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La Buissière

La Buissière Review Experience Yoga Sale

Yoga and walking holidays in converted 18th Century farmhouse. Booking.

Yoga Retreat for Sale Yoga Business for Sale Yoga Holiday Centre for Sale

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1 Spirit Dimension Offer free
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2 Bernardsville Yoga Center Kripalu yoga
Kripalu yoga, pilates, and body sculpting group classes. CD for sale of a guided yoga practice with Marcia Trachtenberg.
3 Focal Point Yoga Yoga instructor
Yoga instructor provides information on yoga philosophy, styles, practices and life styles, practical advice on choosing a yoga teacher. Also provides Massachusetts class schedules, merchandise for sale, links to other sites.
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4 Focal Point Yoga Yoga instructor
Yoga instructor provides information on yoga philosophy, styles, practices and life styles, practical advice on choosing a yoga teacher. Also provides Massachusetts class schedules, merchandise for sale, links to other sites.
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5 Samadhi Yoga Center Classes in
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6 Heartwork Yoga Studio Northfield -
Northfield - Yoga classes for all ages and abilities, workshops and in-studio sale of yoga merchandise.
7 Heartwork Yoga Studio Yoga classes
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8 Maui Yoga Shala Paia, Lahaina
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Naperville - Classes, workshops and lectures in various styles including Iyengar, Kundalini, and Flow. Yoga props for sale in studio.
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10 The British Wheel of Yoga (BWY) The governing
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11 The British Wheel of Yoga (BWY) The governing
The governing body for yoga in Great Britain. Site includes teacher directory, coming events, products for sale, history, membership information.
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12 Health and Yoga Offers health
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16 Arizona Yoga with Jaap Kaur Khalsa, Mesa Kundalini yoga
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31 Yoga Mandala, Berkeley Yoga classes
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32 Yoga Solutions Local yoga
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Review and Opening Hours Information

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