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Joyce Lavender

Joyce Lavender Review Experience Joycelavendercom Shrubs

Farm offering lavender based products. Includes online shopping, events, directions, and photographs.

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Reviews and Comments for Joyce Lavender

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Best entries for Joycelavendercom and Shrubs

1 Eastern Plant Specialties New Jersey
New Jersey nursery offering a broad range of trees, shrubs, and perennials. Emphasis areas include broadleaf evergreen shrubs, wildflowers, and groundcovers. Includes photos, descriptions, and cultural information.
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2 Mountain Valley Growers Provides organic
Provides organic herbs, perennials and shrubs.
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3 Wilkerson Mill Gardens Specializing in
Specializing in hydrangeas and offering a selection of other shrubs and some trees.
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4 Sheffields Seed Company Suppliers of
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5 Cymron Cottage New Jersey
New Jersey nursery selling trees, deciduous and evergreen shrubs, and perennials.
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6 Glasshouse Works Offers a
Offers a collection of tropicals, perennials, succulents, trees, shrubs, and vines.
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7 Girard Nurseries Ohio nursery
Ohio nursery specializing in flowering trees and shrubs, particularly azaleas and rhododendrons.
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8 Offers books
Offers books and videos on herbs, bulbs, perennials, trees, shrubs, and landscaping.
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9 Dragonflies & Tadpoles Offers a
Offers a small assortment of woody plants, primarily flowering shrubs.
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10 Cliftons Flower and Garden Center Sells a
Sells a diverse range of plants, shrubs, and trees.
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11 Step-n-Edge Lawn edger/sod
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12 Gardenimport Mail order
Mail order retailer of perennials, shrubs, seeds, and bulbs that are suited to Canadian climates.
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13 Fantastic Plants Specializes in
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14 Seed And Garden LLC Sells a
Sells a small assortment of seeds for trees and shrubs, vegetables, and vines, as well as some supplies.
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15 Empire National Nursery Growers of
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16 Mystic Trellises Steel trellis
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17 Plant Pro-Tec Garlic units
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18 Park Place Gardens Nursery Specializes in
Specializes in Northern California native landscape trees, shrubs and perennials.
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19 Rock Island Wild Flowers Sells American
Sells American native perennial wildflowers, trees and flowering shrubs.
20 Moonshine Designs Illinois nursery
Illinois nursery offering seeds, shrubs, plants, and trees, as well as several home decor items.
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21 Spring Hill Nurseries Landscape and
Landscape and garden plants including roses, perennial flowers, ornamental shrubs and trees.
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22 BlueBell Nursery & Arboretum UK growers
UK growers offering a large assortment of trees and shrubs, vines, and perennials. Delivers to EU countries.
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23 Wavecrest Nursery Michigan source
Michigan source for trees and shrubs, grasses, vines, and perennials, including an extensive selection of hollies.
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24 Greer Gardens Oregon nursery
Oregon nursery featuring select bulbs, perennials, grasses and shrubs, with a specialization in rhododendrons and azaleas.
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25 White Flower Farm Connecticut nursery
Connecticut nursery growing and supplying perennials, annuals, bulbs, shrubs, vines and roses.
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26 Musser Forests Specializes in
Specializes in trees, evergreens, shrubs and groundcovers. Also offers books, tools, fertilizers and repellants. Based in Pennsylvania.
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27 Online Plant Center A broad
A broad selection of landscape shrubs, perennials, and groundcovers. Ships direct from the grower to the retail customer.
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28 Pine Ridge Gardens Offers a
Offers a wide range of perennials, grasses, vines, trees, and shrubs which are native to the United States.
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32 Alabama seller
Alabama seller of trees and shrubs in minimum lots of twenty. Featuring the Leyland Cypress, Thuja Green Giant, and Cryptomeria.
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