Kansas City WebGrrls
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Kansas City, MO
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Reviews and Comments for Kansas City WebGrrls

Best entries for City and Chapters
1 Washington State Society - Daughters of the American Revolution
Serving 38
Serving 38 local chapters listed by city, site includes links to chapters and NSDAR homepage.
Serving 38 local chapters listed by city, site includes links to chapters and NSDAR homepage.
2 Washington State Society Daughters of the American Revolution
Serving 38
Serving 38 local chapters listed by city, site includes links to chapters and NSDAR homepage. List of officers, state and national meetings, and links to related organizations.
Z State Port Daughters Server Revolution American Here Washington Permanently Thesociety Apache
Serving 38 local chapters listed by city, site includes links to chapters and NSDAR homepage. List of officers, state and national meetings, and links to related organizations.
Z State Port Daughters Server Revolution American Here Washington Permanently Thesociety Apache
3 Texas Southern University - Gamma Omega and Beta Omicron chapters
A joint
A joint site on the first African-American chapters of KKY and TBS in the nation. Includes a history of the school and chapters, officer lists, photos, and a calendar of events.
Hosting Web Builder Bravenet Website Free List Support Help Tools Mailing Tool Domains Email Build Social Resources Money Speaking Terms
A joint site on the first African-American chapters of KKY and TBS in the nation. Includes a history of the school and chapters, officer lists, photos, and a calendar of events.
Hosting Web Builder Bravenet Website Free List Support Help Tools Mailing Tool Domains Email Build Social Resources Money Speaking Terms
4 Alabama State Society - Daughters of the American Revolution
Comprised of
Comprised of 4 Districts and 76 local chapters, site offers clickable state map showing location of chapters, and alphabetized listing by city name, plus e-mail and website links. Also lists events calendar, news, programs and activities, officers club, ASDAR essay winners, Alabama Room at NSDAR Museum, and links to SAR, CAR and NSDAR. DAR VIS Site of the Month Award - December 1999.
Comprised of 4 Districts and 76 local chapters, site offers clickable state map showing location of chapters, and alphabetized listing by city name, plus e-mail and website links. Also lists events calendar, news, programs and activities, officers club, ASDAR essay winners, Alabama Room at NSDAR Museum, and links to SAR, CAR and NSDAR. DAR VIS Site of the Month Award - December 1999.
5 Gamma Epsilon Chapters - Philippines
Over 200
Over 200 Chapters nesting in colleges and universities across the country.
Viewmore Started Business Small Yahoo Now Email Hosting Website Web Please Domains Help Customer Terms Blog Copyright
Over 200 Chapters nesting in colleges and universities across the country.
Viewmore Started Business Small Yahoo Now Email Hosting Website Web Please Domains Help Customer Terms Blog Copyright
6 Chi Alpha Campus Ministries, USA
The official
The official Chi Alpha website. It features a growing set of resources to help local chapters excel in ministry, and has a hyperlinked listing of all chartered chapters.
Alpha Ministries Campus Student Chi Staff Group Missions Resources Series Events Locator Blog Support +read Alumni Media Forgot Network
The official Chi Alpha website. It features a growing set of resources to help local chapters excel in ministry, and has a hyperlinked listing of all chartered chapters.
Alpha Ministries Campus Student Chi Staff Group Missions Resources Series Events Locator Blog Support +read Alumni Media Forgot Network
7 The Jaycees of District 3B
News, events
News, events and contacts for the chapters within the district. Chapters include: Allentown, Bath, Bethlehem, Parkland, Pocono Mountain, Saucon Valley and Western Pocono.
Create Tripod Requested Signup Shopping Errorpage Found Tripodcom Hosting Check Website Lycoscom Couldntpage Please
News, events and contacts for the chapters within the district. Chapters include: Allentown, Bath, Bethlehem, Parkland, Pocono Mountain, Saucon Valley and Western Pocono.
Create Tripod Requested Signup Shopping Errorpage Found Tripodcom Hosting Check Website Lycoscom Couldntpage Please
8 Chronology of the Book of Genesis
Text of
Text of the book of Genesis. Short summaries of chapters. Also contains diagrams, maps and tables for some chapters.
Genesis Here Please Website Clickz Redirecting Bookmarks Else Update
Text of the book of Genesis. Short summaries of chapters. Also contains diagrams, maps and tables for some chapters.
Genesis Here Please Website Clickz Redirecting Bookmarks Else Update
9 Chronology of the Book of Deuteronomy
Text of
Text of the book of Deuteronomy. Short summaries of chapters. Also contains diagrams, maps and tables for some chapters.
Deuteronomy Updateplease Bookmarks Else Clickhere Website Redirecting
Text of the book of Deuteronomy. Short summaries of chapters. Also contains diagrams, maps and tables for some chapters.
Deuteronomy Updateplease Bookmarks Else Clickhere Website Redirecting
10 Chronology of the Book of Leviticus
Text of
Text of the book of Leviticus. Short summaries of chapters. Also contains diagrams, maps and tables for some chapters.
Leviticus Here Bookmarks Else Please Clickz Update Redirecting Website
Text of the book of Leviticus. Short summaries of chapters. Also contains diagrams, maps and tables for some chapters.
Leviticus Here Bookmarks Else Please Clickz Update Redirecting Website
11 Chronology of the Book of Exodus
Text of
Text of the book of Exodus. Short summaries of chapters. Also contains diagrams, maps and tables for some chapters.
Exodus Moses John Israel Egypt Chronicles Israelites Thessalonians Samuel Genealogy Aaron Timothy Patriarchs Tabernacle Kings
Text of the book of Exodus. Short summaries of chapters. Also contains diagrams, maps and tables for some chapters.
Exodus Moses John Israel Egypt Chronicles Israelites Thessalonians Samuel Genealogy Aaron Timothy Patriarchs Tabernacle Kings
12 Chronology of the Book of Numbers
Text of
Text of the book of Numbers. Short summaries of chapters. Also contains diagrams, maps and tables for some chapters.
Numbers Bookmarks Else Update Redirecting Websitez Here Please Click
Text of the book of Numbers. Short summaries of chapters. Also contains diagrams, maps and tables for some chapters.
Numbers Bookmarks Else Update Redirecting Websitez Here Please Click
13 Northern Arizona University - Gamma Kappa and Alpha Chi chapters
Joint chapters
Joint chapters founded at NAU in 1954. Includes chapter history, member rosters and biographies, social and service information, chapter events, alumni information, and a photo album.
Yahoo Geocities Help Copyright Policy Sign Archives User Guidelines Internet Visit Terms Reach Sports Inc
Joint chapters founded at NAU in 1954. Includes chapter history, member rosters and biographies, social and service information, chapter events, alumni information, and a photo album.
Yahoo Geocities Help Copyright Policy Sign Archives User Guidelines Internet Visit Terms Reach Sports Inc
14 Massachusetts State Society - Daughters of the American Revolution
One of
One of the earliest state societies formed in 1892, site includes the 52 local chapters listed by city. Also gives objectives of the state society, activities and events, and links to NSDAR, SAR and CAR homepages.
Z Request Y
One of the earliest state societies formed in 1892, site includes the 52 local chapters listed by city. Also gives objectives of the state society, activities and events, and links to NSDAR, SAR and CAR homepages.
Z Request Y
15 The Atlanta Alumni Association of Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma
An organization
An organization for members of local chapters, or from other chapters that have moved to the Atlanta, GA area. Includes membership rosters, photo galleries, service projects, goals, founding documents, and an events calendar.
Yahoo Business Email Plans Small Marketing Ecommerce Help Hosting Advisor App Gallery Local Customer Sell Shut Central Beauty Inc
An organization for members of local chapters, or from other chapters that have moved to the Atlanta, GA area. Includes membership rosters, photo galleries, service projects, goals, founding documents, and an events calendar.
Yahoo Business Email Plans Small Marketing Ecommerce Help Hosting Advisor App Gallery Local Customer Sell Shut Central Beauty Inc
16 Ships That Passed
Exhibit of
Exhibit of the South Australia Maritime Museum which features the complete text of the book 'Ships That Passed'. The book includes chapters regarding Brig Rapid, HMCS Protector, City of Adelaide, Wongala and others.
Exhibit of the South Australia Maritime Museum which features the complete text of the book 'Ships That Passed'. The book includes chapters regarding Brig Rapid, HMCS Protector, City of Adelaide, Wongala and others.
17 Pennsylvania State Society - Daughters of the American Revolution
Comprising 6
Comprising 6 Regional Districts that encompass 116 local chapters statewide. Site offers list of chapters by district plus e-mail and website links. Also provides membership eligibility requirements, society objectives, and state officers.
Viewmore Business Started Yahoo Small Now Email Hosting Aabaco Privacy Help Website Domains Account Web Design Articles
Comprising 6 Regional Districts that encompass 116 local chapters statewide. Site offers list of chapters by district plus e-mail and website links. Also provides membership eligibility requirements, society objectives, and state officers.
Viewmore Business Started Yahoo Small Now Email Hosting Aabaco Privacy Help Website Domains Account Web Design Articles
18 Kappa Alpha Psi - Birmingham Chapters
Web resource
Web resource, point of contact, and history of the Birmingham Alumni, Delta Tau, Kappa Kapa, Xi Upsilon, and Omicron Alpha chapters.
Namecheap Kapsibaccom Registered Namecheapcom Please Neither Reserved Policy Parkingcrew Privacysponsored Rights Listings Copyright
Web resource, point of contact, and history of the Birmingham Alumni, Delta Tau, Kappa Kapa, Xi Upsilon, and Omicron Alpha chapters.
Namecheap Kapsibaccom Registered Namecheapcom Please Neither Reserved Policy Parkingcrew Privacysponsored Rights Listings Copyright
19 Sigma Chi - Chapters in Texas
A resource
A resource of Sigma Chi chapters throughout the state of Texas - undergraduate and alumni. Site includes an index of undergraduate and alumni Web sites, a calendar, news, and a guest book.
A resource of Sigma Chi chapters throughout the state of Texas - undergraduate and alumni. Site includes an index of undergraduate and alumni Web sites, a calendar, news, and a guest book.
20 Missouri State Society - Daughters of the American Revolution
Serving 116
Serving 116 Chapters in 4 Regional Divisions. Offers on-line membership information query, Missouri DAR Bulletins by month, Madonna of the Trail memorial, and historic preservation of the MSSDAR State Headquarters house Roslyn Heights. Links to local chapters through the NSDAR Homepage.
Serving 116 Chapters in 4 Regional Divisions. Offers on-line membership information query, Missouri DAR Bulletins by month, Madonna of the Trail memorial, and historic preservation of the MSSDAR State Headquarters house Roslyn Heights. Links to local chapters through the NSDAR Homepage.
21 Colorado State Society - Daughters of the American Revolution
Founded in
Founded in 1895, and serving 36 DAR chapters throughout the state to promote education, historic preservation, and patriotism. Offers information on eligibility, officers, upcoming events, clickable map of chapters with website and e-mail links, Cameo Club, associated links, and real-time view of Pikes Peak.
Sign Lifestream Now Everything People Policy Account Places Simplifying Nowon Social Privacy Advertise Rights Date Go Theres
Founded in 1895, and serving 36 DAR chapters throughout the state to promote education, historic preservation, and patriotism. Offers information on eligibility, officers, upcoming events, clickable map of chapters with website and e-mail links, Cameo Club, associated links, and real-time view of Pikes Peak.
Sign Lifestream Now Everything People Policy Account Places Simplifying Nowon Social Privacy Advertise Rights Date Go Theres
22 funeraria paz
chapels in
chapels in manila, paranaque city, quezon city and baguio city, philippines. provides information about their merchandise and services.
Buyhere Domain Funerariapazcomclick Datenschutzrichtlinien
chapels in manila, paranaque city, quezon city and baguio city, philippines. provides information about their merchandise and services.
Buyhere Domain Funerariapazcomclick Datenschutzrichtlinien
23 New York City Urban Ministries
Planting indigenous
Planting indigenous churches in New Yorks inner cities, foundations of inner city missions, strategy, links, Gods heart for the city.
Yahoo Geocities Policy Copyright Help Sign Trying Sorry Inctoolbar Internet Visit Hosting Privacy
Planting indigenous churches in New Yorks inner cities, foundations of inner city missions, strategy, links, Gods heart for the city.
Yahoo Geocities Policy Copyright Help Sign Trying Sorry Inctoolbar Internet Visit Hosting Privacy
24 Missouri Community College/Johnson County Community College - Delta Verb Fraternity
Two chapters
Two chapters from community colleges of Kansas City, Mo, and Johnson County, Kansas joined to create a fraternal atmosphere on the community college level.
Two chapters from community colleges of Kansas City, Mo, and Johnson County, Kansas joined to create a fraternal atmosphere on the community college level.
25 city of union watchdog
good source
good source for concerned citizens to find out what is going on in the city of union, ky. it will provide information on your local elected officials along with issues and problems the city of union is dealing with.
Union City Boone County Alerts Unionwatchdog@worldnetattnet Plan Watchdog Citizen Issues Email Guestbook Check Gary Genesis Good Encroachment Discussion
good source for concerned citizens to find out what is going on in the city of union, ky. it will provide information on your local elected officials along with issues and problems the city of union is dealing with.
Union City Boone County Alerts Unionwatchdog@worldnetattnet Plan Watchdog Citizen Issues Email Guestbook Check Gary Genesis Good Encroachment Discussion
26 Quartet brings the sound of southern gospel music
By Eric
By Eric Swanson. [Dodge City Daily Globe] Concert review from the 1999 Dodge City Days in Dodge City, KS. [Free registration required]
Request Errory
By Eric Swanson. [Dodge City Daily Globe] Concert review from the 1999 Dodge City Days in Dodge City, KS. [Free registration required]
Request Errory
27 Lutheran High School of Kansas City
Kansas City
Kansas City, Missouri - Founded by the Lutheran community of Kansas City in 1980, accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools.
News Lutheran High School City Kansas Mission Vision Contact Edline Faqs Activities Testimonals Tomorrow Sports Staff Faculty |
Kansas City, Missouri - Founded by the Lutheran community of Kansas City in 1980, accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools.
News Lutheran High School City Kansas Mission Vision Contact Edline Faqs Activities Testimonals Tomorrow Sports Staff Faculty |
28 dallas city attorney
duties of
duties of the city attorney, the city code, contact information, and information in spanish.
City Attorney Dallas Community General Advocacy Litigation Counsel Office Employment Codes Division Attorneys Biographies Act
duties of the city attorney, the city code, contact information, and information in spanish.
City Attorney Dallas Community General Advocacy Litigation Counsel Office Employment Codes Division Attorneys Biographies Act
30 Louisiana Division
Officers, local
Officers, local chapters, and activities.
Permanently The Server Apache Portz
Officers, local chapters, and activities.
Permanently The Server Apache Portz
San Joses
San Joses chapters mailing list.
Yahoo Uusj Cuups Help Please Events Groups Attachments Policy Autos Sports Cuups@yahoogroupscom Conversations Yahoos Travel News
San Joses chapters mailing list.
Yahoo Uusj Cuups Help Please Events Groups Attachments Policy Autos Sports Cuups@yahoogroupscom Conversations Yahoos Travel News
32 Bartleby.com: Chapters from the Koran
Passages with
Passages with explanatory notes.
Chapter Part Classics Vol Those Night Believer Chapters Koran Harvard Nonfiction Anatomy Bartlebycom Inevitable Blood Frowned
Passages with explanatory notes.
Chapter Part Classics Vol Those Night Believer Chapters Koran Harvard Nonfiction Anatomy Bartlebycom Inevitable Blood Frowned