Stop Bad Therapy
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Information about false memory syndrome, repressed memories, recovered memories and retractors, and an online test to evaluate therapy.
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Reviews and Comments for Stop Bad Therapy

Best entries for Contact and Information
1 Faith Lutheran Church, Waconia, Minnesota (ELCA)
Contact information
Contact information, worship schedule, parish history, staff profiles, information on Stephen Ministry, education, music, outreach, youth, and contact information and addresses.
Faith Pastor Church Lutheran Christine Evangelical Studies Associate Choir Club Women Committee Call Th School Confirmation Fly Coordinator Communion Kids
Contact information, worship schedule, parish history, staff profiles, information on Stephen Ministry, education, music, outreach, youth, and contact information and addresses.
Faith Pastor Church Lutheran Christine Evangelical Studies Associate Choir Club Women Committee Call Th School Confirmation Fly Coordinator Communion Kids
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4 Direct Contact Service Inc.
Offers Chicken
Offers Chicken Soup for the Soul book series. Program explanation, catalog, success stories, and contact information.
Offers Chicken Soup for the Soul book series. Program explanation, catalog, success stories, and contact information.
5 Episcopal Church of the Heavenly Rest, Abilene
Includes contact
Includes contact information, Worship schedule, prayer requests, location and contact details, also a visitors and travelers room.
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Includes contact information, Worship schedule, prayer requests, location and contact details, also a visitors and travelers room.
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6 San Leandro Community Church
San Leandro.
San Leandro. Affiliated with American Baptist Churches, USA and the United Church of Christ. A Welcoming and Affirming church. Includes contact information, statement of purpose, mission statement and contact information.
San Leandro. Affiliated with American Baptist Churches, USA and the United Church of Christ. A Welcoming and Affirming church. Includes contact information, statement of purpose, mission statement and contact information.
7 Trulls Road Free Methodist Church
Courtice, Ontario.
Courtice, Ontario. History, background information, newsletter, events, worship, groups, contact, childrens ministries, Alpha, contact and links.
Courtice, Ontario. History, background information, newsletter, events, worship, groups, contact, childrens ministries, Alpha, contact and links.
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general information on the office, information for victims, and contact information.
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general information on the office, information for victims, and contact information.
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9 Sigma Chi
Includes news
Includes news, alumni information, rush information, officers list, events, and contact information.
Includes news, alumni information, rush information, officers list, events, and contact information.
10 Coalson, Patrick
Includes personal
Includes personal information, photo gallery, friends, hometown information, and contact information.
Navigationshilfe Ty
Includes personal information, photo gallery, friends, hometown information, and contact information.
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12 Sigma Chi - Southwest Missouri State University - Eta Kappa Chapter
Located in
Located in Springfield, Missouri. Includes fraternity information, news, events, members list, rush information, alumni information, and contact information.
Located in Springfield, Missouri. Includes fraternity information, news, events, members list, rush information, alumni information, and contact information.
13 St. Edward the Confessor
Offers church
Offers church information and news, regular services schedule, contact information and directions, community information, links and online search of faith resources.
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Offers church information and news, regular services schedule, contact information and directions, community information, links and online search of faith resources.
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14 Sigma Phi Epsilon - New York Delta Chapter
Brother list
Brother list, RUSH information, photo gallery, contact information, event calendar and local history information included.
Alumni Undergraduatesphinew York Delta Epsilon Sigma
Brother list, RUSH information, photo gallery, contact information, event calendar and local history information included.
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15 Saint Marys Catholic Parish
Corvallis. Also serves mission in Philomath. Contact information, office hours, liturgical schedule, information on Newman Center. Also some information in Spanish.
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Corvallis. Also serves mission in Philomath. Contact information, office hours, liturgical schedule, information on Newman Center. Also some information in Spanish.
Catholic Ministry Group Prayer Holy Confirmation Store Newman Ministers Eucharistic Marys Religious First Youth Life Library Initiation Quinceneras Kitchen
16 First Contact on the North West Coast of Canada
Information on
Information on the first contact between European culture and the Mowachaht and Muchalaht peoples on Canadas West Coast.
Information on the first contact between European culture and the Mowachaht and Muchalaht peoples on Canadas West Coast.
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18 All Saints Anglican Church
Contact information
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Contact information, a service schedule, historical information about the parish, and information on Anglican worship.
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19 Youth Work
Information for
Information for Christian youth leaders in the diocese of Exeter: includes event information, details of training courses, contact information and resource links and downloads.
Information for Christian youth leaders in the diocese of Exeter: includes event information, details of training courses, contact information and resource links and downloads.
20 Sigma Chi - Hillsdale College - Alpha Kappa Chapter
Located in
Located in Hillsdale, Michigan. Includes news, alumni information, rush information, officers list, events, and contact information.
Located in Hillsdale, Michigan. Includes news, alumni information, rush information, officers list, events, and contact information.
21 Rom Weber
Medium. Profile
Medium. Profile, FAQs, information about developing your abilities, and contact information.
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Medium. Profile, FAQs, information about developing your abilities, and contact information.
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22 Nadeau, Timothy
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Biographical information, pictures, music, interests, and contact information.
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Biographical information, pictures, music, interests, and contact information.
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Provides goal information, a visitors center, and contact information.
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26 Mihalcioiu, Adrian
Contains news
Contains news, contact information, and information about his profession and personal life.
Contains news, contact information, and information about his profession and personal life.
27 Knowledge Information
Background, services
Background, services, pricing, sample reports and contact information.
Background, services, pricing, sample reports and contact information.
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29 Crombez, Alfred
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30 Janis77777
Personal information
Personal information, hobbies, interests and online contact information via AOL.
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Personal information, hobbies, interests and online contact information via AOL.
Navigationshilfe Ty
31 Grattan, Brian
Personal information
Personal information, photographs, questionnaires, contact information.
Welcome Briangrattancomy
Personal information, photographs, questionnaires, contact information.
Welcome Briangrattancomy
32 Grand Lodge of the District of Columbia
Contains information
Contains information about lodge history, meeting information, activities, and contact information.
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Contains information about lodge history, meeting information, activities, and contact information.
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