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Delphi Stained Glass

Delphi Stained Glass Review Experience Glass Sale

Online retailer of stained glass with a selection of mosaic supplies.

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Glass Sale Supplies Items Stained Jewelry Tools Fusing Dichroic New Findings Mosaic Books Display Kits Crafts Supplies Glass Stained Glass

Reviews and Comments for Delphi Stained Glass

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Best entries for Glass and Sale

1 Sun Shine Glass Works Offers their
Offers their hand painted glass sun catchers for sale.
2 Lightwriters Glass Studio Jacob Fishman
Jacob Fishman teaches the art of luminescent glass sculptures, and offers supplies and instructional books for sale.
Neon Lightwriters Glass Inc Conservation Videos Art Shop Fine Books Studio Film Repair Notebook Neons Pyrex Currently
3 Mosaic Tile Arts Recycled, tumbled
Recycled, tumbled glass, glass tiles, ceramics and supplies for sale. Tip section, gallery and book links.
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4 Goanna Glass A selection
A selection of flame-worked and kiln formed glass beads made by Australian artist Sarah Murphy. Includes finished pieces for sale.
5 Roman-Glass The online
The online Ancient Roman Glass Gallery. All ancient glass items are offered on sale by mail order. The authenticity of all items is guaranteed as described.
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6 Visions Stained Glass Original designs
Original designs in stained glass windows and lamps for sale by artist Carolyn Insler.
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7 Le Jardin Glass Art Heather Newell
Heather Newell crafts glass jewelry that includes dichroic glass earrings and colored glass pendants, as well as mirrored purses, glass picture frames and dried flowers in glass.
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8 Glass Orchids Glass studio
Glass studio produces art glass dichroic glass dishes, dichroic glass beads, jewelry, art objects and accessories. Also offering instruction and supplies locally in Maine.
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9 Design Glass Perth, Australia
Perth, Australia retailer of stained glass and warm glass supplies, also featuring online glass gallery.
10 Stockam Crystals Offers a
Offers a variety of art glass including porcelain, stained glass, hand blown glass, jewelry and glass figurines.
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11 Relkie Art Glass Custom art
Custom art glass shop for stained, leaded, carved and sandblasted glass. Specializes in glass railings.
Glass Doors Windows Art Carved Sandblasted Custom Relkie Stained Entrance Unique Technical Tables Railings Shipping
12 Design Glass Supplying stained
Supplying stained glass, tiffany tools and accessories, sandblasted glass equipment and glass art classes.
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13 Fulton Parker Glass Contemporary marble
Contemporary marble maker offers marbles for sale.
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14 Chantals Stained Glass Patterns, free
Patterns, free and for sale, designed by Chantal Paré.
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15 Art Glass 2 Glass Works Features marble
Features marble collecting information and sales of original and custom designs by glass artist, M.Bolser, as well as fusing glass supplies.
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16 Jewelex Vintage US-made
Vintage US-made glass, plastic, and semi-precious beads, and findings for sale.
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17 Fondazione Specialises in
Specialises in the sale of Venetian masks, Murano glass objects, chandeliers, jewelry and fine art.
Aggiungi Compara Dei Lista Alla Desideri Vetro Goto Gioielli Murano Masks Glass Di Venetian
18 Fondazione Specialises in
Specialises in the sale of Venetian masks, Murano glass objects, chandeliers, jewellery and fine art.
Aggiungi Dei Compara Lista Alla Desideri Vetro Goto Gioielli Murano Masks Venetian Di Glass Del Produttrice
19 Studio 113 Art Glass Contemporary lighting
Contemporary lighting, tableware, windows, stained glass, sandblasted glass, furniture, architectural glass, wallhangings, sushi plates, and candle holders by Scott Zoog and Erika Von der Heyden.
Glass Studio Erika Scott Handcrafted Zoog Art Floor Click Candle Here Arsenal Benicia Sushi Windows
20 Banford Paperweights Paperweights and
Paperweights and contemporary art glass of Bob and Ray Banford: crystal, hot glass, studio glass, lampworking, flameworking, glass blowing, glass sculpture.
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21 ART-n-GIFT Gallery Paintings and
Paintings and drawings, prints and photos, wood, metal, glass and sculpture by contemporary artists for sale.
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22 Classy Glass by Linda Linda Schmid
Linda Schmid crafts dichroic glass pendants, lampwork glass bead bracelets and earrings, as well as slumped and fused glass bowls and platters.
23 A Touch of Glass Offers sale
Offers sale of vintage carnival, depression, kitchen, and elegant glassware from the 40s, 50s, and 60s. Includes order information, and links.
Glass Depression Elegant Heisey Cambridge Antique Glassware Touch Collectingneeds Morgantown Imperial Collect Z
24 Christine Nagys Depression Glass Depression Glass
Depression Glass, Elegant Glass, Milk Glass, American pottery and dinnerware.
Shopping New Affiliate Shop Account Subscriptionsarchives_ Click Listed Collectors Cart Advertise Fan_ Newlytiascom
25 Glass Act Contemporary Glass Blowing Custom aquaria
Custom aquaria, art glass fountains and decorative vessels, as well as information about glass blowing.
Informationinstructional Design Page Please Glassact
26 Art Deco
Art Deco lighting, restored and for sale. Also a source for replacement Art Deco glass shades.
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27 Stained Glass Creations Offers stained
Offers stained glass windows, fireplace screens, beveled glass, mirrors, doors and custom stained glass work.
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28 Glass marbles
Glass marbles for sale includes machine made, hand made, and printed. Also offers gifts such as Moody The Marble.
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29 Mosser Glass Collies - Shelties Sells collectible
Sells collectible glass figurines in choice of color and glass type.
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30 Mail order
Mail order dichroic glass and art glass supplies for artists and designers throughout Europe. Located in the UK.
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31 Krauski Art Glass Combines stained
Combines stained glass and etched glass in panels, transoms, room dividers and windows.
Glass Stained Art Krauski Etched Sandblasted Crafts Classes Monches Contact Fine Works Small Wisconsin Work Milwaukee Donor Schedule
32 Heritage Glass Glass beadmaking
Glass beadmaking supplies available online, tips for making glass beads, and classes (Texas).
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More Delphi Stained Glass Infos

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Review and Opening Hours Information

If the business hours of Delphi Stained Glass in may vary on holidays like Valentines Day, Washingtons Birthday, St. Patricks Day, Easter, Easter eve and Mothers day. We display standard opening hours and price ranges in our profile site. We recommend to check out for further information. You can also search for Alternatives for on our Review Site All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. If we should delete this entry, please send us a short E-Mail.

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