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u.s. drops cats into belgium

u.s. drops cats Review Experience Says Bush

the bush administration declares that it is not in fact confused and incoherent on the middle east conflict, announcing that it is actively parachuting cats into belgium.

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Best entries for Says and Bush

1 Impeach Bush An anti-Bush
An anti-Bush site whose author claims to track the lies and impeachable offenses of George W. Bush.
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Various references, research data and links. Includes an extract from the diary of Edwin Welsh Bush, grandson of Captain Billy Bush.
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3 Bushology Interactive: Investigating the Bush Family Provides categorized
Provides categorized links to public information, for people who want to investigate the Bush family. Accuses George W. Bush of shameless cronyism and being a threat to world peace.
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4 Performing a Presidency: Consciousness, Crisis and Doctrine in the Making of Bush 43 An essay
An essay by theatre expert Ronaldo Morelos seeking to explain how the 9/11 terrorist attacks shaped and set the tone for the Bush presidency. Contends that Bush engenders paranoia.
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5 W 4 Years: The President We Didnt Elect Web banner
Web banner program for people who feel that Bush was not legitimately elected. Also includes anti-Bush links and virtual 'signatures' of people opposed to the naming of George W. Bush as president of the United States.
6 George Dubya Bush Song Book Anti-Bush, political
Anti-Bush, political song parodies. Claims 1,500 Anti-Bush song parodies. Alternative lyrics to many popular tunes.
7 George W. Bush is Shameless Commentary opposing
Commentary opposing Bush and his administrations foreign policies.
8 Georgy Bush Project Songs, stories
Songs, stories, and news about the real George W. Bush.
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9 Bush Ancestors and
Ancestors and descendants of David Lee Bush, includes pedigree and family photographs.
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10 Bush Speaks An irreverent
An irreverent look at President G. W. Bush through touched up photographs and quotes from his own mouth.
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11 George Bush Pictures Actual photos
Actual photos of Bush 43, with fictional captions.
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12 Virtual Bush Editorials and
Editorials and other articles examining the Bush presidency and the war in Iraq.
13 The First Twins News clippings
News clippings concerning the Presidents twin daughters, Jenna Bush and Barbara Bush.
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14 Bush Flash Offers jokes
Offers jokes, songs, and parodies of Bush and his administration. With forum, FAQ, and downloads.
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Top 10 list of why George Bush wants to go to the moon.
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Ancestors of Clifton W Bush, includes pedigree, surname research and associated links.
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states that bush is planning for a total ban on abortions, enacted incrementally.
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18 Bush Link Collection Offers links
Offers links to articles and other resources critical of George W. Bush, and his family.
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19 Evict Resident Bush Humorous site
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20 George W. Bush is the AntiChrist Using Biblical
Using Biblical and historical references, argues that President Bush is really the anti-Christ.
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21 New Book of Knowledge - George W. Bush Encyclopedia article
Encyclopedia article covering the life and presidency of President Bush.
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22 Bush Whackers Catchy melody
Catchy melody offers parody of Bush.
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23 Bush Research Family database
Family database as compiled by Kevin Bush.
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24 Bush Family of
Family of John Bush as compiled by Bonnie Distad.
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25 Dubyas Deep Thoughts Random Bush
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