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Wrestling Edge Fan Forums

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Online discussion board that covers World Wrestling Entertainment and Mixed Martial Arts related topics.

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Reviews and Comments for Wrestling Edge Fan Forums

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Best entries for Wrestling and Forum

1 Pro Wrestling Forum Includes forums
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2 United States Girls Wrestling Association Girls only
Girls only wrestling information including tournaments, results, rankings, and a discussion forum.
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3 RVD Revolution Forum Discussion forum
Discussion forum geared toward the wrestler and wrestling in general.
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4 Wrestling Collections A collection
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5 Joeys Wrestling Room Over 600
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6 Bracken, Kevin Official site
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8 Alabama Wrestling USA Wrestling
USA Wrestling affiliated, features local middle school and youth amateur wrestling news, events, and club information.
9 New South Wales Wrestling Association, Inc. An affiliate
An affiliate of the Australian Wrestling Union, sanctions and coordinates local wrestling. Contains information, news and other related facts.
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10 Pro Wrestling Fans Editorials, results
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12 Pro Wrestling Blog v2.0 Wrestling community
Wrestling community covering WWE, TNA, ROH, MMA and Indy wrestling.
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13 Joeys Wrestling Room Meet Joey
Meet Joey, an 11 year old female State and National wrestling champion. Includes articles on female wrestling, biographies and photos.
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14 World Hardcore Wrestling South Wales
South Wales, UK -includes bios, events, and forum.
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15 The Mat & USA Wrestling Governing body
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16 ACT Wrestling Inc. An affiliate
An affiliate of the Australian Wrestling Union, sanctions and coordinates wrestling in the Australian Capital Territory. Includes photos, newsletters, results, draft policies, calendar, FILA rules and bulletins, and links.
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17 New Hampshire Wrestling College, High
College, High School and Middle school. Results, forum, rankings, photographs, and links.
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18 Malibu Ivory Productions Lady wrestlers
Lady wrestlers, lady boxer, pro female wrestling, pro female boxing, female wrestling, female martial arts, and apartment wrestling.
19 From Parts Unknown Pop-culture resource
Pop-culture resource for Mexican wrestling, lucha films, and masks, with a catalog of films available on DVD, notes on live appearances, and a discussion forum.
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20 The Accelerators Wrestling Rollercoaster Includes over
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21 Wrestling USA Magazine Information, news
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23 Voice of Wrestling Offers live
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27 Wrestling 101: Mixed Martial Arts Articles, reviews
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29 Atlanta World Wrestling Alliance Pro wrestling
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