A Tribute To
Experience Never Veterans
I dedicate this site to all the brave men and women who served their country.I dedicate this site to all the brave men and women who served their country so that people like you and I could live in peace on our own soil We can never repay what these couragous Veterans have done on our behalf

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Reviews and Comments for A Tribute To All

Best entries for Never and Veterans
1 National Association for Black Veterans, Inc.
A nationally
A nationally certified Veterans Service Organization and a United States Department of Veterans Affairs claims representative. Works with the community to end homelessness, empower low-income and minority veterans and works with disadvantaged youth.
Chapter Nabvets Veterans State New Command Leadership Chapters Black Focuses Ca Nc Womens Social Bay
A nationally certified Veterans Service Organization and a United States Department of Veterans Affairs claims representative. Works with the community to end homelessness, empower low-income and minority veterans and works with disadvantaged youth.
Chapter Nabvets Veterans State New Command Leadership Chapters Black Focuses Ca Nc Womens Social Bay
2 The Price of Freedom
Honoring veterans
Honoring veterans, saying thank you and welcome home. It also is educational creating public awareness to veterans issues and it contains original veterans poetry.
Vietnam Veterans They Military Navy Marines Others Guestbook American Flag Please Nurses Hanson Shanon Th Soldier Corps Cold Legion
Honoring veterans, saying thank you and welcome home. It also is educational creating public awareness to veterans issues and it contains original veterans poetry.
Vietnam Veterans They Military Navy Marines Others Guestbook American Flag Please Nurses Hanson Shanon Th Soldier Corps Cold Legion
3 NABVETS - National Association for Black Veterans, Inc.
Veterans Service
Veterans Service Organization and United States Department of Veterans Affairs claims representative.
Free Construction Page Nabvetscom Review Under Cheap Credit Report Phones Cars Insurance Policy Mortgage Agreement Best
Veterans Service Organization and United States Department of Veterans Affairs claims representative.
Free Construction Page Nabvetscom Review Under Cheap Credit Report Phones Cars Insurance Policy Mortgage Agreement Best
4 South Jersey Vietnam Veterans Association
Veterans helping
Veterans helping Veterans, VA claims information, VA healthcare information, we are a non-profit organization.
Navigationshilfet Y
Veterans helping Veterans, VA claims information, VA healthcare information, we are a non-profit organization.
Navigationshilfet Y
5 Cold War Veterans Association
Lobbies for
Lobbies for veterans benefits, educates the public about the Cold War, and provides a fraternal community for Cold War veterans. Press releases, news, and discussion forum.
Cold Veterans Cwva Honor Join Roll Renew Updates News Membership Contact Kansas Representative Build Representatives
Lobbies for veterans benefits, educates the public about the Cold War, and provides a fraternal community for Cold War veterans. Press releases, news, and discussion forum.
Cold Veterans Cwva Honor Join Roll Renew Updates News Membership Contact Kansas Representative Build Representatives
6 Cold War Veterans Association
Lobbies for
Lobbies for veterans benefits, educates the public about the Cold War, and provides a fraternal community for Cold War veterans. Press releases, news, and discussion forum.
Cold Veterans Cwva Renew Roll Honor Join News Updates Contact Membership Kansas Worley Vince Chairman
Lobbies for veterans benefits, educates the public about the Cold War, and provides a fraternal community for Cold War veterans. Press releases, news, and discussion forum.
Cold Veterans Cwva Renew Roll Honor Join News Updates Contact Membership Kansas Worley Vince Chairman
7 Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association
Association comprised
Association comprised of US combat veterans from all branches of the Armed Forces who are members of the Veterans of Foreign Wars and ride motorcycles as a hobby. Provides information about the organisation and membership.
Tripod Create Check Couldnt Page Shopping Tripodcom Website Signup Hostinglogin Requested Lycoscom Please
Association comprised of US combat veterans from all branches of the Armed Forces who are members of the Veterans of Foreign Wars and ride motorcycles as a hobby. Provides information about the organisation and membership.
Tripod Create Check Couldnt Page Shopping Tripodcom Website Signup Hostinglogin Requested Lycoscom Please
8 Vietnam Veterans and Proud, AOL Namvets
Owned and
Owned and operated by Vietnam Veterans on America On Line, information on Veteran issues, links pages for Vietnam veterans information, and Member Photos.
Owned and operated by Vietnam Veterans on America On Line, information on Veteran issues, links pages for Vietnam veterans information, and Member Photos.
9 National Organization of Veterans Advocates (NOVA)
Provides legal
Provides legal representation to American veterans and their dependents at the U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims. Site includes overview of the claims process, membership information, legislative updates and court decisions, amicus activity, and description of services.
Nova Now Veterans Buy Conference Membership Webinar New Videos Advocate Organization Practitioner Bono Pro Why Victim Professional
Provides legal representation to American veterans and their dependents at the U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims. Site includes overview of the claims process, membership information, legislative updates and court decisions, amicus activity, and description of services.
Nova Now Veterans Buy Conference Membership Webinar New Videos Advocate Organization Practitioner Bono Pro Why Victim Professional
10 Southwest Louisiana Veterans Remember World War II
Stories and
Stories and photos of Southwest Louisiana Veterans who served in World War II. Veterans tell their story of where they were and what happened to them in the war.
Stories and photos of Southwest Louisiana Veterans who served in World War II. Veterans tell their story of where they were and what happened to them in the war.
11 Veterans Against The War
A site
A site where veterans and citizens can state their opinion about the war in Iraq without having their patriotism questioned.
A site where veterans and citizens can state their opinion about the war in Iraq without having their patriotism questioned.
12 Reuniting Veterans Families
Listings for
Listings for missing family members who are US military veterans.
Z Request Y
Listings for missing family members who are US military veterans.
Z Request Y
13 honoring veterans and heroes
thank you
thank you to all our veterans, with stories and poems about courageous people helping others.
Veterans Tributes Honoring Soldiers They Proud Day Salute Where Brothers Forget Never Heroes Epps Memorial Love Infantrymen Atomic
thank you to all our veterans, with stories and poems about courageous people helping others.
Veterans Tributes Honoring Soldiers They Proud Day Salute Where Brothers Forget Never Heroes Epps Memorial Love Infantrymen Atomic
14 Veterans Day
Child of
Child of a World War II veteran created this site in honor of all veterans.
Yahoo Geocities Policy Copyright Help Sign Hosting Mail Privacy Sites Guidelinesgames Terms Wayback
Child of a World War II veteran created this site in honor of all veterans.
Yahoo Geocities Policy Copyright Help Sign Hosting Mail Privacy Sites Guidelinesgames Terms Wayback
15 veterans burial
serving southern
serving southern california. provides information about veterans funerals.
Lake Veterans Funeral Casket Pre Valley Laguna Beach San Burial Cremation Grove Elsinore Hills Orange Garden Arrangement Metal Loma Prefinance Trust Services
serving southern california. provides information about veterans funerals.
Lake Veterans Funeral Casket Pre Valley Laguna Beach San Burial Cremation Grove Elsinore Hills Orange Garden Arrangement Metal Loma Prefinance Trust Services
16 Its Just a Nam Thing
A tribute
A tribute to all Veterans that have experienced war. Offers a CD with music for Vietnam Veterans.
Click Proceed Herez
A tribute to all Veterans that have experienced war. Offers a CD with music for Vietnam Veterans.
Click Proceed Herez
17 Patriotic Pride: Veterans Day
Reflections on
Reflections on Veterans Day observances, along with history and poems.
Reflections on Veterans Day observances, along with history and poems.
18 Department of Military and Veterans Affairs
Provides information
Provides information about the benefits and services available for veterans in the state of Alaska.
Filenamechanged Might Removed Foundthe Looking Been Unavailable Errorserver Resource Directory Temporarily
Provides information about the benefits and services available for veterans in the state of Alaska.
Filenamechanged Might Removed Foundthe Looking Been Unavailable Errorserver Resource Directory Temporarily
19 Northwest Veterans Newsletter
With articles
With articles and links to military and veterans related news stories in other publications.
Sign People Updated Now Lifestream Policy Everything Places Networks Trademarks Nowon Email Learnmore Advertise Account Go Theres
With articles and links to military and veterans related news stories in other publications.
Sign People Updated Now Lifestream Policy Everything Places Networks Trademarks Nowon Email Learnmore Advertise Account Go Theres
20 Khe Shan Veterans Home Page
Chronology, maps
Chronology, maps and pictures of the fighting at Khe Sanh together with veterans resources.
Yahoo Plans Email Business Ecommerce Local Central Advisor App Help Gallery Domains Hosting Marketing Small Tv Advocate
Chronology, maps and pictures of the fighting at Khe Sanh together with veterans resources.
Yahoo Plans Email Business Ecommerce Local Central Advisor App Help Gallery Domains Hosting Marketing Small Tv Advocate
21 lieberman and mark
specializes in
specializes in veterans claims, disability compensation, medical care, and other benefits to us veterans.
Veterans Lieberman Mark Benefits Lawyers Appeals Va Contact Claims Court Washington Affairs Free Compensation Disability Connecticut Administration
specializes in veterans claims, disability compensation, medical care, and other benefits to us veterans.
Veterans Lieberman Mark Benefits Lawyers Appeals Va Contact Claims Court Washington Affairs Free Compensation Disability Connecticut Administration
22 Malaya Borneo Veterans
For veterans
For veterans and others who are interested in the Malayan Emergency 1948-60 and the 'Confrontation' between Malaysia and Indonesia 1963-66
Veterans Board Notice Malayan Malaya Borneo Cartoons Historical Confrontation Forces Appeal Force Indonesian Photos Casualties Emergency Donations General
For veterans and others who are interested in the Malayan Emergency 1948-60 and the 'Confrontation' between Malaysia and Indonesia 1963-66
Veterans Board Notice Malayan Malaya Borneo Cartoons Historical Confrontation Forces Appeal Force Indonesian Photos Casualties Emergency Donations General
23 Veterans for Unification
A grassroots
A grassroots organization dedicated to saving the VA hospital system and restoring quality care and benefits for all veterans.
A grassroots organization dedicated to saving the VA hospital system and restoring quality care and benefits for all veterans.
24 InfoPlease.com - Veterans Day
Provides short
Provides short historical background of Veterans Day, an overview of the wars in which the United States has taken part, and related links.
World History Timeline Veterans Day Casualties Iraq Science States Afghanistan Calendar Holidays Year Calculator Wars Countries Involving Monuments Capabilities
Provides short historical background of Veterans Day, an overview of the wars in which the United States has taken part, and related links.
World History Timeline Veterans Day Casualties Iraq Science States Afghanistan Calendar Holidays Year Calculator Wars Countries Involving Monuments Capabilities
25 Tribute to WW-II Veterans
Includes stories
Includes stories from veterans of WWII.
Yahoo Business Email Plans Marketing Small Ecommerce Local Hosting App Gallery Advisor Help Geocities Please Affiliate Grow
Includes stories from veterans of WWII.
Yahoo Business Email Plans Marketing Small Ecommerce Local Hosting App Gallery Advisor Help Geocities Please Affiliate Grow
26 Schwandt-Goodman VFW Post 9050
Veterans of
Veterans of Foreign Wars. A schedule of meetings, membership list, and information about the veterans organization.
Vfw Enderlin North Dakota Schwandt Goodman Iraq Afghanistan Korea Ww Air Post Southkosovo
Veterans of Foreign Wars. A schedule of meetings, membership list, and information about the veterans organization.
Vfw Enderlin North Dakota Schwandt Goodman Iraq Afghanistan Korea Ww Air Post Southkosovo
27 VFW Post 2278 Honor Guard
Provides information
Provides information about a group of veterans that have provided full military honors to deceased veterans since 1991.
Navigationshilfe Ty
Provides information about a group of veterans that have provided full military honors to deceased veterans since 1991.
Navigationshilfe Ty
28 Vietnam Veterans of America
West Virginia
West Virginia State Council. Offers Information about Agent Orange, and links to veterans benefits and VA centers.
Yahoo Geocities Copyright Help Policy Sign Maps Internetterms Games Machine Reach Finance Movies Toolbar
West Virginia State Council. Offers Information about Agent Orange, and links to veterans benefits and VA centers.
Yahoo Geocities Copyright Help Policy Sign Maps Internetterms Games Machine Reach Finance Movies Toolbar
29 VietNow
Veterans from
Veterans from vietnam until now, helping other veterans.
Vietnow Veterans National More] Magazine Headquarters Vietnam Agent Orange Presidents Blog News Page Health Powmia
Veterans from vietnam until now, helping other veterans.
Vietnow Veterans National More] Magazine Headquarters Vietnam Agent Orange Presidents Blog News Page Health Powmia
30 VietNow
Veterans from
Veterans from vietnam until now, helping other veterans.
Vietnow Veterans National More] Headquarters Vietnam Magazine Presidents Blog Orange Agent News Helping Health Page
Veterans from vietnam until now, helping other veterans.
Vietnow Veterans National More] Headquarters Vietnam Magazine Presidents Blog Orange Agent News Helping Health Page
31 VFW Post 2278 Honor Guard
Provides information
Provides information about a group of veterans located in Hot Springs, Arkansas that have provided full military honors to deceased veterans since 1991.
Provides information about a group of veterans located in Hot Springs, Arkansas that have provided full military honors to deceased veterans since 1991.
32 Knowledge Hound: Veterans Day Activities And Crafts
Commemorate and
Commemorate and observe Veterans Day, Remembrance Day or Armistice Day by making a difference. Includes history, tips for helping vets and projects to get kids involved.
Serverport Found The Foundapache
Commemorate and observe Veterans Day, Remembrance Day or Armistice Day by making a difference. Includes history, tips for helping vets and projects to get kids involved.
Serverport Found The Foundapache