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Ethnicity African African-American News And Media Magazines

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Best entries for Ethnicity and African

1 The Internet African American History Interactive quizzes
Interactive quizzes test visitors knowledge of African-American history. Site offers profiles of Frederick Douglass, Harriet Tubman and other prominent African Americans.
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2 The Internet African American History Interactive quizzes
Interactive quizzes test visitors knowledge of African-American history. Site offers profiles of Frederick Douglass, Harriet Tubman and other prominent African Americans.
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3 Rethinking the Nature and Tasks of African-American Theology Anthony B.
Anthony B. Pinn of Macalester College provides scholarly examples of how hoodoo and other African-based religious practices form a 'second stream' within African-American Christianity, forcing a recognition of theological complexity beyond the merely folkloric or religio-magical orientation of conjure.
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offers member profiles by region, ethnicity and religion.
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5 Afronet Afronet is
Afronet is an African American portal site that provides current information about the African American and African experience
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6 African Americans in the Military Look at
Look at photos of African Americans in the military, read about the Tuskegee Airmen, the buffalo soldiers, the Harlem Hellfighters, a female buffalo soldier, and the integration of African Americans in the army.
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7 African Village Directory of
Directory of African-owned businesses in the United States, mainly in Texas.
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8 NeoBlack.Com News and
News and information for African-Americans and all people of African descent.
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9 African Descendants Webring Linking websites
Linking websites and people of African Descent.
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10 The King of the African Jungle An African
An African comical animal tale.
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11 Footsteps African American History A magazine
A magazine that celebrates the heritage of African Americans and explores their contributions to our culture.
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12 The Lives of African American Mormons Senior paper
Senior paper taking a historical look various African Americans with respect to the Church.
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13 L&S Video Best known
Best known for its African-American Artists Series of documentaries on the most important African-Americans in both art history and in the contemporary art scene.
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14 Church of the Seven African Powers Guidance for
Guidance for those who seek spiritual light through the Mysteries of African deities. Includes pages on most of the principal Orishas.
15 BlackPressUSA Provides news
Provides news and political events concerning African Americans. Additionally, provides resources and contact information about African American media outlets.
Black Politics National Entertainment Sports Religion Op Press Ed African Blackpressusa News Health History World People Scorecard
16 African Voices African-American quarterly
African-American quarterly literary magazine published by a not-for-profit cultural arts organization which also sponsors related events.
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17 Archives of the Newsgroup Searchable by
Searchable by region and ethnicity, course, ingredient, and holiday, including reviews of cookbooks and words of wisdom.
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18 Archives of the Newsgroup Searchable by
Searchable by region and ethnicity, course, ingredient, and holiday, including reviews of cookbooks and words of wisdom.
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19 Women Doing Time U.S. female
U.S. female prisoners seeking correspondence. Ads and photos provided, search by state, age, ethnicity, or sexual preference. Donation required for addresses.
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20 Race/Ethnicity and HIV/AIDS Resources related
Resources related to HIV and US Blacks as well as other AIDS issues for people of color, from The Body.
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21 african american environmentalist association dedicated to
dedicated to providing energy and environmental information and educating the african american community.
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22 African Books Collective African-British based
African-British based, non-profit organisation that distributes & markets books from particular publishers in Africa.
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23 African American Soul Planet Travel African American
African American history tours to black Paris, Senegal, and Caribbean Islands
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24 The Name Site Lists African
Lists African names with meanings, ethnic origins and pronunciation. Includes African proverbs and ethnic greeting cards.
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25 A.M.E. Today A contemporary
A contemporary look at the African Methodist Episcopal (A.M.E.) Church, the largest of the historically African American Methodist denominations in the United States.
26 Maimouna Keita School of African Dance NYC based
NYC based company that offers West African dance workshops, events and performances
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27 African Initiated Churches The history
The history, theology, mission methods and social significance of churches established as a result of African initiative.
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28 Yahoo Groups: Disabled African Americans A place
A place for single African Americans to find love and friendship.
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29 African Philosophy of History in the Oral Tradition Account of
Account of the view of history contained in the sayings of various African peoples.
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30 February is Black History Month A list
A list of links you can explore about the preservation of African and African-American history.
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31 African-Americans in WW II Photo gallery
Photo gallery highlights the contributions of African-Americans in the segregated armed forces. Offers captions and image details.
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32 Terminator technology threatening African farmers rights Article in
Article in Afrol News on the possible effects of the terminator gene on southern African agriculture.
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