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Best entries for Canada and Google+
1 the google way
examines googles
examines googles response to scientologys dmca claims. quotes lawyers for google, the church of scientology, ask jeeves, and the electronic frontier foundation. [corporate counsel]
Law Counsel Lawcom Policy Fips Openssle Liability Litigation Labor Port Davphp Patent Conditions Insurance Copyright
examines googles response to scientologys dmca claims. quotes lawyers for google, the church of scientology, ask jeeves, and the electronic frontier foundation. [corporate counsel]
Law Counsel Lawcom Policy Fips Openssle Liability Litigation Labor Port Davphp Patent Conditions Insurance Copyright
2 church v. google: how the church of scientology is forcing google to censor its critics
long article
long article on the popular search engine google, attempts of webmasters to boost ratings, scientologys use of copyright law to muzzle critics. questions raised by scientologys using the dmca to remove critics from search engine database. [microcontent news]
long article on the popular search engine google, attempts of webmasters to boost ratings, scientologys use of copyright law to muzzle critics. questions raised by scientologys using the dmca to remove critics from search engine database. [microcontent news]
3 church v. google: how the church of scientology is forcing google to censor its critics
long article
long article on the popular search engine google, attempts of webmasters to boost ratings, scientologys use of copyright law to muzzle critics. questions raised by scientologys using the dmca to remove critics from search engine database. [microcontent news]
long article on the popular search engine google, attempts of webmasters to boost ratings, scientologys use of copyright law to muzzle critics. questions raised by scientologys using the dmca to remove critics from search engine database. [microcontent news]
4 Church v. Google: How the Church of Scientology is Forcing Google to Censor its Critics
Long article
Long article on the popular search engine Google, attempts of webmasters to boost ratings, Scientologys use of copyright law to muzzle critics. Questions raised by Scientologys using the DMCA to remove critics from search engine database. [Microcontent News]
Long article on the popular search engine Google, attempts of webmasters to boost ratings, Scientologys use of copyright law to muzzle critics. Questions raised by Scientologys using the DMCA to remove critics from search engine database. [Microcontent News]
5 Church v. Google: How the Church of Scientology is Forcing Google to Censor its Critics
Long article
Long article on the popular search engine Google, attempts of webmasters to boost ratings, Scientologys use of copyright law to muzzle critics. Questions raised by Scientologys using the DMCA to remove critics from search engine database. [Microcontent News]
Long article on the popular search engine Google, attempts of webmasters to boost ratings, Scientologys use of copyright law to muzzle critics. Questions raised by Scientologys using the DMCA to remove critics from search engine database. [Microcontent News]
6 clickz - whenu banished by google, yahoo!
the adware
the adware firm is no longer listed in google and yahoo!s search results because of charges of cloaking.
the adware firm is no longer listed in google and yahoo!s search results because of charges of cloaking.
7 Google U-turn in Scientology row
Google reinstated
Google reinstated a link to an anti-Scientology site after coming under fire from free speech advocates. []
Error Permanently Movedy
Google reinstated a link to an anti-Scientology site after coming under fire from free speech advocates. []
Error Permanently Movedy
8 google pulls, replaces web page critical of scientology
article with
article with comments from a google spokesperson, a scientology lawyer, and a staff attorney at the electronic frontier foundation. by elinor mills abreu. [reuters]
article with comments from a google spokesperson, a scientology lawyer, and a staff attorney at the electronic frontier foundation. by elinor mills abreu. [reuters]
9 How Ava Paquette Hoodwinked Google
An examination
An examination of the Scientology lawyers DMCA complaint, which mixes charges of trademark infringements with alleged copyright issues. Going outside the scope of the law, she demanded that Google disable access to a site which criticizes Scientology.
An examination of the Scientology lawyers DMCA complaint, which mixes charges of trademark infringements with alleged copyright issues. Going outside the scope of the law, she demanded that Google disable access to a site which criticizes Scientology.
10 Google Begins Making DMCA Takedowns Public
Search engine
Search engine Google is posting 'takedown' letters from lawyers wielding the DMCA. The move is thought to be a response to criticism of their censoring at the behest of Scientology. [Linux Journal]
Re Loop Looping Google Dmca Public Begins Takedowns Making Linux Scientology New Bad Good Development Sysadmin
Search engine Google is posting 'takedown' letters from lawyers wielding the DMCA. The move is thought to be a response to criticism of their censoring at the behest of Scientology. [Linux Journal]
Re Loop Looping Google Dmca Public Begins Takedowns Making Linux Scientology New Bad Good Development Sysadmin
11 google runs into copyright dispute
summarizes the
summarizes the course of events in scientologys efforts to remove links to critics sites from google, and the search engines response of providing the dmca complaints (and links) to another site for publication. requires free registration. [new york times]
Times Page Nytimescom York Terms Most Help Privacy Todays Report Arts Archives Businessinterest Link
summarizes the course of events in scientologys efforts to remove links to critics sites from google, and the search engines response of providing the dmca complaints (and links) to another site for publication. requires free registration. [new york times]
Times Page Nytimescom York Terms Most Help Privacy Todays Report Arts Archives Businessinterest Link
12 google makes scientology infringement demand public
google has
google has made public the letter it received from scientology lawyers demanding it remove critical content from its search engine, complete with a list of allegedly infringing urls. [searchday]
Bull Industry Clickz Seo How Google Scientology Three Live Content Most Copyright Week Follow Mobile Sem Holiday
google has made public the letter it received from scientology lawyers demanding it remove critical content from its search engine, complete with a list of allegedly infringing urls. [searchday]
Bull Industry Clickz Seo How Google Scientology Three Live Content Most Copyright Week Follow Mobile Sem Holiday
13 church v google, round 2
although is once again listed in google, the core issue has not changed: the church of scientology is using the dmca to censor its critics. and, through sleight of hand, scientology tries to apply copyright law to alleged infringement of trademarks in meta tags. [microcontent news]
although is once again listed in google, the core issue has not changed: the church of scientology is using the dmca to censor its critics. and, through sleight of hand, scientology tries to apply copyright law to alleged infringement of trademarks in meta tags. [microcontent news]
14 google pulls anti-scientology links
'google was
'google was accused wednesday of effectively removing from the internet a web site that is critical of the church of scientology after it deleted links to some of the sites pages from its search engine.' by matt loney and evan hansen. [cnet]
Found The Foundy
'google was accused wednesday of effectively removing from the internet a web site that is critical of the church of scientology after it deleted links to some of the sites pages from its search engine.' by matt loney and evan hansen. [cnet]
Found The Foundy
15 Church v Google, round 2
Although is once again listed in Google, the core issue has not changed: the Church of Scientology is using the DMCA to censor its critics. And, through sleight of hand, Scientology tries to apply copyright law to alleged infringement of trademarks in meta tags. [Microcontent News]
Googleupdatereserved æ–°ç€è¨Ã‹Å“äºÃ¢â‚¬Â¹ Articlesrights Nothing
Although is once again listed in Google, the core issue has not changed: the Church of Scientology is using the DMCA to censor its critics. And, through sleight of hand, Scientology tries to apply copyright law to alleged infringement of trademarks in meta tags. [Microcontent News]
Googleupdatereserved æ–°ç€è¨Ã‹Å“äºÃ¢â‚¬Â¹ Articlesrights Nothing
16 Google versus Church, round 3
Google now
Google now refuses to accept paid advertising for sites critical of Scientology. They are willing to accept payment from the Church of Scientology, however. [Microcontent News]
Google now refuses to accept paid advertising for sites critical of Scientology. They are willing to accept payment from the Church of Scientology, however. [Microcontent News]
17 google yanks anti-church sites
the church
the church of scientology has managed to remove references to anti-scientology sites from google, by citing the controversial digital millennium copyright act. [wired]
Follow Wired Uson Subscribe Miss Videos Latest Footer Page News Features Youtubedont Onpinterestsee Twitter * Wireds Stories Knows Movie
the church of scientology has managed to remove references to anti-scientology sites from google, by citing the controversial digital millennium copyright act. [wired]
Follow Wired Uson Subscribe Miss Videos Latest Footer Page News Features Youtubedont Onpinterestsee Twitter * Wireds Stories Knows Movie
18 Canada Day Checklist
Includes flag
Includes flag protocol, the words to O Canada (in English and French), and the origin of the name Canada.
Canada Canadian News Capital Canadas Alberta Aboutcom Prime Senate Cities Most Account Ministers Personal Policy Canada * Notley
Includes flag protocol, the words to O Canada (in English and French), and the origin of the name Canada.
Canada Canadian News Capital Canadas Alberta Aboutcom Prime Senate Cities Most Account Ministers Personal Policy Canada * Notley
20 Canada Christian College - Toronto, ON Canada
Graduates of
Graduates of Canada Christian College are making a difference in the world today. They work as pastors, evangelists, professors, counsellors, missionaries and other church workers in both large and small ministries in many countries around the world.
Z Ccc Y
Graduates of Canada Christian College are making a difference in the world today. They work as pastors, evangelists, professors, counsellors, missionaries and other church workers in both large and small ministries in many countries around the world.
Z Ccc Y
21 An Apple a Day
Aileen Apolos
Aileen Apolos personal blog on life, travels and her job at Google.
Blog Episode Google Day Apolo Teachers Aileen Migs Blogger Singapore Angel Friend Wisik Neighbor Andrew Rama Folio Ako
Aileen Apolos personal blog on life, travels and her job at Google.
Blog Episode Google Day Apolo Teachers Aileen Migs Blogger Singapore Angel Friend Wisik Neighbor Andrew Rama Folio Ako
22 Ip, Lawrence
Software engineer
Software engineer at Google. Personal information, recreations, and research papers.
Lawrence Favorite Design Theory Homepage Chic Ips Friends Homepages Eecs List Sites Guide Training Quantum Music
Software engineer at Google. Personal information, recreations, and research papers.
Lawrence Favorite Design Theory Homepage Chic Ips Friends Homepages Eecs List Sites Guide Training Quantum Music
23 Walmart Workers Canada
Campaign by
Campaign by the UFCW to unionise Wal-Mart stores in Canada.
Campaign by the UFCW to unionise Wal-Mart stores in Canada.
24 walmart workers canada
campaign by
campaign by the ufcw to unionise wal-mart stores in canada.
campaign by the ufcw to unionise wal-mart stores in canada.
25 Divorce And Defence Strategies - Canada
Provides political
Provides political and legal support for non-custodial parents in Canada.
Error Information Detailed Directory Url Manager Enable Browsing Website Server Actions Features Open Thisdirectory List Module Directorylistingmodule Notification Executerequesthandler Handler Staticfile Error Configured
Provides political and legal support for non-custodial parents in Canada.
Error Information Detailed Directory Url Manager Enable Browsing Website Server Actions Features Open Thisdirectory List Module Directorylistingmodule Notification Executerequesthandler Handler Staticfile Error Configured
26 MESA Canada: Parental Alienation
Links from
Links from the Mens Educational Support Association of Canada.
Government Alienation Parental Newsannouncements Links Justice Mesa Contact Educational Publications Programs Syndromeissues Z
Links from the Mens Educational Support Association of Canada.
Government Alienation Parental Newsannouncements Links Justice Mesa Contact Educational Publications Programs Syndromeissues Z
27 Canada Drug Talk
Provides facts
Provides facts, tips and news about importing prescription drugs from Canada.
Check Talk Canadian Pharmacy Pharmacies Canada Drugs Drug Straight Prescription Importing Tips Facts Ratings
Provides facts, tips and news about importing prescription drugs from Canada.
Check Talk Canadian Pharmacy Pharmacies Canada Drugs Drug Straight Prescription Importing Tips Facts Ratings
28 canada miffed at bush omission
canada never
canada never got a mention in president bushs speech on thursday night.
Times Nytimescom Page York Most Help Terms Contact Privacy Check Found Were Autos Real Something Broken
canada never got a mention in president bushs speech on thursday night.
Times Nytimescom Page York Most Help Terms Contact Privacy Check Found Were Autos Real Something Broken
29 LDS Canada
Discussion for
Discussion for LDS Canadians, and others who are interested, to share news, events, history, and messages about the LDS Church in Canada. Not moderated.
Yahoo Help Ldscanada Attachments Groups Please Teachers Policy Terms Ifyoure Saints Tech Onlineservices Sign Autos Sports
Discussion for LDS Canadians, and others who are interested, to share news, events, history, and messages about the LDS Church in Canada. Not moderated.
Yahoo Help Ldscanada Attachments Groups Please Teachers Policy Terms Ifyoure Saints Tech Onlineservices Sign Autos Sports
30 Sisters of Our Lady Immaculate, Cambridge, Ontario, Canada
A young
A young contemplative-active community in Canada with Adoration and the Rosary
Navigationshilfet Y
A young contemplative-active community in Canada with Adoration and the Rosary
Navigationshilfet Y
31 Canada: Canada Grand Assembly, Order of the Rainbow for Girls
National-level organization
National-level organization of this society for young women.
Wwwottawaiorgorghttptarlecom Here Httpwwwottawaiorgorgclick
National-level organization of this society for young women.
Wwwottawaiorgorghttptarlecom Here Httpwwwottawaiorgorgclick
32 Sisters of Our Lady Immaculate, Cambridge, Ontario, Canada
A young
A young contemplative-active community in Canada with Adoration and the Rosary
A young contemplative-active community in Canada with Adoration and the Rosary