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The Shot That Passed Right

The Shot That Review Experience German Results

Magazine covering German and world soccer. Includes the Bundesliga FAQ and an article on African players in Germany.

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Best entries for German and Results

1 At German Ringsite Site about
Site about the German boxing scene with news, fight results, rankings, history and links.
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2 German Racetracks Links to
Links to German harness tracks (from Startpoint Trotting Europe).
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3 Trakehners International Offers details
Offers details of German and US buying services, a history and description of the breed, news, a sales list, and profiles of successful performance horses. Available in German and English.
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4 German Showhorses Import of
Import of German Warmbloods and Sporthorses with personal guide service to Germany. Includes services description, personal history, and photos. Based in New York.
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5 Abseits Guide to German Soccer A personal
A personal soccer tour across the country which includes German - English soccer phrases translated.
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6 Schneider, Tobias A German
A German born player who is living in New Braunfels, Texas at the John Newcombe Tennis Ranch. The site chronicles his schooling, his tennis, and his other favorite activities. Site in English and German.
Tennis Texas Australia World Germany Austin German Tobis Braunfels Academy Country Schneider Tobias Dusseldorf Director
7 Kempten (Germany) Liverpool Supporters Club A German
A German branch of the OLSC (Official Liverpool Supporters Club). General information and contacts. [German and English]
8 St. Moritz Polo Club Club news
Club news, events, information on the sport, polo in the snow, and polo links for this German club. German and English translation.
9 German Leagues Tables, results
Tables, results, fixtures, cups, statistics and links.
Cup Hellip Regional Football League English Soccer Events Bundesliga News Streams Tables Live Premier Fixtures Play Offs Stuttgart Brazil Previews Dortmund Match
10 Hilde Gerg Fan Page Pictures, audio
Pictures, audio clips and up to date news and results about the sensational German skier.
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11 Hannoveraner Verband Official site
Official site featuring news, stallion directories, performance test results, membership information, and breed history. Available in German and English.
12 Soccer in South America Results, match
Results, match statistics, and tables for most South American leagues. [English/German]
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13 Miniature Horse Club Europe Offers educational
Offers educational resources, show calendar, show results, news articles and links. (Danish, Dutch, English, French, German)
14 Peter Dumbreck Supporters Page Japanese fan
Japanese fan site of the Scottish driver. Includes news, photos, profile, career timeline, race results, and calendar. In English, Japanese and German.
Peter Dumbreck Supporters Page Website Japanese Official Analyzer Access Fastcounter English Deutsch Go Page_ Rights Gets
15 Williams-BMW Official site
Official site, in English and German. Requires JavaScript.
16 Travels Through Germany - Sports This German
This German site contains links to the Bundesliga clubs.
Germany Ebay Sports Fc Eintracht Bochum Play Offs Wolfsburg Relegation Hertha Stuttgart Arminia Energie Bayern Table Schalke City Bayer Ingolstadt
17 Golf in Portugal Directory of
Directory of clubs, schools, and hotels. In English and German.
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18 Internet Hockey Database: German Titov Career statistics
Career statistics and profile.
Voskresensk Khimik Calgary Flames German Titov Metallurg Russia Penguins Statistics Usage Google Tps Help Pittsburgh Profile Oct
19 HerthaFan Fan site
Fan site with match photos, mostly of Hertha BSC but a few of other clubs as well. [English/German]
Sign People Lifestream Places Now Everything Account Policy Aolcom Networks Read Trademarks Youre Date Inc Stay
20 Dressagehorse-BP Photos, descriptions
Photos, descriptions, and video clips of German dressage horses for sale.
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21 Mikes Pedro Diniz Corner A tribute
A tribute to formula one-driver, in German and English.
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22 Tiago Tomé Stud Farm Includes photos.
Includes photos. (English, German, Portuguese)
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23 Chriwos Reisen A 2
A 2 year Cycle Tour through South America, in English, German and Spanish.
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24 Located near
Located near Seville. Offers pictures of horses for sale. Site in German and English.
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25 German Championship Wrestling (GCW) Penncraft, Pennsylvania
Penncraft, Pennsylvania - Includes roster, photos, upcoming events and title holders.
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26 Wsoccer: German Soccer Stadiums Pictures and
Pictures and information including pitch size, capacity, and record attendance.
Soccer Teams Players National Coaches Stadiums Football Videos Games Goals Tickets Songs Fans Wags World
27 Sachsenring Race Circuit Saxony, Germany
Saxony, Germany near Dresden. This track hosts MotoGP and German Championship (IDM) racing.
28 Stauffenberg Bloodstock Thoroughbred racehorse
Thoroughbred racehorse farm in Germany offering sales and boarding. English and German translation.
29 Mikromak GmbH German manufacturer
German manufacturer of high speed human and mechanical motion analysis hardware and software.
Movement Analysis Mikromak Motion Software Please High Technical Human Speed Examples List Products Markerless References
30 Cebourn Stables and Kennels Breeding horses
Breeding horses and German Shorthaired Pointing dogs. Includes a sales list.
31 Oschersleben Motorsport Arena Central Germany.
Central Germany. Roadracing, track days and racing school. [Site is German-only]
Arena Training Automobil Fanshop Tickets Treffen Hauptmen Motorsport Opel Fahrsicherheits Freizeit Events Kartbahn Motorrad Winter
32 International Kickboxing Sport Association Information, members
Information, members, rules, rankings, news and links. [German/English]
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More The Shot That Passed Right Through the Net Infos

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