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Mountain Orchids

Mountain Orchids Review Experience Begonia Orchids

A small, rather specialized nursery in Vermont, devoted to the propagation and dissemination of the less common and rarely available species and hybrids.

We specialize in choice orchid other plant species miniatures and select hybrids for the discriminating grower The odd and unusual is our Forteacute

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Begonia Orchids Mountain Products Masdevallia Dracula Plants Sunset Standard Dendrobium Plastic Pots View larger Round Jaguar Stride Web Featured Miniature Home And Garden Plants Orchids Mountain Orchids Cattleya Dendrobium Dracula Masdevallia Pleurothallis Pleurothallids Miniature Orchids Fragrant Orchids Terrarium Wardian Wardian Case Pearcea Hypocyrtiflora

Reviews and Comments for Mountain Orchids

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Best entries for Begonia and Orchids

1 J & P Orchids J &
J & P Orchids offers Cattleya orchids on the web. View orchids and order on-line.
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2 Odoms Orchids Supplier of
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3 Andys Orchids Offers a
Offers a variety of species orchids including Bulbophyllum, Paphiopedilum and Dendrobium. Mounted orchids are a speciality.
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5 Akerne Orchids Belgian orchid
Belgian orchid nursery specializing in tropical botanical orchids.
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6 Ricsel Orchids Brazilian grower
Brazilian grower offers a variety of species and hybrid orchids.
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7 Cloudy Valley Nursery Oregon nursery
Oregon nursery specializing in rare and unusual species and hybrid begonias, also offers propagation supplies and books. Site includes cultural information and profiles of the various begonia types.
8 Annes Orchids Offering species
Offering species and hybrid orchids in a variety of sizes.
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9 Burleigh Park Orchids Over 650
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10 Orchids Limited Research and
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11 Exotic Orchids of Maui Offers a
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12 JR Nursery & Orchids Offers many
Offers many types of orchids with ordering by email or telephone.
13 Seal Rock Orchids Offers a
Offers a collection of orchids including the Cattleya and Oncidium alliances.
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14 Phalaenopsis, dendrobium
Phalaenopsis, dendrobium, oncidium, cymbidium, paphiopedilum, and exotic orchids direct from the grower.
15 Carter & Holmes Orchids Specializes in
Specializes in Art-shade Cattleyas and other orchids, offers catalogue and ordering.
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16 Oakknob Orchids Sellers of
Sellers of Cattleya and Vanda and allied plants, species and hybrids, as well as other orchids.
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17 Gubler Orchids California nursery
California nursery sells a small selection of orchids, carnivorous plants, and supplies.
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18 Winterview Orchids Asian Cymbidium
Asian Cymbidium orchids, traditional Chinese, Korean and Japanese vases and other supplies.
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19 Zuma Canyon Orchids, Inc. Features mericlones
Features mericlones and seedlings of Phalaenopsis and other orchids. Printable order form available.
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20 Vintage Orchids Specialists in
Specialists in Paphiopedilums, Phragmipediums and species orchids.
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21 Mountain Orchids A small
A small nursery devoted to the propagation and dissemination of the less common and rarely available species and hybrids of orchids.
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22 Bedford Orchids Phalaenopsis orchids.
Phalaenopsis orchids. Reds, yellows and other novelties in stem propagations and meristems as well as flasks. Cultural information available.
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23 Orchids By Hausermann Specialists in
Specialists in Cattleya and Phalaenopsis Mericlones Orchids. Offers other orchid species and hybrids as well as Paphiopediliums and Phragmipediums.
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24 Goodwin Orchids Specialists in
Specialists in vandaceous orchids from Thailand.
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25 Porters Orchids Nursery specializing
Nursery specializing in and selling Cattleya, Dendrobium, Miltonia/Miltoniopsis, Oncidium, Paphiopedilum, Phalaenopsis, Phragmepedium and other orchids.
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26 HBI, Inc. Providing orchids
Providing orchids in flasks to hobbyists and professional growers. Specializing in Cattleya/Laelia species and other unusual types including ghost orchids.
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27 Strawberry Creek Orchids Specializing in
Specializing in Odontoglossum, Odontioda, Cyrtochilum and other cool-growing Oncidium alliance orchids. Retail and wholesale, with overseas shipping.
28 Odoms Orchids, Inc. Nursery offering
Nursery offering a wide selection of potted orchids, growing supplies, and books. Includes FAQs, tips, and related links.
29 Porters Orchids Michigan-based nursery
Michigan-based nursery selling Cattleya, Dendrobium, Miltonia/Miltoniopsis, Oncidium, Paphiopedilum, Phalaenopsis, Phragmepedium and miscellaneous orchids.
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30 Normans Orchids Online catalog
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31 Juno Beach Orchids Offering a
Offering a varied menu of easy-to-grow, heat-tolerant orchids, including Cattleyas, Dendrobiums, Oncidums, and Vandas. Mostly hybrids, some species.
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32 Mid-Pacific Orchids Hawaiian grower
Hawaiian grower offers a wide assortment of Phalaenopsis, Cattleya and Oncidium orchids, as well as a few supplies. Illustrated catalog, photo galleries, and a collection of tips.
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More Mountain Orchids Infos

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Review and Opening Hours Information

If the business hours of Mountain Orchids in may vary on holidays like Valentine’s Day, Washington’s Birthday, St. Patrick’s Day, Easter, Easter eve and Mother’s day. We display standard opening hours and price ranges in our profile site. We recommend to check out for further information. You can also search for Alternatives for on our Review Site All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. If we should delete this entry, please send us a short E-Mail.

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