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The New England Pirate Museum

The New England Review Experience Witch Museum

Historical tour of piracy in 17th century New England. Educational packets available.

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Reviews and Comments for The New England Pirate

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Best entries for Witch and Museum

1 Witch Dungeon Museum, New England Pirate Museum, and Witch History Museum Provides educational
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2 National Atomic Museum The Congressionally
The Congressionally chartered 'official' Atomic Museum of the United States, with an extensive collection of unclassified nuclear technology. Take a virtual tour of the museum on this web site.
3 Grotto of the Swamp Witch Swamp Witch
Swamp Witch spirit, wisdom, magick, spells and recipes. Granny Witch the Swamp Hag, just for fun.
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4 Hubert H. Humphrey Museum The museum
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5 Amita Dragonspell Suburban house
Suburban house Witch. A working witch discusses her life and the use of witchcraft and magick.
6 Witch in the Working This is
This is not a group for the 'armchair witch'. Deals with the religious aspect of Wicca/Witchcraft and the practice.
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7 The Electric Witch Large amount
Large amount of useful and original information on the Tarot, Astrology and Witchcraft from this hereditary Celtic witch.
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8 Magick Whispers Witch Way Living magickally.
Living magickally. Studies for the beginning Witch. Great information set amongst beautiful graphics and soothing music.
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10 Buddhist Paintings of Buryatia A selection
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11 Museum of Talking Boards An online
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12 The New Jersey Naval Museum Details of
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13 Witch-Hunting For the
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15 St Agathas Crypt, Catacombs, Church and Museum At the
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16 Jack T. Chick Museum of Fine Art An online
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17 The Museum of Witchcraft Long established
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26 The Museum of Witchcraft Web Portal The Museum
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More The New England Pirate Museum Infos

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Review and Opening Hours Information

If the business hours of The New England Pirate Museum in may vary on holidays like Valentine’s Day, Washington’s Birthday, St. Patrick’s Day, Easter, Easter eve and Mother’s day. We display standard opening hours and price ranges in our profile site. We recommend to check out for further information. You can also search for Alternatives for on our Review Site All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. If we should delete this entry, please send us a short E-Mail.

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