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NSA Northern Zone

NSA Northern Zone Review Experience Teams Reclassified

NSAs region covering Illnios, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, Ohio, Wisconsin, and the Dakotas.

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Best entries for Teams and Reclassified

1 Cocoa Expo Tournament Listing Six yearly
Six yearly tournaments held at the Cocoa Expo Sports Center, Florida, for Tournament Teams, Classic Teams, League Teams, Premier Teams, Select Teams, and Recreational All-Star Teams. Field directions, facility, age guidelines, rules, hotels, and travel information.
Tournaments Baseball Training Leagues Camps Spring National Cocoa Showcase Florida Weekend League Invitationals Features Softball Contact
2 Bendigo Volleyball Association The competition
The competition consists of 16 mens teams in two divisions, 10 womens teams, 35 junior teams and 8 mixed social competition teams playing at the Bendigo Schweppes Stadium.
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3 Rounders Contacts in Cambridge A list
A list of which teams no longer play, who the new teams are, which teams have new organisers, what their new number or email address is.
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4 Junior Orange Bowl Basketball Classic High School
High School basketball tournament for eight girls and eight boys teams located in Miami, Florida. Two boys teams and two girls teams are invited each year to compete with South Florida teams.
Sports Orange Now Bowl Donate Junior Event Involved Events Schedule Basketball Contact Wordpress Golf Creative Member
5 Nampa Youth Soccer Association Recreational and
Recreational and traveling teams based in Nampa with teams U-11 to U-18. Schedules, teams, camps, tournaments, news.
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6 Moline Soccer Club Teams, schedules
Teams, schedules, camps, news, links. Recreational and traveling teams based in Moline with boys and girls teams from U-06 to U-14.
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7 Hallett Cove Cricket Club Established in
Established in 1977 and comprising 6 teams including 2 junior teams and 4 senior teams. Club history, records, premierships, season 1988 and 1999 archives and events calendar. South Australia.
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8 Billericay Town Colts Football Club The club
The club, founded in 1981, runs teams that compete in and around south east Essex. Teams range in age from 8 to open age. News, club information, leagues, cups and teams.
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9 Billericay Town Colts Football Club The club
The club, founded in 1981, runs teams that compete in and around south east Essex. Teams range in age from 8 to open age. News, club information, leagues, cups and teams.
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10 Billericay Town Colts Football Club The club
The club, founded in 1981, runs teams that compete in and around south east Essex. Teams range in age from 8 to open age. News, club information, leagues, cups and teams.
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11 Billericay Town Colts Football Club The club
The club, founded in 1981, runs teams that compete in and around south east Essex. Teams range in age from 8 to open age. News, club information, leagues, cups and teams.
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12 FA Premiership Football Teams Index of
Index of Premiership Football Teams with links to individual teams and their web sites, location maps, contact information and honours.
13 Miss Basketball Tournaments Hosts a
Hosts a variety of tournaments for youth teams, for individual high school teams, and for high school all-star teams. Request brochure, coaches comments, history and biography, news, links.
Basketball Showcase Miss Events Dakota Minnesota Mr Youth Slamfest Annual Tournaments College Kearney Invitational Team
14 St. Charles Celtics soccer club The club
The club is located in St. Charles, Illinois, having teams that compete in the ISSA. The Celtics have an indoor league, open teams, over 30 and over 40 teams.
15 Oxford Cricket Club News and
News and information about Oxford Cricket Club. Runs 4 adult teams, 5 youth teams, a womens team and 2 girls teams.
Fixtures Cricket Httpwwwoxfordcricketclubcomimagesoccslideshowpng Table Results League Club Oxford Womens Outdoor Email Events Youth Documents Downloads Membership Sign Registered Records
16 World Cup Hall of Fame Greatest players
Greatest players, teams and dream teams.
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17 Zia FC Teams, news
Teams, news, links. Traveling club based in Sun Prairie with boys and girls teams from U-11 to U-19.
18 Scenario Paintball Teams Lists contact
Lists contact information and links to teams in North America.
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19 Soccer Lightning SC The Club
The Club is located in Carlsbad, Ca. Teams range from Girls/Boys Under 8 to Under 19. Most are Premier or AAA teams.
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20 SoccerGeek Worldwide links
Worldwide links from club teams to national teams.
21 64 Teams Resource for
Resource for 2001 tourney, including office pools, brackets, schedules, and tools to help pick your teams.
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22 Challengers F.C. Teams, schedules
Teams, schedules, standings, news, links. Traveling club based in Naperville with boys and girls teams from U-08 to U-10.
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23 Windy City Water Polo The official
The official page for one of the premier teams in Illinois. Fields 18 and Under, 16 and Under and 14 and Under teams for both boys and girls.
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24 Howard Hurricanes Teams, schedules
Teams, schedules, standings, news, links. Traveling club based in Green Bay with boys and girls teams from U-11 to U-19.
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25 Queen City Rockers Girls 10u
Girls 10u and 12u Fastpitch softball teams from the Greater Charlotte area. Teams, news, calendar, and links.
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26 Northwest Indiana United Teams, schedules
Teams, schedules, news, links. Traveling club based in Valparaiso with boys and girls teams from U-10 to U-18.
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27 All about
All about Thai national soccer teams with information on cups, tournaments, Asian teams, links, players and the latest news.
Nationalsoccer Thai Teamthaifootballcom
28 Westside United FC Teams, rosters
Teams, rosters, camps, news, links. Traveling club based in Avon with boys and girls teams from U-09 to U-18.
29 Les Bois United Traveling club
Traveling club based in Boise with girls teams U-11 to U-19. Teams, coach’s qualifications, rosters, news, links.
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30 Kalymnos United FC Teams, results
Teams, results, tables, fixtures, videos, and photographs. The teams compete in the Sydney Eastern Suburbs League.
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31 Milton Youth Soccer Association Teams, schedules
Teams, schedules, news, links. Recreational club based in Racine with teams from K to 8th grade.
Request Errory
32 Joint Fury Alliance of
Alliance of teams offers history, schedule, list of member teams, awards, and sponsors, photos, forums, and chat.

More NSA Northern Zone Infos

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