Gaited Horse Magazine
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Featuring articles, classifieds, and upcoming events for Tennessee Walking Horses, Morgan Horses, Rocky Mountain Horses, Paso Fino, Peruvian Paso, and Missouri Fox Trotters.
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Reviews and Comments for Gaited Horse Magazine

Best entries for Horse and Gaited
1 Northwest Gaited Horse Club
For gaited
For gaited horse enthusiasts supporting the naturally gaited horse. Includes information on membership, volunteering, shows, trail riding, and contacts. Provides classified advertisements and calendar of events.
For gaited horse enthusiasts supporting the naturally gaited horse. Includes information on membership, volunteering, shows, trail riding, and contacts. Provides classified advertisements and calendar of events.
2 Kentucky Natural Gaited Horse Association
A not-for-profit
A not-for-profit organization dedicated to the Kentucky Natural Gaited Horse of Eastern Kentucky. The Kentucky Natural Gaited Horse, also known as the KY Saddler or Country Saddle Horse, is a naturally gaited breed dating back to the early settlers and Civil War era.
Horse Kngha Natural Gaited Kentucky Saddle Association Breed Mountain Country Soez Exhibitors Preserving Breeders Bloodline
A not-for-profit organization dedicated to the Kentucky Natural Gaited Horse of Eastern Kentucky. The Kentucky Natural Gaited Horse, also known as the KY Saddler or Country Saddle Horse, is a naturally gaited breed dating back to the early settlers and Civil War era.
Horse Kngha Natural Gaited Kentucky Saddle Association Breed Mountain Country Soez Exhibitors Preserving Breeders Bloodline
3 The Gaited Horse WebRing
Index of
Index of sites connected through this ring, dedicated to all of the many wonderful gaited horse breeds.
Navigationshilfeport Apache Serverfound The Found
Index of sites connected through this ring, dedicated to all of the many wonderful gaited horse breeds.
Navigationshilfeport Apache Serverfound The Found
4 Gaited Pleasure Horses
Specializing in
Specializing in gaited trail horse breeds, including the Tennessee Walker, Missouri Fox Trotter, and Spotted Saddle Horse. Monterey Bay, California.
Horses Gaited Pleasure Tennessee Saddle Fox Trotters Mountain Trail Riding Spotted Instruction Walking Horse Walkers North
Specializing in gaited trail horse breeds, including the Tennessee Walker, Missouri Fox Trotter, and Spotted Saddle Horse. Monterey Bay, California.
Horses Gaited Pleasure Tennessee Saddle Fox Trotters Mountain Trail Riding Spotted Instruction Walking Horse Walkers North
5 North Star Gaited Horse Club
A non-profit
A non-profit club, devoted to promoting gaited horse breeds through participating and hosting of educational breed demos, clinics, horse shows, parades and trail rides. Includes calendar of events, newsletter, classifieds, and photos.
A non-profit club, devoted to promoting gaited horse breeds through participating and hosting of educational breed demos, clinics, horse shows, parades and trail rides. Includes calendar of events, newsletter, classifieds, and photos.
6 Lone Star Gaited Pleasure Horse Association
A multiple
A multiple breed pleasure club in Texas offering a trail program, high point, versatility and youth programs for the gaited horse enthusiast.
Gaited Horse Pleasure Star Loneoriginalinc Association Enthusiast_
A multiple breed pleasure club in Texas offering a trail program, high point, versatility and youth programs for the gaited horse enthusiast.
Gaited Horse Pleasure Star Loneoriginalinc Association Enthusiast_
7 Gaited Horse Sense
A forum
A forum to discuss gaited horses.
Email Rss Horse Gaited Sense Horses Sale Community Forums Tnwlkr Yuku Training Miscellaneous Kysasd Trail
A forum to discuss gaited horses.
Email Rss Horse Gaited Sense Horses Sale Community Forums Tnwlkr Yuku Training Miscellaneous Kysasd Trail
8 Arizona Gaited Horses
Arizonas resource
Arizonas resource for gaited horse owners and enthusiasts. Includes list of breeds, ranches, classified advertising, health articles, and weblog.
Gaited Horses Horse Paso Arizona Peruvian Shop Tennessee Shirts Missouri Az Pasos Articles Events Finos
Arizonas resource for gaited horse owners and enthusiasts. Includes list of breeds, ranches, classified advertising, health articles, and weblog.
Gaited Horses Horse Paso Arizona Peruvian Shop Tennessee Shirts Missouri Az Pasos Articles Events Finos
9 Lee Ziegler: Gaits without Gimmicks
Provides information
Provides information on gaited horses, articles dedicated to training, and tips for riders. Uses language that is geared toward both the experienced and novice gaited horse owners.
Domain Help Policy Testimonials Domains See Visit Privacy Deals Mst Problems Return Click Business Leezieglercom
Provides information on gaited horses, articles dedicated to training, and tips for riders. Uses language that is geared toward both the experienced and novice gaited horse owners.
Domain Help Policy Testimonials Domains See Visit Privacy Deals Mst Problems Return Click Business Leezieglercom
10 Gaited Horse Group of Ontario
Formed to
Formed to increase awareness and support all gaited breeds in Ontario, Canada. Includes membership information, newsletters, calendar of events, breed descriptions, and list of breeders.
Gaited Horse Group Ontario Open Show Events Download Ride Executive Mission Upcoming Opha Current
Formed to increase awareness and support all gaited breeds in Ontario, Canada. Includes membership information, newsletters, calendar of events, breed descriptions, and list of breeders.
Gaited Horse Group Ontario Open Show Events Download Ride Executive Mission Upcoming Opha Current
11 South Central Horse Show Association
The official
The official site providing Horse Shows and fun for the whole family. Gaited and Stock horse show rules and classes. Show Dates and contact information.
Viewmore Business Started Yahoo Small Now Hosting Email Website Customer Web Terms Privacy Account Please Customers Page
The official site providing Horse Shows and fun for the whole family. Gaited and Stock horse show rules and classes. Show Dates and contact information.
Viewmore Business Started Yahoo Small Now Hosting Email Website Customer Web Terms Privacy Account Please Customers Page
12 South Central Horse Show Association
The official
The official site providing Horse Shows and fun for the whole family. Gaited and Stock horse show rules and classes. Show Dates and contact information.
Viewmore Business Yahoo Started Small Now Email Hosting Customer Help Website Privacy Please Web Domains Local
The official site providing Horse Shows and fun for the whole family. Gaited and Stock horse show rules and classes. Show Dates and contact information.
Viewmore Business Yahoo Started Small Now Email Hosting Customer Help Website Privacy Please Web Domains Local
13 Ray Cloninger Horse Show Services
Listing and
Listing and information of gaited horse shows with class schedule, rules, judges, lodging, and past results.
Listing and information of gaited horse shows with class schedule, rules, judges, lodging, and past results.
14 BuckSnort Morgans
Breeding western
Breeding western working, sport, and gaited Morgan horses. Standing black, gaited stallion and offering foals for sale. Located in Kasson.
Create Tripod Check Found Shopping Page Website Lycos Signup Tripodcomerrorpage Requested Login Hosting
Breeding western working, sport, and gaited Morgan horses. Standing black, gaited stallion and offering foals for sale. Located in Kasson.
Create Tripod Check Found Shopping Page Website Lycos Signup Tripodcomerrorpage Requested Login Hosting
15 United Professional Horsemens Association
International group
International group of professional horse trainers who recognized a need to improve the horse show industry, and define and clarify their professionalism, predominately in gaited and saddleseat. . Contact through phone or e-mail.
Professional Horse Upha United Horsemen American Convention Horsemens Hackney Association Gallery Show Pony Programs Membership Associationhome * Unite Contact Now
International group of professional horse trainers who recognized a need to improve the horse show industry, and define and clarify their professionalism, predominately in gaited and saddleseat. . Contact through phone or e-mail.
Professional Horse Upha United Horsemen American Convention Horsemens Hackney Association Gallery Show Pony Programs Membership Associationhome * Unite Contact Now
16 Back To Basics Horse Shows
English, Western
English, Western, Family and Gaited horse shows at Lucky Drive Ranch, Catlett, Virginia. Schedule of shows, entries, fees, rules, and directions to show grounds.
Z Request Y
English, Western, Family and Gaited horse shows at Lucky Drive Ranch, Catlett, Virginia. Schedule of shows, entries, fees, rules, and directions to show grounds.
Z Request Y
17 The National Walking Horse Association
Promoting and
Promoting and preserving the naturally gaited Tennessee Walking Horse. Includes contacts, rules, membership information, awards information, and classified advertising.
National Nwha Program News Directors Youth Board Horse Show Walking Membership Gaited Due Versatility Officers Programs Web See Stableslet
Promoting and preserving the naturally gaited Tennessee Walking Horse. Includes contacts, rules, membership information, awards information, and classified advertising.
National Nwha Program News Directors Youth Board Horse Show Walking Membership Gaited Due Versatility Officers Programs Web See Stableslet
18 Gaited Horses Down Under
Information on
Information on breeds, gaits and breeders of gaited horses in Australia, New Zealand, and the Australasian Region.
Yahoo Please Help Found Copyright Page Inc Ifyoure Navigationshilfe Also Yahoospolicy Onlineservices Central
Information on breeds, gaits and breeders of gaited horses in Australia, New Zealand, and the Australasian Region.
Yahoo Please Help Found Copyright Page Inc Ifyoure Navigationshilfe Also Yahoospolicy Onlineservices Central
19 Colorful Gaited Stallions Web Ring
This webring
This webring is intended to showcase gaited stallions of rare and flashy colors. Index of member sites.
Found Found Thenavigationshilfe Port Server Apache
This webring is intended to showcase gaited stallions of rare and flashy colors. Index of member sites.
Found Found Thenavigationshilfe Port Server Apache
20 United Professional Horsemens Association
Founded in
Founded in 1968 by a group of professional horse trainers who recognized a need to improve the horse show industry, and define and clarify their professionalism, predominately in gaited and saddleseat. International. Contact through phone or e-mail. Located in Lexington, KY.
Professional Horse United Upha Horsemen Horsemens American Convention Association Programs Membership Pony Hackney Gallery Show Formsawardschapterscommitteesyoung Website Council
Founded in 1968 by a group of professional horse trainers who recognized a need to improve the horse show industry, and define and clarify their professionalism, predominately in gaited and saddleseat. International. Contact through phone or e-mail. Located in Lexington, KY.
Professional Horse United Upha Horsemen Horsemens American Convention Association Programs Membership Pony Hackney Gallery Show Formsawardschapterscommitteesyoung Website Council
21 Graystone Stables
Breeds, raises
Breeds, raises and promotes the natural gaited Tennessee Walking horse.
Sign Places Lifestream Policy Everything Account People Now Network Search Youre Networks Read Go Theres Nowon Inc Simplifying
Breeds, raises and promotes the natural gaited Tennessee Walking horse.
Sign Places Lifestream Policy Everything Account People Now Network Search Youre Networks Read Go Theres Nowon Inc Simplifying
22 CH Attaches Foxfire & Friends
Information, photos
Information, photos, and biography about the American Saddlebred five-gaited horse.
Attaches Foxfire Saddlebred Lewis Gallery Foxs Ch Superfine Lady Nick Bob Foxfireand Open Year Home Horsefriends Welcome
Information, photos, and biography about the American Saddlebred five-gaited horse.
Attaches Foxfire Saddlebred Lewis Gallery Foxs Ch Superfine Lady Nick Bob Foxfireand Open Year Home Horsefriends Welcome
23 Lehey, Yvonne
Personal story
Personal story of owning Peruvian Paso horses, and other gaited horse breeds.
Personal story of owning Peruvian Paso horses, and other gaited horse breeds.
24 Gaited Spanish Pleasure Horse Association
Includes registration
Includes registration rules, description of gaits, and photos.
Navigationshilfe Ty
Includes registration rules, description of gaits, and photos.
Navigationshilfe Ty
25 Missouris South Central Horse Show Association
Missouris SCHSA
Missouris SCHSA lists show dates of gaited and stock horse shows offered by member clubs. Show rules and classes are also included, as well as contact information.
Viewmore Business Started Yahoo Small Now Hosting Email Help Website Privacy Aabaco Domains Web Customer Found Gojanecom Program
Missouris SCHSA lists show dates of gaited and stock horse shows offered by member clubs. Show rules and classes are also included, as well as contact information.
Viewmore Business Started Yahoo Small Now Hosting Email Help Website Privacy Aabaco Domains Web Customer Found Gojanecom Program
26 Missouris South Central Horse Show Association
Missouris SCHSA
Missouris SCHSA lists show dates of gaited and stock horse shows offered by member clubs. Show rules and classes are also included, as well as contact information.
Viewmore Business Yahoo Started Small Now Hosting Email Privacy Please Terms Web Help Account Website
Missouris SCHSA lists show dates of gaited and stock horse shows offered by member clubs. Show rules and classes are also included, as well as contact information.
Viewmore Business Yahoo Started Small Now Hosting Email Privacy Please Terms Web Help Account Website
27 Texas Ladies Aside
The worlds
The worlds only side saddle drill team riding the unique, laterally gaited Peruvian horse.
The worlds only side saddle drill team riding the unique, laterally gaited Peruvian horse.
28 North 40 Ranch
Breeding for
Breeding for the natural gaited Tennessee Walking Horse, in cremello, buckskin and Palomino. Located in Dunnellon.
Sign Now Everything Places People Lifestream Account Policy Multiple Networks Youre Bulk Inc Networks Read Insign
Breeding for the natural gaited Tennessee Walking Horse, in cremello, buckskin and Palomino. Located in Dunnellon.
Sign Now Everything Places People Lifestream Account Policy Multiple Networks Youre Bulk Inc Networks Read Insign
29 J and B Pasofino Horses and Gaited Mules
Includes sales
Includes sales list, photos, and profiles of horses. Offers gaited mules for sale. Located in Kirksville, Missouri, United States.
Free Page Construction Jandbpasofinoscom Cheap Insurance Agreement Review Luxury Smart Phones Rates Privacy Health Zone Policy Cars
Includes sales list, photos, and profiles of horses. Offers gaited mules for sale. Located in Kirksville, Missouri, United States.
Free Page Construction Jandbpasofinoscom Cheap Insurance Agreement Review Luxury Smart Phones Rates Privacy Health Zone Policy Cars
30 Schemel Stables
Naturally gaited
Naturally gaited Tennessee Walking Horse Stallions standing at stud. Their foals are show-quality and are easily trained.
Walking Horses Horse Stallions Tennessee Touchnatural_ Gaited Naturallyclick Gold Stables Schemel
Naturally gaited Tennessee Walking Horse Stallions standing at stud. Their foals are show-quality and are easily trained.
Walking Horses Horse Stallions Tennessee Touchnatural_ Gaited Naturallyclick Gold Stables Schemel
31 Montana Traveler Horse Association
Promoting a
Promoting a new gaited saddlehorse bred from Tenn Walker, Saddlebred bloodlines, and Morgan bloodlines.
Uncategorized 月 コメントã™る ä¸Â倫を見分ã‘る犬ã®åÂÂå‰ÂãŒクンクンã ã£ãŸ話 Sample 催促ãŒ厳ã—ãÂÂ㦠Rss ä¸Â倫並ã³ã«浮気調査ã¨ã„ã†ã®ã¯…。 探åµã«素行調査を頼むã®ã«先立ã£ã¦…。 Wordpress Wordpressorg 以å‰Âã®投稿 年月 é ¼ã¿ãŸã„んã ã‘れãÂ
Promoting a new gaited saddlehorse bred from Tenn Walker, Saddlebred bloodlines, and Morgan bloodlines.
Uncategorized 月 コメントã™る ä¸Â倫を見分ã‘る犬ã®åÂÂå‰ÂãŒクンクンã ã£ãŸ話 Sample 催促ãŒ厳ã—ãÂÂ㦠Rss ä¸Â倫並ã³ã«浮気調査ã¨ã„ã†ã®ã¯…。 探åµã«素行調査を頼むã®ã«先立ã£ã¦…。 Wordpress Wordpressorg 以å‰Âã®投稿 年月 é ¼ã¿ãŸã„んã ã‘れãÂ
32 Silver Phoenix Ranch
Includes sales
Includes sales list, photos, and profiles of horses. Contains information on the spotting and champagne genes, tips for purchasing a gaited horse, and how to spot soring. Located in Pheonix.
Includes sales list, photos, and profiles of horses. Contains information on the spotting and champagne genes, tips for purchasing a gaited horse, and how to spot soring. Located in Pheonix.