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Golden Gate Records

Golden Gate Records Review Experience Records Music

Collectible vinyl records. Searchable database of 19,000 plus items.

Golden Gate Records is your source for vintage vinyl

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Records Music Gate Golden Rock S Vinyl Collectible Francisco Inch John San Area Source Vintage Sonny Coltrane Entertainment Recordings Audio Music Vinyl Music Records Record Collections Collection Collectible Music Collectible Records Vinyl 45s 45s 45 Records 78s 78s 78 Records 8 Inch Records Eight Inch Records Lps Long Playing Phonographs Rock Rock Posters Garage Music Soul Rnb Rock And Roll Surf Music Soundtracks Disney Records Childrens Records Picture Disks Jazz Blues Classical Music Country Music 60s 60s 70s 70s 80s 80s 60s Music 70s Music 80s Music 60s Music 70s Music 80s Music Fillmore Avalon Ballroom Rolling Stones Beach Boys Yardbirds Bob Dylan Beatles Eric Clapton Frank Sinatra James Brown Bonnie Raitt Muddy Waters John Lee Hooker Sonny Boy Williamson John Coltrane Miles Davis Sun Ra Jimi Hendrix Janis Joplin Grateful Dead Jefferson Airplane Deviants Chocolate Watch Band Quicksilver Patsy Cline Loretta Lynn Mingus Laura Nyro Led Zeppelin Les Baxter Paul Butterfield David Bowie San Francisco Bay Area Bay Area San Francisco California Golden Gate Records

Reviews and Comments for Golden Gate Records

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Review and Opening Hours Information

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