Wangkami Yapakurlangu
Experience Ethnicity Indigenous
From Yuendumu, a town of over 1000 tribal indigenous people, 300 kms north west of Alice Springs. Information about Broadcasting In Remote Aboriginal Communities Scheme, the documentary 'Bush Mechanics', local artists, a brief history, photos and maps of the area.
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Ethnicity Indigenous People Australian Aboriginals Communities
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1 Indigenous Australia
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4 Sawols: Catalog of Art from Indigenous Groups of California
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5 Manitoba Aboriginal Sport & Recreation Council
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Aboriginal Indigenous Hockey Sport Team Coaching Games Nahc Manitoba Recreation Masrc Tournament Minor Game Module Final Badmintonbaseball
6 Native American Support Group of New York City
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Indigenous activist and Native American and Alaskan Native resource links. Current projects include international indigenous, and Puerto Rican native issues. Searchable.
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7 The Custody of Indigenous Youth and Young Men, A Rite of Passage?
Diversionary Programs
Diversionary Programs (Strategies) For Youth and Other Offenders. Issues related to Indigenous social and community factors related to offending and custody in the Northern Territory of Australia, Canada and Alaska.
Diversionary Programs (Strategies) For Youth and Other Offenders. Issues related to Indigenous social and community factors related to offending and custody in the Northern Territory of Australia, Canada and Alaska.
8 Africas Science and Indigenous Knowledge Systems
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Perspectives on Africas indigenous knowledge systems, with extracts from scholarly works in different disciplines.
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Perspectives on Africas indigenous knowledge systems, with extracts from scholarly works in different disciplines.
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9 Joseph Palacios Feature Address at the Second Gathering of Indigenous People
A full-text
A full-text of Dr. Palacios address to the delegates of the Second Gathering of Indigenous People of the Caribbean, held in Trinidad and Tobago in 1993 under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture.
Trinidad Carib Tobago Santa Community Rosa Arima Here Click Redirect Caribbean Arawaks Close Ethnography Amerindian
A full-text of Dr. Palacios address to the delegates of the Second Gathering of Indigenous People of the Caribbean, held in Trinidad and Tobago in 1993 under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture.
Trinidad Carib Tobago Santa Community Rosa Arima Here Click Redirect Caribbean Arawaks Close Ethnography Amerindian
10 world singles
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offers member profiles by region, ethnicity and religion.
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offers member profiles by region, ethnicity and religion.
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11 Archives of the Newsgroup
Searchable by
Searchable by region and ethnicity, course, ingredient, and holiday, including reviews of cookbooks and words of wisdom.
Pesach Rfcj Archives Newsgroup Kosher Recfoodcuisinejewish Welcome Hiller Friendly Vegetarian Format Jewish Cakesandpies Printer Fish Cholent Cycle
Searchable by region and ethnicity, course, ingredient, and holiday, including reviews of cookbooks and words of wisdom.
Pesach Rfcj Archives Newsgroup Kosher Recfoodcuisinejewish Welcome Hiller Friendly Vegetarian Format Jewish Cakesandpies Printer Fish Cholent Cycle
12 Archives of the Newsgroup
Searchable by
Searchable by region and ethnicity, course, ingredient, and holiday, including reviews of cookbooks and words of wisdom.
Pesach Rfcj Archives Newsgroup Printer Welcome Recfoodcuisinejewish Cakesandpies Fish Hiller Mimis Format Jewish Friendly Kosher Bibliography Hanukkah Appetizers
Searchable by region and ethnicity, course, ingredient, and holiday, including reviews of cookbooks and words of wisdom.
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13 Women Doing Time
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U.S. female prisoners seeking correspondence. Ads and photos provided, search by state, age, ethnicity, or sexual preference. Donation required for addresses.
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U.S. female prisoners seeking correspondence. Ads and photos provided, search by state, age, ethnicity, or sexual preference. Donation required for addresses.
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14 Race/Ethnicity and HIV/AIDS
Resources related
Resources related to HIV and US Blacks as well as other AIDS issues for people of color, from The Body.
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Resources related to HIV and US Blacks as well as other AIDS issues for people of color, from The Body.
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15 Islam and Communism: Tajikistan in Transition
A paper
A paper by Iraj Bashiri, discusses Tajik identity, ethnicity, ideology, and the influence of Islam.
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A paper by Iraj Bashiri, discusses Tajik identity, ethnicity, ideology, and the influence of Islam.
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16 The Tajikistan Update
Information concerning
Information concerning Central Asia and Tajikistan culture, language, and ethnicity including news, articles, maps, discussion lists, chat rooms, and homepages.
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Information concerning Central Asia and Tajikistan culture, language, and ethnicity including news, articles, maps, discussion lists, chat rooms, and homepages.
Results Tajikistan Language Jews Crimean Ethnic Tatars Tajik Living Tajiks Center Music Bukharianjewscom Biography Uzbek Eco Armenian Turkmen Kyrgyz Bukhara
17 fueling bigotry
reports on
reports on crimes committed after september 11 that are possibly related to ethnicity or religion, and pointing out the special responsibility of political leaders to fight stereotyping and bigotry.
News Dc Washington Politics World Benghazi Post Business Sports Erik Digital Guide Says Cup Going High Profile Transformers Knighthood Environment
reports on crimes committed after september 11 that are possibly related to ethnicity or religion, and pointing out the special responsibility of political leaders to fight stereotyping and bigotry.
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18 Distant Cousins
Help for
Help for amateur genealogists. Many links, books, offline resources, and personal homepages. General resources and resources organized by ethnicity and country of origin.
County Directory Cemetery City Obituaries York New Roster History Monmouth Directories Ohio Nj Volunteer Business Alumni Indiana
Help for amateur genealogists. Many links, books, offline resources, and personal homepages. General resources and resources organized by ethnicity and country of origin.
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19 star-ledger: wtc probers pay attention to race
new jersey
new jersey attorney general john farmer jr. said that as part of the investigation into the world trade center attacks, police may have to stop, question and scrutinize new jerseyans who look middle eastern, solely because of their ethnicity.
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new jersey attorney general john farmer jr. said that as part of the investigation into the world trade center attacks, police may have to stop, question and scrutinize new jerseyans who look middle eastern, solely because of their ethnicity.
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Software packages
Software packages for archiving and teaching indigenous languages.
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21 The Native American Village
Indigenous articles
Indigenous articles, news, and links.
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Indigenous articles, news, and links.
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22 Talking Circle
Progressive messageboard
Progressive messageboard focused on indigenous rights and sovereignty.
Yahoo Groups Talking Help Circle Lists Group Sharing Please Mailing Forum Free File Photo Community Flickr Inc Weather Onlineservices
Progressive messageboard focused on indigenous rights and sovereignty.
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23 gangs or us
primer on
primer on identifying street and prison gangs by former law enforcement officer robert walker. site explains gang culture, slang, graffiti and initiations. it provides background information on regional and race/ethnicity/gender-based gangs.
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primer on identifying street and prison gangs by former law enforcement officer robert walker. site explains gang culture, slang, graffiti and initiations. it provides background information on regional and race/ethnicity/gender-based gangs.
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24 gangs or us
primer on
primer on identifying street and prison gangs by former law enforcement officer robert walker. site explains gang culture, slang, graffiti and initiations. it provides background information on regional and race/ethnicity/gender-based gangs.
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primer on identifying street and prison gangs by former law enforcement officer robert walker. site explains gang culture, slang, graffiti and initiations. it provides background information on regional and race/ethnicity/gender-based gangs.
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25 Gangs Or Us
Primer on
Primer on identifying street and prison gangs by former law enforcement officer Robert Walker. Site explains gang culture, slang, graffiti and initiations. It provides background information on regional and race/ethnicity/gender-based gangs.
Gangs Gang Street Prison Identification Sets Design Nations Visitors Posses Crips Called Topics Bloods Walker
Primer on identifying street and prison gangs by former law enforcement officer Robert Walker. Site explains gang culture, slang, graffiti and initiations. It provides background information on regional and race/ethnicity/gender-based gangs.
Gangs Gang Street Prison Identification Sets Design Nations Visitors Posses Crips Called Topics Bloods Walker
26 Gangs Or Us
Primer on
Primer on identifying street and prison gangs by former law enforcement officer Robert Walker. Site explains gang culture, slang, graffiti and initiations. It provides background information on regional and race/ethnicity/gender-based gangs.
Domain Hosting Web Marketing Network Solutions Services Names Registration Website Innovative Helps And Place Y
Primer on identifying street and prison gangs by former law enforcement officer Robert Walker. Site explains gang culture, slang, graffiti and initiations. It provides background information on regional and race/ethnicity/gender-based gangs.
Domain Hosting Web Marketing Network Solutions Services Names Registration Website Innovative Helps And Place Y
27 gangs or us
primer on
primer on identifying street and prison gangs by former law enforcement officer robert walker. site explains gang culture, slang, graffiti and initiations. it provides background information on regional and race/ethnicity/gender-based gangs.
Domain Hosting Network Web Marketing Solutions Services Names Registration Website Go Grow Namenetsol
primer on identifying street and prison gangs by former law enforcement officer robert walker. site explains gang culture, slang, graffiti and initiations. it provides background information on regional and race/ethnicity/gender-based gangs.
Domain Hosting Network Web Marketing Solutions Services Names Registration Website Go Grow Namenetsol
28 Aboriginal Links International
A directory
A directory of sites related to indigenous people around the world.
Indigenous Rights International Peoples Human Law Aboriginal Resources America Environmental Native Maori Network Library Page Maya Aztec Inca
A directory of sites related to indigenous people around the world.
Indigenous Rights International Peoples Human Law Aboriginal Resources America Environmental Native Maori Network Library Page Maya Aztec Inca
29 The Fire This Time
Examining the
Examining the cultural/political links between black and indigenous Americans.
Fire Dub Warrior Aboriginal Raging Prisoners Assatasardinha Agarland Reservation Saptal Fbio Shakur Black
Examining the cultural/political links between black and indigenous Americans.
Fire Dub Warrior Aboriginal Raging Prisoners Assatasardinha Agarland Reservation Saptal Fbio Shakur Black
30 check other american
movement to
movement to wipe out preferences based on race or ethnicity. it urges people to check the other box when fillining out census and other polls which ask race/etnicity questions an to write in american.
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movement to wipe out preferences based on race or ethnicity. it urges people to check the other box when fillining out census and other polls which ask race/etnicity questions an to write in american.
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31 Indian Trader
Newspaper with
Newspaper with event and lifestyle information for the indigenous peoples of the United States.
American Native Turquoise Information Jewelry Indian Historical Silver Beadwork Favorite Textiles Trader Indianvillage Shopping Month Co Members Products
Newspaper with event and lifestyle information for the indigenous peoples of the United States.
American Native Turquoise Information Jewelry Indian Historical Silver Beadwork Favorite Textiles Trader Indianvillage Shopping Month Co Members Products
32 Indian Occupation of Mother Bedford
History of
History of indigenous peoples of south central Pennsylvania.
Indian Occupation American North Continent Bedford Susquehannock Paleo Tribe Iroquois Pennsylvania Mother Indian_ Asian Other European Age
History of indigenous peoples of south central Pennsylvania.
Indian Occupation American North Continent Bedford Susquehannock Paleo Tribe Iroquois Pennsylvania Mother Indian_ Asian Other European Age