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Quilting Quips

Quilting Quips Review Experience Quilting Gifts

Features a variety of items designed for quilters.

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Reviews and Comments for Quilting Quips

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Best entries for Quilting and Gifts

1 Batting A Thousand Quilting Company Offers hand
Offers hand dyed fabrics, quilting gifts, and continuous-line patterns. Tips for better quilting, free patterns.
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2 American Professional Quilting Systems Provides quilting
Provides quilting machines. A list of products, accessories, prices and links to quilting services. Phone orders only.
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3 Brindabella Quilting Promotes a
Promotes a light-weight tabletop quilting frame made from aluminum tubing that enables machine quilting at home.
4 Quilting Memories Provides custom
Provides custom machine-quilting using freehand quilting so each design is unique.
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5 Rose Rushbrooke Artist and
Artist and Quiltmaker. Fractal art quilts, hand-dyed silk scarves, amulet bags, hand-dyed fabric, handmade quilted gifts. Offers quilting and sewing supplies, tutorials, and quilting techniques.
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6 Artist and Quiltmaker Rose Rushbrooke Fractal art
Fractal art quilts, hand-dyed silk scarves, amulet bags, hand-dyed fabric, handmade quilted gifts. Offers quilting and sewing supplies, online tutorials and quilting techniques.
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7 Vintage Hearts Quilting Offers a
Offers a variety of quilting services including machine-quilting, binding, complete custom quilts, princess play dresses and appliqued towels.
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8 Sues Rags Quilt Shop Specializes in
Specializes in block of the month kits, other quilting project kits, quilting books and quilting patterns.
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9 Dianes Creative Machine Quilting Makes commissioned
Makes commissioned quilts for others including t-shirt, memory and photo quilts. Finished by hand guided longarm machine quilting. Quilting services available.
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10 Sistos Sewing and Quilting Studio Offers sewing
Offers sewing and quilting equipment and supplies, as well as sewing and quilting classes and activities. Includes sewing machine catalog, photos of quilts, calendar, class descriptions and a bulletin board.
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11 Sistos Sewing and Quilting Studio Offers sewing
Offers sewing and quilting equipment and supplies, as well as sewing and quilting classes and activities. Includes sewing machine catalog, photos of quilts, calendar, class descriptions, and a bulletin board. Located in Frederick.
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12 Pieceful Quilting Offering books
Offering books, patterns, gifts and notions.
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13 Granmas Workshop Custom Quilting Award winning
Award winning custom heirloom quilting. Specializing in traditional feathering techniques such as northwoods style, traditional designs, heavy heirlooming, pantographs, meandering, art quilting, and custom drawn designs.
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14 Black Forest Quilting Provides hand-guided
Provides hand-guided machine quilting for finished tops.
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15 Accomplish Quilting Retailer of
Retailer of Gammill and Statler Stitcher computerized quilting machines.
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16 Karens Machine Quilting Offers custom
Offers custom quilting designed specifically customers specifications.
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17 Country Quilts and Crafts Offers quilting
Offers quilting machines, quillows, pillows and quilting kits.
18 Quilting Loft Offers patterns
Offers patterns, gallery, tips and techniques for longarm quilting machines.
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19 To Be Quilting Offers the
Offers the B-Line Home Quilting System, a frame with sewing machine mount.
20 Classic Quilting and Designs Custom hand-guided
Custom hand-guided longarm machine quilting services.
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21 PJs Machine Quilting Provides all-over
Provides all-over pattern quilting for finished patchwork quilts, in numerous patterns and thread colors.
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22 Quilting Up A Storm Hand-guided machine
Hand-guided machine quilting service. Pattern illustrations and order form available.
23 The Stencil Company Offers quilting
Offers quilting stencils and quilting patterns, including whole cloth quilt designs.
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24 The Quilt Spot Quilting fabrics
Quilting fabrics, books, patterns, notions, and computer design software for quilting.
25 Sheila Williams Computer and
Computer and quilting software consultant. Specializing in tutorial lessons for quilting programs.
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26 Ritas Quilting Offering Gammill
Offering Gammill machine-quilting with 10 years experience. Use a pattern in stock or create your own.
27 Eucalypt Ridge Quilting Longarm machine
Longarm machine quilting, designs, original quilt patterns and kits.
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28 The Quilting Buzz Offers kits
Offers kits, fat quarters, printers patches, a monthly newsletter and quilting resource links.
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29 The Best Kept Secret Specializing in
Specializing in cotton quilting fabric. No minimum cut required. Also offers batting, quilting supplies and kits.
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30 Thimblelady Retailer of
Retailer of thimbles and quilting accessories including patterns, videos and needles. Information on quilting classes.
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31 Thimblelady Retailer of
Retailer of thimbles and quilting accessories including patterns, videos and needles along with offering quilting classes.
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32 Quiltsmith Patchwork and
Patchwork and quilting fabrics from the latest designer collections plus general quilting notions, kits and templates.
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