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Best entries for Science and Philosophies
1 Beliefnet.com - Secular Philosophies
Provides information
Provides information, essays, articles, and an online community about secular philosophies.
Provides information, essays, articles, and an online community about secular philosophies.
2 Beliefnet.com - Secular Philosophies
Provides information
Provides information, essays, articles, and an online community about secular philosophies.
Provides information, essays, articles, and an online community about secular philosophies.
3 Sample Philosophies of Education for Teachers
Personal, teacher
Personal, teacher philosophies of education - some famous, such as Dewey, some less famous but just as fascinating.
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Personal, teacher philosophies of education - some famous, such as Dewey, some less famous but just as fascinating.
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4 Rons Modern Philosophies of a Cynic Page
A site
A site dedicated to the Modern Philosophies of a Cynic.
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A site dedicated to the Modern Philosophies of a Cynic.
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5 Science and Institutions
Personal web
Personal web pages of Luis Gonzalez-Mestres, including topics of science ethics and other social aspects of science.
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Personal web pages of Luis Gonzalez-Mestres, including topics of science ethics and other social aspects of science.
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6 Science of God
A new
A new foundation to science that explains and accounts all the developments in science sensibly and goes ahead unify it with spiritual knowledge revealing the secret of calvary and second coming.
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A new foundation to science that explains and accounts all the developments in science sensibly and goes ahead unify it with spiritual knowledge revealing the secret of calvary and second coming.
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7 science connection
personal ads
personal ads for science professionals and others with an interest in science or nature.
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personal ads for science professionals and others with an interest in science or nature.
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8 Christian Science Current Events and Information eNewsletter and Web Site
Calendar of
Calendar of Christian Science events around the world. Bible study resources. Online discussion forums. Christian Science classified ads. Links to Christian Science web sites worldwide.
Clicklistings Sponsored Privacycsenewscom Policy
Calendar of Christian Science events around the world. Bible study resources. Online discussion forums. Christian Science classified ads. Links to Christian Science web sites worldwide.
Clicklistings Sponsored Privacycsenewscom Policy
9 Religion and Science
Religious Science
Religious Science foundations include spiritual mind treatment, Science of Mind, affirmative prayer, meditation, and affirmations.
Navigationshilfe Ty
Religious Science foundations include spiritual mind treatment, Science of Mind, affirmative prayer, meditation, and affirmations.
Navigationshilfe Ty
10 Science of Mind Online
Church of
Church of Religious Science magazine offers daily affirmations, subscription service, and links to Religious Science organizations.
Mind Science Magazine Privacy Contact Center Spiritual Mind_ Click Barnes Practices Ernest Publishing Guidelines Here Policy Trademarks Life Empowering Available
Church of Religious Science magazine offers daily affirmations, subscription service, and links to Religious Science organizations.
Mind Science Magazine Privacy Contact Center Spiritual Mind_ Click Barnes Practices Ernest Publishing Guidelines Here Policy Trademarks Life Empowering Available
11 Process Science of Mind
Religious Science
Religious Science practitioner Hyatt Carter expresses views of the religion. Features include an archive of essays related to the topic of Religious Science.
Z Home * Villaneuva Hyatt Linda Subtitle Thanks Mexico Hyc Home Rivertitle Pecos Carter My
Religious Science practitioner Hyatt Carter expresses views of the religion. Features include an archive of essays related to the topic of Religious Science.
Z Home * Villaneuva Hyatt Linda Subtitle Thanks Mexico Hyc Home Rivertitle Pecos Carter My
12 Unitarian Universalists in Science Fiction
Annotated list
Annotated list of science fiction novels and stories with UU characters or references. Also, UU authors of science fiction.
Unitarian York Unitarians Church Universalists Universalist John Robert Science Fiction Baptists Books Sunday Hank James References Unitarianuniversalists Morse _the
Annotated list of science fiction novels and stories with UU characters or references. Also, UU authors of science fiction.
Unitarian York Unitarians Church Universalists Universalist John Robert Science Fiction Baptists Books Sunday Hank James References Unitarianuniversalists Morse _the
13 Christian Science Website
Listing of
Listing of websites relating to Christian Science that are maintained by the Christian Science headquarters in Boston, Massachusetts.
Christian Science Resources Member Csps Scientist Prayer Church Mary Christiansciencecom Health Community Baker Shop Christ Room Nno̱ ορίσατε Bolamu
Listing of websites relating to Christian Science that are maintained by the Christian Science headquarters in Boston, Massachusetts.
Christian Science Resources Member Csps Scientist Prayer Church Mary Christiansciencecom Health Community Baker Shop Christ Room Nno̱ ορίσατε Bolamu
14 World Conference on Science
Final reports
Final reports from the international conference, addressing many aspects of the place of science in society, including ethics, science and technology in economic development, and environmental and economic issues.
Final reports from the international conference, addressing many aspects of the place of science in society, including ethics, science and technology in economic development, and environmental and economic issues.
15 World Conference on Science
Final reports
Final reports from the international conference, addressing many aspects of the place of science in society, including ethics, science and technology in economic development, and environmental and economic issues.
Final reports from the international conference, addressing many aspects of the place of science in society, including ethics, science and technology in economic development, and environmental and economic issues.
16 skeptics dictionary: the junk science page
charges that
charges that 'the junk science page is not about junk science so much as it is about anything which does not support a conservative, rush limbaugh type, political agenda.'
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charges that 'the junk science page is not about junk science so much as it is about anything which does not support a conservative, rush limbaugh type, political agenda.'
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17 skeptics dictionary: the junk science page
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charges that 'the junk science page is not about junk science so much as it is about anything which does not support a conservative, rush limbaugh type, political agenda.'
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18 Skeptics Dictionary: The Junk Science Page
Charges that
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Science Junk Milloys Russian Skeptics Milloy Korean Page New University Health Public Steven Japanese Medicine Greek Swedish Sense Statistics
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19 Skeptics Dictionary: The Junk Science Page
Charges that
Charges that 'The Junk Science Page is not about junk science so much as it is about anything which does not support a conservative, Rush Limbaugh type, political agenda.'
Science Junk Milloys Russian Milloy Skeptics Korean Page Medicine Alternative Health Steven Spanish Japanese New Slovak Industry Rampton They
Charges that 'The Junk Science Page is not about junk science so much as it is about anything which does not support a conservative, Rush Limbaugh type, political agenda.'
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20 Largest Christian Science Communities
Statistics on
Statistics on U.S. States with most Christian Science branches, U.S. States with highest concentration of Christian Science branches, U.S. counties with most Christian Science branches.
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Statistics on U.S. States with most Christian Science branches, U.S. States with highest concentration of Christian Science branches, U.S. counties with most Christian Science branches.
Science Christian Adherentscom Branches Church Disqus States Most Page Scientists Scientist Christ York Lists Please Data Massachusetts Membership Florida
21 Sharon Bertsch McGrayne
Author of
Author of several popular books on science and science history.
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Author of several popular books on science and science history.
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22 Anyone Vague Science Essays
Twentieth century
Twentieth century scientists write about their discoveries and about the value of science.
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Twentieth century scientists write about their discoveries and about the value of science.
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23 Islam and Science
A collection
A collection of brief articles demonstrating that findings of modern science are contained in the Quran.
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A collection of brief articles demonstrating that findings of modern science are contained in the Quran.
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24 IreneDanon.com
Religious Science
Religious Science Minister and Jewish Science Practitioner offers biography, philosophy, and artwork.
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Religious Science Minister and Jewish Science Practitioner offers biography, philosophy, and artwork.
Science Irene Rev Danon Minister Artist Jewish Religious Author Survivor Dont Holocaust Successful Prayer Broker Friend
25 Planet X
A participatory
A participatory self-adaptive website, where the content is contributed by its users. Where science fact meets science fiction.
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A participatory self-adaptive website, where the content is contributed by its users. Where science fact meets science fiction.
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26 The Science of Mind
Complete book
Complete book by Ernest Holmes based on the 1962 edition of this Religious Science founder.
Introduction Lesson Recapitulation Science Metaphysical Chart Mind Nature Holmes Used Power Words Meaning Phenomena Psychic Healing Mans Individual Ii Four
Complete book by Ernest Holmes based on the 1962 edition of this Religious Science founder.
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27 alt science connection
online social
online social meeting place for gay and bisexual, men and women who work in or enjoy science or nature.
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online social meeting place for gay and bisexual, men and women who work in or enjoy science or nature.
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28 Science and Institutions
Articles by
Articles by Luis Gonzalez-Mestres, including topics of science ethics and other social aspects.
Viewmore Business Started Yahoo Small Now Hosting Email Terms Website Help Aabaco Customer Domains Account
Articles by Luis Gonzalez-Mestres, including topics of science ethics and other social aspects.
Viewmore Business Started Yahoo Small Now Hosting Email Terms Website Help Aabaco Customer Domains Account
29 Vedic Science
Perspectives from
Perspectives from the Vedas on Science and Philosophy.
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Perspectives from the Vedas on Science and Philosophy.
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32 SDAI-Tech1
Personal observations
Personal observations from a scientific perspective. Discussing futurism, science, science fiction, current events, and politics.
Sdai Tech Blogger Powered Watermarksubscribetoposts
Personal observations from a scientific perspective. Discussing futurism, science, science fiction, current events, and politics.
Sdai Tech Blogger Powered Watermarksubscribetoposts