The Blood of
Experience Navigationshilfey History
Overview of royal bloodline, has information on some powerful women.
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Best entries for Navigationshilfey and History
1 The Cosmic Elk
Articles, and
Articles, and books on science, history and the history of science, including the history of astronomy, Tudor history and the history of Siberia.
Navigationshilfe Ty
Articles, and books on science, history and the history of science, including the history of astronomy, Tudor history and the history of Siberia.
Navigationshilfe Ty
2 History Wiz
Source for
Source for history, original content, including multimedia exhibits, as well as links to other sites. Topics include world history, American history, and current events.
History Historywiz Modern Teachers Exhibits Source Lovers Students World Medieval Primary Century Wizard Archives Macworld Black Starting Point Th
Source for history, original content, including multimedia exhibits, as well as links to other sites. Topics include world history, American history, and current events.
History Historywiz Modern Teachers Exhibits Source Lovers Students World Medieval Primary Century Wizard Archives Macworld Black Starting Point Th
3 Simaqian Studio Forums
Online community
Online community for discussion on world history, Military history, ancient history, medieval history, featuring articles posting and research by members
Online community for discussion on world history, Military history, ancient history, medieval history, featuring articles posting and research by members
4 Why Study History?
Article in
Article in Journal of Texas Catholic History and Culture by John Tracy Ellis. 'If secular history has suffered a woeful decline in the United States since the 1950s, the history of the Catholic Church has in general fared no better.'
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Article in Journal of Texas Catholic History and Culture by John Tracy Ellis. 'If secular history has suffered a woeful decline in the United States since the 1950s, the history of the Catholic Church has in general fared no better.'
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5 Its History
Find out
Find out what happened on this day in history. A ten megabyte fully searchable database of events, births and deaths for any day in history.
Th History John England George British Richard English Dutch Van French Lpga London Deaths Events Bronkhorst Batenburg Howard Valère Gille Jorritsma Lebbink Pingoud Pretoria Ravi
Find out what happened on this day in history. A ten megabyte fully searchable database of events, births and deaths for any day in history.
Th History John England George British Richard English Dutch Van French Lpga London Deaths Events Bronkhorst Batenburg Howard Valère Gille Jorritsma Lebbink Pingoud Pretoria Ravi
6 World History Compass - Byzantine History
Links to
Links to sites related to the history of the Eastern Roman Empire.
History Byzantine Ancient Byzantium World University Compass International Page East General Greek Ihlara Studies Latin Military Canada Collections Medicine Fellowship
Links to sites related to the history of the Eastern Roman Empire.
History Byzantine Ancient Byzantium World University Compass International Page East General Greek Ihlara Studies Latin Military Canada Collections Medicine Fellowship
7 History of the Dominican Republic
Several documents
Several documents related to the history of this island provided by World History Archives.
Virgin Islands History St Caribbean Archives World Johns Croix Hartford Of History Thomaslesser
Several documents related to the history of this island provided by World History Archives.
Virgin Islands History St Caribbean Archives World Johns Croix Hartford Of History Thomaslesser
8 The Mediadrome: History
An online
An online magazine featuring original articles, history news, primary sources, and today in history.
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An online magazine featuring original articles, history news, primary sources, and today in history.
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9 History of Cuba
Several documents
Several documents related to the history of this country provided by the World History Archives.
Cuba Republic History Archives World Caribbean Publishing Resources Worldhistory Cubanhartford Sources Document Z
Several documents related to the history of this country provided by the World History Archives.
Cuba Republic History Archives World Caribbean Publishing Resources Worldhistory Cubanhartford Sources Document Z
10 History of the Caribbean
Several documents
Several documents pertaining to the history of this region provided by the World History Archives.
Caribbean History Region Archives Whole Worldhistory Documenthartford Resourcespublishing World Sources General
Several documents pertaining to the history of this region provided by the World History Archives.
Caribbean History Region Archives Whole Worldhistory Documenthartford Resourcespublishing World Sources General
11 The Meaning of History: an Islamic Perspective
Imam Baqir
Imam Baqir al-Sadrs philosophy of history, including comparisons with Western philosophies of history.
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Imam Baqir al-Sadrs philosophy of history, including comparisons with Western philosophies of history.
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12 Buryat History
History of
History of Buryatia. This is a history of a Mongol people living north of the Russian-Mongolian border, near the shores of Lake Baikal.
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History of Buryatia. This is a history of a Mongol people living north of the Russian-Mongolian border, near the shores of Lake Baikal.
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13 History of Mormonism
A concise
A concise history of Mormonism including general history, biographies of Mormon prophets, and articles on special topics like the history of Mormon missionaries and Mormon temples.
Mormon History Section Chapter Battalion Mormons Harkers Island Joseph Church Christ Facts Expulsion Relative Persecution
A concise history of Mormonism including general history, biographies of Mormon prophets, and articles on special topics like the history of Mormon missionaries and Mormon temples.
Mormon History Section Chapter Battalion Mormons Harkers Island Joseph Church Christ Facts Expulsion Relative Persecution
14 South Asian History
Several essays
Several essays on the history of the Indian subcontinent. Topics covered include history of science and philosophy, trade, crafts and manufacturing as well as the impact of colonial rule and partition.
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Several essays on the history of the Indian subcontinent. Topics covered include history of science and philosophy, trade, crafts and manufacturing as well as the impact of colonial rule and partition.
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15 Dale Cozorts Alternate History Page
'I do
'I do four things in this section: 1.Point to some good but obscure alternate histories. 2.Give links to a few good alternate history sites. 3.Hype my alternate history stories. 4.Toss out a couple of 'alternate history scenarios of the month' for email discussion. '
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'I do four things in this section: 1.Point to some good but obscure alternate histories. 2.Give links to a few good alternate history sites. 3.Hype my alternate history stories. 4.Toss out a couple of 'alternate history scenarios of the month' for email discussion. '
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16 World History Archives: Indigenous Peoples of Boriken
A retrospective
A retrospective and contemporary history of the TaÃÂÂÂnos of Borikén, and the history of Caribbean peoples of Amazonian origin in general.
History Rico Boriken World Archives Puerto Indigenous Native Florida Guaroko Guaaji Karaya Tainos Caribbean Peoples Caetera Bull
A retrospective and contemporary history of the TaÃÂÂÂnos of Borikén, and the history of Caribbean peoples of Amazonian origin in general.
History Rico Boriken World Archives Puerto Indigenous Native Florida Guaroko Guaaji Karaya Tainos Caribbean Peoples Caetera Bull
17 palestine: home of history - history
esam shashaa
esam shashaa presents the history of palestine, starting in ancient times. includes timelines, q&a, historical documents and photos.
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esam shashaa presents the history of palestine, starting in ancient times. includes timelines, q&a, historical documents and photos.
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18 A History of The War of 1812 in Illinois
Part of
Part of the Illinois Trails History and Genealogy Project. Includes history, maps, correspondence, and rosters.
Moore John Short Randolph Boultinghouse William Whitesides Clair James Alexander Boon Jones Hargrave Cook Craig
Part of the Illinois Trails History and Genealogy Project. Includes history, maps, correspondence, and rosters.
Moore John Short Randolph Boultinghouse William Whitesides Clair James Alexander Boon Jones Hargrave Cook Craig
19 Black History Hotlist
A large
A large site with many links about Black History Month, slavery and history, leaders, news, poetry.
A large site with many links about Black History Month, slavery and history, leaders, news, poetry.
20 Olveston Parish Historical Society
Local history
Local history group interested in the history of South Gloucestershire and Bristol. Includes local pictures and a history essay on the area.
Sign Places Lifestream People Everything Policy Now Account Rights Createnowon Insign Social Networks Read Date
Local history group interested in the history of South Gloucestershire and Bristol. Includes local pictures and a history essay on the area.
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21 Women In World History Curriculum
Interactive site
Interactive site full of information and resources about womens experiences in world history. For teachers, teenagers, parents, and history buffs.
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Interactive site full of information and resources about womens experiences in world history. For teachers, teenagers, parents, and history buffs.
Store History Curriculum World Lessons Reviews Women Biographies Womens Units Historical Mysteries Essays Thematic File Dynasty Shipping Female Florence Through Classical
22 History of the World
Offers an
Offers an essay giving an overview of world history. Created by history teacher Jeff Coons.
Offers an essay giving an overview of world history. Created by history teacher Jeff Coons.
23 The History of Black History
Brief biography
Brief biography of Carter G. Woodson and a summary of how Black History Month began, from Kids Almanac.
History Black World Month Fact People Math Geography Timelines Monster Language Flashcards American Science Woodson Atlas States Homework Internet Speaking Negro Network
Brief biography of Carter G. Woodson and a summary of how Black History Month began, from Kids Almanac.
History Black World Month Fact People Math Geography Timelines Monster Language Flashcards American Science Woodson Atlas States Homework Internet Speaking Negro Network
24 The History World
An informal
An informal discussion forum covering all areas and subjects of world history for anyone who enjoys history as a hobby.
Email Rss Stevefrank Re History Forums World Yuku Ad Medieval Digg Remove Mark Myweb Found Admin
An informal discussion forum covering all areas and subjects of world history for anyone who enjoys history as a hobby.
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25 History Today
UK-based magazine
UK-based magazine, publishing articles and book reviews covering all types and periods of history. Site includes discussion forum, organizations directory, encyclopedia, young historians center, and history topics in the news.
UK-based magazine, publishing articles and book reviews covering all types and periods of history. Site includes discussion forum, organizations directory, encyclopedia, young historians center, and history topics in the news.
26 History Adventures
How to
How to plan history adventures and themed treasure hunts to bring history alive.
Treasure Hunt Puzzles Hunts Prereaders History Here Quest Experiences Adventures Adventure Egypt Themed Click American
How to plan history adventures and themed treasure hunts to bring history alive.
Treasure Hunt Puzzles Hunts Prereaders History Here Quest Experiences Adventures Adventure Egypt Themed Click American
27 Philosophy of history: Hegel, Spengler, Schleicher
Critical presentation
Critical presentation of Hegels philosophy of history, Oswald Spenglers 'Decline of the West', and August Schleichers philosophy of language-history
Yahoo Geocities Copyright Sign Help Policy Hosting Mapsmovies News Trying Wayback Privacy Archiveorg
Critical presentation of Hegels philosophy of history, Oswald Spenglers 'Decline of the West', and August Schleichers philosophy of language-history
Yahoo Geocities Copyright Sign Help Policy Hosting Mapsmovies News Trying Wayback Privacy Archiveorg
28 Womens History Index
Lessons from
Lessons from activity books and reviews of materials to bring womens history into the classroom, for use during Womens History Month, from Social Studies School Service.
Found Httpwwwsocialstudiescom Request Pagez
Lessons from activity books and reviews of materials to bring womens history into the classroom, for use during Womens History Month, from Social Studies School Service.
Found Httpwwwsocialstudiescom Request Pagez
29 Bible Knowledge Accelerator
Free Bible
Free Bible history software in Windows help format with several programs including Bible history, The Babylonians, Hebrew Torah, and The History of Rome. Each has information, pop-up definitions, charts, maps, and illustrations.
Bible Programs Knowledge Accelerator History Effect Free Bigger Larger Looking Page Learn Ancient Russell Tabernacle Rusty@bible Historycom Share
Free Bible history software in Windows help format with several programs including Bible history, The Babylonians, Hebrew Torah, and The History of Rome. Each has information, pop-up definitions, charts, maps, and illustrations.
Bible Programs Knowledge Accelerator History Effect Free Bigger Larger Looking Page Learn Ancient Russell Tabernacle Rusty@bible Historycom Share
30 Mrs. Gs American History Page
Lesson plans
Lesson plans and ideas for teaching 8th grade American History, U.S. History, including tips for first-year teachers. This was my plan book for the year.
Business Yahoo Email Plans Ecommerce Small Marketing Advisor Local Hosting App Help Gallery Developer Screen Terms Politics Policy Map
Lesson plans and ideas for teaching 8th grade American History, U.S. History, including tips for first-year teachers. This was my plan book for the year.
Business Yahoo Email Plans Ecommerce Small Marketing Advisor Local Hosting App Help Gallery Developer Screen Terms Politics Policy Map
31 Friesian Schools Philosophy of History
Essays on
Essays on philosophy of history from the Proceedings of the Friesian School. (This site includes summaries of Asian and ancient European philosophies of history).
Kings [k] Dukes Ad Patriarchs Dynasty Counts Emperors Republic Roman Of Princes Period Present Prime
Essays on philosophy of history from the Proceedings of the Friesian School. (This site includes summaries of Asian and ancient European philosophies of history).
Kings [k] Dukes Ad Patriarchs Dynasty Counts Emperors Republic Roman Of Princes Period Present Prime
32 Pliguzov, Andrei, PhD.
Resume of
Resume of the Research Assistant to the Director Works at Dumberton Oaks. Research focussed on medieval Russian history, history of Russian literature, and history of Orthodox Church.
Yahoo Geocities Copyright Sign Help Policy Movies Waybackinternet Popular Sports User Maps Machine
Resume of the Research Assistant to the Director Works at Dumberton Oaks. Research focussed on medieval Russian history, history of Russian literature, and history of Orthodox Church.
Yahoo Geocities Copyright Sign Help Policy Movies Waybackinternet Popular Sports User Maps Machine