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The Rainwater Society

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Dedicated to insuring that young Pagans and those seeking have a place to learn, enjoy, and come together.

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1 Davens Personal Journal Personal thoughts
Personal thoughts and feelings toward many things, but keeping Celtic Religion/Druidism as the main focus here, and just enough Wicca that you know that the Religion of the Celts is not dead.
2 Dao Zang Houses the
Houses the main texts of the Taoist Philosophy and religion.
3 Hinduism: The main religion of India A brief
A brief introduction to Hinduism, Ramayana, and Hindu reformers.
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4 Islam: The Religion of Proofs Islam is
Islam is the religion of all prophets, the religion of pure monotheism, and religion that is in accordance with mans innate nature. It is a religion based upon proof and not conjecture. Learn about the truth of Islam, the Quran and the Prophet Muhammad(peace be upon him).
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6 Religious Philosophy, Religion and Church Study on
Study on Scientology by Calvinist, South African, professor of religion, laying the groundwork for Scientologys ultimate recognition by his government as a religion in the year 2000.
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7 PlanetOut: Reconciling With Religion Personal stories
Personal stories of how people reconciled with their religion.
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8 Shape of the Next Religion Site suggesting
Site suggesting that a form of Pantheism will be the next major religion.
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9 Religion Today Daily religion
Daily religion news from the United States and around the world.
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10 The New Religion A food-based
A food-based parody religion known as KeDonald or KeDonaldism.
11 The Dark Side of Religion an article
an article by Morris Cohen on religion
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13 Alternative Perspectives: Separating God from Religion Affirms God
Affirms God as the Creator of the universe and its laws, disaffirms religion as man-made myths and rituals.
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14 GodLogic Promotes rational
Promotes rational thinking for answers to questions typically answered with God or religion. Asserts that religion is not benign and needs to be refuted.
15 Pantheist Age Essay, poems
Essay, poems and links about 'the worlds oldest religion that is fast becoming the most reasonable religion for the modern world and inquiring minds.'
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16 Why Religion? By Israeli
By Israeli lawyer Yehuda Cohen. Explores the role of religion in human societies, from a comparative anthropological and historical perspective.
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17 Comparative Religion: Hinduism The basic
The basic tenets of the religion. Includes on line English translations of the Vedas, Upanishads, and Bhagavad Gita.
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18 Evidence from Scripture and History of the Second Coming of Christ, About the Year 1843, Exhibited in a Course of Lectures, by William Miller Mr. Miller
Mr. Miller gives in natural sequence the results of his studies of the Bible regarding the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ. He explains the various symbols used in prophecy, comparing scripture with scripture. Some of his main points are that, the 2nd coming will be literal, the prophecies have a historical fulfillment, and pagan and papal Rome are the main beasts spoken of in Revelation.
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19 Atheists of Silicon Valley Atheist organization
Atheist organization promoting religion-free lives and the U.S. Constitutional right of freedom from religion. News, information on upcoming events, and links.
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20 Eyes of Scripture Vedic scriptural
Vedic scriptural evidence about God, Humans, and the material and spiritual worlds, from a science-and-religion perspective, along with classical Christian philosophy-of-religion topics.
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21 The State vs Religion in France Presentation on
Presentation on the French cult commission (MILS) by Scientology President, given at congress held by The Institute on Religion and Public Policy on July 13, 2000.
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22 Dodecatheon Official site
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24 The World Oligarchy and The True Religion The religion
The religion for those interested in duct tape, sandwiches, and the world domination movement associated with it.
25 Timothean Religion The Timothean
The Timothean religion seeks to restore the Earth back to Gods Kingdom. They do not take the Bible literally and are not considered Christians, though they believe that Christ is God.
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26 Science Vs. Religion An irreverent
An irreverent look at religion.
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27 Religion News Blog Current and
Current and archived religion news items, articles and web sites about cults, religious sects and alternative religions from an apologetics perspective.
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28 Akhet Hwt-Hrw Temple and
Temple and school of ancient Egyptian religion, dedicated to the goddess Hwt-Hrw (Hathor). Information about the religion and culture of Ancient Egypt, and about courses and services offered.
29 Vaishnavism: Aryan Religion Discusses Vaishnavism
Discusses Vaishnavism as the religion of the Aryans, and its features, culture, and history.
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30 Philosophy and Religion Offers resources
Offers resources, information, and articles related to Philosophy and Religion.
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analysis that sheds new light on the role of religion and the place of serbs in the former yugoslavia.
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32 Islam - The Modern Religion A comprehensive
A comprehensive overview of Islam, many articles to introduce different aspects of the religion.
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