College Hoops
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Best entries for League and Basketball
1 Womens Blue Chip Basketball League
The Women’s
The Women’s Blue-Chip Basketball League (WBCBL) is a new Semi-Professional league for women basketball players seeking to play Professionally.
Wbcbl Basketball Free Honored League South Womens Combine Agent Conda Chip Trailblazers Carolina Blue Invasion Women Color Bracket Missedall Sbl Partnership
The Women’s Blue-Chip Basketball League (WBCBL) is a new Semi-Professional league for women basketball players seeking to play Professionally.
Wbcbl Basketball Free Honored League South Womens Combine Agent Conda Chip Trailblazers Carolina Blue Invasion Women Color Bracket Missedall Sbl Partnership
2 All-Star Basketball League
A non-profit
A non-profit league that offers competitive basketball for boys & girls grades 3 –12 in the Phoenix and Scottsdale area.
Navigationshilfe Ty
A non-profit league that offers competitive basketball for boys & girls grades 3 –12 in the Phoenix and Scottsdale area.
Navigationshilfe Ty
3 Australia Womens National Basketball League
Information about
Information about Australias professional womens basketball league -- news, results, standings.
Wnbl Results Players League Ladder Stats Teams Fixtures News Contacts Boomers Life Melbourne Australia Tickets Media Rangers Lynx
Information about Australias professional womens basketball league -- news, results, standings.
Wnbl Results Players League Ladder Stats Teams Fixtures News Contacts Boomers Life Melbourne Australia Tickets Media Rangers Lynx
4 Narberth Girls Basketball League
Standings, scores
Standings, scores, schedules, and rosters for a competitive girls basketball league in the Philadelphia area.
League Senior Scores Rosters Junior Freshman Schedule Sponsors Championship Game Photos Friel Registration Standings
Standings, scores, schedules, and rosters for a competitive girls basketball league in the Philadelphia area.
League Senior Scores Rosters Junior Freshman Schedule Sponsors Championship Game Photos Friel Registration Standings
5 St. Louis Basketball Academy
The St.
The St. Louis Basketball Academy offers youth and high school basketball leagues, a basketball Club, individual and group basketball training, and the Earl Austin Jr. High School Evaluation League.
Louis Academy Basketball Registration Teams Content Rental News Main Calendar Club Training Train We Themes Team Coach We Saint
The St. Louis Basketball Academy offers youth and high school basketball leagues, a basketball Club, individual and group basketball training, and the Earl Austin Jr. High School Evaluation League.
Louis Academy Basketball Registration Teams Content Rental News Main Calendar Club Training Train We Themes Team Coach We Saint
6 Nickelodeon Sports Foundation
Non-profit organization
Non-profit organization that serves the New York metropolitan area by providing organized basketball recreation year round. Mens Pro Basketball League and the IronMan Full Court Basketball Tournament.
Basketball York City New Summer Tournaments Tournamentl Round Girls Nickelodeon Year Ironman Programssports
Non-profit organization that serves the New York metropolitan area by providing organized basketball recreation year round. Mens Pro Basketball League and the IronMan Full Court Basketball Tournament.
Basketball York City New Summer Tournaments Tournamentl Round Girls Nickelodeon Year Ironman Programssports
7 Bloomfield Youth Basketball League (BYBL)
Nonprofit basketball
Nonprofit basketball league serving the youth of Bloomfield, Connecticut. Town intramural and travel teams for boys and girls grades 4 through 8, photo album.
Bloomfield Basketball Class League Youth Schedule Connecticut Bybl Travel Cathedral Copaco Public Boys Brackets Shop Sweet
Nonprofit basketball league serving the youth of Bloomfield, Connecticut. Town intramural and travel teams for boys and girls grades 4 through 8, photo album.
Bloomfield Basketball Class League Youth Schedule Connecticut Bybl Travel Cathedral Copaco Public Boys Brackets Shop Sweet
8 Pioneer Basketball League
Mid-Ohio Valley
Mid-Ohio Valley youth league for girls featuring statistics, rules, and other information on the league.
Viewmore Business Started Yahoo Small Now Hosting Email Please Web Help Website Domains Privacy Account Terms Customer
Mid-Ohio Valley youth league for girls featuring statistics, rules, and other information on the league.
Viewmore Business Started Yahoo Small Now Hosting Email Please Web Help Website Domains Privacy Account Terms Customer
9 St. Albans Eastern Youth League Basketball
Basketball league
Basketball league is located in St. Albans, West Virginia with teams for 3rd to 6th grades. Bulletin, calendar, teams/rosters, links, tournaments, photo album, players, cheerleaders, coaches corner.
Free League Timeoutwebsite Sports Software Leaguelineup Builder Create Leagues Youthteams Club Pagemanagement
Basketball league is located in St. Albans, West Virginia with teams for 3rd to 6th grades. Bulletin, calendar, teams/rosters, links, tournaments, photo album, players, cheerleaders, coaches corner.
Free League Timeoutwebsite Sports Software Leaguelineup Builder Create Leagues Youthteams Club Pagemanagement
10 The CBA Museum
Preserving the
Preserving the 60-year history of the Continental Basketball Association and its previous incarnations as the Eastern Basketball Association and Eastern Professional Basketball League.
Preserving the 60-year history of the Continental Basketball Association and its previous incarnations as the Eastern Basketball Association and Eastern Professional Basketball League.
11 White Fangs Basketball Club Site
Part of
Part of the Banksia Basketball League.
Viewmore Business Started Yahoo Small Now Hosting Email Domains Please Account Help Aabaco Privacy Web Policy
Part of the Banksia Basketball League.
Viewmore Business Started Yahoo Small Now Hosting Email Domains Please Account Help Aabaco Privacy Web Policy
12 Toms River Basketball Association
Recreational youth
Recreational youth and high school basketball league serving boys and girls.
Hosting Domain Web Network Marketing Solutions Services Names Website Registration Placename Request Netsol
Recreational youth and high school basketball league serving boys and girls.
Hosting Domain Web Network Marketing Solutions Services Names Website Registration Placename Request Netsol
13 National Womens Basketball League
Homepage of
Homepage of Americas semi-professional womens hoops league. Information about the league and its teams, schedules, tournaments, rules and procedures, application forms.
Dosarrest Internet Security Client Ddosprotection Restricted Pleasehost Protection Z
Homepage of Americas semi-professional womens hoops league. Information about the league and its teams, schedules, tournaments, rules and procedures, application forms.
Dosarrest Internet Security Client Ddosprotection Restricted Pleasehost Protection Z
14 Patriot League Mens Basketball
League standings
League standings, news, and statistics from the official site of the Patriot League.
League standings, news, and statistics from the official site of the Patriot League.
15 Big V Basketball
Semi-professional basketball
Semi-professional basketball league.
League Women Division Championship Youth State Falcons Melbourne Big Waverley Tigers News [more] Coach Pre Season Tournament Merry Carpet Dwassistant Wrap R_scm_mckinnon_v_corio_bay
Semi-professional basketball league.
League Women Division Championship Youth State Falcons Melbourne Big Waverley Tigers News [more] Coach Pre Season Tournament Merry Carpet Dwassistant Wrap R_scm_mckinnon_v_corio_bay
16 NBDL - National Basketball Development League
Official NBDL
Official NBDL league site with game results and schedule calendar, player profiles, statistics and news. NBDL is the NBAs minor league.
Nba League Stats Expansion Alumni Showcase Players News Schedule Transactions Prospect Watch Leaders Sortable Assignments Call Ups Archive
Official NBDL league site with game results and schedule calendar, player profiles, statistics and news. NBDL is the NBAs minor league.
Nba League Stats Expansion Alumni Showcase Players News Schedule Transactions Prospect Watch Leaders Sortable Assignments Call Ups Archive
17 Ivy League
Official Ivy
Official Ivy League basketball web site with news, standings, statistics, schedules, history and records.
Composite Schedule Archives News Book Statistics Records Standings National Polls University Rankings Championship Ncaa Releases
Official Ivy League basketball web site with news, standings, statistics, schedules, history and records.
Composite Schedule Archives News Book Statistics Records Standings National Polls University Rankings Championship Ncaa Releases
18 Poway Youth Basketball League
A recreational
A recreational league for boys and girls in grades 3-12 and has been run by volunteers serving the community for over 21 years.
Pybl Calendar Games Boys Tags Youth Girls Sport League Ngin Basketball Sponsors Members Board Contact Forms Account Rules Results
A recreational league for boys and girls in grades 3-12 and has been run by volunteers serving the community for over 21 years.
Pybl Calendar Games Boys Tags Youth Girls Sport League Ngin Basketball Sponsors Members Board Contact Forms Account Rules Results
19 Prince William AAU Boys Basketball League
This site
This site offers schedules, rosters, results, and tournaments for the AAU Boys Basketball program.
Navigationshilfet Y
This site offers schedules, rosters, results, and tournaments for the AAU Boys Basketball program.
Navigationshilfet Y
20 World Basketball Association (WBA)
Simulated Basketball
Simulated Basketball league that uses fictional players. Team owners will not only coach the team but make all executive decisions.
Request Rejectedy
Simulated Basketball league that uses fictional players. Team owners will not only coach the team but make all executive decisions.
Request Rejectedy
21 Global Collegiate Basketball Association
Simulation league
Simulation league using fictional colleges using the UBA basketball simulation program.
Create Tripod Hosting Website Requested Tripodcom Lycos Found Errorpage Check Signup Login Shopping Pagelycoscom
Simulation league using fictional colleges using the UBA basketball simulation program.
Create Tripod Hosting Website Requested Tripodcom Lycos Found Errorpage Check Signup Login Shopping Pagelycoscom
22 Marlboro Basketball Association
A youth
A youth basketball league for boys and girls based in Marlboro, New Jersey.
Grade Boys Th Girls Marlboro Basketball Hs Board Division Store Travel Rd Association Coaches Primer
A youth basketball league for boys and girls based in Marlboro, New Jersey.
Grade Boys Th Girls Marlboro Basketball Hs Board Division Store Travel Rd Association Coaches Primer
23 Winnipeg Minor Basketball Association
Not-for-profit community
Not-for-profit community club based youth basketball league in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada for boys and girls ages 6-19.
B Swcc Lwcc Park Kwcc Merc Southdale Corydon Dakota Ridge Roblin Whyte Heights Oxford Glenlee Norbery Norberry
Not-for-profit community club based youth basketball league in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada for boys and girls ages 6-19.
B Swcc Lwcc Park Kwcc Merc Southdale Corydon Dakota Ridge Roblin Whyte Heights Oxford Glenlee Norbery Norberry
24 Hoosier Girls Basketball League
Competitive basketball
Competitive basketball for girls grades 3 through 12 in the Indianapolis, IN. area.
会員制リゾートホテルã®体験ãÂ΋§ãÂÂã¾ã™よ。 Mrã«ãªりãŸã„ï¼Âæ–¹ã„ã¾ã™ã‹ Copyright Allrights Dental Wwwhgbl ãµã‹ã„æ¯科ã¯ãÂÂã‚Œã„ã§通ã„やã™ã„ 石長ã§è€Â後ã®ã“ã¨を考ãˆよã†Indycom廣橋åšä»Âã•んãŒ夢ä¸Âã«ãªるãÂâ€Ã¦Å“±å°帳 Isofixを始ã‚Âã¦知ã£ãŸæ™â
Competitive basketball for girls grades 3 through 12 in the Indianapolis, IN. area.
会員制リゾートホテルã®体験ãÂ΋§ãÂÂã¾ã™よ。 Mrã«ãªりãŸã„ï¼Âæ–¹ã„ã¾ã™ã‹ Copyright Allrights Dental Wwwhgbl ãµã‹ã„æ¯科ã¯ãÂÂã‚Œã„ã§通ã„やã™ã„ 石長ã§è€Â後ã®ã“ã¨を考ãˆよã†Indycom廣橋åšä»Âã•んãŒ夢ä¸Âã«ãªるãÂâ€Ã¦Å“±å°帳 Isofixを始ã‚Âã¦知ã£ãŸæ™â
25 Lawrence: The Salvation Army Basketball Leagues
Information on
Information on basketball league in Lawrence community.
Information on basketball league in Lawrence community.
26 Ojai Valley Shark Basketball
Youth Basketball
Youth Basketball League located in Ojai, California.
Error Requesty
Youth Basketball League located in Ojai, California.
Error Requesty
27 Malvern Basketball League
Delaware Valley
Delaware Valley youth league for boys and girls from 1st through 12th grades. College womens leagues are also available in the summer.
Road Chester School Malvern Mawr West Ave Pike Basketball Academy_ School_ Bryn League Drive County Burke Sneaks Sacred Gulph
Delaware Valley youth league for boys and girls from 1st through 12th grades. College womens leagues are also available in the summer.
Road Chester School Malvern Mawr West Ave Pike Basketball Academy_ School_ Bryn League Drive County Burke Sneaks Sacred Gulph
28 United States Basketball League
Official site
Official site of USBL covers teams, league, scores, store, invest, chat and fan clubs.
Copyright Notes Skyrim Music Official Graphics Wild Dxv Qjq Russia Feat Nevergreen Witcher Eyes Stalker
Official site of USBL covers teams, league, scores, store, invest, chat and fan clubs.
Copyright Notes Skyrim Music Official Graphics Wild Dxv Qjq Russia Feat Nevergreen Witcher Eyes Stalker
29 Clear Lake Boys Basketball
The Clear
The Clear Lake Boys Basketball (CLBB) league arranges competitive basketball games for boys between the ages of 9 and 18 living in the Clear Lake City area of Houston, Texas.
Viewmore Business Started Yahoo Small Now Hosting Email Help Website Please Aabaco Domains Terms Customer Times
The Clear Lake Boys Basketball (CLBB) league arranges competitive basketball games for boys between the ages of 9 and 18 living in the Clear Lake City area of Houston, Texas.
Viewmore Business Started Yahoo Small Now Hosting Email Help Website Please Aabaco Domains Terms Customer Times
30 Adriatic Basketball Association: Goodyear League
Features news
Features news and information on the league, teams and players, schedule and scores, chat forum, interviews, and photo gallery.
Features news and information on the league, teams and players, schedule and scores, chat forum, interviews, and photo gallery.
31 Hoosier Girls Basketball League
Competitive basketball
Competitive basketball for girls grades 3 through 12.
会員制リゾートホテルã®体験ãÂ΋§ãÂÂã¾ã™よ。 Allrightsãµã‹ã„æ¯科ã¯ãÂÂã‚Œã„ã§通ã„やã™ã„ 石長ã§è€Â後ã®ã“ã¨を考ãˆよã†良質ãªæ¯科治療を行ãªã†ãªら Ã¥ÂÂä¾›ãŒ楽ã—ãÂÂ通ãˆるæ¯科クリニック Dental Mrã«ãªりãŸã„ï¼Âæ–¹ã„ã¾ã™ã
Competitive basketball for girls grades 3 through 12.
会員制リゾートホテルã®体験ãÂ΋§ãÂÂã¾ã™よ。 Allrightsãµã‹ã„æ¯科ã¯ãÂÂã‚Œã„ã§通ã„やã™ã„ 石長ã§è€Â後ã®ã“ã¨を考ãˆよã†良質ãªæ¯科治療を行ãªã†ãªら Ã¥ÂÂä¾›ãŒ楽ã—ãÂÂ通ãˆるæ¯科クリニック Dental Mrã«ãªりãŸã„ï¼Âæ–¹ã„ã¾ã™ã
32 AFFL Fantasy Basketball
Fantasy basketball
Fantasy basketball (NBA) league based in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Site includes links to helpful fantasy sports related sites along with up to date news and injury reports.
Sign Lifestream Places Everything Account Now People Policy Rights Stay Bulk Login Privacy Reserved Networks Read
Fantasy basketball (NBA) league based in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Site includes links to helpful fantasy sports related sites along with up to date news and injury reports.
Sign Lifestream Places Everything Account Now People Policy Rights Stay Bulk Login Privacy Reserved Networks Read