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Best entries for Health and Disease
1 epihealth associates
environmental health
environmental health, public health and infectious disease epidemiological investigation and litigation support services. based in maryland.
Food Safety Health Consulting Crisis Public Packaging Services Legal Management Support Group Inspections Litigation Witness
environmental health, public health and infectious disease epidemiological investigation and litigation support services. based in maryland.
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2 insecticide causes mad cow disease
research that
research that shows insecticide used in the uk government warble-fly campaigns triggered the uk surge of mad cow disease. latest experiments by cambridge university prion specialist david r. brown shows that prions in the bovine spine can be damaged by organophosphate insecticides causing the disease. optimal wellness center news.
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research that shows insecticide used in the uk government warble-fly campaigns triggered the uk surge of mad cow disease. latest experiments by cambridge university prion specialist david r. brown shows that prions in the bovine spine can be damaged by organophosphate insecticides causing the disease. optimal wellness center news.
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3 Help Joyce Live
Requesting donations
Requesting donations for woman with ALS, otherwise known as Lou Gehrigs disease. In just three years, the disease has taken away her ability to move, talk, and breath on her own.
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Requesting donations for woman with ALS, otherwise known as Lou Gehrigs disease. In just three years, the disease has taken away her ability to move, talk, and breath on her own.
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4 BMJ -- Smoking in public should be restricted.
'Smoking in
'Smoking in public places should be restricted on the grounds of public health, concludes the report of the Scientific Committee on Tobacco and Health--a group of independent scientific experts. Passive smoking causes lung cancer and ischaemic heart disease.'
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'Smoking in public places should be restricted on the grounds of public health, concludes the report of the Scientific Committee on Tobacco and Health--a group of independent scientific experts. Passive smoking causes lung cancer and ischaemic heart disease.'
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Personal health tips, cooking recipes, tips on dealing with Crohs disease, family trees and links.
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Personal health tips, cooking recipes, tips on dealing with Crohs disease, family trees and links.
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6 anthrax: separating fear from fact
tells about
tells about recent cases of the disease. also includes a chemical and biological weapons experts answers to common questions about the disease. from time magazine.
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tells about recent cases of the disease. also includes a chemical and biological weapons experts answers to common questions about the disease. from time magazine.
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7 Fluoride and Fluoridated Waters Link to Thyroid Disease
Article generally
Article generally reporting on one particular negative health effect of adding fluoride to water.
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Article generally reporting on one particular negative health effect of adding fluoride to water.
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8 Hippocrates Health Institute
Committed to
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Committed to fostering a natural lifestyle complemented by enzyme-rich, living-foods vegetarian cuisine and enhanced immunity to disease through positive thinking. Located in West Palm Beach, Florida.
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9 hendler law firm
represents victims
represents victims of asbestos-related disease. includes faq, newsletters, and medical information about asbestos-related disease.
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represents victims of asbestos-related disease. includes faq, newsletters, and medical information about asbestos-related disease.
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10 Travellers are the Unhealthiest People in Britain
News brief
News brief describes how the population is more likely to suffer from general poor health, including chest infections, heart disease, accidents, and conditions linked to poor sanitation. British Medical Journal.
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News brief describes how the population is more likely to suffer from general poor health, including chest infections, heart disease, accidents, and conditions linked to poor sanitation. British Medical Journal.
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11 Commonwealth Medical Association Trust (COMMAT)
Independent organization
Independent organization promoting health, the prevention of disease and disability, and the advancement of human rights and medical ethics, particularly in developing countries. Includes news, meeting schedule, members area, bulletins, and contacts.
Independent organization promoting health, the prevention of disease and disability, and the advancement of human rights and medical ethics, particularly in developing countries. Includes news, meeting schedule, members area, bulletins, and contacts.
12 Commonwealth Medical Association Trust (COMMAT)
Independent organization
Independent organization promoting health, the prevention of disease and disability, and the advancement of human rights and medical ethics, particularly in developing countries. Includes news, meeting schedule, members area, bulletins, and contacts.
Independent organization promoting health, the prevention of disease and disability, and the advancement of human rights and medical ethics, particularly in developing countries. Includes news, meeting schedule, members area, bulletins, and contacts.
13 Commonwealth Medical Association Trust (COMMAT)
Independent organization
Independent organization promoting health, the prevention of disease and disability, and the advancement of human rights and medical ethics, particularly in developing countries. Includes news, meeting schedule, members area, bulletins, and contacts.
Ngos Beyond Under Icpd Commatorg Google+ Actionpoa Wchmedicaltrust Square Ngosbeyond General Tavistock Population Developmenticpd
Independent organization promoting health, the prevention of disease and disability, and the advancement of human rights and medical ethics, particularly in developing countries. Includes news, meeting schedule, members area, bulletins, and contacts.
Ngos Beyond Under Icpd Commatorg Google+ Actionpoa Wchmedicaltrust Square Ngosbeyond General Tavistock Population Developmenticpd
14 Commonwealth Medical Association Trust (COMMAT)
Independent organization
Independent organization promoting health, the prevention of disease and disability, and the advancement of human rights and medical ethics, particularly in developing countries. Includes news, meeting schedule, members area, bulletins, and contacts.
Independent organization promoting health, the prevention of disease and disability, and the advancement of human rights and medical ethics, particularly in developing countries. Includes news, meeting schedule, members area, bulletins, and contacts.
15 Health of the Nations
Health related
Health related issues, and how physical health affects mental and spiritual health are covered in this booklet.
Health related issues, and how physical health affects mental and spiritual health are covered in this booklet.
16 foot and mouth disease petition
background information
background information and petition for a us policy for vaccination for foot and mouth disease.
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background information and petition for a us policy for vaccination for foot and mouth disease.
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17 The Health Care Blog
Musings about
Musings about the goings-on in American health care from a general health care consultant. Topics can include policy, health insurers, technology and eHealth, physicians, pharma and anything else that grips the authors fancy.
Health Permalink Continue Care Thcb Reading Medical Blog Meaningful Healthcare Patient Doctors Ehr California Reform Game Changing Multi Layered How Shortage
Musings about the goings-on in American health care from a general health care consultant. Topics can include policy, health insurers, technology and eHealth, physicians, pharma and anything else that grips the authors fancy.
Health Permalink Continue Care Thcb Reading Medical Blog Meaningful Healthcare Patient Doctors Ehr California Reform Game Changing Multi Layered How Shortage
18 Ward Health Strategies
Communications firm
Communications firm with a focus on health care issues. Site includes several free health-related e-newsletters.
Health Ward Global Author Publications Articles Published Christopher Disease Burden Lott Steven Canada Turkey Healthcare Drive Professionals
Communications firm with a focus on health care issues. Site includes several free health-related e-newsletters.
Health Ward Global Author Publications Articles Published Christopher Disease Burden Lott Steven Canada Turkey Healthcare Drive Professionals
19 Health Education Resources
Educational materials
Educational materials for health presentations and the Health Expo.
Health Expo Cart Expos Products Account Add Resources Delivery Options Contact Education Talks Software Email Prioritymail® Ireland
Educational materials for health presentations and the Health Expo.
Health Expo Cart Expos Products Account Add Resources Delivery Options Contact Education Talks Software Email Prioritymail® Ireland
20 Alternative Mental
Alternative Mental
Alternative Mental is a guide to alternative mental health(non-psychiatric, health-oriented). The site features a directory of practitioners, organizations and experts from several countries.
Mental Health Alternative Articles Bookstore Harbor Safe Testimonials Events Listserv Rights Psychiatry Organizations Store Practitioner Directory Nutrition Archives Schizophrenia
Alternative Mental is a guide to alternative mental health(non-psychiatric, health-oriented). The site features a directory of practitioners, organizations and experts from several countries.
Mental Health Alternative Articles Bookstore Harbor Safe Testimonials Events Listserv Rights Psychiatry Organizations Store Practitioner Directory Nutrition Archives Schizophrenia
21 National Health Observation and Recognition Dates
Includes dates
Includes dates designated by government, health organizations, and medical professions to recognize or increase awareness or appreciation for certain professionals, illnesses or health prevention efforts.
Includes dates designated by government, health organizations, and medical professions to recognize or increase awareness or appreciation for certain professionals, illnesses or health prevention efforts.
22 cqs health and environment
health alert
health alert and toxic alert information about health, fitness, and the environment and their intimate connection. activist groups site. some alternative views on hiv and aids.
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health alert and toxic alert information about health, fitness, and the environment and their intimate connection. activist groups site. some alternative views on hiv and aids.
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23 cqs health and environment
provider of
provider of health alert and toxic alert information about health, fitness, and the environment. national activist groups site. some alternative views on hiv and aids.
Error Providerforcontactpage Displayed Please Cannot
provider of health alert and toxic alert information about health, fitness, and the environment. national activist groups site. some alternative views on hiv and aids.
Error Providerforcontactpage Displayed Please Cannot
24 Mountain State Physicians for a National Health Program (PNHP)
The West
The West Virginia chapter of Physicans for a National Health Program, working to reform health care policy in the United States.
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The West Virginia chapter of Physicans for a National Health Program, working to reform health care policy in the United States.
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25 Good News 4 Health
A non-denominational
A non-denominational, Bible-based workbook designed to give Christians the spiritual strength necessary for health and healing. The site offers current health news and information, cultural updates, provocative thought, and contemporary news.
Navigationshilfe Ty
A non-denominational, Bible-based workbook designed to give Christians the spiritual strength necessary for health and healing. The site offers current health news and information, cultural updates, provocative thought, and contemporary news.
Navigationshilfe Ty
26 Issues in Health Care
A guide
A guide to health-care related issues including medical ethics, health policy reform, and other topics.
Yahoo Geocities Sign Policy Copyright Help Privacy Sites Popular Archiveorg Visit Longeravailableterms User
A guide to health-care related issues including medical ethics, health policy reform, and other topics.
Yahoo Geocities Sign Policy Copyright Help Privacy Sites Popular Archiveorg Visit Longeravailableterms User
27 Nganampa Health Council
An Anangu
An Anangu community controlled health organisation providing primary health care services to all the people living on the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Lands. Features information about services available, location and contact details, reports, and news.
Health Nganampa Pukatja Dental Council Aboriginal Lands Springs Officers Alice Medical Anangu Nurses Yankunytjatjara Pitjantjatjara Care Controlled
An Anangu community controlled health organisation providing primary health care services to all the people living on the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Lands. Features information about services available, location and contact details, reports, and news.
Health Nganampa Pukatja Dental Council Aboriginal Lands Springs Officers Alice Medical Anangu Nurses Yankunytjatjara Pitjantjatjara Care Controlled
28 Nganampa Health Council
An Anangu
An Anangu community controlled health organisation providing primary health care services to all the people living on the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Lands. Features information about services available, location and contact details, reports, and news.
Health Nganampa Pukatja Dental Council Aboriginal Lands Springs Anangu Pitjantjatjara Nurses Yankunytjatjara Alice Medical Officers Landsread Controlled Vehicle Plan
An Anangu community controlled health organisation providing primary health care services to all the people living on the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Lands. Features information about services available, location and contact details, reports, and news.
Health Nganampa Pukatja Dental Council Aboriginal Lands Springs Anangu Pitjantjatjara Nurses Yankunytjatjara Alice Medical Officers Landsread Controlled Vehicle Plan
29 Nganampa Health Council
An Anangu
An Anangu community controlled health organisation providing primary health care services to all the people living on the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Lands. Features information about services available, location and contact details, reports, and news.
An Anangu community controlled health organisation providing primary health care services to all the people living on the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Lands. Features information about services available, location and contact details, reports, and news.
30 Alan Katz Health Insurance Blog
A blog
A blog for health insurance agents and others written by Alan Katz concerning health care reform and other health insurance related issues
Health Care Reform Zenefits Insurance Brokers Nextagency Technology Act Affordable Agents Benefit Co Resources Million Op Year Tech Yesterdays Democratic Healthcare
A blog for health insurance agents and others written by Alan Katz concerning health care reform and other health insurance related issues
Health Care Reform Zenefits Insurance Brokers Nextagency Technology Act Affordable Agents Benefit Co Resources Million Op Year Tech Yesterdays Democratic Healthcare
31 Origin of Disease and Medicine
A traditional
A traditional Tsalagi folktale.
Deer Bears Cherokee Bear Grubworm Medicine Little Disease They Squirrel Powersource Front Origin Page Messenger
A traditional Tsalagi folktale.
Deer Bears Cherokee Bear Grubworm Medicine Little Disease They Squirrel Powersource Front Origin Page Messenger
32 Gypsy Mothers and the Hungarian Health Care System
Mária Neményi
Mária Neményi argues that cultural differences between health care providers and traditional Roma affect the quality of the Hungarian health care system. Published in the Patrin Web Journal.
Yahoo Business Email Plans Marketing Ecommerce Small Gallery Local App Hosting Help Advisor Geocities Privacy User Program
Mária Neményi argues that cultural differences between health care providers and traditional Roma affect the quality of the Hungarian health care system. Published in the Patrin Web Journal.
Yahoo Business Email Plans Marketing Ecommerce Small Gallery Local App Hosting Help Advisor Geocities Privacy User Program