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17 A place
A place for teens to come to learn more about tobacco and tobacco use prevention and control. Teens can come here to learn more about the perils of smoking, to find out how to quit, to become an activist, or just to see what other teens around North Carolina are doing about tobacco prevention and control.
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18 Harris Poll: Tobacco Addiction Reveals that
Reveals that 70% of all people still smoking have tried to quit, on average four times, and most are aware of tobaccos health effects, poll results called a metric of the power of tobacco addiction.
19 The Young Persons Cyber-Library of Information on Tobacco and Tobacco-Caused Disease Thoracic surgeon
Thoracic surgeon Fred Grannis MD provides young people and their families with information on cigarette smoking, cessation, lung cancer risk, diagnosis and treatment.
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20 The Tobacco Wars Colorful web
Colorful web site provides a capsule history of tobacco, from 1492 to 1988. Where did the tobacco industry as we know it come from, and when and how did the existence of tobacco turn into the selling and promotion of tobacco? This site has answers.
21 Youre Going Too Far, Baby: Cigarette Makers Woo Women in the Developing World Village Voice
Village Voice article. Tobacco industry developed its 'smoking = liberation' message for women in the U.S. in the 1970s, now its exporting that message to promote tobacco to women globally.
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22 Smoking Experimentation and Smoking-attributable Mortality due to Joe Camel and Marlboro advertising and promotions 'Despite public
'Despite public denials, internal tobacco company documents indicate that adolescents have long been the target of cigarette advertising and promotional activities...(From this analysis) we projected how many future deaths in the United States can be attributed to each brand.'
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23 Women Face Unique Risks From Smoking Says Surgeon Generals Report The marked
The marked increase in the number of women who die each year from tobacco products has led the surgeon general to call smoking-related disease among women a full-blown epidemic.
24 ScienceWeek Symposium: Tobacco Dependence Medical digest
Medical digest of recent scientific research on tobacco, public health, tobacco dependence, secondhand smoke, cigarette advertising, and tobacco control.
25 Information on
Information on cigarettes, smoking, other tobacco products. HTML and Flash sections.
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26 WebMD: Smoking Cessation Effects of
Effects of cigarettes and other tobacco products. Some tips for quitting.
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27 WebMD: Smoking Cessation Effects of
Effects of cigarettes and other tobacco products. Some tips for quitting.
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28 Smoking From All Sides Links to
Links to pages for all perspectives of smoking. Includes sites about anti-smoking groups, commentary, health effects, cessation, celebrity smokers, statistics, news, history, and pro-smoking documents.
29 MSN Groups: Freedom from Tobacco Offers several
Offers several message boards and other support tools to help break free from smoking.
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30 Let It Pass Essays and
Essays and graphics, often humorous or thought-provoking, on smoking and quitting aim at changing the way you think about cigarettes and help you to get rid of tobacco from your life.
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31 Tobacco Use: United States, 1900-1999 From the
From the Cancer Network, a survey of smoking trends and their effects during the 20th century.
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32 Premature Skin Wrinkling And Cigarette Smoking Recent research
Recent research on how tobacco products cause face wrinkles in young people.
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More Health Effects of Tobacco and Secondhand Smoke Infos

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