College Fund
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Best entries for Pages and Collegefunding@hotmailcom
1 GedHTree
Processes GEDCOM
Processes GEDCOM files to generate ancestor trees, family group pages, index pages, note and source pages and links to photos. Free trial version, FAQ, register online. [Microsoft Windows].
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Processes GEDCOM files to generate ancestor trees, family group pages, index pages, note and source pages and links to photos. Free trial version, FAQ, register online. [Microsoft Windows].
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3 Pixis Holiday Pages
A collection
A collection of web pages that celebrate all the holidays. Links, humor, tips, and recipes.
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A collection of web pages that celebrate all the holidays. Links, humor, tips, and recipes.
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4 BratGirls Profile
A collection
A collection of pages designed to pick you up and make you smile as well as information about the creator of the pages.
Page Bratts Sting Ive Personal * Strip Tattoo Queensryche Lopes Wendy Sammy Sunset They Just Fleetwood
A collection of pages designed to pick you up and make you smile as well as information about the creator of the pages.
Page Bratts Sting Ive Personal * Strip Tattoo Queensryche Lopes Wendy Sammy Sunset They Just Fleetwood
5 Myth
Southern humor
Southern humor and kid authored pages. Interest and link pages on topics like astronomy and religion.
Z Request Y
Southern humor and kid authored pages. Interest and link pages on topics like astronomy and religion.
Z Request Y
6 St Patricks Clip Art
Small images
Small images and icons designed for web pages. Cute graphics ideal for childrens or family pages.
Navigationshilfet Y
Small images and icons designed for web pages. Cute graphics ideal for childrens or family pages.
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7 ChildFuns Easter Pages
Provides craft
Provides craft ideas, printable coloring pages, egg dyeing tips, and other activities parents can do with young children.
Provides craft ideas, printable coloring pages, egg dyeing tips, and other activities parents can do with young children.
8 Calvary Kids Pages
Childrens printable
Childrens printable Christian educational activity pages, worksheets, games, and other Bible learning activities.
Pages Coloring Kids Calvary Testament School Lessons Mazes Engine Lyrics Crafts Sunday Alentines Hristmas Welcome
Childrens printable Christian educational activity pages, worksheets, games, and other Bible learning activities.
Pages Coloring Kids Calvary Testament School Lessons Mazes Engine Lyrics Crafts Sunday Alentines Hristmas Welcome
9 HtmlPedigree
Produces web
Produces web pages of genealogical data from a GEDCOM file. Pages combine hyperlinked textual information with an interactive chart pedigree.
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Produces web pages of genealogical data from a GEDCOM file. Pages combine hyperlinked textual information with an interactive chart pedigree.
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10 About Scientologys Cookie-Cutter Web Pages
Explains how
Explains how the Scientologist On-line program, which promoted flooding search engines with thousands of nearly-identical so-called 'personal' pages, backfired on Scientology.
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Explains how the Scientologist On-line program, which promoted flooding search engines with thousands of nearly-identical so-called 'personal' pages, backfired on Scientology.
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11 Mensans of the World Circle
A webring
A webring for Mensans personal pages, local group pages, or any site which has an association with Mensa.
World Mensans Circle Here Close Volusia Blog Membership Local Only Login Pages Webpages Of Scam
A webring for Mensans personal pages, local group pages, or any site which has an association with Mensa.
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12 Minibites Christmas Pages
Many pages
Many pages for the season and variations on 'Twas the Night Before Christmas.'
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Many pages for the season and variations on 'Twas the Night Before Christmas.'
サプリã¨ã—ã¦ã¯ã©んãªメーカーãÂ΋‚る? 女性å‘ã‘ ã‚€ãÂÂã¿ ï¼Âå—å‰Â髪 ノコギリヤシã®効果 ノコギリヤシã¨ザクムノコギリヤシã¨çâ€Â·Ã¦â‚¬Â§Ã£Æ’›ãƒ«ãƒ¢ãƒ³ Copyright Rightsreserved ノコギリヤシã®美肌効果 ノコギリヤシã®製哠海外ã§ã®使çâ€Â¨Ã¤Â
13 Free homepages for BodModders
BME/World provides
BME/World provides free home pages and e-mail to people with body modification interests. This page also provides a list of those personal home pages.
BME/World provides free home pages and e-mail to people with body modification interests. This page also provides a list of those personal home pages.
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yellow pages-style
yellow pages-style directory of wedding resources for brides in greater sacramento and the san francisco bay area, features more than 500 vendors.
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yellow pages-style directory of wedding resources for brides in greater sacramento and the san francisco bay area, features more than 500 vendors.
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15 Ancient/Classical History Net Links
Pages by
Pages by classics/history classes at various elementary and secondary schools as well as pages produced specifically for use in such classes.
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Pages by classics/history classes at various elementary and secondary schools as well as pages produced specifically for use in such classes.
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this webring
this webring works in conjunction with the best wedding pages top 50 and best site of the week contests. join the ring and compete for various awards.
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this webring works in conjunction with the best wedding pages top 50 and best site of the week contests. join the ring and compete for various awards.
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17 The Muslim Yellow Pages
The Muslim
The Muslim Yellow Pages is a directory of Muslim owned businesses nationwide.
Muslim Pages Yellow Business Directory Contact Events Dallas Featured They Texas Articles Pizza Advertise Classifieds Masajid Floor Tx Academy
The Muslim Yellow Pages is a directory of Muslim owned businesses nationwide.
Muslim Pages Yellow Business Directory Contact Events Dallas Featured They Texas Articles Pizza Advertise Classifieds Masajid Floor Tx Academy
18 Union Ring
Web ring
Web ring for trade union/syndicalist/labour web pages, including individual activists personal pages, labour lawyers and historians, progressive organizations, and workers rights or workplace issues such as labour related industrial relations, occupational health and safety, and affirmative action in the workplace.
Yahoo Plans Email Business Local Ecommerce Marketing Gallery Central Advisor Small Help Hosting App Domains Network Please Affiliate
Web ring for trade union/syndicalist/labour web pages, including individual activists personal pages, labour lawyers and historians, progressive organizations, and workers rights or workplace issues such as labour related industrial relations, occupational health and safety, and affirmative action in the workplace.
Yahoo Plans Email Business Local Ecommerce Marketing Gallery Central Advisor Small Help Hosting App Domains Network Please Affiliate
19 Pro-tobacco Editorial Content of Young Mens Magazines rises by 70% between 1991 and 2000
Review of
Review of the six leading young mens magazines over 10 years finds 5 pages on smoking and health, over 400 pages of tobacco promotion, and a rising tide of pro-tobacco editorial content.
Bmj Download Research News Sign Responses Health Views Bma Medicine Members Content Article Education Activate Pro Tobacco Glance State Student
Review of the six leading young mens magazines over 10 years finds 5 pages on smoking and health, over 400 pages of tobacco promotion, and a rising tide of pro-tobacco editorial content.
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20 The Universal Black Pages
Management Ubp Private Wealth Investment Asset Solutions Risk | Press Banking Philosophy Institutional Investments Corporate Managers Career
Management Ubp Private Wealth Investment Asset Solutions Risk | Press Banking Philosophy Institutional Investments Corporate Managers Career
22 Catholic Pages: St Bonaventure
Bonaventure Saint Catholic Pope Cardinals Benedict Order Friars Doctor Alexander Saints Pagescom List Books Paris Council Bonaventurepreached Smile
Bonaventure Saint Catholic Pope Cardinals Benedict Order Friars Doctor Alexander Saints Pagescom List Books Paris Council Bonaventurepreached Smile
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Wwwyork Ritus Knights Templar Commandery Wwwkt Masons Hamburgde Royalarchmasons Usgrandlodges Grand Knightstemplar Templarhtm Yorkritelinks Wwwyorkriteorg Kaiserslauternde Wwwyorkriteofgaorg
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25 LeAnne:
Testimony, musician
Testimony, musician fan pages.
Walking Savior God Here Contact Extras Jesus Link Sharing Why Him Season Prayer Menu Anders
Testimony, musician fan pages.
Walking Savior God Here Contact Extras Jesus Link Sharing Why Him Season Prayer Menu Anders
26 ChristArt
Verse Art
Verse Art to send and clip art for web pages.
Christian Clip Art Books Images Free Directory Christart Radio Poetry Clipart Policy Icons Story Privacy Freely
Verse Art to send and clip art for web pages.
Christian Clip Art Books Images Free Directory Christart Radio Poetry Clipart Policy Icons Story Privacy Freely
27 attorney pages
national directory
national directory of lawyers.
Attorneys Law Legal Member Bar Lawyers California Anne Attorney Advice Accident New Office Lawyer Brady Harassment Texas Personal
national directory of lawyers.
Attorneys Law Legal Member Bar Lawyers California Anne Attorney Advice Accident New Office Lawyer Brady Harassment Texas Personal
28 Gregs Halloween Pages
Fun and
Fun and games for the young and old.
Halloween Gregs Stories Hence Someone Fun Greg Entertainment Netscape Games Ghosts England Creepy Crypt Ages
Fun and games for the young and old.
Halloween Gregs Stories Hence Someone Fun Greg Entertainment Netscape Games Ghosts England Creepy Crypt Ages
29 Catholic Pages: St. Oliver Plunket
Catholic Oliver Pope Cardinals Plunket Saint Benedict Books Saints Pagescom Discussion Prayers John Xvi Page Ii Donate Blessed
Catholic Oliver Pope Cardinals Plunket Saint Benedict Books Saints Pagescom Discussion Prayers John Xvi Page Ii Donate Blessed
30 Cardinal Ratzinger
A brief
A brief biography at Catholic Pages.
Pope Cardinals Xvi Benedict Martnez Pham Rivera Ortega Lpez Sandoval Catholic Ricard Scheid Surez Turkson Giorgi Arns
A brief biography at Catholic Pages.
Pope Cardinals Xvi Benedict Martnez Pham Rivera Ortega Lpez Sandoval Catholic Ricard Scheid Surez Turkson Giorgi Arns
31 Mullins
Remembrance pages
Remembrance pages and pictures of the family.
Disabled Websitebeen Sorry Requested
Remembrance pages and pictures of the family.
Disabled Websitebeen Sorry Requested
Yellow pages
Yellow pages for Tamils in Canada, USA and UK.
Directory Tamil Business Tamilbusinesscom Categories Grocery Car Tamilbusiness Here See Clickz Pickering
Yellow pages for Tamils in Canada, USA and UK.
Directory Tamil Business Tamilbusinesscom Categories Grocery Car Tamilbusiness Here See Clickz Pickering