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The Lady Gamer

The Lady Gamer Review Experience Gamers Lady

Offering the latest in gaming news, as well as essays and reviews pertaining to gaming products and women in gaming.

The gaming industry that all encompassing term that refers to board card miniature video and role playing games is largely a male dominated hobby and profession This is quite often evidenced in game styles as well as more obviously the artwork As Lady Gamers we try to overlook the obvious appeals to the male libido which much to the credit of male gamers do not always sell a product and judge a game by its playability We each have our preferences for game styles some prefer live action role playing others online role playing some expect their players to be Heroes 7th Sea for example others expect their characters to be Dead Paranoia specifically Some prefer miniatures or card games or board games But all in all we are gamers We love our hobby and want to share our take on it with all of you

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