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Jennifer Kirk Online Interview

Jennifer Kirk Online Review Experience Season Skating

Fan-based interview by GoldenSkate covers the skaters costumes, goals, and training.

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16 Embassy Skating Center Information on
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17 Lovenas Ice Skating Page Figure skating
Figure skating page with general information for the Massachusetts/New Hampshire area. Offers ice skating postcards, graphics, and java games.
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18 Figure Skating Page Features links
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19 San Diego Ice Arena Ice arena
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20 Moonlightrollerway Skating Rink Family roller
Family roller rink in Glendale, California. Includes public skating schedule, private party information, skating lessons, and photos.
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23 Stardust Skating Center Roller skating
Roller skating birthday parties, juvenile inline hockey and the in-school roller skating 'Kids on Wheels' program. Special events such as Band Wars.
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24 Sonyas Skating School Power and
Power and figure skating lessons from NHL power skating coach Sonya Shewchuk.
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25 Professional Inline Skating Instruction Skating school
Skating school owned by IISA certified instructor Stephen Fisher of Toronto, Ontario. Includes class descriptions, skate rental information, skating articles, and photos of skates and skaters.
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30 PerfectSkater Specialized Power Skating Hockey schools Unique on-ice
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31 Figure Skating Jo Ann
Jo Ann Schneider Farris shares her love of figure skating and knowledge of ice skating with readers. Her goal is to link figure skaters from all over the world.
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32 Robby Glantz International Power Skating Skating coach
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More Jennifer Kirk Online Interview Infos

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Review and Opening Hours Information

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