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Truehearth Armoury

Truehearth Armoury Review Experience Armour Armoury

Custom built armour for combat or display, made from mild and stainless steel with brass and copper trims. Located in Sherbrooke, Nova Scotia, Canada.

Custom built armour for combat or display The armour is made from mild and stainless steel with brass and copper trims Many live steel stick combat LARP groups ask for it

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Truehearth Armoury Truehearth Armoury Review Statistic generated on 2025-02-27
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Armour Armoury Truehearth Armouries Steel Combat Page Custom Mild Soloret Display Made Brass Armor Groups Armory Clothing Costumes Historical Medieval And Renaissance Armor Armouries Armories Armoury Armory Armour Armor Helmet Guantlet Milanese Greave Vambrace Soloret Sabaton Camail Chainmail

Reviews and Comments for Truehearth Armoury

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Best entries for Armour and Armoury

1 The Vistar Armoury Eric Slyter
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2 The Vistar Armoury Supplier of
Supplier of plate armour, maille armor, and shields. On line catalog, ordering information, accepts credit cards. Based in Renton, Washington.
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3 Truehearth Armoury Custom built
Custom built armour for combat or display, made from mild and stainless steel with brass and copper trims. Located in Sherbrooke, Nova Scotia, Canada.
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4 Darkheart Armoury Custom made
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5 Truehearth Armoury Carlo Carignan
Carlo Carignan builds armour for combat and display, including helms, torso and legs, arms and hands, and chain mail. Discusses specifications, prices, shipping, order form and custom work. Gives contact details.
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6 Paul M. Ambrose Antiques - Arms, Guns, and Armour Specializes in
Specializes in the sale of quality European and American antique arms, guns, firearms, armour and weapons of the wheelock, flintlock and percussion periods.
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7 Blacksword Armoury Importers of
Importers of classical and medieval reproduction armor. Wide range of weapons too.
8 Collectors Armoury, Ltd. Features replica
Features replica weaponry from a broad range of periods. Also offers related accessories and collectibles.
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9 Collectors Armoury, Ltd. Features replica
Features replica weaponry from a broad range of periods. Also offers related accessories and collectibles.
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10 Leon Paul Equipment Company, Ltd. Offers a
Offers a variety of equipment, as well as rules, photos, videos, screensaver, and a armoury section.
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11 Collectors Armoury and Militaria. Large range
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12 Armour Offers magnetic
Offers magnetic ribbons, posters, decals and mailers. Custom services available.
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13 Valentine Armouries Replica armour
Replica armour 'handcrafted down to the buckles, hooks, and hinges'. Also provide a rental service.
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14 Armlann Replicas of
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15 Treasured Toys Joal, Corgi
Joal, Corgi, NZG, and Spec Cast scale models, armour and other diecast collectibles.
16 Metaldesignz A display
A display of various chain mail items such as armour, jewelry and clubwear. Also sells saw cut bulk rings.
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17 Purpleheart Armoury Offers complete
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18 Abandon The Cart Offers historic
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19 Norton Armouries Ltd Produces armour
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20 Ice Falcon Armoury Battle ready
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21 Medieval Weapon Art Specializes in
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22 Swords of Honor Internet Armoury Offering battle-ready
Offering battle-ready and decorative swords as well as full-size suits of armor. Online ordering accepts credit cards, with worldwide shipping.
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23 Military Diecast Shop Offers a
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24 Dorsett House, Inc Handcrafted leather
Handcrafted leather armour and accessories, hardware, leathergoods, chain mail. On line catalog and ordering information.
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25 Gillian Armour Couture Jewels Designer gemstone
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26 Museum Replicas Limited Fully functional
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27 Wolfs Den Armoury Custom fabricated
Custom fabricated chain mail armor and chain mail accessories for Faires and similar events. Image gallery, contact and ordering information. Based in Saint Albans, Vermont.
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28 Lundegaard Armoury Custom designed
Custom designed and fabricated weapons for theatrical combat and reenactment events, swords and daggers with high carbon steel blades, pins, brooches, and buttons. On line catalog and ordering, based in High Bridge, New Jersey.
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29 Ravensmoon Replicas Medieval and
Medieval and early Renaissance clothing, armour, jewelry and accessories, plus science fiction and fantasy replica costumes. Company of artisans based in Utah.
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Specializes in auctions of swords, sabers, and edged weapons as well as flintlock and percussion muskets and antique pistols.
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31 Highland Arms Merchant Designer, producer
Designer, producer and importer of quality arms and armour. Specializing in riveted chain mail and period plate.
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32 Baltimore Knife and Sword Company Handcrafted arms
Handcrafted arms and armour for stage combat and reenactments, also, chain mail and jewelry. Photos and contact information. Based at the Maryland Renaissance Festival.
Knife Co Baltimore Swordz

Review and Opening Hours Information

If the business hours of Truehearth Armoury in may vary on holidays like Valentine’s Day, Washington’s Birthday, St. Patrick’s Day, Easter, Easter eve and Mother’s day. We display standard opening hours and price ranges in our profile site. We recommend to check out for further information. You can also search for Alternatives for on our Review Site All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. If we should delete this entry, please send us a short E-Mail.

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