Jewish Encyclopedia: Queen
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Written by Jewish educator Lois Sussman Shenker. Book provides introduction to Jewish family and communal life especially for non-Jewish spouses of Jews and their families.
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7 Jewish Remainings
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10 Avotaynu, Inc.
Publisher of
Publisher of information and products of interest to persons who are researching Jewish genealogy and family history, Jewish Surnames, Jewish Roots.
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12 Chabad Jewish Centers in St. Petersburg, FL
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Offers prayer services, adult Jewish studies, holiday celebrations, children’s workshops, Kabbalah Lectures, Jewish books and Judaica needs.
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13 Lubavitch Chabad of Peoria, IL
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15 The Jewish Bereavement Project
An online
An online guide to Jewish Bereavement Resources and Services through out Los Angeles County. The site offers listings of Jewish and secular support groups, agencies that offer related services, relevant websites, books and other resources. There is also information specific to the Jewish Mourning process.
An online guide to Jewish Bereavement Resources and Services through out Los Angeles County. The site offers listings of Jewish and secular support groups, agencies that offer related services, relevant websites, books and other resources. There is also information specific to the Jewish Mourning process.
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17 Akhlah: The Jewish Childrens Learning Network
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Includes sections about Childrens Parsha, Jewish holidays, Israel, Hebrew, and Jewish heroes from the Torah.
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Includes sections about Childrens Parsha, Jewish holidays, Israel, Hebrew, and Jewish heroes from the Torah.
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18 Jewish Truth Ministry, The
Messianic Internet
Messianic Internet based ministry dedicated to educating Jewish people about the truths of the Jewish Messiah.
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Messianic Internet based ministry dedicated to educating Jewish people about the truths of the Jewish Messiah.
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19 Jewish Healing
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Learn about authentic Jewish healing systems that integrates Jewish spirituality with medicine. Based on classical sources as found in Kabbalah, Chassidut and Rambam.
Learn about authentic Jewish healing systems that integrates Jewish spirituality with medicine. Based on classical sources as found in Kabbalah, Chassidut and Rambam.
20 Judaism and Hellenism: The Encounter
A historical
A historical account of the spread of Jewish morality through Greece and surrounding cultures. How Jewish philosophers tried to reconcile Jewish morality and ethics with Hellenistic logic and rationality.
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A historical account of the spread of Jewish morality through Greece and surrounding cultures. How Jewish philosophers tried to reconcile Jewish morality and ethics with Hellenistic logic and rationality.
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Page Contactpleaseerror Displayed Cannot Providerfor
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22 All Jewish Torah Discussion Boards
Learn and
Learn and talk about jewish torah topics at this jewish forum website.
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Learn and talk about jewish torah topics at this jewish forum website.
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23 Jewish World Center
A source
A source of information for everything Jewish around the world, as well as a communication network for Jewish communities in more than 120 countries.
Jewish Israel Jerusalem Ben Art Israeli Center Wall Passover New Kugel World Islands Paintings Synagogue Apartment Mount Talbieh Rugala Death
A source of information for everything Jewish around the world, as well as a communication network for Jewish communities in more than 120 countries.
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25 Jewish India
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Mean The Jewish community in India is introduced through publications, programs, pictures, trips, and personal experiences of Rahel Musleah, born into a Calcutta Jewish family that traces its roots to 17th century Baghdad.
Programs India Calcutta Rahel Jewish Musleah Articles Apples Rahels Books Baghdad Pomegranates Hodu Menashe Aleph Mishelo Portugal Living Scheindirector
Mean The Jewish community in India is introduced through publications, programs, pictures, trips, and personal experiences of Rahel Musleah, born into a Calcutta Jewish family that traces its roots to 17th century Baghdad.
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26 Jewish Software
Complete selection
Complete selection of Jewish software. Includes left-to-right word processing, educational software, games, and Jewish texts on compact disc.
Hebrew Jewish Products Bible Cart Software Judaic Special Learn Word + Product Language Israel Ilan Calendar Books Adults Linktext Direct Cd
Complete selection of Jewish software. Includes left-to-right word processing, educational software, games, and Jewish texts on compact disc.
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27 Judaica Of Silk
Jewish Art
Jewish Art by Ruth Pasder - Hand made parochet, veil, kettubah, torah robes. Beautiful touches to Jewish religious festivals and family occasions. Jewish themes - Israel, Jerusalem, Beit Hamikdash (the Holy Temple).
Jewish Art by Ruth Pasder - Hand made parochet, veil, kettubah, torah robes. Beautiful touches to Jewish religious festivals and family occasions. Jewish themes - Israel, Jerusalem, Beit Hamikdash (the Holy Temple).
28 Jewish Jobs
A clearinghouse
A clearinghouse for Jewish communal jobs which offers links to positions with Jewish organizations, and option for employers to list jobs.
Jobs Jewish Director Education Other New Congregation Job See Center Assistant York Jcc Seekers Testimonials
A clearinghouse for Jewish communal jobs which offers links to positions with Jewish organizations, and option for employers to list jobs.
Jobs Jewish Director Education Other New Congregation Job See Center Assistant York Jcc Seekers Testimonials
29 Urim Publications
Israeli publisher
Israeli publisher and seller of English language Jewish books, including Jewish law and modernity, spiritual and meditative works, women in Judaism, original and classic Torah commentaries, Zionism, modern biographies, Jewish thought, and childrens stories.
Rom Cd Contemporary Publisher Distributor Books Jewish Publications Videos Urim Classical Commentaries Legal Classic Video Talmud Judaism
Israeli publisher and seller of English language Jewish books, including Jewish law and modernity, spiritual and meditative works, women in Judaism, original and classic Torah commentaries, Zionism, modern biographies, Jewish thought, and childrens stories.
Rom Cd Contemporary Publisher Distributor Books Jewish Publications Videos Urim Classical Commentaries Legal Classic Video Talmud Judaism
30 The Jewish holidays from Beit Nirenberg
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Read about the Jewish holidays and how they are celebrated. Includes a calendar of the Jewish holidays for this year.
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Read about the Jewish holidays and how they are celebrated. Includes a calendar of the Jewish holidays for this year.
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31 Jewish Comics Bibliography
Steven M.
Steven M. Bergsons extensive bibliography of Jewish comics and cartoons providing an excellent introduction to the diverse array of both Jewish cartoonists and comics about Jews. Annotated and supplied with topical links.
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Steven M. Bergsons extensive bibliography of Jewish comics and cartoons providing an excellent introduction to the diverse array of both Jewish cartoonists and comics about Jews. Annotated and supplied with topical links.
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32 orthodox jewish singles
personal ads
personal ads for traditional and orthodox jewish singles worldwide. site is under rabbinical supervision. includes support forums on singles, dating, jewish family life, children, marriage, remarriage, divorce.
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personal ads for traditional and orthodox jewish singles worldwide. site is under rabbinical supervision. includes support forums on singles, dating, jewish family life, children, marriage, remarriage, divorce.
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