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H and R Trophies, Plaques

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6 Argyles Woodworking Small tables
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8 El KaBode Tile Offers upscale
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9 Discount Tile Providing a
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11 The Tile and Iron Studio Specializing in
Specializing in house signs and numbers. Also offering custom designed tile murals.
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12 Tile Art Collection of
Collection of decorative ceramic tile trivets.
13 El KaBode Tile Offers handmade
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14 Terrapin Tile Handcrafted decorative
Handcrafted decorative and field tile.
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15 Cyclops Mosaic Tile A large
A large variety of broken dishes, plate centers, china tiles, vitreous and ceramic tile.
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17 Goose Rocks Tile Studio Artist designs
Artist designs and creates hand-painted ceramic tiles and does custom tile mural installations for baths, kitchens, and fireplaces.
18 Arctic Mermaid Mosaics Alaska-based mosaic
Alaska-based mosaic supplies, selling vitreous glass tile, broken china tile, pottery shards, tools, and glue.
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19 Art Tile Site specific
Site specific architectural wall installations. Modular tile pieces suitable for interior environments: conference rooms, lobbies, private residential spaces.
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20 Mosaic 2000 Software to
Software to build a tile mosaic from a numerical image. Also supplies for building tile mosaics for home decor.
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21 Glass Tile USA Offers commercial
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22 Aloras Handpainted Tile Murals Sales of
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23 Batik Tile Using the
Using the ancient art of batik, Joanne Gigliotti creates hand-painted and decorative ceramic tile.
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24 Mosaic Tile Designs Mosaic tile
Mosaic tile tables and wall hangings including plaques, mirrors and images.
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25 Dellas Custom Tile Specializing in
Specializing in custom ceramic tile tables and stepping stones. Plant stands, planters, clocks and mirrors also available.
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26 Your Design Tile Handpainted by Sandra Information and
Information and pictures of handpainted designs on tile and porcelain sinks.
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27 Mosaic Tile Market Online supplier
Online supplier of glass, steel and porcelain mosaic tile and installation supplies as well as unique tessarea. Wholesale accounts welcomed.
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28 Photo Ceramic Tile Specializing in
Specializing in reproducing fine art and photographic images onto ceramic tile.
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29 Tile Art by Brooks Tower Oklahoma City
Oklahoma City artists groundbreaking work utilizes a labor intensive technique of tile mosaic that enables a finer control of detail and groutlines resulting in a more fluid expression of intent.
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30 Blue Spruce Pottery Raku and
Raku and stoneware table lamps, wall art, custom tile murals, pottery dinnerware, handmade ceramic tile and sinks for home decor.
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31 Mosaic 2000 Tile design
Tile design software used to create mosaic tile designs.
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32 Epro Handmade Ceramic Tile Makers of
Makers of authentic, handmade ceramic tile using old world techniques which adds to the quality and value that defines any handcrafted product.
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Review and Opening Hours Information

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