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Jankovic, Jelena

Jankovic, Jelena Review Experience Singles Doubles

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Best entries for Singles and Doubles

1 Monica Seles Network Offers news
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Provides Mens and Womens draws, seeds, players past finishes, and singles and doubles winners.
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3 Super Pong Table Tennis Based in
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Held in Cincinnati, Ohio, from mid-January to November. Features singles, doubles and 5-person teams.
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5 The Doubles Specialist Steve Tourdo
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6 Operation Doubles Doubles strategy
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7 Hopman Cup Held in
Held in Perth every January, this tournament is for teams of two players (one male, one female) from eight countries. In each match-up there are two singles matches and one mixed doubles match.
8 Coyote Run Mx Located in
Located in Parrott Georgia this track measures 8/10 of a mile. It has bowl turns, flat turns, singles, doubles, table tops and whoops. The texture of the track is loamy, a sand mixed with red clay.
9 Region Of Halton Dart League Monday night
Monday night mixed dart league that includes cricket, 501 singles and 601 doubles. Includes membership information. Located Georgetown, Ontario.
10 American Singles Golf - Central Mass Chapter Information for
Information for singles to find partners for golfing in Massachusetts.
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11 Steamboat Doubles Yearly tournament
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16 Atlanta Singles Golf Association Includes social
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18 Bandanas180 Darts News and
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19 ESPN Tennis Womens Grand Slam Title Winners List of
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21 ESPN Tennis Mens Grand Slam Title Winners List of
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22 American Singles Golf Association A national
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23 Allens Green Web Situated in
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24 Appalachian Beach Volleyball Offering beach
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25 Motherlode Volleyball Tournament The largest
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26 Motherlode Volleyball Tournament The largest
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27 Southern Connecticut Volleyball Hosts grass
Hosts grass doubles event, with prizes awarded for all divisions, division levels include Open, AA, A, BB, B, Scholastic and Reverse Coed.
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28 Tennis Masters Cup The season
The season ending championships for singles for the ATP tour. The top 8 men qualify and compete in a round robin format. The tournament is hosted by different cities each year.
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29 American Singles Golf Association - Central Massachusetts Chapter Contains a
Contains a schedule of events, photos and results from past outings, and explains the benefits of joining the organization.
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30 Vail King of the Mountain Open Oldest beach
Oldest beach doubles volleyball tournament in Colorado played on sand and grass. Information on divisions, lodging and registration for this annual event.
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31 Elite Singles Gosford Tenpin Bowling
Tenpin Bowling League. Includes results, league, and tournament information. Located in Australia.
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32 Evesham Badminton Association Small league
Small league in the Vale of Evesham and the North Cotswolds. Ladies, mixed and mens doubles offered. Includes results and announcements.
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Review and Opening Hours Information

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