West End Church
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Features Bible questions and answers and a basic Bible correspondence course.Capshaw church of Christ is a local congregation of Christians located in the Capshaw community in North Alabama

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Best entries for Capshaw and Congregation
1 Unitarian Universalist Congregation
A growing
A growing congregation with an active lay involvement. Site contains a historical description of the congregation and a monthly calendar of activities.
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A growing congregation with an active lay involvement. Site contains a historical description of the congregation and a monthly calendar of activities.
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2 Congregation Beth Yeshua
Macon, Georgia.
Macon, Georgia. Find a schedule and Torah reading for this Messianic congregation.
Yeshua Beth Media Services Shabbat Missions International Cby Rabbi Readings Feast Series Believe Israel Ministry Scripture Dance Messianic Praise
Macon, Georgia. Find a schedule and Torah reading for this Messianic congregation.
Yeshua Beth Media Services Shabbat Missions International Cby Rabbi Readings Feast Series Believe Israel Ministry Scripture Dance Messianic Praise
3 Congregation on the Web
A Messianic
A Messianic Israel, Spirit Filled, internet congregation with Pauls one year free discipling course.
Page Navigationshilfe Sorryfound To Foundrequested
A Messianic Israel, Spirit Filled, internet congregation with Pauls one year free discipling course.
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4 Congregation Yeshuat Yisrael
Franklin, Tennessee.
Franklin, Tennessee. Find a schedule and an extensive list of articles and studies by this Messianic congregation.
Yisrael Congregation Synagogue Yeshuat Jewish Messianic Audio Series Yeshuatyisrael@gmailcom Bible Verses Sermon Calendar Moment Cycle Messiah Solar
Franklin, Tennessee. Find a schedule and an extensive list of articles and studies by this Messianic congregation.
Yisrael Congregation Synagogue Yeshuat Jewish Messianic Audio Series Yeshuatyisrael@gmailcom Bible Verses Sermon Calendar Moment Cycle Messiah Solar
5 Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament
The presence
The presence and works of the Congregation in the USA.
Learn Sacrament Blessed Vocation Congregation Office Saint Requests Eucharistic Emmanuel Magazine Eucharist Evangelizing Shrine Prayer Mass
The presence and works of the Congregation in the USA.
Learn Sacrament Blessed Vocation Congregation Office Saint Requests Eucharistic Emmanuel Magazine Eucharist Evangelizing Shrine Prayer Mass
6 Edgwood Evangelical Lutheran Church
Includes congregation
Includes congregation history, mission and goals, the Congregation Council, Sunday schedule and directions.
Contact Lutheran Resources Edgwood Congregations Divisions Directions Financial Congregation Churchproducts Evangelical Elca Other Webmaster
Includes congregation history, mission and goals, the Congregation Council, Sunday schedule and directions.
Contact Lutheran Resources Edgwood Congregations Divisions Directions Financial Congregation Churchproducts Evangelical Elca Other Webmaster
7 Congregation of the Benedictines of St. Lioba
A Diocesan
A Diocesan Congregation of monks and nuns, based in Switzerland, following the rules of St. Benedict. Site is in French and English.
Et Hildegarde Session Monastique Devenir Sainte Frères Vie Soeurs Saint Accueil Jeunes Lioba Bénédictins English Inter Religieux Lrsquoabbaye Communautaire Français
A Diocesan Congregation of monks and nuns, based in Switzerland, following the rules of St. Benedict. Site is in French and English.
Et Hildegarde Session Monastique Devenir Sainte Frères Vie Soeurs Saint Accueil Jeunes Lioba Bénédictins English Inter Religieux Lrsquoabbaye Communautaire Français
8 Beit Tikvah Messianic Congregation
Services, schedule
Services, schedule of events, and beliefs of the congregation with testimonials. Also features youth activities and Israel tours.
Messianic Tikvah Contact Beit Newcastle Context Yeshua Congregation Movement Staff Wa Washington Map Facebookcombeittikvahwa Streaming
Services, schedule of events, and beliefs of the congregation with testimonials. Also features youth activities and Israel tours.
Messianic Tikvah Contact Beit Newcastle Context Yeshua Congregation Movement Staff Wa Washington Map Facebookcombeittikvahwa Streaming
9 Congregation Shema Yisrael
Southfield, Michigan.
Southfield, Michigan. A Messianic Jewish congregation presents articles, broadsides, newsletters, commentaries, and audio messages.
Litespeed Inc Accessserver Forbidden Technologiesproudly
Southfield, Michigan. A Messianic Jewish congregation presents articles, broadsides, newsletters, commentaries, and audio messages.
Litespeed Inc Accessserver Forbidden Technologiesproudly
10 Beit Tikvah Messianic Congregation
Newcastle, Washington.
Newcastle, Washington. Services, schedule of events, and beliefs of the congregation with testimonials. Also features youth activities and Israel tours.
Messianic Tikvah Beit Newcastle Contact Sermons Mission Dance Eventsyeshua Facebookcombeittikvahwa Found The Staff Radio
Newcastle, Washington. Services, schedule of events, and beliefs of the congregation with testimonials. Also features youth activities and Israel tours.
Messianic Tikvah Beit Newcastle Contact Sermons Mission Dance Eventsyeshua Facebookcombeittikvahwa Found The Staff Radio
11 Congregation Shaarei Shalom
The shul
The shul is located in Brooklyn and is under the guidance of Rabbi Yisroel Hirsch. Details of worship schedule, maps, and information about the congregation are provided.
Tripod Create Signup Errorpage Requested Couldnt Hosting Website Shopping Lycos Loginplease Check Page
The shul is located in Brooklyn and is under the guidance of Rabbi Yisroel Hirsch. Details of worship schedule, maps, and information about the congregation are provided.
Tripod Create Signup Errorpage Requested Couldnt Hosting Website Shopping Lycos Loginplease Check Page
12 Congregation Beth Messiah
Southfield, Michigan.
Southfield, Michigan. Messianic congregation shares that true Shalom can only come through the blood sacrifice of Yeshua (Jesus) and whoever believes in Him and repents from their sins shall have everlasting life.
Audio Events Shabbat Times Party Shem Phil Nidre Haskell Grace Away School Passover Succot Kippur World Garden Faith Note
Southfield, Michigan. Messianic congregation shares that true Shalom can only come through the blood sacrifice of Yeshua (Jesus) and whoever believes in Him and repents from their sins shall have everlasting life.
Audio Events Shabbat Times Party Shem Phil Nidre Haskell Grace Away School Passover Succot Kippur World Garden Faith Note
13 Makom Shalom, The Community at Grace Place
A Jewish
A Jewish Renewal congregation on Printers Row in the south Loop. Describes the congregation, events and service times, and offers suggested reading.
Makom Jewish Renewal Community Shalom Judaism Schedule Original Rabbinicspiritual Hebrew Opening Holocaust Mission Rabbi Resources Nidre
A Jewish Renewal congregation on Printers Row in the south Loop. Describes the congregation, events and service times, and offers suggested reading.
Makom Jewish Renewal Community Shalom Judaism Schedule Original Rabbinicspiritual Hebrew Opening Holocaust Mission Rabbi Resources Nidre
14 Congregation Hope of Israel
Atlanta, Georgia.
Atlanta, Georgia. A Messianic congregation on the south-side of Atlanta presents a schedule and beliefs.
Atlanta, Georgia. A Messianic congregation on the south-side of Atlanta presents a schedule and beliefs.
15 First Unitarian Church
Unitarian Universalist
Unitarian Universalist congregation. Includes information about the congregation, programs, and values, along with sermons, pictures, and a schedule of services.
Unitarian Universalist congregation. Includes information about the congregation, programs, and values, along with sermons, pictures, and a schedule of services.
16 Beth Ahavah Messianic Congregation
Clearfield, Pennsylvania.
Clearfield, Pennsylvania. Messianic Israel (Two-House) Torah observant congregation.
Clearfield, Pennsylvania. Messianic Israel (Two-House) Torah observant congregation.
17 Holy Trinity Brussels, Belgium
Web presence
Web presence of An English speaking congregation with members from over 40 nationalities. Includes directions, services schedule, details of the church history, as well news, archives, the congregation and their activities.
Web presence of An English speaking congregation with members from over 40 nationalities. Includes directions, services schedule, details of the church history, as well news, archives, the congregation and their activities.
18 Congregation of Great Lakes, Michigan
Church of
Church of South India congregation is in the Detroit area, Michigan. It was established in 1990. The site contains history and Liturgy of CSI
Found Found Theserver Support Apache Port Contact
Church of South India congregation is in the Detroit area, Michigan. It was established in 1990. The site contains history and Liturgy of CSI
Found Found Theserver Support Apache Port Contact
19 Congregation of Great Lakes, Michigan
Church of
Church of South India congregation is in the Detroit area, Michigan. It was established in 1990. The site contains history and Liturgy of CSI
Credit Csichurchcom Free Health Insurance Luxury Cars Report Trends Internet Speed Mortgage Smart Cheap Tickets High Best Rates
Church of South India congregation is in the Detroit area, Michigan. It was established in 1990. The site contains history and Liturgy of CSI
Credit Csichurchcom Free Health Insurance Luxury Cars Report Trends Internet Speed Mortgage Smart Cheap Tickets High Best Rates
20 Beth Hillel Messianic Congregation
Torah observant
Torah observant Messianic Jewish congregation. Worship schedules, staff contact information and descriptions of holidays and traditions.
Hillel Beth Messianic Synagogue Websites Shabbat Sept Torah Morning Monday Great Donations Wednesday Each Springs Nidre Contact
Torah observant Messianic Jewish congregation. Worship schedules, staff contact information and descriptions of holidays and traditions.
Hillel Beth Messianic Synagogue Websites Shabbat Sept Torah Morning Monday Great Donations Wednesday Each Springs Nidre Contact
21 Congregation of the Holy Spirit
Spiritans, the
Spiritans, the Congregation of the Holy Ghost world-wide web-site.
Spiritans, the Congregation of the Holy Ghost world-wide web-site.
22 Congregation Rodef Sholom: Atlantic City, New Jersey
Information about
Information about the oldest and largest Orthodox congregation in Southern New Jersey. Site has directions and candle lighting times.
Yahoo Business Email Plans Small Ecommerce Marketing Gallery App Hosting Local Help Advisor Privacy Please
Information about the oldest and largest Orthodox congregation in Southern New Jersey. Site has directions and candle lighting times.
Yahoo Business Email Plans Small Ecommerce Marketing Gallery App Hosting Local Help Advisor Privacy Please
23 Holy Trinity Church (Anglican)
English speaking
English speaking congregation with members from over 40 nationalities. Includes directions, services schedule, details of the church history, as well news, archives, the congregation and their activities.
English speaking congregation with members from over 40 nationalities. Includes directions, services schedule, details of the church history, as well news, archives, the congregation and their activities.
24 First Unitarian Universalist Society of Syracuse
Congregation located
Congregation located in the Drumlins area. General information, sermons, information about the faith, and history. A self-designated welcoming congregation for gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered people.
Page Found Navigationshilfefound To Sorryrequested
Congregation located in the Drumlins area. General information, sermons, information about the faith, and history. A self-designated welcoming congregation for gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered people.
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25 Beth Hillel Messianic Congregation
Pompano Beach
Pompano Beach, Florida. Messianic Jewish, Torah observant congregation presents worship schedules, staff contact information and descriptions of holidays and traditions.
Hillel Beth Messianic Synagogue Bible Wednesday Sept Study Websites Monday Shabbat Prayer Dance Take Church Fl Coffee Donations
Pompano Beach, Florida. Messianic Jewish, Torah observant congregation presents worship schedules, staff contact information and descriptions of holidays and traditions.
Hillel Beth Messianic Synagogue Bible Wednesday Sept Study Websites Monday Shabbat Prayer Dance Take Church Fl Coffee Donations
26 St. Pauls Anglican Church, Nanaimo
A caring
A caring church congregation in the heart of the city. Site offers a walk through church, gives information about the clergy, congregation, parish history and missions.
Found The Request Found Rejectedz
A caring church congregation in the heart of the city. Site offers a walk through church, gives information about the clergy, congregation, parish history and missions.
Found The Request Found Rejectedz
27 Church of South India Congregation of Great Lakes
Congregation in
Congregation in Sterling Heights (Detroit area) using the CSI liturgy for its services, also affiliated with the United Church of Christ. Information about worship and activities, with links to related sites.
Please Contactcannotdisplayed Error Providerfor Page
Congregation in Sterling Heights (Detroit area) using the CSI liturgy for its services, also affiliated with the United Church of Christ. Information about worship and activities, with links to related sites.
Please Contactcannotdisplayed Error Providerfor Page
28 Church of South India Congregation of Great Lakes
Congregation in
Congregation in Sterling Heights (Detroit area) using the CSI liturgy for its services, also affiliated with the United Church of Christ. Information about worship and activities, with links to related sites.
Health Report Csichurchcom Cars Luxury Insurance Credit Free Trends Speed Fashion Mortgage Internet Rates High Phones
Congregation in Sterling Heights (Detroit area) using the CSI liturgy for its services, also affiliated with the United Church of Christ. Information about worship and activities, with links to related sites.
Health Report Csichurchcom Cars Luxury Insurance Credit Free Trends Speed Fashion Mortgage Internet Rates High Phones
29 Congregation Beth Chaverim: Virginia
The Reform
The Reform Jewish Congregation of Virginia Beach and Chesapeake, Virginia
The Reform Jewish Congregation of Virginia Beach and Chesapeake, Virginia
30 Arabic Church of the Redeemer
Congregation formed
Congregation formed out of a community of Arab Americans, featuring worship conducted in Arabic and English. Includes information on the congregation, worship services, and directions.
Congregation formed out of a community of Arab Americans, featuring worship conducted in Arabic and English. Includes information on the congregation, worship services, and directions.
31 Yahwehs Philadelphia Truth Congregation
Loganville, Georgia.
Loganville, Georgia. Congregation that witnesses Yahwehs truth in Messiah Yahshuas sacred name presents articles, sermons, and a scripture based declaration of belief.
Kenya Report Truth Mission Yahweh Sermons Yahwehs Page Worship Sabbath Language Gallery Philadelphia Kiswahili Congregation Publications They Post Psalms
Loganville, Georgia. Congregation that witnesses Yahwehs truth in Messiah Yahshuas sacred name presents articles, sermons, and a scripture based declaration of belief.
Kenya Report Truth Mission Yahweh Sermons Yahwehs Page Worship Sabbath Language Gallery Philadelphia Kiswahili Congregation Publications They Post Psalms
32 Spiritans, Holy Ghost Congregation, Province of Nigeria
Spiritans, Holy
Spiritans, Holy Ghost Congregation, Congregation of the Holy Ghost, Province of Nigeria. Religious institute of vowed life with community life for men members, Fathers and Brothers.
Spiritans, Holy Ghost Congregation, Congregation of the Holy Ghost, Province of Nigeria. Religious institute of vowed life with community life for men members, Fathers and Brothers.