Fellan Florist Co
Experience York Florists
Florist shop featuring floral designs of exotic and European blossoms for everyday occasions and weddings. Includes catalogs of gifts and plants. Wire transfers orders worldwide.Order flowers online with Same Day Delivery from Fellan Florists Floral Galleria Fresh flowers and hand delivered right to your door Experience the Teleflora difference

Business Hours
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Fellan Florist Co
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York Florists New Galleria Fellan Floral Flowers Ny Delivery Privacy Respect Order |make Substitutions Designs Delivered Flowers Florists North America United States New York
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Best entries for York and Florists
1 A1 Florists - Canada
Listing of
Listing of local full service florists sending flowers daily to and from any Canadian province.
Flowers Florists Canada Flower Plants Cards Day Apache Corsages Sent Easter Valentines Virtual Rose Permanently The Smiles Plant
Listing of local full service florists sending flowers daily to and from any Canadian province.
Flowers Florists Canada Flower Plants Cards Day Apache Corsages Sent Easter Valentines Virtual Rose Permanently The Smiles Plant
2 Flower Shop Network
Listings of
Listings of florists throughout Canada and the USA. Provides a direct link between consumers and the retail florists web site.
Flowers Flower Shop Network Florist Florists Fsn Local Blog Contact Bloomin Send Real Gift House Rose Easy Plants
Listings of florists throughout Canada and the USA. Provides a direct link between consumers and the retail florists web site.
Flowers Flower Shop Network Florist Florists Fsn Local Blog Contact Bloomin Send Real Gift House Rose Easy Plants
3 Jasam Floral Sundries
Floral sundries
Floral sundries for florists and hobbyists. Everything from floral foams, florists tools, paints and sprays, ribbons and wrappers.
Jasamfs Registrar Michael Korslogin Gift Ipad Luxury Spa Spiral Pro Basketball Walking Hotsearch
Floral sundries for florists and hobbyists. Everything from floral foams, florists tools, paints and sprays, ribbons and wrappers.
Jasamfs Registrar Michael Korslogin Gift Ipad Luxury Spa Spiral Pro Basketball Walking Hotsearch
4 Everything New York City
New York
New York City books, videos, maps, prints and posters, gifts and collectables. The essence of New York City in a store.
Dosarrest Internet Security Ddosprotection Client Restricted Pleasehost Protection Z
New York City books, videos, maps, prints and posters, gifts and collectables. The essence of New York City in a store.
Dosarrest Internet Security Ddosprotection Client Restricted Pleasehost Protection Z
5 New York Times: Glory Days of New York Baseball
Historical New
Historical New York Times articles, photos, and video on baseball history from 1947-1957. Fee required.
Times Page Nytimescom Terms Most Help York Report Business Estate Found Werebound Health Broken Technology
Historical New York Times articles, photos, and video on baseball history from 1947-1957. Fee required.
Times Page Nytimescom Terms Most Help York Report Business Estate Found Werebound Health Broken Technology
6 New York Few
Virtual gallery
Virtual gallery of New York contemporary figurative artists.
Art York Artists Drawing Figurative Guestbook New News Bialos Information Contemporary Lawrence Jake Shows Tice Filatieff Lomnovsky Nyfewcom Regina Workshops Homepage Reviews
Virtual gallery of New York contemporary figurative artists.
Art York Artists Drawing Figurative Guestbook New News Bialos Information Contemporary Lawrence Jake Shows Tice Filatieff Lomnovsky Nyfewcom Regina Workshops Homepage Reviews
7 Helmutart, Inc.
New York
New York based artists including Tom Ryan showing photo portraits of art personalities in the New York City area.
Helmut Amann Artist Catalog Inc Helmutart Movie Movies Museums Format Web Represents Shows Slide Currentexhibit
New York based artists including Tom Ryan showing photo portraits of art personalities in the New York City area.
Helmut Amann Artist Catalog Inc Helmutart Movie Movies Museums Format Web Represents Shows Slide Currentexhibit
8 Gans, Ronald
Landscape, still
Landscape, still life and macro black and white photography of California, New York State, New York City and flowers.
Photography York White Black Ronald California Art New Gans List Webring Fine External Sales Contact Bw Automotive
Landscape, still life and macro black and white photography of California, New York State, New York City and flowers.
Photography York White Black Ronald California Art New Gans List Webring Fine External Sales Contact Bw Automotive
9 Paris to Province
Features 18th
Features 18th and 19th century French, English, and Italian furniture, lighting, mirrors and accessories. [New York City, New York]
Sallyhusk@gmailcom Please Paris Province Selected Ddd Follow Server Panoramic Inventoryz Shop Link See
Features 18th and 19th century French, English, and Italian furniture, lighting, mirrors and accessories. [New York City, New York]
Sallyhusk@gmailcom Please Paris Province Selected Ddd Follow Server Panoramic Inventoryz Shop Link See
10 New York Wine Cork
Supplying a
Supplying a guide to New York vineyards, with a list of wineries, calendar of events, news, tasting notes, and recipes, as well as wines. Shipping within the US.
Wine Winery Vineyards Falls Brewing Glens Cellars Uncorked Trail Lake Brewery Hill Country Beer New Grape Et Remembering Neighborhood
Supplying a guide to New York vineyards, with a list of wineries, calendar of events, news, tasting notes, and recipes, as well as wines. Shipping within the US.
Wine Winery Vineyards Falls Brewing Glens Cellars Uncorked Trail Lake Brewery Hill Country Beer New Grape Et Remembering Neighborhood
11 Foods of New York
Your favorite
Your favorite New York street foods delivered to your door. Includes hot dogs, knishes, pretzels, and all the toppings.
York Hot Package Deals Lover Foods New Carte Condiments Sabrett Knishes Pretzeltm Gabilastm Pretzels Knish Frankfurters Hotdogs Fedex
Your favorite New York street foods delivered to your door. Includes hot dogs, knishes, pretzels, and all the toppings.
York Hot Package Deals Lover Foods New Carte Condiments Sabrett Knishes Pretzeltm Gabilastm Pretzels Knish Frankfurters Hotdogs Fedex
12 Memorial Florists and Greenhouses, Inc.
Catalog with
Catalog with local, guaranteed delivery.
Flowers Memorial Florists Bouquet Greenhouses Plants Ftd Care Just Flower Interior Garden Appleton Because Birthday Comfort Party
Catalog with local, guaranteed delivery.
Flowers Memorial Florists Bouquet Greenhouses Plants Ftd Care Just Flower Interior Garden Appleton Because Birthday Comfort Party
13 AusFloristDirect.com
A directory
A directory of Australian florists websites, searchable by region.
Flowers Australia Florist Australian Directory Fair Tasmania South Direct Territory Hobart Deal Tradingcomau Ausfloristdirect Roses Queensland Campbelltown
A directory of Australian florists websites, searchable by region.
Flowers Australia Florist Australian Directory Fair Tasmania South Direct Territory Hobart Deal Tradingcomau Ausfloristdirect Roses Queensland Campbelltown
14 The New York Metro & All New England Reptile Expo
Lists both
Lists both New York and New England show information.
Reptile Show Sunday Expo Reptileexpocom Long England Island Welcome Center Seperated Plains Boas Keywords Y
Lists both New York and New England show information.
Reptile Show Sunday Expo Reptileexpocom Long England Island Welcome Center Seperated Plains Boas Keywords Y
15 Old maps of New England and New York
Reproductions of
Reproductions of old maps showing family names towns in New York, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine, Rhode Island, and Connecticut. 1860s-1870s.
Maps New Massachusetts Connecticut York Maine Island Hampshire Rhode Vermont England Pennsylvania Antique Town County List
Reproductions of old maps showing family names towns in New York, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine, Rhode Island, and Connecticut. 1860s-1870s.
Maps New Massachusetts Connecticut York Maine Island Hampshire Rhode Vermont England Pennsylvania Antique Town County List
16 Regina Florists
Singapore-based company
Singapore-based company offering permanent and dried designs.
Cart Add Flowers Options Choose Plants Wedding Artificial Roses Trees Order Centre Regina Florist Love Car Sunrise Condolences Desire Sweet
Singapore-based company offering permanent and dried designs.
Cart Add Flowers Options Choose Plants Wedding Artificial Roses Trees Order Centre Regina Florist Love Car Sunrise Condolences Desire Sweet
17 Canadian Edelweiss Growers
Dried blossoms
Dried blossoms for florists, crafters and hobbyists, plus designs and lapel pins.
Edelweiss Extract Seed Flowers Cards Contacts Song Genuine Greeting Deutsch Canada Arrangements Grown Mountain Milk
Dried blossoms for florists, crafters and hobbyists, plus designs and lapel pins.
Edelweiss Extract Seed Flowers Cards Contacts Song Genuine Greeting Deutsch Canada Arrangements Grown Mountain Milk
18 Spark, Michelle
Works primarily
Works primarily in oils on canvas and on paper, including representational figurative works of life in New York City and landscape painting of the Catskill Park in New York State, and Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia.
Error Requesty
Works primarily in oils on canvas and on paper, including representational figurative works of life in New York City and landscape painting of the Catskill Park in New York State, and Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia.
Error Requesty
19 Made in New York Arts and Crafts Directory
Features arts
Features arts and crafts, small food producers, gifts and resource links about New York State.
York Crafters Community New Crafts Arts Made Gifts Connection Gift State Craft Join Products Advertising
Features arts and crafts, small food producers, gifts and resource links about New York State.
York Crafters Community New Crafts Arts Made Gifts Connection Gift State Craft Join Products Advertising
20 Knees Florists
Serving Moline
Serving Moline, Rock Island, Bettendorf, Davenport and the Quad Cities area since 1886.
Moline Bettendorf Florists Flower Delivery Florist Flowers Knees Care $ Plant Tmf Quad Cities Mailing Spring
Serving Moline, Rock Island, Bettendorf, Davenport and the Quad Cities area since 1886.
Moline Bettendorf Florists Flower Delivery Florist Flowers Knees Care $ Plant Tmf Quad Cities Mailing Spring
21 Smith Brothers Florists
Photos and
Photos and prices of the arrangements. Online and phone orders accepted for the Montreal area.
Florist Montreal Fleuriste Florists Flower Flowers St Saint Senneville Chambly Laprairie Lambert Delivery Hampstead Westmount
Photos and prices of the arrangements. Online and phone orders accepted for the Montreal area.
Florist Montreal Fleuriste Florists Flower Flowers St Saint Senneville Chambly Laprairie Lambert Delivery Hampstead Westmount
22 Bauman Rare Books
A collection
A collection of rare books from the 15th to 20th century including literature, Americana, history and exploration. Stores in New York City, New York, and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Books Rare York Vegas New Philadelphia Bauman Book Las Times Visit First Collecting Sell Review Copyright
A collection of rare books from the 15th to 20th century including literature, Americana, history and exploration. Stores in New York City, New York, and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Books Rare York Vegas New Philadelphia Bauman Book Las Times Visit First Collecting Sell Review Copyright
23 Bay Ridges Florists
Provides delivery
Provides delivery of fresh arrangements to Pickering, Ajax, Oshawa and Whitby and transfers orders throughout North America.
Toronto Delivery Priceusd Canada Flower Bayridgesflorists Florist Roses Love Security Anniversary Flowers Contact Romance Same Lilies
Provides delivery of fresh arrangements to Pickering, Ajax, Oshawa and Whitby and transfers orders throughout North America.
Toronto Delivery Priceusd Canada Flower Bayridgesflorists Florist Roses Love Security Anniversary Flowers Contact Romance Same Lilies
24 Golden Rose Florist
Rosemead shop
Rosemead shop offering arrangements, plants and 24 kt gold roses. Member of Society of American Florists.
Roses Rose Gold Rosemead Golden Florist Angeles Order Dipped Los Anniversary Gabriel Day Store Platinum Local Monte
Rosemead shop offering arrangements, plants and 24 kt gold roses. Member of Society of American Florists.
Roses Rose Gold Rosemead Golden Florist Angeles Order Dipped Los Anniversary Gabriel Day Store Platinum Local Monte
25 Blumz by JR Designs
Full service
Full service florists offering all occasion, retail, wedding, and commercial services with local and national delivery.
Flowers Blumz Detroit Ferndale Nine Floral Shop Weddings Flower Day Arbor Gifts Bouquet Bridal Funeral Holiday Christmas
Full service florists offering all occasion, retail, wedding, and commercial services with local and national delivery.
Flowers Blumz Detroit Ferndale Nine Floral Shop Weddings Flower Day Arbor Gifts Bouquet Bridal Funeral Holiday Christmas
26 Blumz by JR Designs
Full service
Full service florists offering all occasion, retail, wedding, and commercial services with local and national delivery.
Flowers Blumz Detroit Flower Ferndale Shop Day Floral Weddings Valentines Chocolates Funeral Careers Gifts Balloons Roses Christmas Unique Want
Full service florists offering all occasion, retail, wedding, and commercial services with local and national delivery.
Flowers Blumz Detroit Flower Ferndale Shop Day Floral Weddings Valentines Chocolates Funeral Careers Gifts Balloons Roses Christmas Unique Want
27 Golden Rose Florist
Floral shop
Floral shop offering arrangements, plants, 24 kt gold roses and delivery. Member of Society of American Florists.
Roses Rose Gold Rosemead Golden Florist Angeles Order Los Dipped Flower Platinum Gabriel Day Flowers Here Ca Area
Floral shop offering arrangements, plants, 24 kt gold roses and delivery. Member of Society of American Florists.
Roses Rose Gold Rosemead Golden Florist Angeles Order Los Dipped Flower Platinum Gabriel Day Flowers Here Ca Area
28 Fendley Florists
Provides bouquets
Provides bouquets, plants, balloons and gifts for everyday occasions, wedding and special events in Georgetown, Acton, Limehouse and vicinities.
Port Apache Server Permanently Thez
Provides bouquets, plants, balloons and gifts for everyday occasions, wedding and special events in Georgetown, Acton, Limehouse and vicinities.
Port Apache Server Permanently Thez
29 City Centre Florists
Delivers fresh
Delivers fresh designs and plants for everyday occasions in Vancouver and surrounding communities and relays orders worldwide.
Wishlist Bestsellers Compare Christmas Every Vancouver Product Cart Add Theproduct Gifts Roses Canada Kitsilano Day Florists Eagle
Delivers fresh designs and plants for everyday occasions in Vancouver and surrounding communities and relays orders worldwide.
Wishlist Bestsellers Compare Christmas Every Vancouver Product Cart Add Theproduct Gifts Roses Canada Kitsilano Day Florists Eagle
30 Cugini Florists
Renton floral
Renton floral shop serving the Seattle Metro area. Includes online ordering for local and international deliveries.
Flowers Renton Florists Cugini Birthday Privacy Spring Well Someone Delivery Wa Right Door Price Safe Order
Renton floral shop serving the Seattle Metro area. Includes online ordering for local and international deliveries.
Flowers Renton Florists Cugini Birthday Privacy Spring Well Someone Delivery Wa Right Door Price Safe Order
31 Arlington Florists, Inc.
Flower shop
Flower shop in suburban Boston offering fresh floral arrangements, plants and gift baskets. Provides local and national delivery.
Arlington Flowers Florist Birthday Spring Privacy Florists Delivery Baby Experience Right Prom Substitutions Romance Safe Occasion
Flower shop in suburban Boston offering fresh floral arrangements, plants and gift baskets. Provides local and national delivery.
Arlington Flowers Florist Birthday Spring Privacy Florists Delivery Baby Experience Right Prom Substitutions Romance Safe Occasion
32 Rajindra Florists
New Dehli
New Dehli florist offering locally delivered arrangements, bouquets, cakes and plants and national or international order transfer through Interflora.
Flowers Day Others Romance Birthday Lilies Anniversary Fathers Mothers Cakes India Mumbai Bangalore Valentines Delhi Feng Shui Plated Glen Bamboos
New Dehli florist offering locally delivered arrangements, bouquets, cakes and plants and national or international order transfer through Interflora.
Flowers Day Others Romance Birthday Lilies Anniversary Fathers Mothers Cakes India Mumbai Bangalore Valentines Delhi Feng Shui Plated Glen Bamboos