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Pacific County Friends of Lewis

Pacific County Friends Review Experience Center Interpretive

A nonprofit organization commemorating the epic journey of Lewis and Clark and the Corps of Discovery, with special emphasis on the 18 days they spent in Pacific County, Washington.

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Best entries for Center and Interpretive

1 Little Feather Indian Interpretive Center Information about
Information about the Center, the Staff, the Pipestone Dakota, and their sacred and secular art. Some art available from the website.
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2 Little Feather Indian Interpretive Center Information about
Information about the Center, the Staff, the Pipestone Dakota, and their sacred and secular art. Some art available from the website.
Pipestone Pipes Pipe Native Little Feather Dakota American Information Catlinite Please Avebury Cultural Center Indian Sacred Quarries Sioux
3 Little Feather Interpretive Center Native American
Native American owned and run Indian Center, where education is our main goal. Features information on the sacred pipestone and a cultural awareness program.
Pipestone Pipes Pipe Native Little Feather Information Dakota American Indian Catlinite Avebury Please Cultural Center Centre
4 Little Feather Interpretive Center Native American
Native American owned and run Indian Center, where education is the main goal. Features information on the sacred pipestone and a cultural awareness program.
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5 Little Feather Interpretive Center Native American
Native American owned and run Indian Center, where education is our main goal. Features information on the sacred pipestone and a cultural awareness program.
Pipestone Pipes Pipe Native Little Dakota Feather American Information Cultural Catlinite Avebury Indian Please Center Sacred
6 Little Feather Interpretive Center Native American
Native American owned and run Indian Center, where education is the main goal. Features information on the sacred pipestone and a cultural awareness program.
Pipes Pipe Pipestone Native Information American Cultural Indian Catlinite Dakota Peace Little Sioux Quarries Web Genuine Workshop
7 The Illinois Amish Interpretive Center Museum dedicated
Museum dedicated to the Amish culture, tracing their history, and explaining their culture.
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8 Kumeyaay Interpretive Center The City
The City of Poway and the San Pasqual Band of Kumeyaay Indians (Diegueno)are working collaboratively to preserve the Poway, California site.
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10 Cahokia Mounds State Historic Site Several mounds
Several mounds including Monks Mound, the largest earthen mound in the New World. This web site includes information on the interpretive center, and presents photos, history, and event calendar at this World Heritage site.
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11 My Shift to Covenant Theology and Amillennialism Verse, linquistic
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12 Bible Gateway: InterVarsity Press Commentaries Covering much
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15 Stereoscopic Visions of War and Empire An interpretive
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16 The Word Understood Featuring both
Featuring both audio and written studies, The Word Understood practices right division according to dispensational methods of bible study, using the literal interpretive method.
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25 Serlingpa Retreat Center Serlingpa Retreat
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26 Minneapolis: Common Ground Meditation Center This center
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28 Northridge Zen Center Offers regular
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29 Earth Center Non-profit center
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31 Incarnation Center An Episcopal
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32 Karma Mahasiddha Ling Idyllwild Dharma
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More Pacific County Friends of Lewis and Clark Infos

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Review and Opening Hours Information

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