Scientologists Come to
Experience Port Server
An article about how Volunteer Ministers came to the Unversity of New Mexico campus to answer questions about their beliefs and techniques they use to help people. [Daily Lobo]
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Scientologists Come to Campus
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Best entries for Port and Server
1 Lamoureux and Port
Ancestral heritage
Ancestral heritage of Ray Lamoureux and Bev Port featuring the lineages of Lamoureux, Port (Part), Foyle (Faille), Bryant and Riley.
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Ancestral heritage of Ray Lamoureux and Bev Port featuring the lineages of Lamoureux, Port (Part), Foyle (Faille), Bryant and Riley.
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dead people server: remember whatshisname? he played the guy in that dumb movie with whoziss. what ever happened to him? specifically, is he dead yet? heres where to find out.
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QuickMem Greek, a flash card learning system, QuickMem Server, Greek and Hebrew word lists for concurrent student access, and BibleMem Server, Bible and Greek study tool.
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4 Port Clinton Outpost #235
Show window
Show window of Port Clintons Royal Rangers. Has contact information.
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Show window of Port Clintons Royal Rangers. Has contact information.
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5 South Port Square
Port Charlotte
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Port Charlotte continuing care retirement community located on 40 landscaped acres.
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6 Port St. Joe Masonic Lodge No. 111 -- Port St. Joe
Meets on
Meets on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays, 8:00 PM.
Lodge Port Joe Stz
Meets on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays, 8:00 PM.
Lodge Port Joe Stz
7 Kitpu First Nation
Official website
Official website of the Mikmaq band of the Port au Port Peninsula, Newfoundland, Canada. History, culture, language, and governmental information.
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Official website of the Mikmaq band of the Port au Port Peninsula, Newfoundland, Canada. History, culture, language, and governmental information.
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8 Port Townsend Church of Christ
Port Townsend
Port Townsend, Washington (nondenominational). Schedule, location, and contact information.
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Port Townsend, Washington (nondenominational). Schedule, location, and contact information.
Navigationshilfe Ty
9 Port Allegany Alliance Church
Port Allegany
Port Allegany, Pennsylvania. Services, ministries, events, calendar, and history.
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Port Allegany, Pennsylvania. Services, ministries, events, calendar, and history.
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10 Port Townsend Church of Christ
Port Townsend
Port Townsend, Washington (nondenominational). Schedule, location, and contact information.
Port Townsend, Washington (nondenominational). Schedule, location, and contact information.
11 Port Neches Assembly No. 159, Order of the Rainbow for Girls
Local-level organization
Local-level organization of this society for young women located in Port Neches, Texas USA.
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Local-level organization of this society for young women located in Port Neches, Texas USA.
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12 Paumanok Port Washington Masonic Lodge No. 855 -- Port Washington
Meets 2nd
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Meets 2nd and 4th Tuesday.
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13 Port Royal church of Christ
Port Royal
Port Royal, South Carolina.
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Port Royal, South Carolina.
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14 Discalced Nuns of the Carmel of Port Tobacco
The Carmelite
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The Carmelite Nuns of Port Tobacco offer you their prayers, information about their monastery and gift shop items.
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15 Esprit Gala
Based in
Based in Port Angeles, WA. Esprit is a 1 week TG conference held in Port Angeles, WA. Educational classes for CDs, TSs, couples and S.O.s is a primary focus as well as having fun and meeting others.
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Based in Port Angeles, WA. Esprit is a 1 week TG conference held in Port Angeles, WA. Educational classes for CDs, TSs, couples and S.O.s is a primary focus as well as having fun and meeting others.
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Dedicated to the pop culture of the 80s.
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19 Spirit of the American Founding Port
US history
US history forums and chats. Topics range from history of the American founding port, the Salem witchcraft trials and the American Civil War, to modern day discussions.
US history forums and chats. Topics range from history of the American founding port, the Salem witchcraft trials and the American Civil War, to modern day discussions.
20 FurNation
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This server gives out free web space to furry artists and writers.
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St Andrews
St Andrews magazine lists the activities and programmes of this Port Glasgow Church.
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St Andrews magazine lists the activities and programmes of this Port Glasgow Church.
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30 #WithinTheCircle
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32 Temple Beth Israel: Port Washington, New York
Temple Beth
Temple Beth Israel is a conservative synagogue, affiliated with the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism, located in Port Washington, NY.
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Temple Beth Israel is a conservative synagogue, affiliated with the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism, located in Port Washington, NY.
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