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Prayer Line

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Best entries for Jesus and Mission

1 Jesus Christ China Mission Online Chinese
Online Chinese mission spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ in English and Chinese.
2 Deaf Missions Deaf Missions
Deaf Missions is a Christian mission dedicated to helping deaf people SEE Jesus Christ, so they may accept Jesus as Savior and grow in Jesus.
Deaf Missions Statement Partner Training Events Outreach Resources Mission Click Here Youcan Subscriptionssubscribe Christ Devotions Follow
3 Jesus Loves Cowboys Ministry that
Ministry that proclaims Jesus Christ to men and women of the rodeo presents a plan of salvation. Find a mission statement, photos, and inspirational reading.
Suzie Rodeo Jesus Gram Gramm Grahamm Graham Ministries Suzsy Susie Loves Susy Bull Cowboys Roping Afr Calf
4 Light of the World Mission An interdenominational
An interdenominational ministry based in Iowa, facilitates short term mission trips to help the poor and reach others with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
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5 Jesus and Liberal New Testament Scholarship Five articles
Five articles on the methods and findings of the Jesus Seminar - naturalistic assumptions, Jesus uniqueness, the resurrection, the reliability of the Gospels, revisionist views of Jesus. Articles by Dr. Greg Boyd.
6 Jesus Christ India Indian based
Indian based Christian mission.
7 Who Is I Am - Is Jesus a Lunatic, Liar, or Lord? - Explores the
Explores the life of Jesus Christ. Who is Jesus? Is He God? Am I in need of a savior?
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8 De Jesus, Josef: Jesus is My God Comparison of
Comparison of Jesus and Muhammad, inspirational stories, and links.
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9 Who is Jesus? Liar, Lunatic or Lord? Explores the
Explores the questions: Who is Jesus of Nazareth? Is Jesus Christ Lord, Liar or Lunatic? Is Jesus God? Is Jesus the Savior?
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10 Most Precious Blood of Jesus Parish Mission statement
Mission statement, Mass schedule, and contact information.
11 Most Precious Blood of Jesus Parish Dover. Mission
Dover. Mission statement, Mass schedule, and contact information.
12 The Trumpeters Mission Visions Mary
Visions Mary, Jesus, and angels by Father Andrew Wingate dealing with the End Times
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13 Apostolic Church of Jesus Christ Bloomington, Indiana.
Bloomington, Indiana. Contact information, schedule of services, mission statement.
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14 Jesus Freaks: Stories of Those Who Stood for Jesus Review of
Review of DC TALKs book titled Jesus Freaks. Reviewed by Trisha Hubbs. [CCM Magazine]
15 New Hope Bible Church Mission is
Mission is to lead people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ by providing scripture and community.
16 Legends of Jesus Presents the
Presents the hypothesis that Jesus survived the crucifixion. Discusses Jesus legends found in Islam, Buddhism and Hinduism.
17 The Quest of the Historical Jesus Online English
Online English text of the 1906 book on the historical Jesus by Albert Schweitzer, who took the non-Christian position that Jesus was a failed eschatological prophet.
Gospel Acts Jesus Peter Albert Schweitzer John Historical Thomas Apocalypse James Quest Authors Quoted Lives Lyons Didache Timothy Caesarea
18 Christian Witnessing Tools - Jesus Cards Jesus Cards
Jesus Cards about the desire of Jesus to know and love us.
19 Mission To America MTA Develops strategies
Develops strategies and provides resources that will help people in America to repent and accept Jesus Christ as their savior.
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20 Christ In Youth Joplin, MO.
Joplin, MO. Ministers to young people with Jesus Christ by offering conferences, service projects, and mission trips.
Learn Youth Christ Christian College University Call Amplifying Move Engage Believe Wilderness Students How Donate Superstart Five Day Messages
21 Astoria Rescue Mission Astoria, Oregon.
Astoria, Oregon. Provides food, clothing, and shelter,for anyone who is in need. And more importantly, the opportunity to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
22 Christ In Youth Joplin, MO.
Joplin, MO. Ministers to young people with Jesus Christ by offering conferences, service projects, and mission trips.
Learn Youth Christ Call Christian University Amplifying College Engage Move Believe Students Wilderness Openclose Superstart Five Day Grade Donate
23 Inter-mission A blog
A blog discussion on the gospel, culture and spirituality explorations from the Mission Theological Advisory Group. A joint project of the ecumenical Churches Commission on Mission and the Church of Englands Unit on Mission and Public Affairs.
Mission Group Advisory Theological Richards Simon Barrowanne Post Christian Posted Church Springer Christians Dawkins Mtag Billingshurst Other
24 Business Mens Fellowship (Canada) Organization of
Organization of inter-denominational men raising the name of Jesus Christ. Includes vision and mission statements, information on activities and links to related sites.
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25 Cochabamba Bolivia Temple, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Former LDS
Former LDS missionarys personal site includes photos of the construction site and other scenes from his mission.
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26 College Church of Christ A diverse
A diverse place of worship, based on salvation through the gospel of Jesus Christ. Information on history, leaders, programs, mission.
Ministry College Christ Yosemite Schedule Events Resources Show Ministering Registration Kids Instructions Others Conference Leadership Love Payment Bible Camp Speaker Womens
27 Monroe Church of the Lord Jesus Christ Monroe, Georgia.
Monroe, Georgia. Contact information, history, mission statement, doctrine, what to expect at a worship service.
Monroe Church Ministry Sunday Apostolic School Bible Youth Georgia Tutorial Kids Together Rock Thon Privacy Quick Policy Anniversary Christmas
28 Maugerville United Baptist Church Maugerville, New
Maugerville, New Brunswick. The love of Jesus. Calendar of Events, Ministries, Contact Details, Youth Pages and Mission Statement
29 Zokou Christine: Mission Flamme Divine Independent missionary
Independent missionary in Douala, Cameroon, challenges the Christians in Central Africa to be involved in spiritual warfare and to prepare for the second coming of Jesus Christ on the earth.
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30 Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church Von Ormy.
Von Ormy. Offers Mass in English and Spanish. Staff, contact information, maps, Mass schedule, mission statement, photos.
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31 The Jesus Video Supplier of
Supplier of 'The Jesus Video' and 'The Story of Jesus for Children.' Available in VHS and DVD.
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32 The Miraculous Winking Jesus Thousands flock
Thousands flock to see The Miraculous Winking Jesus Christ who winks so that God would forgive us of our sins. Dont start your day without a wink from Jesus Christ.
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Review and Opening Hours Information

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