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Reviews and Comments for Average Joe Blogs

Best entries for Book and Dekker
1 Dekker, M.L.- Dutchmarc
European cars
European cars of the late sixties and personal information are included.
Tripod Create Tripodcom Found Check Please Page Website Couldnt Requested Lycoscom Lycos Errorpagelogin
European cars of the late sixties and personal information are included.
Tripod Create Tripodcom Found Check Please Page Website Couldnt Requested Lycoscom Lycos Errorpagelogin
2 Ancient Egyptian Texts
The writings
The writings of Amduat - The Book of the Secret Chamber, Pyramid Text, The Book of the Dead - The Book of Coming [or Going] Forth By Day, Coffin Text - The Book of Two Ways, and The Book of Caverns. The Book of Gates
Book Egyptian Texts Ancient Kingdom Funerary Crystalinks Egypt Coffin Lost Dynasties Heavenly Dead Civilizations Psychic Litany Heavens Pyramid
The writings of Amduat - The Book of the Secret Chamber, Pyramid Text, The Book of the Dead - The Book of Coming [or Going] Forth By Day, Coffin Text - The Book of Two Ways, and The Book of Caverns. The Book of Gates
Book Egyptian Texts Ancient Kingdom Funerary Crystalinks Egypt Coffin Lost Dynasties Heavenly Dead Civilizations Psychic Litany Heavens Pyramid
3 Is the Book of Mormon really an Ancient Book?
Evidences of
Evidences of the Book of Mormons authenticity.
Book Mormon Egyptian Jerusalem Nibley Nephite Nephi Name Hebrew Works Hugh Collected Alma Vol Christ
Evidences of the Book of Mormons authenticity.
Book Mormon Egyptian Jerusalem Nibley Nephite Nephi Name Hebrew Works Hugh Collected Alma Vol Christ
4 The Book of the Dead
An educational
An educational resource featuring the evolution of Egypts Book of the Dead. See the pages from the book, spells that were used and all the Gods that ruled Egypt.
Business Yahoo Email Plans Small Marketing Ecommerce Local Help App Advisor Hosting Gallery Finance Central Domains Mail Geocities Shut
An educational resource featuring the evolution of Egypts Book of the Dead. See the pages from the book, spells that were used and all the Gods that ruled Egypt.
Business Yahoo Email Plans Small Marketing Ecommerce Local Help App Advisor Hosting Gallery Finance Central Domains Mail Geocities Shut
5 Salt Lake City Messenger - Joseph Smiths Attempt to Save The Book of Mormon: Covering Up the Black Hole In The Book of Mormon
Article on
Article on the 'black hole' in the first part of the Book of Mormon, and concludes that by even LDS definitions there is irrefutable proof that the Book of Mormon is not the ancient text it claims to be.
Xmission Accredited Suitesalt Ssae East Connections South Utah Soc Lakecity Powered Contact Found The
Article on the 'black hole' in the first part of the Book of Mormon, and concludes that by even LDS definitions there is irrefutable proof that the Book of Mormon is not the ancient text it claims to be.
Xmission Accredited Suitesalt Ssae East Connections South Utah Soc Lakecity Powered Contact Found The
6 Olive, Phyllis Carol
Information on
Information on the authors books about the Book of Mormon, downloadable Book of Mormon geography maps, and Lost Lands of the Book of Mormon video.
Z Wwwbookofmormonlandscom Y
Information on the authors books about the Book of Mormon, downloadable Book of Mormon geography maps, and Lost Lands of the Book of Mormon video.
Z Wwwbookofmormonlandscom Y
7 Studies in the Book of Proverbs
An attempt
An attempt to correct basic misunderstandings about the book. Proverbs is a guidebook, describing general rules for living, not a book of promises. Comments on current living in the light of Scripture.
Proverbs Wisdom God Jesus Solomon Christ Lord They Paul Gods Nabal Corinthians Thou Chapter Christians Romans Press
An attempt to correct basic misunderstandings about the book. Proverbs is a guidebook, describing general rules for living, not a book of promises. Comments on current living in the light of Scripture.
Proverbs Wisdom God Jesus Solomon Christ Lord They Paul Gods Nabal Corinthians Thou Chapter Christians Romans Press
8 Listen Quick
Promotes the
Promotes the book 'Listen Quick' published by Lutheran Pastor Dick Bahnson. Describes the book and has several sample pages. An order form may be printed to order the book.
Skin Whiten Naturally Women Whitening Forever Masks Oily Photoshop Leave Colour Secrets Revealed How Popular
Promotes the book 'Listen Quick' published by Lutheran Pastor Dick Bahnson. Describes the book and has several sample pages. An order form may be printed to order the book.
Skin Whiten Naturally Women Whitening Forever Masks Oily Photoshop Leave Colour Secrets Revealed How Popular
9 The Jewish Guide to the Internet
This page
This page complements the book by Diane Romm, the only current directory of Jewish, Hebrew, and Israeli sites in print. It has two sections-a private section where owners of the book can search its entire contents and a public section open to everyone that includes sites noted after the book was published.
Jewish Internet Guidecom Guidey
This page complements the book by Diane Romm, the only current directory of Jewish, Hebrew, and Israeli sites in print. It has two sections-a private section where owners of the book can search its entire contents and a public section open to everyone that includes sites noted after the book was published.
Jewish Internet Guidecom Guidey
10 Chiasmus in the Book of Mormon
An explanation
An explanation of chiasmus and many Book of Mormon examples, maintained by Book of Mormon enthusiast Jeff Lindsay.
Book Mormon Chiasmus Alma Welch Christ Joseph John Mosiah Institute Smith Maxwell Nephi Books Masterpiece Treatment Apparently
An explanation of chiasmus and many Book of Mormon examples, maintained by Book of Mormon enthusiast Jeff Lindsay.
Book Mormon Chiasmus Alma Welch Christ Joseph John Mosiah Institute Smith Maxwell Nephi Books Masterpiece Treatment Apparently
11 Explanation of the Book of Exodus
Answers a
Answers a readers question about what the significance of the book is and the stories in it.
Bible Christ Church Study Testament Software Encampment Scriptures Revelation Say Salvation Family Traditions Questions Resources Jehovahs Valley Heaven Gateway
Answers a readers question about what the significance of the book is and the stories in it.
Bible Christ Church Study Testament Software Encampment Scriptures Revelation Say Salvation Family Traditions Questions Resources Jehovahs Valley Heaven Gateway
12 Christian Book: First Family - Understanding His Roots
Preview of
Preview of book by Rich Mullins.
Bibles Gifts Bible Christian Books Vbs Family Music History Girls Church Kids Dvds Boys New Games Pillows
Preview of book by Rich Mullins.
Bibles Gifts Bible Christian Books Vbs Family Music History Girls Church Kids Dvds Boys New Games Pillows
13 Yoga for Depression
A book
A book by Amy Weintraub to be published in 2004. Includes excerpts from the book.
Yoga Research Lifeforce Depression Events Practitioner Anxiety Training Audio Health Latest Design Books Media Video Addiction Researchers Studies
A book by Amy Weintraub to be published in 2004. Includes excerpts from the book.
Yoga Research Lifeforce Depression Events Practitioner Anxiety Training Audio Health Latest Design Books Media Video Addiction Researchers Studies
14 Coloring Book - Magic Mandala
Information about
Information about a book written by Martha Bartfield.
Information about a book written by Martha Bartfield.
15 The One Year Book of Saints: St. John Berchmans
Biography, from
Biography, from the book by Clifford Stevens.
Biography, from the book by Clifford Stevens.
16 The Uncommon Wisdom of JFK
Describes a
Describes a new book about President Kennedy. Book includes a DVD.
News Recap Celebrity Contest Watch Comedian Break Katie Holmes Help Recaps Northwest Patriots Suggestive Shop Write Season Found You Espn Bigfoot
Describes a new book about President Kennedy. Book includes a DVD.
News Recap Celebrity Contest Watch Comedian Break Katie Holmes Help Recaps Northwest Patriots Suggestive Shop Write Season Found You Espn Bigfoot
17 My Prayer Book
An E-Book
An E-Book for Windows, that contains prayers for daily Christian living.
Z Request Y
An E-Book for Windows, that contains prayers for daily Christian living.
Z Request Y
18 Saint Aidan
Biographical portrait
Biographical portrait, from the book 'A Little Book of Celtic Saints' by Martin Wallace.
Aidan Saint Celtic Oswin Lindisfarne Oswald Northumbria Firefox History Little Iona Bamburgh Paulinus During Features Religion Bede Culture
Biographical portrait, from the book 'A Little Book of Celtic Saints' by Martin Wallace.
Aidan Saint Celtic Oswin Lindisfarne Oswald Northumbria Firefox History Little Iona Bamburgh Paulinus During Features Religion Bede Culture
19 Cauthen, Katie
Personal information
Personal information, book recommendations, pictures, links and a guest book.
Yahoo Business Email Plans Marketing Small Ecommerce App Advisor Gallery Hosting Local Help Screen Domains Network New Style
Personal information, book recommendations, pictures, links and a guest book.
Yahoo Business Email Plans Marketing Small Ecommerce App Advisor Gallery Hosting Local Help Screen Domains Network New Style
20 One Year Book of Saints: St. Margaret Clitherow
Short biography
Short biography, from a book by Clifford Stevens.
Short biography, from a book by Clifford Stevens.
21 book review: fatal freedom
the book
the book defends autonomy and liberty by speaking out for the right to suicide.
Szasz Thomas Copyright Foundation Freedom Ross Liberty_ Introduction Review Debates Fatal Economic Levatter Levaters Education
the book defends autonomy and liberty by speaking out for the right to suicide.
Szasz Thomas Copyright Foundation Freedom Ross Liberty_ Introduction Review Debates Fatal Economic Levatter Levaters Education
22 You Wouldnt Want to be A Roman Gladiator
A web
A web book with interactive graphics and information in comic book form..
Gladiator Web Booky
A web book with interactive graphics and information in comic book form..
Gladiator Web Booky
23 One Year Book of Saints
Short biography
Short biography of Bl. Thomas Sherwood, from the book by Clifford Stevens.
Thomas Sherwood Television Blessed Catholics Tower Lady Catholic England Year Mass EspaÑol Tregonwell Road Gallery Catalogue Taken
Short biography of Bl. Thomas Sherwood, from the book by Clifford Stevens.
Thomas Sherwood Television Blessed Catholics Tower Lady Catholic England Year Mass EspaÑol Tregonwell Road Gallery Catalogue Taken
24 Gardnerian Book of Shadows, The
Text only
Text only copy of the book as written by Gardner. Includes all known chapters.
Rituals Sabbat Initiation Degree Eve Book Shadows Casting Charge Equinox Gardnerian Eightfold Wine Third Circle First Procedure
Text only copy of the book as written by Gardner. Includes all known chapters.
Rituals Sabbat Initiation Degree Eve Book Shadows Casting Charge Equinox Gardnerian Eightfold Wine Third Circle First Procedure
25 Book of the Unnaturals
Hamilton Jackson
Hamilton Jackson, Keeper of the Book, is your online guide to tales of the paranormal.
Book Ghosts Demons Tales Unnaturals Guide Vampires Edition Internet Paranormal Keeper Jackson Hamilton Ancient Igw Mystery Folktales Old Pictures
Hamilton Jackson, Keeper of the Book, is your online guide to tales of the paranormal.
Book Ghosts Demons Tales Unnaturals Guide Vampires Edition Internet Paranormal Keeper Jackson Hamilton Ancient Igw Mystery Folktales Old Pictures
26 Presence - The book
Offering excerpts
Offering excerpts from a book that tries to define existence through experimential exploration of the functioning of consciousness.
Book Mind Experiential Books Source Existence Christianity Code Australian Consciousness Those Experience Page Information Consciousness_ Self Created Essential Confusing Manipulatedor Insideout
Offering excerpts from a book that tries to define existence through experimential exploration of the functioning of consciousness.
Book Mind Experiential Books Source Existence Christianity Code Australian Consciousness Those Experience Page Information Consciousness_ Self Created Essential Confusing Manipulatedor Insideout
27 God Against Us
Free e-book
Free e-book interpreting such events as 9/11 as being predicted in the book of Revelation. Requires Microsoft Reader software.
Image Repeat Fairy World Alien Dead White Throne Stone Great Secret Earth Judgment Doll Jesus Knife Wielding Rapture
Free e-book interpreting such events as 9/11 as being predicted in the book of Revelation. Requires Microsoft Reader software.
Image Repeat Fairy World Alien Dead White Throne Stone Great Secret Earth Judgment Doll Jesus Knife Wielding Rapture
28 Memory, Trauma Treatment, and the Law
Book review
Book review by Helen McGonigle of the book by Brown, Sheflin and Hammond.
Book review by Helen McGonigle of the book by Brown, Sheflin and Hammond.
29 Shoemaker and the Elves
An online
An online childrens book with animation and links to games and coloring book downloads.
Halloween Articles Elves Shoemaker Webisodes Money Boo Story Readwwwlogographcom Greetings Original Kidoons Video
An online childrens book with animation and links to games and coloring book downloads.
Halloween Articles Elves Shoemaker Webisodes Money Boo Story Readwwwlogographcom Greetings Original Kidoons Video
30 One Year Book of Saints: St. Rose Philippine Duchesne
Short biography
Short biography, from the book by Clifford Stevens.
Philippine Rose Visitation Duchesne Heart Revolution Television United Year States Order Lord Charles Missouri Society Pittsburgh
Short biography, from the book by Clifford Stevens.
Philippine Rose Visitation Duchesne Heart Revolution Television United Year States Order Lord Charles Missouri Society Pittsburgh
31 Wuthering Bites
Discriminating book
Discriminating book reviews for book clubs plus literary-inspired recipes and menus.
Discriminating book reviews for book clubs plus literary-inspired recipes and menus.
32 Before Jerusalem Fell
E-text of
E-text of book by Kenneth Gentry defending an early pre-70 A.D. dating of the book [HTML, PDF].
Revelation Book Jerusalem Ad Before Fell Revelations Html Gentry Download Cover Description_ File Thd_ Gentrys Jewish
E-text of book by Kenneth Gentry defending an early pre-70 A.D. dating of the book [HTML, PDF].
Revelation Book Jerusalem Ad Before Fell Revelations Html Gentry Download Cover Description_ File Thd_ Gentrys Jewish