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Ng, Christine - Hi Kittys

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1 Evidence for a Designed Universe Personal page
Personal page of Dr. Ronald Lasky, author and lecturer on topics relating to evidences for a designed universe and author of 'Beyond A Reasonable Doubt: Evidence for a Designed Universe' and 'A Scientists Path to Christ.'
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2 The Grand Universe of Primary Consciousness A new
A new view of the universe of itself from a quasi-scientific model combined with the paranormal and new age systems.
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3 Gods Domain - Contemporary Thoughts on Religion Covers God
Covers God and the universe, our place in the universe, statement of faith, creation and evolution.
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4 Sri Jagannathpuri dham Jagannath Puri
Jagannath Puri, is the abode of Lord Jagannath or Purushotham, the Lord of the Universe or the Supreme Personality of the Universe.
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5 Luminou Universe Includes writings
Includes writings and thoughts.
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6 The Mad Universe Journal, images
Journal, images, and categorized links.
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7 Universe People Articles, online
Articles, online books and commentary.
8 The Way of the Universe Translated by
Translated by John Louis Albert Trottier.
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9 JMcGreadys Generic Universe Some people
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10 Andreis Universe One mans
One mans journey from infinity to nothingness.
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11 Muffin Mumblings Personal weblog
Personal weblog on life, the universe and everything
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12 A Few Words on Pantheism A critical
A critical examination of the belief and morals behind 'the universe as god.'
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13 The Best Page In the Universe The many
The many opinions of an insulting pirate named Maddox.
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14 Mongolia Today: Triads Mongolian triad
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15 The Modern Riddle of the Sphinx Extract from
Extract from Ouspenskys 'A New Model of the Universe.'
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16 Horoscope Universe Free weekly
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17 Smart Universe Monarchy with
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18 time magazine - how the universe will end light pollution
light pollution in an eternal context.
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19 The Universe and Beyond Provides Bible
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20 Geovolts Universe Includes information
Includes information on the author and her family and friends.
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21 Caren Universe Includes information
Includes information about the author, quotations, and news.
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22 Bills Digital Universe Features over
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23 WiccanOnes Little Corner of the Universe A place
A place of information about Wicca, Paganism, and other things.
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24 Brenton, Daniel Weblog on
Weblog on the meaning of the universe, biography, articles, and links.
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25 Pam - Queen of the Universe Profile, journal
Profile, journal, quotations, guestbook, contact information.
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26 Silver Cord Philosophy Channeling the
Channeling the blueprint of the universe described as cosmic chakras.
27 Every Topic in the Universe Discussing science
Discussing science, the unknown, the human race, and how it might all be connected.
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28 Pantheism: Its Everywhere Seeing the
Seeing the universe as a profound unity, pantheists turn to nature for spiritual inspiration.
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29 Astral Traveler Spiritual Consciousness
Spiritual Consciousness for this level and beyond. Discussions on all the facets of mankind, and the universe.
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30 Universe in Disenchanment Attempting to
Attempting to discern the origins and purpose of man. Includes book excerpts.
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31 The Bible And Science The age
The age of the Earth, size of the universe, dinosaurs and more, with extensive supporting references.
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32 Alan Okens Metaphysical Universe Consultations, classes
Consultations, classes, and articles on esoteric astrology
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