VFW Post 2203
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Best entries for Navigationshilfey and Military
1 Military City
militarycity.com is
militarycity.com is the online home of the military community. It features a searchable database of 10 million military people, news from Army Times Publishing Company publications, daily summaries of military news stories, and a searchable file library of thousands of military-oriented images, sounds, text files, software, and military-interest web sites.
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militarycity.com is the online home of the military community. It features a searchable database of 10 million military people, news from Army Times Publishing Company publications, daily summaries of military news stories, and a searchable file library of thousands of military-oriented images, sounds, text files, software, and military-interest web sites.
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2 Military Weddings & Brides Forum
Come talk
Come talk with other military brides planning military weddings. Find information about etiquette, ceremonies, and military life.
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Come talk with other military brides planning military weddings. Find information about etiquette, ceremonies, and military life.
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personal ads for singles in the military or looking to meet someone in the military.
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personal ads for singles in the military or looking to meet someone in the military.
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4 the honorable house of melik, an armenian chronicle
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includes information about the armenian military tradition during the 19th century, pictures of former military chiefs, and the current military conflict in the region.
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includes information about the armenian military tradition during the 19th century, pictures of former military chiefs, and the current military conflict in the region.
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5 interracial military love
a support
a support group for interracial couples and families who are connected to a u.s. military branch via a spouse, fiance, or are in a long-term relationship (boyfriend/girlfriend) and/or are serving in the u.s. military.
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a support group for interracial couples and families who are connected to a u.s. military branch via a spouse, fiance, or are in a long-term relationship (boyfriend/girlfriend) and/or are serving in the u.s. military.
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6 Gecko Country
Chuck 'Doc'
Chuck 'Doc' Lanes portal to military information, primarily aimed at the veteran and military community but also including military graphics, personal memories, information on MIAs, poems and useful links.
Chuck 'Doc' Lanes portal to military information, primarily aimed at the veteran and military community but also including military graphics, personal memories, information on MIAs, poems and useful links.
7 G2mil Military Research Portal
Military portal
Military portal featuring weapons, warfare, and military news.
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Military portal featuring weapons, warfare, and military news.
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8 The Canadian Military Heritage Project
Presenting Canadian
Presenting Canadian military history (the wars, uprisings and conflicts in which Canadians participated) to maintain the tradition of remembrance and to foster pride in our military heritage.
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Presenting Canadian military history (the wars, uprisings and conflicts in which Canadians participated) to maintain the tradition of remembrance and to foster pride in our military heritage.
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9 Ancestor Search: US Military Records
Use this
Use this guide to determine if your ancestor served in the military and learn how to send away to the proper repository for his military service and pension records.
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Use this guide to determine if your ancestor served in the military and learn how to send away to the proper repository for his military service and pension records.
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10 American Military History Webring
The ALHN Military Web Ring provides researchers with a quick-and-easy way to navigate among Websites with a focus on American Military History.
Y Apache Found The Serverfound Port
The ALHN Military Web Ring provides researchers with a quick-and-easy way to navigate among Websites with a focus on American Military History.
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11 Military Brats Online
An online
An online community, linking the children of the U. S. military with their heritage and each other. Military Brats can read about reunion and school announcements, link with past friends, family and online resources.
Military Brat Life Brats News Overseas Germany Articles Events Army Bases Organizations Faqs Fiction Writers Guidelines Magazine Radio Once
An online community, linking the children of the U. S. military with their heritage and each other. Military Brats can read about reunion and school announcements, link with past friends, family and online resources.
Military Brat Life Brats News Overseas Germany Articles Events Army Bases Organizations Faqs Fiction Writers Guidelines Magazine Radio Once
12 The Journal of Slavic Military Studies
Investigates all
Investigates all aspects of military affairs in the Slavic nations of central and eastern Europe in historical and geopolitical context. (Formerly the Journal of Soviet Military Studies.)
Studies Routledge Security Military Series Strategic Textbooks Media Conflict History Books International Reference Resources Research American Science Websites
Investigates all aspects of military affairs in the Slavic nations of central and eastern Europe in historical and geopolitical context. (Formerly the Journal of Soviet Military Studies.)
Studies Routledge Security Military Series Strategic Textbooks Media Conflict History Books International Reference Resources Research American Science Websites
13 Military Global
Military, Defence
Military, Defence and Strategic Affairs News, Forums and Gallery
Gclub Ibcbet à¸Ã‹â€ ีà¸Ã¢â‚¬Å¾à¸¥à¸±à¸Ã…¡à¸Ã¢â‚¬Å¾à¸²à¸ªà¸´à¹Ã¢â‚¬Å¡à¸Ã¢â€žÂ¢ Sbobet Betwing à¹Ã‚Âà¸Ã¢â‚¬â€à¸Ã¢â‚¬Â¡à¸Ã…¡à¸à¸¥ Login Posts Older à¹Ã¢â‚¬Å¾à¸à¸Ã…¡ีà¸Ã¢â‚¬Â¹à¸µà¹Ã¢â€šÂ¬à¸Ã…¡à
Military, Defence and Strategic Affairs News, Forums and Gallery
Gclub Ibcbet à¸Ã‹â€ ีà¸Ã¢â‚¬Å¾à¸¥à¸±à¸Ã…¡à¸Ã¢â‚¬Å¾à¸²à¸ªà¸´à¹Ã¢â‚¬Å¡à¸Ã¢â€žÂ¢ Sbobet Betwing à¹Ã‚Âà¸Ã¢â‚¬â€à¸Ã¢â‚¬Â¡à¸Ã…¡à¸à¸¥ Login Posts Older à¹Ã¢â‚¬Å¾à¸à¸Ã…¡ีà¸Ã¢â‚¬Â¹à¸µà¹Ã¢â€šÂ¬à¸Ã…¡à
14 Military Helicopters Index
Information about
Information about the military aircraft made by Bell Helicopter.
Found Found The Navigationshilfey
Information about the military aircraft made by Bell Helicopter.
Found Found The Navigationshilfey
15 The Military Revolution
Military developments
Military developments in Europe in the 15th, 16th and 17th centuries.
Viewmore Business Started Small Yahoo Now Hosting Email Web Privacy Domains Customer Account Terms Help Please Also
Military developments in Europe in the 15th, 16th and 17th centuries.
Viewmore Business Started Small Yahoo Now Hosting Email Web Privacy Domains Customer Account Terms Help Please Also
16 resisting military conscription through taxation
some governments
some governments actually have the gall to tax you for failing to join the military, even in the us.
some governments actually have the gall to tax you for failing to join the military, even in the us.
17 Military Press Online
News and
News and resources for military personnel and veterans.
Military Press Newspaper Moresee Less + News Articles See Share Books Entertainment Veterans Theodore Movies Navy Games Diego Housing Update
News and resources for military personnel and veterans.
Military Press Newspaper Moresee Less + News Articles See Share Books Entertainment Veterans Theodore Movies Navy Games Diego Housing Update
18 Sgt. Moms Place
Military life
Military life explained by a military wife. All branches welcome.
Best Searches Credit Insurance Health Free Report Rates Pain Tutor Cars Mortgage Migraine Apparel Mutual Control Sgtmomscom Relief Privacy
Military life explained by a military wife. All branches welcome.
Best Searches Credit Insurance Health Free Report Rates Pain Tutor Cars Mortgage Migraine Apparel Mutual Control Sgtmomscom Relief Privacy
19 US Military Resource Center
Links to
Links to information and records for the US military researcher.
Genealogy Records Military Indian Revolutionary Wars Civil World Fold Free American Mexican Wwii Pensions Vietnam
Links to information and records for the US military researcher.
Genealogy Records Military Indian Revolutionary Wars Civil World Fold Free American Mexican Wwii Pensions Vietnam
20 Military-411.com
Online guide
Online guide to military web sites, subdivided by topic areas.
Military World Cold Viet Civil Gulf Korean School Com History Click Nam Rank Maybe Racing
Online guide to military web sites, subdivided by topic areas.
Military World Cold Viet Civil Gulf Korean School Com History Click Nam Rank Maybe Racing
21 Terris Military Page
A tribute
A tribute to vietnam vets, women and men in the military.
Military Page Terris Vietnam Women Tribute Vets Powmia Sign Please Close Thanks Terri Welcome Veterans Lrussell Drink Dreams
A tribute to vietnam vets, women and men in the military.
Military Page Terris Vietnam Women Tribute Vets Powmia Sign Please Close Thanks Terri Welcome Veterans Lrussell Drink Dreams
22 Military Network
Archive of
Archive of links to worldwide military related websites data and material.
Archive of links to worldwide military related websites data and material.
23 Military Medical Technology Online
Focuses on
Focuses on the implications of technological advances for military matters.
Water Hot Systems Replacement Gas Solar Repairs Electric Contact Tank Adelaide Anode Privacy Broken Plumber
Focuses on the implications of technological advances for military matters.
Water Hot Systems Replacement Gas Solar Repairs Electric Contact Tank Adelaide Anode Privacy Broken Plumber
24 Military Factory
Reference site
Reference site detailing specification on military weapons from World War II to the modern era.
Military Weapons Navy French Ranks Aircraft American Ships Vehicles Raleigh Small Another Skycrane Arms Chilean Tanks Medals
Reference site detailing specification on military weapons from World War II to the modern era.
Military Weapons Navy French Ranks Aircraft American Ships Vehicles Raleigh Small Another Skycrane Arms Chilean Tanks Medals
25 Military Mess Hall
Interactive community
Interactive community for military wives, moms, active and veterans.
Navigationshilfe Ty
Interactive community for military wives, moms, active and veterans.
Navigationshilfe Ty
A forum
A forum for anyone with questions or comments about HIV and the military, includes facts on military HIV infection figures and detection rates.
Sign Places Lifestream Now Everything Policy People Account Rights Connecting Insign Go Theres Learnmore Networks Social
A forum for anyone with questions or comments about HIV and the military, includes facts on military HIV infection figures and detection rates.
Sign Places Lifestream Now Everything Policy People Account Rights Connecting Insign Go Theres Learnmore Networks Social
27 Cyndis List - Military Resources Worldwide
Features links
Features links to general military resource sites.
Military List Cyndis Link Mailing Donate Categories New Advertisements Faqs Cyndi Research Resources Pension Other Worldwidecategory Casualties Släktforskning Revolution
Features links to general military resource sites.
Military List Cyndis Link Mailing Donate Categories New Advertisements Faqs Cyndi Research Resources Pension Other Worldwidecategory Casualties Släktforskning Revolution
28 WTJ Portal
Resource for
Resource for researchers, hobbyists, and military professionals interested in military history, science and defense.
Museums Gaming Times Naval Journal United Civil Groups Napoleonic Battlefields History Wwwwtjcom Militaria Wars Living Views Wwi
Resource for researchers, hobbyists, and military professionals interested in military history, science and defense.
Museums Gaming Times Naval Journal United Civil Groups Napoleonic Battlefields History Wwwwtjcom Militaria Wars Living Views Wwi
29 PlaneOut: Gay and Lesbian Military Discussion
News and
News and information regarding gays and lesbians in the military and armed forces.
News and information regarding gays and lesbians in the military and armed forces.
30 The Portuguese Military Orders
Overview, insignia
Overview, insignia, and history of military orders in Portugal, including the Order of Christ, Order of Avis, Order of St. James of the Sword, and the Military Order of the Tower and the Sword.
Business Yahoo Email Plans Small Ecommerce Marketing Local Advisor Gallery Help App Hosting Central Please Program Network Sell
Overview, insignia, and history of military orders in Portugal, including the Order of Christ, Order of Avis, Order of St. James of the Sword, and the Military Order of the Tower and the Sword.
Business Yahoo Email Plans Small Ecommerce Marketing Local Advisor Gallery Help App Hosting Central Please Program Network Sell
31 The Portuguese Military Orders
Overview, insignia
Overview, insignia, and history of military orders in Portugal, including the Order of Christ, Order of Avis, Order of St. James of the Sword, and the Military Order of the Tower and the Sword.
Business Yahoo Email Plans Ecommerce Marketing Small Gallery App Advisor Help Local Hosting Geocities Has Developer Answers Toolkit
Overview, insignia, and history of military orders in Portugal, including the Order of Christ, Order of Avis, Order of St. James of the Sword, and the Military Order of the Tower and the Sword.
Business Yahoo Email Plans Ecommerce Marketing Small Gallery App Advisor Help Local Hosting Geocities Has Developer Answers Toolkit
32 OnWar.com
Military history
Military history site that includes a database of world conflicts and other military events 1800-1999.
Privacy Statement Onwarcom Belligerents Conditions Login Terms History Blog Weapons Wars Internationalconflicts Relations
Military history site that includes a database of world conflicts and other military events 1800-1999.
Privacy Statement Onwarcom Belligerents Conditions Login Terms History Blog Weapons Wars Internationalconflicts Relations