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Drug Experience


1 Myhab Health
Victoria, Australia
Myhab is a leading alcohol addiction rehab facility located in Melbourne providing personalised treatment programs for individuals struggling with substance... Sans My Melbourne Program Us Rehab Drug Alcohol Myhab Programs Addiction More Rehabilitation Call Our
2 Myhab Health
Victoria, Australia
Myhab is a leading alcohol addiction rehab facility located in Melbourne providing personalised treatment programs for individuals struggling with substance... Sans My Melbourne Program Us Rehab Drug Alcohol Myhab Programs Addiction More Rehabilitation Call Our
3 Myhab Health
Melbourne, Australia
Myhab is a leading alcohol addiction rehab facility located in Melbourne providing personalised treatment programs for individuals struggling with substance... Sans My Melbourne Program Us Rehab Drug Alcohol Myhab Programs Addiction More Rehabilitation Call Our
4 Myhab Health
Myhab is a leading alcohol addiction rehab facility located in Melbourne providing personalised treatment programs for individuals struggling with substance... Sans My Melbourne Program Us Rehab Drug Alcohol Myhab Programs Addiction More Rehabilitation Call Our
5 California Detox Therapy
Laguna Beach
California Detox a leading rehab center that offers you satisfactory solutions for drug addictions to get rid of drugs. We... California Detox Rehab Alcohol The Therapy Contact Laguna Beach Care Us Drug Treatment Do Home
6 SAP Evaluation(s) LLC Counseling
To qualify as a DOT-qualified Substance abuse professional (SAP), an individual must be a professional counselor, psychologist, or social worker.... Evaluation Qualified Near Certified Chaudhary Failed Drug Test Return Duty Program Call Date This Stringfrom
7 Sean Fagan - Criminal Defence Lawyer Attorneys
Sean Fagan is a criminal defence lawyer based in Calgary, Alberta. He defends all criminal charges, from assault and theft... Fagan Sean Charges Cases Criminal Calgary Drug Defence Offences More Driving The Lawyer Violent Font
8 Australia Drug Testing Medical Equipment

Gisborne, Victoria, Australia
Australia Drug Testing provides Australian Certified, technologically advanced products for the detection of Drugs and Alcohol within the workplace. Paired... Drug Testing Alcohol Australia We Kits Australian Heroin Us Workplace Pre View Productsfusion Request Certified
9 Australia Drug Testing Medical Equipment
Gisborne, Victoria, Australia
Australia Drug Testing provides Australian Certified, technologically advanced products for the detection of Drugs and Alcohol within the workplace. Paired... Drug Testing Alcohol Australia We Kits Australian Heroin Us Workplace Pre View Productsfusion Request Certified
10 NJ Residential Opiate Rehab SERVICES
Opioids are naturally occurring opioids, such as heroin, morphine, and codeine. In general, prescribed opioid pain relievers are safe when... Treatment Addiction Detox Opiate Level Up We Amphetamine Alcohol Lucida Cocaine Drug Rehab What Is
11 Do Veins Heal After Chemo Addictiom Treatment
Lake Worth,
Do Veins Heal After Chemo - IV drug use can be extremely damaging to veins and the skin around the... Up Worth Veins Lake Heal From Drug Use Level Page Date Ulh How Sometimes Can
12 Physical Effects Of Krokodil Addiction Treatment
Deerfield Beach
Krokodil drug is the street name for an opioid drug called desomorphine. It is a cheap heroin alternative that’s an... Drug Up Addiction Krokodil Level Treatment We Center Rehab The Alcohol Us Team Mental Health
13 Level Up Opiates Rehab Centers Health
Opiates are natural opioids such as heroin, morphine, and codeine. Generally, opioid pain relievers are safe when taken for a... Treatment Detox Addiction Opiate Level Up We Drug What Rehab Alcohol Effects Lucida Overdose Inpatient
14 Alcohol Detox Timeline For Severe Alcoholism Drug Addiction
Lake Worth,
Level Up Lake Worth offer quality, effective treatment to individuals who want to overcome their addiction to alcohol and other... Up Lake Worth Treatment Level Addiction Date Page Holistic Gradient Call Free Consultation Ulh Holistix
15 Detox For Alcohol Abuse Treatment Drug Addiction
Lake Worth,
Level Up Treatment Lake Worth is a multi-faceted drug & alcohol treatment center in Florida that uses a repertoire of... Alcohol Detox Treatment Up Lake Worth Program Addiction Recovery Page Date Level Best Down Arrow
16 Level Up Com Health
Deerfield Beach, FL
Are you looking for a peaceful rehab center to recover from drug or alcohol addiction? Level Up Com is a... Treatment Up Level Detox Center Addiction We Rehab Health Drug Alcohol Mental Program Short Therapy
17 ARCpoint Labs of Columbia West Occupational Health
West Columbia
ARCpoint Labs of Columbia is one of the nations leaders in drug testing, alcohol screening, DNA & clinical lab testing... Testing Columbia Labs West Drug Poppins Solutions For Page Alcohol Set Services Contact Employer We
18 ARCpoint Labs of Tucson Drug Testing
ARCpoint Labs of Tucson is one of the nations leaders in drug testing, alcohol screening, DNA & clinical lab testing... Testing Tucson Labs Solutions Poppins Drug For Page Alcohol Services Set Wellness Contact Lab Employer
19 More Than Rehab Addiction Treatment
More Than Rehab was founded on the premise of providing quality care. At More Than Rehab we understand that every... Rehab Than Texas More Drug Addiction At Health Mental Model Gallery Our Social Recovery Abuse
20 10 Acre Ranch Addiction Recovery Addiction Treatment
Addiction is a disease that requires a variety of interventional and behavioral modifications, with recovery very much dependent on quality... California Drug Alcohol Evidence To Based Ranch Slider Acre Men Women Rehab Arrayflag Put Center
21 Healing Path Recovery Addiction Treatment
Costa Mesa
Located in Costa Mesa, CA, Healing Path Recovery is a unique drug rehab center, in part due to the close... Arial Recovery Helvetica Path Costa Healing Mesa Sans Web Center Please Rehabilitation Drug Alice Open
22 Drug Treatment Center in Indiana - Rehabilitation Services
Bridges of Hope is a Joint Commission accredited adult substance abuse treatment program designed to achieve long-term recovery. We are... Hope Treatment Drug Alcohol Indiana Bridges Sent Google Doc Center Dateget Of About Admissions Addiction
1 xenotech provides glp
provides glp services and products that deliver information recommended by the us food & drug administration to predict inter-individual variation in safety and drug efficacy, and to explain adverse drug reactions.
2 skyepharma plc develops drug
develops drug delivery technologies which improve drug efficacy and enhance patient compliance by providing less frequent administration, reduced side effects and site-specific drug release. (nasdaq: skye).
Drug Products Delivery Skyepharma Inhalation Oral Product Release Approved France Company Technologies Technology Manufacturing Pipeline Products Skyepharma Gardens Website
3 formulation information site drug delivery
drug delivery, controlled release information site. keywords, drug delivery, pulmonary delivery, needle free, microspheres, nasal delivery, oral drug delivery, transdermal, patch, alternative routes of drug administration.
Delivery Drug Clinical Citation Information Stent Results Announces Viagra Abbott Controlled Eluting Release Advertising Week Approval Rnaitherapeutic Trialfeaturing Progress Pharmacy
4 baxa drug delivery system providing hospitals
providing hospitals and homecare facilities with innovative drug delivery systems for iv admixture, syringe infusion, oral and topical drug administration, filtration, and nutritional compounding.
5 Scottish Biomedical A pre-clinical
A pre-clinical drug discovery services company focussing exclusively on early stage drug research.
Drug Discovery Cell Jump Enquiries Custom Fee_ Meet General Line Resources Services _no Toplace_assay
6 GlycoMar Ltd. An innovative
An innovative drug discovery and development company pursuing untapped biological and chemical diversity to identify new drug candidates from marine organisms.
7 drug delivery report provides information
provides information on drug delivery deal making opportunities as well as key facts and trends affecting this market.
8 debiopharm s.a. & debioinnovation drug development
drug development company takes both the financial risk and business venture of the entire drug development.
9 Health Information Designs, Inc. (HID) An innovator
An innovator of turning drug data into actionable information since 1976, specializing in drug utilization review.
Information Learn Contact Health Designs Solutions Hid Llc Utilization Support Clients Policy Terms Analytics Careers Speed Privacy
10 taigen biotechnology specializes in
specializes in the drug discovering using gpcr targets and development focusing on oncology and anti-inflammatory drug discovery and development
Tg Englishterms Use Pharm Privacy Biotechnology Co Taigen Copyright Biocentury Ltd privacy | termsf*msci
11 Biophan Technologies Develops nanotechnology
Develops nanotechnology drug delivery systems based on novel nanomaterials that provide precise control over location and timing of drug delivery.
12 drug safety evaluation consulting, inc. drug discovery
drug discovery and development consulting services with expertise in bioanalytical chemistry, pharmacokinetics, toxicokinetics, metabolism, and delivery.
13 Web-based B2B
Web-based B2B Drug Development Informatics services. Creates Internet enabled solutions for accelerating drug development that reduces cost and time to market.
Data Pointcross Management Life Sciences Nonclinical Fda Send Safety Submissions Analytics Regulatory Inc Drug Cdisc® Bla Toxvision Enhancing
14 Key Drug Prototyping BV Offering crystallization
Offering crystallization of proteins for structure-based drug design studies. Includes company profile, products and job vacancies. Based in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Keydp Internet Solutions Contact Wired Welcome Wireless Life Enriching Chance Digital Legal Casters Mission Consultancy Technologies History
15 biovertis ag || information driven drug design drug development
drug development company specialising in anti-infectives. contains corporate information, product technology, vacancies and contact details.
16 astex therapeutics ltd. a structure-based
a structure-based drug discovery company pioneering the use of high throughput x-ray crystallography (htx) for the rapid identification of novel drug candidates through structural screening-based in cambridge, uk.
17 apex drug house makes bulk
makes bulk drug formulations, prescription drugs and allopathic medicines, vitamin capsules, medicated powders, antibiotic tablets, syrups and dry powders.
18 SPAR Group, Inc. Provides in-store
Provides in-store merchandising services primarily on behalf of branded product manufacturers at retail grocery stores, mass merchandiser, drug and deep discount drug stores.
19 Jerni Peptide-originated drug
Peptide-originated drug discovery and development, with array technology, development of agonists or antagonists for drug targets and complex interactions. Contract and analytical services available from Berlin, Germany.
20 Beyond Genomics Drug discovery
Drug discovery and development of biomarkers and pathway knowledge useful for detecting disease and measuring drug response. Includes overview of pre-clinical and clinical phases, company news and careers in Waltham, Massachusetts.
21 chiralix research driven
research driven contract research company, specialized in the developoment and supply of chiral drug-like building blocks, scaffolds and libraries on research-scale for drug discovery and early development.
Transip Meer Blade Controleerof Voor Webhosting Domein Heeft Gereserveerd Domeinnaamdomain Nederlands Innovative Please
22 mds panlabs provides pharmacology
provides pharmacology, lead discovery, hts, metabolism, drug discovery, drug development, safety pharmacology, biotechnology, and biosafety contract research services.
23 Chain Drug Marketing Association Supports the
Supports the marketing and merchandising efforts of member chain drug stores. Includes mission and membership information.
Cdma News Trade Industry Expo Membership Events Association Drug Marketing Supplier Annual Show Retailer Contact Chain
24 biotech holdings ltd. specializes in
specializes in pharmaceutical research, development and manufacturing of diabetes treatment drug diab ii, also known as sucanon, a new drug for the treatment of type 2 diabetes
25 mds panlabs provides pharmacology
provides pharmacology, lead discovery, hts, metabolism, drug discovery, drug development, safety pharmacology, biotechnology, and biosafety contract research services.
26 Drug Discovery Online Informative synopsis
Informative synopsis of news, product updates, discussion forums, & online chat regarding manufacturing, technology, equipment, & supplies for professionals in the Drug Discovery & Development Industry.
27 speedel pharma speedels business
speedels business objective is to acquire/in-license and develop innovative molecules through fast-track drug development and innovative technical problem solving in the drug development process.
28 drug discovery online informative synopsis
informative synopsis of news, product updates, discussion forums, and online chat regarding manufacturing, technology, equipment, and supplies for professionals in the drug discovery and development industry.
Z Found_ Requested Url Please Server Description Application Errorresource Cannot
29 3m drug delivery systems inhalation and
inhalation and transdermal drug delivery, cosmetic patch delivery.
30 pharmsupport-peer productions, inc. consultation and
consultation and training services to the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries, with expertise in small-scale consulting, writing, and training projects, as well as large-scale, full-service investigational new drug and new drug applications.
Services Products Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Pharmsupport Product Medical Device Development Companies Timesaver Clinical Questionnaire Protocol Contact
31 sapient discovery drug discovery acceleration sapient discovery
sapient discovery - leading service provider of structure based drug design encompassing advanced bioinformatics, computational and x-ray crystallography.
Protein Drug Services Discovery Crystallography Sapient Structure Bioinformatics Company Ray Lead Optimization Modeling Screening Design Investornews Enzymes
32 Creative Consultants India India-based agency
India-based agency engaged in preparation of registration dossiers for export of drug formulations. We also prepare clinical trial reports, training manuals, drug master files, SOPs, and validation reports.
Module Summary Clinical Services Nonclinical Regulatory Preparation Leaflet Package Registration Characteristics Product Study Reports Contact
33 Homeopathic Pharmaceutical Consultants Provides consulting
Provides consulting services related to homeopathic formulation, drug products, drug listing, company registration, and information services regarding homeopathic vendors, raw materials, manufacturing facilities and legal conselors.
Homeodrugconsultcom Dictionnaire Homeopathie Cash Consolidation Advance Debt Credit Free Terms Legallearn Cell Best
34 Clinical Drug Development Consultant Doug Berger
Doug Berger, M.D., Ph.D. is a bilingual, American physician consultant, based in Japan, with significant experience in clinical study design and drug development.
35 Pharmacosmos AS. Develops and
Develops and manufactures carbohydrate and iron carbohydrate compounds, including dextran and iron dextran. Drug products, active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) and bulk drug solutions manufactured in Holbaek, Denmark.
Pharmacosmos Iron Congress Infusion Dextran Company Products Edta Era Challenge Disclaimer Profilewho Ecco Anemia Deficiency Symposium
36 tds trucking software tds providing
tds providing trucking software including fueltax, ifta fuel tax, maintenance, dispatch, freight billing, driver settlements, routing, mileage routing, log checking, driver log auditing,human resource, drug testing, alcohol and drug testing software.
37 A-Check America Pre-employment background
Pre-employment background and drug screening agency.
38 Kinesis Pharma BV Consultants in
Consultants in drug development. Located in the Netherlands.
39 Regulatory affairs
Regulatory affairs and the pharmaceutical drug development process.
40 Regulatory affairs
Regulatory affairs and the pharmaceutical drug development process.
41 Psychemedics Corporation Workplace drug
Workplace drug testing using hair samples.
42 ami drugs & speciality chemicals produces and
produces and markets chemical and drug products.
Active Pharma Ingredients Drug Hcl Intermediates Pvt Ltd Pharmaceutical Capabilities Products Contract Development Company Group Chemicals Policy Patel
43 alkermes biotech developer
biotech developer of drug delivery systems with an office in cambridge.
Products Alkermes Partners Services Company Drug Events Trials Research Development Releases Contract News Investors Information Approach Plc Email Platforms Corporate Working
44 amgen clinical trials information about
information about ongoing research with these drug agents.
45 BioAlliance Pharma Manufactures a
Manufactures a nanoparticle-based drug delivery platform.
Pharma Bioalliance De Le Gt Livatag® Chef France Mentions Consortium English Investisseurs Du Plan Nice Accueil Glossaire Par Juillet
46 L.E.T.S. International, Inc. Drug and
Drug and explosive detection, scent discrimination, and law enforcement dog training.
Value ErrordnsÀßÄ꤬¸«¤Ä¤«¤ê¤Þ¤»¤ó Domain¥Ð¥ê¥å¡¼¥É¥á¥¤¥ó Z
47 fertin a/s development and
development and manufacture of medical chewing gum as a drug delivery system.
48 covance one of
one of the worlds largest and most comprehensive drug development services companies.
Services Covance Development Products Information Clinical Antibody Drug Laboratory Investor Lead Immunology Research Optimization Statement Structural Request Releases Study
49 jurilab ltd. company in
company in genetic discovery producing drug targets and dna chips.
50 chipscreen biosciences ltd. contract drug
contract drug discovery and development company, in shenzhen, china.
51 majestic drug co. makers of
makers of dental products, mandelay, and skin care items.
52 aureus pharma a knowledge
a knowledge management system designed for drug discovery research.
Conditions Press Apache Terms Release Server Found The Privacy Aureus Sciences Link Portcontact Found
53 PharmaRegistrations European licensing
European licensing opportunities for drug and technology development and market research.
Z Request Y
54 kurve technology, inc. nasal drug
nasal drug delivery devices for topical and systemic formulations.
55 albany molecular research specializes in
specializes in chemistry related to drug discovery and development.
56 Hire-Safe Provides employment
Provides employment background checks, drug testing, and integrity assessments.
● Background Criminal Hiresafe Profile Check National $ Drug Report Screening Employment Testing Credit Court Checks Screeners Bad Partner
57 menarini italian pharmaceutical
italian pharmaceutical company focused on drug research and development and biotechnologies.
58 in the pipeline a weblog
a weblog about science, particularly chemistry and pharmaceuticals, from a working researcher at a drug company.
59 in the pipeline weblog about
weblog about developments in pharmacology and chemistry by a working researcher at a drug company.
60 pharmacopeia online provider of
provider of products and services that accelerate drug discovery and chemical development.
61 Bimark Medical Communications Integrating the
Integrating the clinical and business impacts of marketing drug therapy.
62 chemovation ltd a leading
a leading provider of integrated drug discovery services to the pharmaceutical and biotechnology sectors.
63 cyprotex a company
a company focused on the prediction and experimental evaluation of adme and pharmacokinetics for drug discovery.
Adme Cloe Cyprotex Discovery Pk Toxicology Services Physicochemical Found The Available Cro Screening Apache Relations Modelling
64 CliniDATA Source Offers various
Offers various clinical database products, including drug classification software.
65 Rubber Fab Mold and Gasket Gaskets manufactured
Gaskets manufactured primarily in ptfe for use in food and drug applications.
Rubber Services Sanitary Products Hose Gaskets Fab Assemblies Smart Contact Industry Resources Clampâ„¢ Hoses Literature Distribution Detectablexrayable Gauge Marketing Compression Free Expo
66 Brewer, Inc. Supplies personal
Supplies personal protective equipment, OSHA compliance training and drug testing.
67 sincer pharmchem ltd. pharmaceuticals, chemicals
pharmaceuticals, chemicals, drug intermediates and bulk drugs for export from china.
68 encap drug delivery provider of
provider of liquid fill technology in two-piece hard capsules.
Encap News Drug Delivery Events Manufacturing Accessibility Development Website Global Event Cheap Resources Here Levitra Prescription
69 PharmaLicensing Licensing information
Licensing information for the biotechnology, drug delivery, biomedical, pharmaceutical, and diagnostics industries.
70 PharmaLicensing Licensing information
Licensing information for the biotechnology, drug delivery, biomedical, pharmaceutical, and diagnostics industries.
Company Profile Pharmaceutical Swot Analysis Licensing Reports Partnering Companies Pharmalicensing Target Sector Therapeutic Development Industry Profiled Events
71 PharmaLicensing Licensing information
Licensing information for the biotechnology, drug delivery, biomedical, pharmaceutical, and diagnostics industries.
72 orchid biosciences develops products
develops products and services designed to measure and use in pharmacogenetics and drug discovery.
73 gefa laboratory france based
france based manufacturer of finished drug, food supplements and dietary products.
74 b. braun : asia pacific malaysia-based company
malaysia-based company offering health care and drug service.
75 BioFocus plc Offers multidisciplinary
Offers multidisciplinary chemistry and biology expertise for pre-clinical drug discovery, in eastern England.
76 cedar springs associates inc. provides drug
provides drug and alcohol testing and training, mock dot audits and records monitoring.
77 hainan asia medicine co., ltd. producing drug
producing drug preparations and the traditional chinese medicines and health products.
78 BioWriting Copywriting, Proofreading
Copywriting, Proofreading and Editing Services for the Healthcare and Drug Development Industries. Specializing in non-US companies.
79 kinex pharmaceuticals drug discovery
drug discovery and development company that is focused on next generation anti-cancer drugs.
Kinex Pharmaceuticals Cancer Clinical Company Drug Kinase Inhibitors Trials Partner Development Treatments Collaborative Developing Phase Anti Generation
80 bipha drug laboratories maker of
maker of ayurvedic and aromatherapy products, with corporate profile, and product details.
Bipha Drug Laboratories India Ayurveda Herbionics Kerala Copyright Healthtradition Design Designed Designdifference Since
81 astralis, ltd. new jersey
new jersey biotechnology company is developing drug for the treatment of psoriasis, based on a leishmania protein extract.
82 Top Smart Biotech Inc. Supplier of
Supplier of raw ingredients to manufacturers of animal pharmaceuticals, with drug information and ordering details. California, USA.
83 Nandlal Bankatlal Pvt. Ltd. Suppliers of
Suppliers of pharmaceutical bulk drugs, chemicals and drug intermediates. Product and price lists.
84 product quest licensed otc
licensed otc and private label drug manufacturer of items from suncare to haircare, bodylotion, and first aids.
85 MEDTOX A comprehensive
A comprehensive toxicology company offering on site and Laboratory Drug Testing. FDA certified device manufacturer.
Testing Medtox Employment Criminal Justice Services Trials Clinical Rehabilitation Investors Reference Drug Hospital Letter Ez Management
86 sfbc international conducting clinical
conducting clinical research and providing drug development services for the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries.
87 lancet drugs and pharmaceuticals company based
company based in jaipur/india, experienced in drug formulation, mainly antibiotic capsules.
Yahoo Geocities Sign Policy Help Copyright Popular Sportsreach Toolbar Sorry Longeravailable Privacy Inc
88 Capsulution Develops nanotechnology-based
Develops nanotechnology-based advanced drug delivery carriers, medical devices and diagnostic particles.
Capsulution Magnetic German Particle Technology Imaging Workshop Layer Economic Applications Japanese Forum Established Novel Tailor Made Project Nimini Mmri News Meeting
89 vision biotechnology consulting specialists in
specialists in drug, device, and diagnostic product development, clinical trials, and manufacturing.
90 numoda corporation clinical trial
clinical trial and drug development products and services for pharmaceutical research. philadelphia, pennsylvania.
Numoda Corporation| Cost Careers Green Norms Clients Build Speak Trial Analysis Privacy Welcome Events Benefit | Numoda’s
91 national drug source, inc. us based
us based suppliers of prescription and otc pharmaceuticals to pharmacies, hospitals, clinics, government agencies and others.
Pharmaceutical Islands Oceania Drug Zyrtec Medical Republic Source Guinea National United City Island Diovan Oral Ethiopia Dovonex Tri Cyclen Peg Intron Southern Zyprexa
92 umang pharmatech pvt., ltd. manufacturers of
manufacturers of extruder, spheroidizer, fluid bed coater / processor, solid drug layering machines.
93 Russell J. Simon Jr. Talks to
Talks to teens and parents on being set free from the cycles of drug and alcohol abuse, addiction, and violence. MN.
94 Preventive Nutrient A research
A research based drug development company focusing on products for diabetes treatment and management.
95 Brittney Limited Distributor of
Distributor of Bio-Check Plus Rapid Medical Test Kits. Designed for drug, pregnancy and HIV detection.
Brittney Recyclers World Recycling Tire Solution Inc Troubles Better Tires Internet Today Anything Contact Scrap Subsidiary Limited Truck Viably
96 Nandlal Bankatlal Pvt. Ltd. Importers and
Importers and exporters of pharmaceutical bulk drugs, chemicals and drug intermediates. Product and price lists.
97 Coda Corp. USA Regulatory compliance
Regulatory compliance and validation documentation consulting for FDA-regulated drug manufacturing and testing companies worldwide.
Services Quality Corp Coda Usa Regulatory Lean News Products Title Room Library Blog Systems Publications Managementcontinuous Management
98 cognitalis drug design
drug design company focused on discovery and development of novel targeted medicines for the treatment of infectious diseases and cancer.
99 cardiome pharma corp. a product-focused
a product-focused cardiovascular drug development company based vancouver.(nasdaq: crme)
Cardiome + Learn Financial Brinavessâ„¢ Form Atrial Fibrillation Click Contact Mda Statements Press Ordering Release Team Voting Launch Circular
100 drug development solutions offers paid
offers paid opportunities for clinical trial volunteer subjects. located in dundee, scotland.
101 Tribiosys, Inc. Bioinformatics and
Bioinformatics and related R&D informatics solutions to improve decision-making in drug discovery and development by the biopharmaceutical industry.
102 V and V Pharma Industries Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of bulk drug intermediates and specialty chemicals, also offers custom synthesis. Located in India.
103 Parchem Trading Ltd. Supplier of
Supplier of chemical and pharmaceutical raw materials for the food, cosmetic, nutrition, flavor, resin, and drug industries.
Chemicals Chemical Compounds Food Quote Acid Emery Products Supplier Product Ingredients Emulsifiers Intermediates List Quick Name Pharmco Aaper Services Cms Preservative
104 V and V Pharma Industries Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of bulk drug intermediates and specialty chemicals, also offers custom synthesis. Located in India.
Acid Derivatives Pharmaceutical Intermediates Carboxylic Indanone Chemicals Indole Imidazole Apis Ingredients Pyrazole Ninhydrin Industries Active Benzimidazole
105 Roha Dyechem. Ltd. Manufacturers of
Manufacturers of food, pharmaceutical, drug, toiletry and cosmetic colours, writing ink, fluorescent and glow dyes.
106 bellamy drug company serving community
serving community pharmacies, nursing homes, hospitals, and clinics in the southeastern united states.
107 Regis Technologies Manufacturers of
Manufacturers of specialized columns for chiral separation and derivatization reagents for drug discovery, and chemical analysis.
108 ANMLDR Offers veterinary
Offers veterinary software including reference manuals and drug dosage calculators for PalmOS and PocketPC devices.
109 national compliance management services assists pipeline
assists pipeline operators who are required to meet federal drug testing requirements.
110 haberman associates assisting companies
assisting companies with identification and adoption of genomics and proteomics technology to expedite drug discovery and development.
Haberman Consulting Associates News Consortium Contact Science Publications Seminars Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Speaking Rd Effective Consultants Alzheimers Readmore Development
111 Scolaris Food and Drug Grocery store
Grocery store chain in northern Nevada and California. Includes company and community information.
112 cardinal health offers drug
offers drug development services in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry. contains information on company, investor relations and news
Solutions Pharmacy Services Management Health Suppliers Cardinal Healthcare Pharmacies Products Medical Surgical Hospital Laboratory Technology Specialty Learn Pharmaceuticals Offices Media
113 invivopharm research services
research services in drug biodistribution, quantitative whole-body autoradiograph, tissue autoradiography and receptor occupancy determinations in rodents
Invivopharm Autoradiography Services Binding Inc Occupancy Whole Body Receptor Drug Produces Vivo Vivo_ Vitro_ Radioligand Measures
114 riddhi pharma indian manufacturer
indian manufacturer of drug intermediates and speciality chemicals especially in the field of friedal crafts reaction, bromination and chlorination.
Magnesium Vinyl Bromide Acetone Ethyl Manufacturers Pharma Riddhi Chemicals Chromium Drug Sulphate Manufacturer Basic Bulk Exporter Bromide|ethyl Bromoacetate|basic
115 hishimo pharmaceuticals pvt. ltd. specialized in
specialized in herbal drug manufacturing offering several products which includes syrups, capsules, tablets, rub oil, and face pack.
116 Horizon Medical Technologies Risk reduction
Risk reduction products and articles, focusing on employee drug testing and patient fall prevention.
117 Teton Data Systems STAT!Ref delivers
STAT!Ref delivers electronic access to general medical, specialty and drug reference texts you rely on.
Resources Statref Collections Core Here Contact Mobile Discipline Nursing Healthcare Anatomytv Evidence Medical Click Login Publishing
118 ebd group, inc. business and
business and drug development consulting with courses for professionals interested in updating their skills in clinical evaluation and regulation - carlsbad, ca.
Partnering China Group Video Conferences Biobay Global Life Bio Sign Forum Privacy Ventures Qiming Europe Ebd Wwwebdgroupcombts Policy Euromedtechtrade
119 draxis health inc. holding company
holding company for contract drug manufacturer, with subsidiary producing radiopharmaceuticals. provides investor data and an overview of its facilities.
120 Brown & Associates Provides a
Provides a full range of behavioral consulting services for Alcohol and Drug and Mental Health providers, specializing in accreditation.
121 assist-trials: ovarian cancer details information
details information on clinical studies for this condition that use the telik firms drug-agent tlk286.
122 Drug Plastics & Glass Co., Inc. Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of plastic bottles to the pharmaceutical, healthcare, health and beauty aids, chemical and food industries.
Drug Plastics Bottles Product Glass Employment Catalog Quality Corporate Manufacturing Products Closure Directions Contact Announcements Hotel Printed
123 Vetnetpurchasing Provides human
Provides human generic drug purchasing service to licensed veterinarians. Includes company information, catalog, and online ordering.
124 affymax research institute drug discovery
drug discovery and development company with peptide drugs to treat cancer and immune-mediated diseases.
125 Mass Market Retailers (MMR) Serves supermarkets
Serves supermarkets, drug stores and discount chains. Features numerous special industry reports.
News Mass Global Drug Market Retailers White Ceo Page Front Chains Advertise Read Breaks Names Antiseptic Acquired Coo Wash Announces
126 biovertis drug development
drug development company specialising in anti-infectives. contains corporate information, product technology, vacancies and contact details.
127 Network Environmental Systems, Inc. Training in
Training in hazardous waste, bioaerosols, and clandestine drug laboratory safety for law enforcement. Course information and schedule.
Training Environmental Nes Drug Lab Hazardous Waste Illicit Rcra Compliance Courses Laboratory En Storage Lead Products Management Reference
128 Serenex, Inc. Drug discovery
Drug discovery and development through the commercialization of chemoproteomics, fractionation and mining, purine-binding, mechanism of action determination, and toxicity screening.
129 alantos pharmaceuticals ag company using
company using target amplified drug candidate evolution platform for discovery. includes profile, news, and career contacts.
Amgen Homepage Patients Potential Developing Medicines Unlockingdiscovering Manufacturing Illnesses Innovative Biotechnology Serious Of
130 nastech pharmaceutical company, inc. specializes in
specializes in nasal drug delivery systems. includes explanation of technology, investor news and contact information.
Biotech Marina Learn Rnai Contact Based Terms Marinabiotech Oncology Register Programs Press Development Research Careers Releases Trial Marina Inc Showcase
131 chemgenex therapeutics, inc. drug research
drug research company, developing targeted medicines for the treatment of cancer, diabetes, obesity and depression based in australia.
132 The BioScience Ventures Group Provides seed
Provides seed money and equity financing, coaching and managerial experience to German biotech, drug and genomics companies.
133 Avatar Corporation Products for
Products for the Food, Drug and Cosmetic industries. Custom blending services, industry news, and company employment information.
Oils Agents Chain Avatar News Release Corporation Lubricants Products Medium Greases Mineral Events Mono Diglycerides Lecithin Free Carbonate Sorbitan Alcohols Services Organic
134 V and V Pharma Industries Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of drug intermediates and specialty chemicals, also offers custom synthesis. Overview of process services and named reactions.
135 proqinase gmbh a medium
a medium sized r&d company located freiburg southwest of germany focusing on protein kinase targeted drug discovery.
Cancer Proqinase Research Services Preclinical Cellular Discovery Drug Platform Co Culture Boston Target Summit Therapeutics Assay
136 Lexi-Comp Specializes in
Specializes in the development and distribution of clinical information regarding diagnosis, drug therapy, and patient counseling to students and healthcare professionals.
Drug Health Kluwer Wolters Information Lexicomp Solutions Clinical Mobile Support Products Edition Medical Apps Data Industry Leading Debuts Download International Check Tour
137 National Search and Discovery Pre-employment screening
Pre-employment screening and background check assistance, lists available services, drug testing, testimonials, and franchise opportunities.
138 Girindus AG Performs scale-up
Performs scale-up and production of drug actives and intermediates and cosmetic products, including advanced capabilities in the areas of biocatalysis and radiochemistry.
Girindus Contact Ag Wahl Partner Pharmaindustrie Weltweit Inc Jump Ohio Newspress Avecia Policy Website_ Nitto The  Relations“
139 V and V Pharma Industries Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of drug intermediates and specialty chemicals, also offers custom synthesis. Overview of process services and named reactions.
Acid Derivatives Pharmaceutical Intermediates Carboxylic Chemicals Indanone Indole Pyrazole Imidazole Ingredients Apis Cyclopropane Industries Active Benzimidazole Pharma Monteleucast Methylindole
140 oculus innovative sciences developer of
developer of microcyn 60 disinfectant, l3 oncology compound and drug-eluting stents along with other disruptive health care technologies.
141 IC-VEC Ltd. Non-viral drug
Non-viral drug delivery technology based on cationic liposomes, under clinical development for vector systems on license from Imperial College, London, UK.
142 neuromorphometrics provides quantitative
provides quantitative anatomical measurements of brain regions using magnetic resonance imaging (mri) for neuroscience research, drug trials, and clinical medicine.
Subscription Products Inkthemescom Developed Data Contact Neuromorphometrics License Blog Designed Services Mission Academic Human Evaluate Commercial
143 wardell associates international llc consultants to
consultants to the pharmaceutical and biotech industries on drug development and business strategy, product approval, and market support.
144 Theralase, Inc. Low level
Low level laser drug free non invasive therapy for low back pain, sports injuries, accident rehabilitation, carpal tunnel.
145 BCP Veterinary Pharmacy Producing palatable
Producing palatable medication in which the raw drug is mixed with a chewable base. Includes company history and testimonials. Houston, Texas, USA.
Vetchewsr Bcp Pharmacy Veterinary Martha Stewart Pzir Inc Vetpharm Bntr Vetchewsreg Bovine Insulin Testimonials Gt America
146 bipha drug laboratories a leading
a leading manufacturer in ayurvedic, nutraceutical, aromatherapy segment. in-depth information about ayurveda, the corporate profile, and product details.
Bipha Drug Laboratories Rightsindian Spreading Pharmaceuticals Copyright Happiness Difference Herbionics Design Designdifference Since
147 hi-tech pharmacal co., inc. manufactures over-the-counter
manufactures over-the-counter pharmaceuticals, prescription drug products, and nutritional preparations primarily for the private label market. (nasdaq: hitk).
Check Apacheopenssl Port Foundfound The Server Soon Fipsmod_bwlimited
148 Highland VetPharma LLC Developers of
Developers of a palatable drug delivery system to facilitate oral medication. Includes details of componenets and applications. St. Louis, Missouri, USA.
関連ãÆ’ªãÆ’³ã‚¯éݠï¼Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ サイトマップ æ¶Ã‹â€ è²»è€…金融 「ç´Ã¢â‚¬Å¾æŸã€ã¨ã„う意味です。&ael
149 Analy$ource Online Offers a
Offers a web-based analytical tool that gives users the ability to quickly and efficiently manage a comprehensive drug pricing database.
Drugresource Analy$ource Pricinginformation Deal
150 IC-VEC Ltd Biopharmaceutical company.
Biopharmaceutical company. Non-viral drug delivery technology based on cationic liposomes, under clinical development for vector systems on licence from Imperial College.
151 Jeff Yalden International Speaks to
Speaks to students in middle school through college, and to community and parent groups, with programs in drug, alcohol and violence prevention. MA.
Jeff Motivational Yalden Schools Speaker Teen Youth High Announcements Programs Americas Students Middle Warwick Leadership Calendar Teenage Intervention
152 dov pharmaceutical inc. biopharmaceutical company
biopharmaceutical company focused on the discovery, acquisition, development and commercialization of novel drug candidates for central nervous system, cardiovascular and urological disorders.
153 Arlington Medical Resources Inc. (AMR) A Philadelphia
A Philadelphia based pharmaceutical market research firm focused on providing audits of hospital drug use in the US, Europe, and Japan.
154 chronogen inc a privately
a privately held drug discovery company developing drugs to treat age-dependent diseases, with an initial focus on cancer and cardiovascular disorders.
Click Here Proceedz
155 B2B pharmaceutical
B2B pharmaceutical portal, offering up to the minute news and resources covering biotechnology, medical devices, diagnostics, drug-delivery, and the therapeutic areas.
156 Drug Discovery & Development Magazine Magazine for
Magazine for the pharmaceutical industry professional.
157 Background Bureau, Inc. Provides background
Provides background checks, discounted drug testing, and ability profiles nationwide.
158 Background Information Services Company offers
Company offers pre-employment, tenant and drug screening services.
Background Services Information Inc Screening Colorado Court Contact Records Testing Access Drug Tenant Resources Announcements Substance Partners Login
159 CGI Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Genomics-based drug
Genomics-based drug discovery with speciality in kinases. Based in Branford, Connecticut.
160 Murrays Chicken Internet Site Producers of
Producers of free roaming, drug free chickens. Available in stores throughout the US.
161 shreenath chemicals manufacturer of
manufacturer of pharmaceutical raw materials, fine chemicals, drug intermediates and feed supplements.
162 shreenath chemicals manufacturer of
manufacturer of pharmaceutical raw materials, fine chemicals, drug intermediates and feed supplements.
163 Biomedical NewsAnalyzer A searchable
A searchable database of press releases/news from pharmaceutical, diagnostics, medical device, drug delivery, bioinformatics, genomics and proteomics companies
164 alantos pharmaceuticals ag company using
company using target amplified drug candidate evolution platform for discovery. includes profile, news, and career contacts in heidelberg, germany.
Amgen Developing Homepage Patients Potential Delivering Manufacturing Staticpagestylesie Medicines Since Worldmenuxml_investors Human Innovative
165 Xela Pack, inc. Provides sample
Provides sample and contract packaging for over-the-counter drug, cosmetic, food and household product manufacturers and hospitality services such as hotels and cruise lines.
Pack Xela Packaging Contact Environmentally Resources Sample Conscious Website Download Inc Brochures Blog Business Impact Product Trial Specializes
166 V and V Pharma Industries Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of drug intermediates and specialty chemicals, also offers custom synthesis. Overview of process services and named reactions. Located in India.
167 Bear-Aide, Inc. Supplies traffic
Supplies traffic, sniper, boat, and crime scene templates as well as drug recognition cards. Includes product descriptions and ordering information.
168 kard scientific conducts in
conducts in vivo efficacy studies to support drug discovery and development. models include cancer, neurological, inflammation, arthritis and other diseases.
Page Kard Scientific Services Contact Careers Cures Home Links Developingpartnerships Content Z
169 pharmacopeia drug discovery inc. offers internal
offers internal and collaborative services as well as combinatorial chemistry in association with international partners. headquarters in princeton, new jersey. (nasdaq: pcop).
170 RxLogix Portal for
Portal for drug discovery, development and delivery, featuring industry research and business intelligence. Includes site tour, subscription instructions and login.
171 therimmune research corporation a drug
a drug development service provider, offering a full range of capabilities, from proof of concept through early stage clinical trials.
Z Therimmunecom Y
172 macromed, inc. focus: advanced
focus: advanced injectable polymeric drug delivery systems to deliver drugs, proteins, peptides safely, with high efficacy controlled release.
173 Red Cross Drug Producing medications
Producing medications to order for equine and small animal practitioners. Includes contact information, products list, and staff. Blanchard, Oklahoma, USA.
Drug Cross Compounding Contact Promotions Red Refills Newsletters Traditional Prescription Blanchard Sign Immunizations Experienced Professionals Experienced Multimedia Y
174 Employee Benefit Specialists, P.A. Provides group
Provides group and voluntary benefits programs, including health, disability, life, and dental insurance, as well as prescription drug and 401K plans.
175 V and V Pharma Industries Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of drug intermediates and specialty chemicals, also offers custom synthesis. Overview of process services and named reactions. Located in India.
Acid Derivatives Pharmaceutical Carboxylic Intermediates Indanone Chemicals Indole Imidazole Apis Ingredients Pyrazole Active Cyclopropane Industries Amino Pyrazolecarboxamide Bromide Homoveratric Bromoindole
176 Sedat With expertise
With expertise in plastic injection molding, SEDAT is specialized in conception and manufacturing of drug delivery devices.
Polysite® Series Interventional Imaging Business New Oncology Cardiovascular Flow Echo Pm® Medical Implantable Products Ports Training Vein Seal
177 Strategic Compliance International, Inc. SCI, Inc.
SCI, Inc. specializes in regulatory compliance consulting for biologics, medical devices and drug companies.
Strategic Compliance International Click Scinetwork Macromedia Workshops Training Designed Biofilm Vigor Link Latin Networking Group Areas
178 covance inc. drug development
drug development services company offers listings of products and services, jobs, events, and publications.
Services Covance Products Development Information Clinical Antibody Drug Laboratory Research Investor Immunology Lead Optimization Statement Releases Request Therapeutic Covances Privacy
179 Shanghai Yimin Chemical Co Ltd. Photographic chemical
Photographic chemical and drug intermediate products, with profile of manufacturer in Pudong, China.
180 mcqueary bros. drug co. independent pharmaceutical
independent pharmaceutical wholesaler supplying independent pharmacies. located in springfield, missouri.
181 endpoint drug development consulting providing pharmaceutical
providing pharmaceutical and biomedical firms with advice on the clinical development of medicines.
Page Has Here Clickz
182 US Investigations Services (USIS) Offers employment
Offers employment screening, drug testing and background investigations in North America.
Solutions Usis Security Services Support Federal Management Investigations Training Litigation Analytics Data Fingerprint Information Fraud Opportunity
183 discovery partners international provider of
provider of technology, products and services that augment the drug discovery efforts of the pharmaceutical industry.
184 discovery partners international provider of
provider of technology, products, and services that augment the drug discovery efforts of the pharmaceutical industry.
185 mds pharma services a global
a global contract research organization, offering a complete spectrum of services in drug discovery and development.
186 Osgood Industries, Inc. USA. Complete
USA. Complete lines of specialty packaging and filling machinery for the food, drug, diary and cosmetic industries.
Filling Filler Osgood Cream Machinery Packaging Rotary Industries Line Ice Sealing Fillers Whats Meals Cone Agency Cheese Sealer Sour Tank
187 mds pharma services a global
a global contract research organization, offering a complete spectrum of services in drug discovery and development.
Pharma Thanks Services We Mds Dropz Form Services Enter
188 PPD Offers research
Offers research and product support for drug discovery, development from lead and target identification, through clinical trials. Explains services and resources available in Wilmington, North Carolina.
189 Concentra, Inc. [USA] Provides
[USA] Provides occupational health services for cost containment and lost time prevention including: drug screens, physical therapy, first notice of injury, and case management.
190 The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Company, Inc. Operating a
Operating a number of A and P supermarkets and drug stores in 16 US states, as well as Canada and Washington, D.C. Includes locations, recipes, events, and career opportunities.
Best Company Atlantic Food Tea Pacific Great Join Cellars New Drug Ap Supermarket Media News Values
191 The Chemical Company USA. Manufacturers
USA. Manufacturers of chemicals, resins and polymers for the drug, food, cosmetics and papermaking industries. Detailed product catalogs, with comprehensive technical information and specifications.
Chemical Company Industry Emini Supply Contact Materials Fabric Chemicals Loving Summer Featured Bonds Roach News Consistently Chemistry Name
192 CIS-US, Inc. Develops, manufactures
Develops, manufactures and markets radiopharmaceuticals, radioaerosol drug delivery devices, radiation sources for industrial radiography and medical brachytherapy, and blood unit irradiation systems.
Displayed Pleasecontacterror Providerfor Page Cannot
193 holliston pharmatest specializes in
specializes in providing contract pre-clinical research services using non-invasive imaging techniques (mri, nmr, microct, micropet) to evaluate new drug candidates in various animal models.
194 Harpaz Consulting Services Providing GMP
Providing GMP compliance consultation, regulatory and technical expertise to manufacturers of drug products, active pharmaceutical ingredients, and medical devices worldwide.
195 nanotherapeutics, inc. a company
a company focuses on developing nano-scale inhaled, nasal, injectable, and oral delivery systems for improved drug therapies base alachua, florida
196 shimoda biotech a south
a south african biopharmaceutical discovery company that innovates therapeutic compounds in proprietary drug delivery systems, with cancer research as a primary focus.
197 cima labs inc. pharmaceutical company
pharmaceutical company develops and manufactures fast dissolving tablets. a subsidiary of cephalon. their proprietary drug delivery technologies, some partners, career opportunities.
Odt Compressedpartnerships Tablet Delivery Handle Cima Terms Oravescenttradetransmucosal Taste Technology Masking Use Release
198 cima labs inc. pharmaceutical company
pharmaceutical company develops and manufactures fast dissolving tablets. a subsidiary of cephalon. their proprietary drug delivery technologies, some partners, career opportunities.
Odt Compressed Tablet Microsolvtrade Otsreg Profiles Orasolvreg Technology Labs Lyoctrade Use Durasolvreg Lozenge Granules Partnerships
199 chemical and infrared inspections assisting commercial
assisting commercial and residential customers in utah usa locate potential problems through infared thermography scanning and structural drug residue detection.
200 Drug and Cosmetic Sales Corp. Wholesale and
Wholesale and surplus manufacturer of plastic and glass containers, and jars, and distributors for cosmetics including soaps. Delray Beach, Florida, USA.

2. Shopping and Drug Trade

1 American Drug Screen Offering instant
Offering instant drug test kits for on site drug screening.
2 How to Pass a Drug Test Drug testing
Drug testing information. Offers a product to help prospective employees pass pre-employment drug tests. Works for cannabis (pot, marijuana) and cocaine.
3 Offers THC
Offers THC drug testing kits and products to pass drug tests.
Drug Test Detox Pass Urine How Testing Cleansing Any Capsules Synthetic Drinks Guaranteed Returns Cocaine
4 Drug Test USA Private home
Private home drug tests when you need to know the results of a drug test now.
Drugtestusacom Click Herego Z
5 UreaSample Offers drug-free
Offers drug-free samples designed to be used to pass drug tests.
Drug Test Urine Pass Clean Kits Screen Tests Testing Products Buyeruser Free Product Passing Beat Mon Bleach Masking
6 Himalaya Drug Company Drug by
Drug by symptom reference and description of herb properties.
Himalaya Health Care Drug Finder Faqs Herb Wellness Company Baby Animal Nutrition Personal Pharmaceuticals Careers Privacy Terms Contemporary Shop
7 Drug Testing Information Sells instructions
Sells instructions for passing drug tests.
Create Tripod Signuprequested Page Website Hosting Login Lycos Check Tripodcomlycoscom Shopping
8 Drug Alert Offers confidential
Offers confidential home drug and alcohol testing.
Drug Testing Alert Test Medical Alert® Spice Steroids Results Salters Process Alcohol Group Kit Creek Confidentiality Confidential Anonymous
9 Rapid Drug Testing Services Distributor of
Distributor of the QuickScreen brand drug detection device.
Domain Hosting Solutions Marketing Web Network Names Services Registration Website Networksolutionscom Name Innovative|
10 Himalaya Drug Company Details of
Details of the ayurvedic drug producer and its history. Makali, near Ramanagaram.
Himalaya Health Care Drug Finder Animal Pharmaceuticals Faqs Careers Personal Baby Company Herb Wellness Nutrition Glossary Privacy Himalayahealthcarecom
11 Drug Check, Inc. Drug, alcohol
Drug, alcohol, and adulteration detection products.
Soon Future Something Coming Cool Youre Please Quite Owner Checklaunch Visitor Z
12 Products to
Products to circumvent drug screening procedures. Online catalogue, contact information.
Drug Test Detox Pass Urine How Cleansing Testing Any Capsules Drinks Guaranteed Synthetic Shampoos Mouthwash Cart
13 Drug Free Enterprises, Inc. Providers of
Providers of the DrugCheck product, an instant results, no-step drug test for occupational and clinical use.
Drugcheck Drug Tests Alcohol Testing Express Test List Products Breath Alcocheck Product Login Contact Oms Rapid Sold
14 Clear Test Drug testing
Drug testing products, news and information to help you pass urine and hair follicle drug tests.
Drug Test Urine Pass Products Testing News Hair Saliva Stone Bill Clear Smokers Lincecum Oral
15 Med- X Drug & Alcohol Testing Service Los Angeles
Los Angeles, CA based reseller of the InstaCheck I-Screen, Instacup, and Accutest on-site drug detection products.
Drug Testing Alcohol Med Medx Test Rapid Sites Testing__ Company Specialize Collection Teststransportation
16 Sun Biomedical Laboratories Manufacturer and
Manufacturer and offers a variety of drug and alcohol detection products to companies or private individuals. We also offer on-site drug test.
17 American Bio Medica Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of the Rapid Drug Screen, a quick and easy to use on-site drug test that detects marijuana, cocaine, PCP, heroin, amphetamines, and methamphetamines.
Request Privacy Policy Errorz
18 Drug Testing Network Specializes in
Specializes in DOT mandated programs, private screening, and instant drug testing products.
Drug Testing Dot Drugs Network Services Training Supervisor Programs Free Hair Employee Saliva Tests Parents Workplace
19 National Drug Screen, Inc. A nationwide
A nationwide administrator of employee drug and alcohol testing programs, with clients in over 30 states. Also offers home testing kits for individual use.
20 Drug Detection Devices, Ltd. Features single-step
Features single-step urine drug detection products.
21 Drug Test Systems Provides FDA
Provides FDA approved drug testing kits for testing cocaine, marijuana, mdma, ecstacy, opiates, heroin and amphetamines. Includes a list of services, products and FAQs. Online ordering.
Drug Clia Waived Test Tests Buprenorphine Testing Multi Cups Dip Single Cup Screen Suboxone Information
22 Assured Testing Resources Drug free
Drug free urine substitution system delivers laboratory tested drug, alcohol, and nicotine free urine.
23 BioScan Rapid Drug Screen A complete
A complete line of drug screening and alcohol testing products that yield proven laboratory accurate results in minutes. Adulteration screening products also available. Features live, on-line product training video.
Drug Screening Screen Tests Drugs Free Bioscan Testing Test Alcohol Results Quality Workplace Icup Volume Post
24 Intercept The oral
The oral fluid drug test.
Click Document Untitled Herez
25 Midland Pharmacy Drug store
Drug store on Staten Island.
Providerfor Pagecontactcannot Displayed Please Error
26 DrugTest, Inc. FDA approved
FDA approved drug testing in the privacy of your own home.
Disa Screening Global Employee Solutions Compliance Training Health Testing Drug Background Occupational Safety Services News
27 Instant Diagnostics Inc. Quickscreen 10-minute
Quickscreen 10-minute urine drug tests.
Quickscreencom Instant Diagnostics Health Website Insurance Software Insuranceindustryonlyguide Contact Instantdiagnostics
28 Drug Test Success Provides one-step
Provides one-step tests for a variety of drugs.
Marijuana Cocaine Opiates Methamphetamine Test Amphetamine Drug Benzodiazepines Alcohol Tests Support Barbiturates Oxycodone Product Ecstasy
29 Equitopia Drug free
Drug free natural homoeopathic medicine. Australian site.
Navigationshilfe Ty
30 Medimpex United Pregnancy, Ovulation
Pregnancy, Ovulation, fertility, forensic, drug and alcohol.
Test Drug Urine Tests Panel Kits Saliva Testing Ovulation Kit Screening Pregnancy Drugs Alcohol Waived Screen
31 Rapid Detect Includes pregnancy
Includes pregnancy, alcohol, and drug testing kits.
Rapid Drug Test Detect Products Instructions Testing Alcohol Urine Brand Oral Cart Panel Kits Abuse Follow
32 The Healer and the Drug Pusher A historical
A historical novel about Ayurvedic practice in ancient Sri Lanka.
Healer Drug Blog Pusher Testament Bitha Saadhu Sinhala Tags Inequality Eavesdropper Moonstone Other Swayanjatha Daya Kat South Books
33 Drug Detective Distributor of
Distributor of the QuickScreen brand test for drugs of abuse.
Drugdetectivecom Insurance Cash Advance Consolidation Instructions Debt Renewal Domain Phones Browse Policy Backorderprivacy
34 Drug Store China A wide
A wide selection of Chinese herbal medicines for many different diseases.
Chinese Herbal Supplements Diabetes Heart System Prostate Asthma Medicines Immune Herbals Migraine Kidney Beauty Cold Stones Other Diet
35 TestKits Express FDA approved
FDA approved drug testing kits for corporate on-site screening.
36 Kahn Tact USA Distributor of
Distributor of breath alcohol and urine drug detection devices.
Equipments Medical Supplies Testing Training Services Breath Alcohol Cardiology Spirometry Equipment Audiometry Booths Certification Sound Corp Laboratory Breathalyzer Best
37 Expomed Provides drug
Provides drug and alcohol testing for rehabilitation centers, correctional facilities, and corporations.
Drug Testing Hair Test Panel Alcohol Shipping Drugs Follicle Saliva Privacy Urine Expomed Schools Employers Adultacheck
38 ABBA Laboratory Services, Inc. Provider of
Provider of kits used for paternity and drug testing at home.
Create Tripod Websiteshopping Please Lycos Page Couldnt Check Lycoscom Login Tripodcomhosting Requested
39 Schmidt & Associates, Inc. Distributes a
Distributes a variety of on-site drug and alcohol testing products.
Drug Testing Alcohol Abuse Products Services Workplace Employee Screening Parents Free Tests Employer Mandated Training Illegal
40 Angel Oils Offers non-invasive
Offers non-invasive, non-drug products to treat chronic pain.
Pain Angel Shingles Elbow Carpal Oils Arthritis Tennis Tunnel Syndrome Migraines Aching Neck Now Suffer
41 High Bottom Drunk Provides the
Provides the simple truth about drug addiction, alcohol abuse, and recovery.
Account Has Been Suspendedz
42 MedFaxx Sells alternative
Sells alternative, non-invasive, non-drug technologies to both medical professionals and end-users of the products.
Pain Tens Medfaxx Free Relief Machine Trial Inc Video Mobile Therapy Pin Reduction Products Germs Medicare Standardversion Visit
43 Lewis Enterprises Reseller of
Reseller of Dade Behring Syva RapidCup drug detection products.
44 Testing Offers detoxification
Offers detoxification products for passing drug tests, screening and urinalysis.
Drug Test Pass Testing Tests How Synergydetoxcom Passing Detoxification Products Urine Solutions Testingcleancom Hair Marijuana Situation
45 Drug Mart Canada Offering a
Offering a wide variety of drugs from Toronto based business.
Soonplease Check Underconstruction
46 Nature Drug Offers herbal
Offers herbal alternatives to specific prescription medicines, based on diagnosis.
Medicine Herb Chinese Oriental Alternative Highblood Prescription Liver Cancer Remedy Allergy Mother Here Antiinflammatory Acupuncture Herbal Nature
47 Biousa International Medical diagnostic
Medical diagnostic tests including pregnancy, drug, fertility and infectious diseases.
Strips Test Diabetic Medical Policy Biousa Cart Email Supplies Meter Privacy Items Send Discount Reagents Urinalysis Biousacom Needs
48 Expomed, Inc. Provides on-site
Provides on-site drug and alcohol testing products for rehabilitation centers, correctional facilities, and corporations.
Drug Testing Hair Test Panel Alcohol Drugs Shipping Saliva Privacy Expomed Follicle Urine Schools Account
49 Noble Medical Corporation Retailer of
Retailer of on-site drug, alcohol, adulteration, and paternity testing supplies.
Lake Arrowhead Estate Real Homes Commercial Properties Sign Thanks Exchange Street Wall Land Noble Ridge
50 Rx Crosscheck Offering to
Offering to check patient medication lists for possible drug interactions. Includes a submission form to fax or e-mail.
51 Accu-Stat Diagnostics Offers a
Offers a line of over-the-counter home drug, alcohol, and cholesterol test kits.
52 Wohlford, Martha C. Drumbeat No
Drumbeat No Lie. A fictional caper involves drug smugglers operating on a pristine little island somewhere in the Caribbean.
Book Caribbean Wohlford Lie Crikelair Drumbeat Order Martha Cameron Isbn Buy Amazon Click Here Bahamas Ind Lie_ Authorprice
53 The Detox Store Offers a
Offers a variety of brands of urine and hair detoxification products to aid in passing drug tests
Drug Test Leave Pass Marijuana Urine Testing Posted Detox How Passing Ufc Drugtestdave Welfare Tests
54 Kits for
Kits for drug, HIV, carpal tunnel, sleep disorder, hypothyroid, alcohol, stress and thyroid disease.
Drug Testing Tests Test Kits Health Alcohol Wellness Testcountry Detection Best Sellers Urine Hair Steroid Pre Employment Hairconfirm Dna Mold
55 FS Book Company Offers books
Offers books, videos, and magazines on drug education, use, and cultivation including psychedelics, marijuana, and mushrooms.
Books Marijuana Magazines Older Psychedelic Years Videos Enter Print Best Supplier Must Po Dvds Times
56 A & B Detox Inc. Offers same
Offers same day and permanent detoxification solutions to pass urinalysis, blood, hair follicle, and saliva drug test.
Test Drug Products Cleansing Pass Permanent Hair Panel Saliva Kits Cleanse Nicotine Steroid Testin Follicle
57 4 Your Allergy Drug-free treatment
Drug-free treatment for sinus infection, sinusitis, post nasal drip, congestion, and sore throat.
58 Test Medical Tests for
Tests for detection of thyroid, menopause, infertility, hormone, colon/prostate, drug or alcohol problems.
Test Medical Symptoms Health Tests Instant Blood Inc Hair Urine Tms Saliva Prices Specialize Buy
59 Conrad, Chris Site offers
Site offers for sale several books on marijuana and the drug war. The author is also available as an expert witness and for speaking engagements.
Cannabis Expert Marijuana Medical Witness Community Drug Books Newbies Conrad Resources Hemp Chris Download Museum
60 Spectrum Labs Urineluck Herbal and
Herbal and carbohydrate purifying products. Also sells home drug test kits. [United States]
Labs Spectrum Quick Learn Absolute Drinks Agent Shampoo Detox Urine Synthetic Plus Detoxifying Gtgt Urineluck Old
61 Home Health UK Includes male
Includes male fertility, date rape, diabetes, pregnancy, and drug tests. International delivery offered.
Tests Test Clearblue Pregnancy Ovulation Drug Health Fertility Blood Digital Glucose Female Infection Cancer Monitor Click
62 Walgreens Drug store
Drug store chain. Features online buying facilities, career opportunities, company news, and investor information.
63 Home Health UK Includes male
Includes male fertility, date rape, diabetes, pregnancy, and drug tests. International delivery offered.
Tests Test Clearblue Ovulation Drug Pregnancy Health Fertility Digital Blood Female Glucose Infection Cancer Paternity
64 MLP SoapWorks All natural
All natural and drug-free body, face, and foot lotions for general skin health and pain relief. Ingredients include MSM and Emu Oil.
Navigationshilfe Ty
65 Buteyko Method The training
The training video teaches a healthy, drug-free way to manage asthma symptoms, bronchitis, emphysema and other breathing problems.
66 Marihuana, The Burning Bush of Moses Sells a
Sells a book that deals with the relationship between hallucinogenic (and other drug) substances and the founding of religion in the ancient world.
Directory Listing Errordirectorydenieddeniedthis Virtual
67 Blackhawk tactical
Blackhawk tactical gear and firearms at discount prices for current or former members of the military, counter drug, SWAT, police or other professionals.
Tacopsgearcom Tactical Equipment Html Source Operationsinstant Real Editor Z
68 Herbs for Life Herbal formulas
Herbal formulas, shampoo, and carbohydrate drinks designed to remove residues before a drug test. [Salt Lake City, UT, US]
Drug Detox Test Urine Pass Marijuana Synthetic Free Kits Stinger Price System Clean Products Drink Positive Herbal
69 Real Health Remedies Benefit from
Benefit from alternative to conventional medicine and avoid becoming the victim of outmoded theories, hazardous drug and surgical procedures.
Health Care Leading Remedy Real Safety Products Group Cost Healthand Jointhousands Andfitnessinformation Wellness Net
70 Kelly Productions,Inc Specializing in
Specializing in Self help video tapes, audio cassettes, and books on drug and alcohol abuse and dysfunctional lifestyles. Includes some by Father Martin.
Hosting Domain Network Solutions Web Marketing Names Services Website Registration Helps Host Businesses Grow Networksolutionscom Y
71 Forensic Technologies, Inc. Automated instrumentation
Automated instrumentation, collection and transport kits for laboratories and sites which collect and test urine and blood for abused drug testing.
Technologies Forensics Policy Page Forensicdeer Collection Rights Trail Supplies Mail Woodbury Meconium Privacy
72 Riverton Drug & Gift Collectibles and
Collectibles and gift store. Provides photos and a list of products.
73 US Health Tests Hair, saliva
Hair, saliva, and urine drug and alcohol tests.
Tests Test Drug Alcohol Pregnancy Products Kits Urine Cups Price Browse Hair Product Family Planning Easy Transfersplease
74 Ready Safety Products Offering identification
Offering identification kits, reflective products, and drug testing.
Insurance Life Flood Trust Safety Inc Settlement Ready Estate Licensed Three Day Using Property Cross Travel Health Free Travelduring Baltimore
75 Walgreen Co. Corporate headquarters
Corporate headquarters for drug store chain. Features online buying facilities, career opportunities, company news, and investor information. (NYSE: WAG)
Locator Store Free Code Rewards Balance Clinic Healthcare Contact Refills Shop Prescription Weekly Health Holiday Photo Dayshipping
76 J. Hewitt Incorporated Variety of
Variety of health care products for businesses and consumers, such as blood pressure monitors, ear piercing supplies, drug and cholesterol test kits.
York Listings Privacy Sponsored Mediterranean Drives Transport Jhewittcom Players Hygiene News Memory Retirement Jフェリー Related Policy
77 Thomas Veterinary Drug Selling vitamins
Selling vitamins, supplements, flea treatments, grooming products and veterinary medicines.
Request Errory
78 Harbor Press Health and
Health and wellness publisher. Offers titles including Smart Buys Drug-Wise, Ancient Secrets of the Fountain of Youth by Peter Kelder.
Pain Erase Health Advanced Books Harbor Holistic Healing Alternative Joint Medicine Osteo Homeopathic Protection Book Relief Prostate
79 Health Research Systems, Inc. National distributor
National distributor for Forefront Diagnostics and provider of on-site drug and alcohol testing products for rehabilitation centers, correctional facilities, and corporations.
Systems Research Health Office Welcome Drug Fax Columbus Disclaimer Inc Program Contact Products Alcohol Training Huntington Employee Incemsi
80 PaiDom Meats Provides pasture-raised
Provides pasture-raised and drug-free meats. Site includes a newsletter, cooking tips, and information about their products.
Paidomcom Contact Register Menu Shop Login Javascript Locations Products Longer Feel Goat | Simply Organs Orders
81 Relief Band A drug-free
A drug-free remedy for nausea and vomiting due to pregnancy morning sickness, which is worn like a bracelet for continuous relief.
Internalserver Errordocument Forbidden Youforbidden Error
82 Interactive Medical Developments A device
A device that provides for medication monitoring, pill reminders, drug dispensing, medication alert, and compliance. Can be purchased or rented.
83 Medco Health Pharmacy benefits
Pharmacy benefits manager provides members with the capability to refill prescriptions on-line, check an order status, and research drug and health information.
Scripts Express Pharmacy Freestylereg Order Mail Prescription Error Delivery Use Contact Drug Meter Learn Glucose Millions Id Refills
84 Test Clear Drug Testing Home test
Home test kits, as well as herbal and carbohydrate products, and urine additives, designed to hide substance residues. [Oklahoma City, OK, US]
Error Servery
85 Audiometrics, Inc. Medical equipment
Medical equipment for the industrial and occupational fields. Including mobile test vans, audiometers, vision testers, spirometers, fit testers, defibrillators, alcohol and drug screeners.
Products City Medical Occupational Bossier Hearing Mobile Trailer Louisiana Inc Contact Equipment Audiometers Audiometrics Spirometers School Location Oklahoma
86 Diabetic Drug Store Specializing in
Specializing in sugar-free goodies and gift baskets. Offering diabetic testing supplies, body care, medical ID bracelets and aids for daily living.
Diabetic Price Free Sugar Medical Test Touch Bracelets Ultra Store Strips Blood Diabetes Drug Supplies Re Standard Checkout
87 Remedi (UK) Ltd. Suppliers of
Suppliers of drug free pain relief products including the electronic nerve modulation device for chronic pain relief.
Remediukcomhere Go Click Z
88 Smiths One Hour Photo Lab This site
This site is dedicated to the Photo Lab Services of the Smiths Food and Drug Stores.
89 British American Imports Selection of
Selection of imported British products. Includes food, drink, chinaware, collectibles, drug store products, and Christmas items.
90 Radical Treatment Semi-fictional account
Semi-fictional account of father who resorts to radical course of treatment to rid his talented athletic son of drug addiction, presents thought-provoking concepts. Screenplay available.
Requestleading Net Poorpoormanpatentscom Patent
91 Drug and Alcohol Abuse: The Authoritative Guide for Parents, Teachers and Counselors The book
The book describes prevention, diagnosis, treatment, recovery and relapse of this disorder. Also discussed are the pharmacology of abuse and the various drugs of abuse.
92 Drug Testing Clearinghouse Sells a
Sells a variety of testing kits and detox products plus powdered urine. Also contains links to information on using the hemp seed oil defense, medical marijuana, religion and hemp, and legal products that cause false negatives.
Drug Testing Test Marijuana Tests Urine Pass Durg Information Kit Hair Web Mall Kits Passing Testings
93 Books For MTs Medical transcription
Medical transcription site for medical terminology, drug, disease, and lists of medical books with links to buy a medical transcription course, billing or coding course, practice tapes and medical transcription transcriber.
Medical Books Amazon Transcription Book Drug Names Dictionaries Store Dictation Reference List Terminology Medword Guides Icd Cm Games Garden

3. Drug Recreation

1 Big A Drug Stores A small
A small chain of pharmacies located through out the state. Drug Barns in Sunnyvale and Colma and Drug Fair in Fresno, Big A Drug Stores in Long Beach and South Gate, and Camelot Drug in Lomita.
Z Bigadrugcom Y
2 The Parkinson List Drug Database Index Comprehensive and
Comprehensive and easy-to-understand patient information from this collection of 140 drug definitions. Consumer factsheet provides drug description, explains the medicines mechanism of action, and lists side effects and drug interactions including relative risk of using with Parkinsons medications.
Drug List Parkinsons Information Database Parkinsns Parkinsn Article Neurological Current Email Page Drugs Zonalon Y
3 Random Drug Screens, Inc. Specializes in
Specializes in drug testing services and the design and implementation of drug-free workplace programs.
4 Drug Free AZ The product
The product of a partnership between the Maricopa County Attorneys Office, law enforcement, drug treatment providers, and drug prevention agencies throughout Arizona.
Drug Pdf Drugs Guide Parent Child Parents Prescription Learning Kids Help Az Grade Partnership Arizona Free Synthetic Workshops America Directors Use Culture Contact
5 Forensic Drug Abuse Advisor Periodical for
Periodical for substance abuse professionals on the latest scientific discoveries in drug abuse, workplace drug testing, federal drug law, and forensic pathology.
Drug Testing Abuse Forensic Drugs Pathology Marijuana Fdaa Accent Meth Fentanyl Cocaine Urine Cme Workplace Investigation Subscribe Testosterone Toxicology Steven
6 Drug Test Coordinators, Inc. Offers a
Offers a full range of employee drug and alcohol testing services including development of drug free workplace policies.
Drug Testing Test Types Coordinators Services Turnkey Employee Tests Contact Free Workplace Inc Useful Saliva | Babcock
7 Nurses PDR Resource Center Includes monthly
Includes monthly alerts, changes and new drug releases. Features the monthly drug column from RN Magazine as well as daily drug news headlines from Individual, Inc.
Learning Education Higher Teaching Leaders Ed Mindtap Engaged Digital Error Solutions English Transformingrequest
8 Pharmacology and Legal Drugs - Original articles
Original articles, and instructions for finding more information, about specific drugs and medications. Find new drug approvals, drug-related news, and links to additional resources, pharmacy schools and drug manufacturers.
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9 Lannett Company, Inc. (LCI) Announces The FDA Has Granted An AB Rating To Synthroid Generic-drug maker
Generic-drug maker Lannett Co. (LCI) received approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to launch its bioequivalence of Abbott Laboratories (ABT) popular thyroid drug, Synthroid.
File Directorynamechanged Looking Removed Been Foundthe Temporarily Error Might Navigationshilfeserver Resource Unavailable
10 Confessions of a Teenage Drug Addict A personal
A personal story of drug addiction in Thailand. Includes information and statistics on drug addiction in Thailand.
11 Drug Stamps Specializes in
Specializes in mint and unused Drug and Anti-Drug Tax stamps.
12 Florida Drug Screening National provider
National provider of drug and alcohol testing and specimen collection services. Testing and specimen collection services including DOT, FAA, and paternity DNA. Create a drug-free environment at no cost.
Dns Has Madeexpiredeasy Here
13 DXM Stories Reports by
Reports by users of this drug. Site run by the Partnership for a Drug-Free America.
Treatment Sites Stories Wwwfindtreatmentsamhsagov Web Center Centers Menu Association Consumer Products Drugfreeorg Wwwsamhsagovfree
14 Drug InfoNet FAQ - Cipro Doctors answers
Doctors answers to frequently asked questions about the drug.
Cipro Answer Question Drug Infonet Questions Asked Doctors Answers Bayer Ciprofloxacin Frequently Medicationpharmaceutical Page Shouldnt
15 Parents. The Anti-Drug. - Ketamine Brief summary
Brief summary of the drug, its effects, its dangers, and its history.
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16 National Drug Screen, Inc. Nationwide administrator
Nationwide administrator of corporate drug screening programs.
17 Information about
Information about the drug including its history, food and drug interactions, and FAQs.
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18 OxyContin - Painkiller Drug Addiction Collection of
Collection of articles and resources regarding the drug.
Today Aboutcom Mortgage Stock Date Policy Spreadsheets Results Excel Christianity Add Request Functions Facts Function Todays Trade
19 Healthtouch - Phentermine Provides drug
Provides drug usage, side effects, and brand names under which the drug is sold.
20 Journal of Drug Assessment A quarterly
A quarterly publication, available on subscription, covering all aspects of drug evaluation.
21 Tom Jones Drug Drug store
Drug store in Lynchburg, Virginia with three locations. Includes an 'ask the pharmacist' form.
22 Chiropracty and Drug Addiction Information on
Information on chiropractic techniques are useful in getting people to stay in a drug rehabilitation program.
Chiropractic Medicine Addiction Holisticonline Therapy Drug Chiropracty Meditation Copyright Therapies Nutrition Holisticonlinecom Inc People Icbs Terms Reiki Quality
23 Employers Drug Program Management EDPM is
EDPM is a third party administrator of both DOT and Non-DOT drug testing programs. Alabama.
Click Here Drug Background Testing Training Rule Compliance Solutions Checks Edpm Company Dot News Screening Check Services
24 MedicineNet: Escitalopram Information about
Information about this antidepressant drug, including mechanism of action, dosing, and drug interactions.
Health Depression Diseases Living Skin Disorder Medscape Drug Healthy Slideshow Sexual Hearing Pain Conditions Disease Tips Infectious Quizzes
25 Safer Drug Use If you
If you must use drugs, these tips may make drug use less dangerous.
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26 Clinical Pharmacology 2000 Electronic drug
Electronic drug reference and drug therapy management site. Requires registration.
Clinical Pharmacology Drug Gold Database Clinicalpharmacology Onformulary Elsevier Standard Testimonials Formchecker Policy Education Center Monographs Features Trissel’s™ Products Trade
27 Drug Screen Compliance & Consortium of the Southwest Drug testing
Drug testing business. Locations in Texas and eastern New Mexico.
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28 Viramune Drug information
Drug information on this drug shown to reduce the amount of virus circulating in the body and to increase CD4 cell counts.
29 Globalrph Provides drug
Provides drug information, intravenous drug dilution standards and online clinical dosing calculators for health care professionals.
Drug Calculators Medical Induced Quick Abbreviations Health Food Clinical Calcs Values Care Section Financial Dosing Thru Ultimate
30 Globalrph Provides drug
Provides drug information, intravenous drug dilution standards and online clinical dosing calculators for health care professionals.
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31 Yohimbine - RxList Package insert-style
Package insert-style information on the drug, covers clinical pharmacology, indications, side effects, and drug interactions.
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32 Hydrochlorothiazide Information about
Information about this antihypertensive and diuretic drug, from the RxList. Covers dosage, pharmacology, side effects, drug interactions, and warnings and precautions.
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33 Australian Drug Information Network (ADIN) A central
A central point of access to quality alcohol and drug resources. Search, links and FAQs.
34 Drug-Induced Liver Disease Section of
Section of textbook chapter details types of acute, cholestatic, chronic, and miscellaneous hepatic drug reactions.
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35 Drug Abuse Recognion Training Trains employers
Trains employers, schools, and law enforcement to recognize and document drug impairment. Other services include expert witness.
Bruce Talbot Training Drug Recognition Illinois Click Abuse Public Associates Dragon Cannabinoids Sergeant Client Mothers
36 Glivec Novel drug
Novel drug used in the treatment of chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) and gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST) from Novartis Oncology. Provides information about the disease and drug molecular mechanism.
37 Alcohol & Drug Abuse Straightforward information
Straightforward information for alcoholics, drug abusers, and co-dependents. For those in recovery and those not yet there. Free newsletter, articles, stories, images, links, and resources.
Addiction Drug Treatment Alcohol Abuse Centers Rehab Recovery Substance Review Admin Reference Articles Heroin New
38 EFTC - European Federation of Therapeutic Communities Organisation supporting
Organisation supporting the psychopedagogical approach helping drug addicts to return to a drug free life style.
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39 Fern Gulch Canine Services Provides certified
Provides certified drug detection dogs to schools, corporations, drug rehabs, law enforcement, and concerned parents throughout Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware.
40 AIDS This HIV+
This HIV+ owned and operated site has easy-to-read guided treatment lessons, drug information, recent news, community forums, and drug interactions checker.
Aids Hiv Treatment News Poz Forums Blogs Stories Conference Aidsmeds Health Exclusives Smart Coverage Magazine Diagnosed
41 Hair News: Dutasteride Evaluation Gives a
Gives a critical appraisal of this drug that Glaxo now calls Avodart. The drug is specifically for benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) but may also combat male pattern baldness.
42 Canadian IC Resource Center Provides current
Provides current Canada interstitial cystitis support groups, national drug assistance, and disability programs. Includes patient handbook, and drug glossary.
43 Methadone Grows as Killer Drug New York
New York Times article about the increase in recreational use of this drug in the United States and the public health issues that result. [Requires free registration.]
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44 Kerr Drug For over
For over 50 years people in the Carolinas have trusted Kerr Drug for their pharmacy and healthcare needs. Our customers know the best service can only come from a neighbor!
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45 Clinigen Drug Testing and Screening Provides clinical
Provides clinical drug testing services for employers, institutions, and agencies throughout the United States.
Burlington Labs Drug Services Testing Patient Confirmations News Why Collection Included Screens Centers Events Walk History
46 Clomid: Is this Fertility Drug Right for You? Article on
Article on commonly prescribed fertility drug discusses pros and cons, possible side effects.
47 Bowles-Langley Computer Based Drug Testing Presents a
Presents a non-invasive technology for testing individuals for drug impairment.
Alertometer Research Safety Function News Brain Internal Bowles Update Langley Reminder Job Information Solutions Itunes Company Mailing Knowledge
48 Phoenix Counseling Center Provides alcohol
Provides alcohol and drug counseling for individuals and groups, as well as drug screening, includes an overview of services and locations.
49 Longs Drug Stores Drug chain
Drug chain with over 370 stores in 6 western states: California, Hawaii, Nevada, Colorado, Washington and Oregon.
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A pharmacist emails answers to questions about medicines, drug interactions, new drugs, foreign drug equivalents - chat by appointment.
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51 R.A.I.D. Corps, Inc. South Carolina
South Carolina based canine drug detection company that provides drug detection for both schools and industry.
Dogs Training Drug Industry Store Copyright Detector Photo Awareness Education Prevention Faqsdistribution Upstateweb
52 Drug Rehabilitation for Teens Provides resources
Provides resources and articles on drug rehabilitation treatment for young adults and parents of adolescents.
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53 German Pharmaceutical Database Includes German
Includes German, European and international drug databases and drug related information.
Abda Codex Liste Stoffliste Abdata Taxe Fachkreise Pharmamed Generika Artikelstamm Galenica Rote Datenbank Selbstmedikationsliste Arzneimittelprofile Nominum Phaddex Fabricantspharmaceutiques Publisher Substancelist Medicamentswholesale
54 Online drug
Online drug information in an A to Z format. Includes information about clinical trials, latest news, drug interactions, and a pill identifier.
Drug Medical Pill Information Drugscom Drugs Interactions Identifier Health Checker Prescription Center Fda Medfacts Consumer Resistant Effects Privacy Domestic Posted
55 Norchem Drug Testing Laboratory Offers premium
Offers premium drug testing for a broad variety of law enforcement, social services, and employment organizations.
State Drug Department Health Norchem Services Testing Resource Contact Test Association News Management Administration Careers| Story Forum” Results Opioids
56 The Anti-Drug Parenting site
Parenting site launched by the White House of National Drug Control Policy. The goal is to help parents learn better communication skills when talking to, and teaching, their children about illicit drugs.
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57 Drug Alternative Program (DAP) Residential Christian
Residential Christian home offering drug and alcohol recovery and rehab programs for adult men. Inpatient services utilize a holistic approach to addiction. Grand Terrace, CA.
58 D.D.T.A. Services Inc. A drug
A drug testing consortium and third party administrator of federally required drug testing programs.
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59 Nature Reviews - Drug Discovery A monthly
A monthly journal aimed at dealing with drug discovery and development.
Nature Drug Discovery Reviews Biology Methods Cancer Current Research Guide Journal Ecology Biotechnology Protocols Advance
60 Drug Free Workplaces, Inc. Provides drug-free
Provides drug-free workplace services to small and medium sized businesses.
Gridsouth Networks Web Hosted Coming Soon Panel Llc Another Gridsouthnetworks Createdusing Visit Constructionthe
61 PMS & PMDD Information Exposes the
Exposes the causes and correct treatments for these disorders. Find support and learn about a safe non-drug treatment more effective than SSRI drug treatment.
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62 Drug Information for the Healthcare Professional Drug dosing
Drug dosing tools including pharmacokinetic and infusion rate calculators, drip rate charts, and protocols.
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63 Pulmicort Respules Drug and
Drug and asthma management resources for US health care professionals. Includes drug information, patient materials, and prescribing information.
Asthma Pulmicort Respules Information Safety Nebulizer Children Astrazeneca Treatment Learn Approved Pulmicortrespules Suspension Budesonide Using Important Uscom Corporate Child Effects
64 J. Co. Drug A combination
A combination drug store and Hallmark Gold Crown Store with a variety of gifts and collectibles. Information about the company and its products. Online shopping.
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65 - Fastin Drug Reference Healthcare professionals
Healthcare professionals provide detailed information regarding drug interactions, uses, and side effects for Fastin, a brand name of Phentermine.
Cancer Share Disease Health Skin Cholesterol Policy Sleep Medications Disorders Migraine Diabetes Asthma Incontinence Reflux Bipolar Genital Healthy
66 Canine Intercept Drug Detection Dogs Serves the
Serves the Southeastern United States with professional drug dog detection services for businesses, schools, and private residences.
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67 Canadian Drug Free Powerlifting Association An organization
An organization to give lifters the opportunity to compete in a truly drug free setting at local, national and international competitions.
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68 Southend Drug Action Team Offers information
Offers information about drug and alcohol treatment in Southend-on-Sea. Includes directory of services, objectives, strategies and contact details.
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69 Unofficial Gleevec Site Features Jerrys
Features Jerrys personal diary while undergoing Clinical Trials for new chemotherapy drug. Includes articles, information, drug history, and support groups for Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia.
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70 Unofficial Gleevec Site Features Jerrys
Features Jerrys personal diary while undergoing Clinical Trials for new chemotherapy drug. Includes articles, information, drug history, and support groups for Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia.
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71 Drug Offenders Education Program Information about
Information about the state required course for reinstatement of drivers license, alcohol, drug, depression, marital and family counseling, parenting classes, and anger management courses offered.
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72 DrugResearcher Daily news
Daily news on drug discovery and development. Free access to news on drug research , screening, genomics/proteomics and molecular biology in pharmaceuticals and biotechnology.
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73 Global Drug Testing Services Drug and
Drug and alcohol program management company, with general information, consultations, seminars and training, and testing kits sold online.
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74 Thomas J. Moore: The Drug Safety Problem Shows how
Shows how the drug safety system may and may not protect consumers from adverse effects. Includes articles about the FDA, antidepressants, and nutritional supplements.
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75 S&S Drug Company, Inc. S &
S & S Drug, Inc. is a 'brick and mortar' pharmacy located in the small town of Beloit, Kansas. The store is divided into three categories: pharmacy, durable medical equipment (DME), and gifts.
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Take a good look around a Happy Harrys Discount Drug Store, then compare us to any other drug store.
77 Chemical Testing Mobile Services Drug and
Drug and breath alcohol testing service working with a choice of U.S. Department of Transportation/SAMHSA(NIDA) approved laboratories to fit your needs for maintaining a drug free environment.
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78 Hays Drug & Variety Hays Drug
Hays Drug Store is a family owned and operated business servicing the North Fork Colorado area for over thirty threeyears. 24 Grand Avenue, P.O. Box 29, Paonia, CO 81428.
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79 National Drug Testing, LLC Special event
Special event security and investigative industrial drug testing. On-site collection and testing anytime, anywhere. Certified breath alcohol technicians.
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80 National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence Established in
Established in 1980 in Middlesex County, our mission is to prevent the diseases of alcoholism and drug addiction and related problems through prevention education, advocacy and public awareness.
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81 Health Enhancement Center Providing substance
Providing substance abuse prevention and drug testing programs in support of employer policy. Supporting all services necessary for a drug free workplace from policy development to counseling referrals.
Services Wellness Free Years Drug Mobile Management Proctor Center Enhancement Health Atpa Workplace Contact Families Consulting
82 Health Central: Peoples Pharmacy Provides drug
Provides drug and health information to consumers. Articles, drug and herb libraries, home remedies, in-depth guides, answers to frequently asked questions, and summaries of radio programs.
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83 Global Drug Testing Services Drug testing
Drug testing services which include hair, urine, saliva, blood, and fingernail analysis. Also provides consultation, seminars, and training.
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84 Phoenix Counseling Center This is
This is an alcohol and drug, drug screening, individual, group, and couples counseling center in Charleston, South Carolina.
85 Drug Abuse Intervention Intervention resources
Intervention resources for alcoholism, drug addiction, gambling, computer addiction, other self-destructive behavior. Vaughn J. Howland. Located in Washington, DC and Kensington, Maryland.
Intervention Addiction Family Center Training Vaughn Executive Books Howland Drug Contact Gambling News Diagnoses
86 Seasonal affective disorder drug Wellbutrin XL wins approval ( FDA approves
FDA approves of this drug in treatment of this seasonal mood disorder.
87 American Marine Training Random drug
Random drug testing pool for marine captains, crew and any other business requiring drug testing.
88 Study Sheds Light On Why Diabetes Drug Causes Edema Researchers have
Researchers have learned why thiazolidinediones (TZDs), a major anti-diabetes drug, cause edema and also have found a new pathway critical to fluid metabolism.
89 The Right Step - Drug and Alcohol Treatment and Rehab Drug and
Drug and alcoholism treatment program for adults and teens. Locations throughout Texas and Louisiana. Learn about inpatient and outpatient programs for alcoholism and addiction.
Treatment Houston Alcohol Texas Step Addiction Family Drug Recovery Centers Area Right Rehab Residential San Dallas Members Adolescent Outpatient Advisordrug Beginning People
90 The Right Step - Drug and Alcohol Treatment and Rehab Drug and
Drug and alcoholism treatment program for adults and teens. Locations throughout Texas and Louisiana. Learn about inpatient and outpatient programs for alcoholism and addiction.
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91 J. Co. Drug A combination
A combination drug store and Hallmark Gold Crown Store with a variety of gifts and collectibles. We will ship anywhere and take pride in giving our customers value and 'small town - home town' friendly service.
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92 Alberta Alcohol and Drug Abuse Commission Alcohol and
Alcohol and drug abuse information provided by the government of this Canadian province.
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93 FSR Drug Testing Service Specializes in
Specializes in designing and implementing individually customized drug testing program for businesses as well as government agencies in accordence with all relevant laws and regulations. MRO Service Provider. AAMRO Registered.
94 US Screening Source Drug testing
Drug testing kits and screening. FDA approved products can screen for up to eleven drugs including marijuana and cocaine. Drug testing advice and pre-employment screening.
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95 New Pathway Counseling Services Inc. Alcoholism /
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96 Drug Store News Information about
Information about the drug store industry, trends, news articles, links.
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97 Ottosen Site for Drug Safety and Pharmacovigilance Information about
Information about drug safety and clinical studies. Includes discussion forum, news and practical information about issues like safety reporting, licensing, contracts, PSUR, E2B, electronic submission.
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98 Zanosar Side Effects and Drug Interactions (streptozocin) Extensive information
Extensive information on side effects and drug interactions on this parenteral antineoplastic agent with links to pharmacology, dosage, and product warnings.
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99 SMRs Case Histories of Drug Discovery Society for
Society for Medicines Research symposium on Case Histories of Drug Discvery held on December 2, 1999 in London. On demand webcast of entire symposium now available.
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101 Vanderhoof Alcohol & Drug Services Located in
Located in Vanderhoof. Counselling for those with alcohol and drug dependencies is available. A referral program and community presentations is also offered. Information on all services is outlined.
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102 Health care
Health care information via a library of medical conditions, alternative care center, drug information and drug interaction feature and health news.
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103 AAGP: Alzheimers Drug Aricept (Donepezil) May Delay Need For Nursing Home Placements This is
This is taken from a news article describing a study in which it appears that a drug used to treat Alzheimers Disease may have delayed the necessity for nursing home placement.
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104 Confessions of a Teenage Drug Addict The Personal
The Personal Story of a Thai Teenage Drug Addict.
105 Zemplar Side Effects and Drug Interactions (paricalcitol) Extensive information
Extensive information side effects and drug interactions on this synthetic parenteral Vitamin D analog with links to dosing, product warnings and patient information.
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106 Zanaflex Side Effects and Drug Interactions (tizanidine) Extensive information
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108 Zarontin Side Effects and Drug Interactions (ethosuximide) Extensive information
Extensive information on side effects and drug interactions on this oral anticonvulsant agent with links to dosing, overdose, and patient information.
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109 Zadaxin Side Effects and Drug Interactions - RxList Monographs Extensive information
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110 F.A. Davis Company The features
The features you find here complement and enhance the use of Daviss Drug Guide for Nurses, 6th Edition, Daviss Electronic Drug Guide, and the Nurses Med Deck, 6th Edition.
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111 RapidCup drug and alcohol testing RapidCup features
RapidCup features rapid drug testing kits and digital alcohol testing. For home use and employee testing programs.
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112 Drug Free Workplace Information for
Information for drug-free workplace professionals.
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113 Pharmaceutical Diversion Education, Inc. Services in
Services in the area of education on prescription drug abuse. Awareness education for health professionals, law enforcement, and regulatory officials. Talks include diversion in the health facility, rx abuse in the workplace, and prevention tips for health professionals who encounter the prescription drug seeker. (Miamitown, Ohio)
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115 Drug InfoNet FAQs about
FAQs about emphysema.
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116 Reticulose A peptide
A peptide nucleic acid drug.
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117 Rheumatoid arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis information from a drug company.
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118 Drug InfoNet Questions answered
Questions answered by a doctor.
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119 RxList: Exubera Provides basic
Provides basic information about the drug.
Drug Side Effects Rxlist Description Insulin Exubera Human Medscape Drugs Origin] [rdna Type Information Patient Labeling Guide
120 Venlafaxine Includes indications
Includes indications, effects and warnings about the drug.
Permanently Theport Server Apache
121 Electric Emperor Information about
Information about marijuana and drug laws.
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122 Dani A collection
A collection of humorous drug related pictures.
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Drug store, prescriptions and gifts.
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Information from, including guidance on first aid.
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125 New Drug At-a-Glance: Bexxar Brief summary
Brief summary intended for pharmacists.
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126 Clomid: What, Why and How What to
What to expect when taking clomiphene as a fertility drug.
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127 HealthSquare:Tetracycline Information, precautions
Information, precautions and interactions of the drug.
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128 Midland Pharmacy Drug store
Drug store on Staten Island.
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129 New Beginnings Residential implementation
Residential implementation of drug and alcohol addiction therapy.
130 Prescription drug
Prescription drug information and news for professionals and consumers.
131 Prozac Official manufacturers
Official manufacturers website for detailed information about this drug.
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Diary of one users experience with the drug.
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Complete drug monograph from Internet Mental Health.
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135 - Benicar Provides information
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136 MSN Health: Ciprofloxacin Provides useful
Provides useful information and usage advice about the prescription drug.
137 Viagra Humor Features jokes
Features jokes and cartoons on the popular drug.
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138 Leukeran Product information
Product information on the cancer drug chlorambucil, from GlaxoSmithKline. [PDF]
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Drug information resources directory for consumer and pharmacist.
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Alcohol and drug dependency treatment center.
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Internet-based alcohol and drug abuse treatment.
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An MSN support group for people with drug dependencies.
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Random selection software for drug and alcohol testing.
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144 Ketamine Includes an
Includes an FAQ, articles, reports, and comments about the drug and its misuse.
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Details the authors experimentation with the drug, and the effects it had.
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146 Aegis Analytical Laboratories, Inc. Specializes in
Specializes in zero-tolerance drug testing.
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From Berlex. Offers drug and disease information for US residents.
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148 Increlex Listing for
Listing for FDA approved drug therapies archives from CenterWatch. (mecasermin)
Clinical Drug Trials Drugs Patient Centerwatch Fda Approved Information Growth New Increlex Resources News Mecasermin Demo Listings Approval
149 Sertraline (Zoloft) Complete drug
Complete drug monograph from Internet Mental Health.
150 Thriftyway Pharmacies of DeRidder, LA 3 Local
3 Local Drug Stores in De Ridder and Leesville, LA.
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151 RAmEx Ars Medica, Inc. Medical news
Medical news and information about drug approvals, plus FDA and NIH research.
News Medical Research Drug Approvals Information Patient Fda Nih Education Vidyya Medicaled Prescribing Medicals Newsing Approval Medicaler Newsor
153 Byetta (exenatide) Listing for
Listing for FDA approved drug therapies archives from CenterWatch.
Trials Centerwatch Clinical Drugs Drug Fda New Approved News Type Industry Byetta Information Resources Diabetes Amylineli Map Policy Profiles Practitioner
154 Drug Dosage Calculator for Rabbits A useful
A useful resource for vets and rabbit breeders.
Dosage Drug Calculator Rabbit Ashys References Rabbits Page Charky Reservedlinks Documentwrite Designrights Rabbitstimes
155 ACE Inhibitors Information for
Information for patients about the primary drug treatment for heart failure.
Inhibitors Charm Chfers Heart Patients Ace Source Arbs Chf Angiotensin Losartan Failure High Inhibitor Elite Added Alternative Poole Wilson Overall
156 - Phentermine Provides detailed
Provides detailed information regarding drug interactions, uses, and side effects.
157 HowStuffWorks: OxyContin Offers a
Offers a question and answer about the drug oxycodone hydrochloride.
Works Oxycontin Howstuffworks Emergency How Aspirin Request Health Drug Constitutes Errorthe Error Purdue Keep
158 MMSFitness Articles, drug
Articles, drug profiles, side effects, and cycle information.
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159 WPCI Online Provider of
Provider of drug testing programs, products and services.
Drug Wpci Testing Employee School Medical Page Dot Programs Follow Review Scottsbluff Workplace Management Nations Urine
160 Adalat Features information
Features information about drug trials, hypertension treatment, and news.
161 Advanced Workplace Strategies, Inc. Provides customized
Provides customized anti-drug and alcohol programs.
Here Clicking Loginy
162 RxList: Refludan Information about
Information about side effects, dosage, and drug interactions.
Drug Effects Side Refludan Rxlist Heart Lepirudin Interactions Medscape Drugs Disease Warnings Dosage Information Center Myocardial
163 Interdope: LSD section Virtual LSD
Virtual LSD trips, trip stories, and facts about the drug.
Apache Port Serverpermanently The
164 FirstLab A third
A third party administrator managing drug and alcohol testing programs.
Login Services Workplace Industry Learn Rms Testing Industries Dqf Investigations Ask Contact Programs Mro Training Educational Staffing Transportation
165 Laryngitis Doctors answers
Doctors answers to frequently asked questions. From Drug InfoNet.
Laryngitis Drug Answer Infonet Question Asked Questions Answers Doctors Doctor Frequently Send Verystrainedican Inan
166 Spencer Recovery Centers Drug treatment
Drug treatment center located in Montrose.
167 Name That Drug Visitors are
Visitors are challenged to name a narcotic based on abstract picture clues.
Youre Error Happened Found Ever Things Owner Sure Feel Place Wrongvisitor Z
168 La Cour, Skip Includes information
Includes information and inspiration for drug-free training.
Training Video Information Here Manformation Click Bodybuilding Seminar Mass machine Download La Cour Cours Mm Audio Max Ot Step
169 Medic Drug A pharmacy
A pharmacy chain of 30 stores headquartered in Cleveland, Ohio.
Domain Medic Drugcom Inhaber Parking Programm Informationen Thema Infohtmlcategory=keyword=token= Cures Beacons Impotence Problemfällen Beziehung Denicdeby
170 Willingway Hospital An alcohol
An alcohol and drug treatment facility located in Statesboro, Georgia.
Willingway Treatment Addiction News Recovery Experts Drug John List Member Meet Faqs Brochureseducation Mooney Upcoming Sobriety Patients Counsel Phone Treatmentprofessionals
171 Glucophage Feature drug
Feature drug information, diabetes management tools and tips, and news.
News Information Company Partnering Rd Achievements Help Medicines Squibb Key Bristol Myers Clinical Diversity Transparency Developing To Innovative Events Korea
172 Vfend Provides detailed
Provides detailed information regarding drug interactions, uses, and side effects of voriconazole.
Drug Medical Pill Drugscom Information Drugs Identifier Interactions Checker Health Fda Center Consumer Prescription Class Zolpidem Content Acne Prone Google+ Blood
173 New River Cove Offers alcohol
Offers alcohol and drug treatment in Belize, Central America.
174 Willingway Hospital An alcohol
An alcohol and drug treatment facility located in Statesboro, Georgia.
Willingway Treatment Addiction News Recovery Experts Drug Brochureseducation Mailing Admissions John Upcoming List Patients Member Years Other Two
175 Circle Treatment Center Provides alcohol
Provides alcohol and drug abuse counselling services is Gaithersburg.
Center Circle Treatment Html Change People About_ Goldfarb Works_ Copyright Experience Come Rosalindmail
176 K.I.D.S., Inc. Canine drug
Canine drug detection company providing services to both schools and industry. DEA licensed
Detection Texas Services Corporate Headquarters Kontraband Direct Phone Intro Inc Fax California Interdiction Coast_ West Y
177 Levodopa Info News and
News and information about a Parkinsons disease drug that only treats the symptoms of PD.
178 The Garden of Weedin Pro-legalization site
Pro-legalization site with message forums, graphic art and drug news.
179 Mayo Clinic: Parkinsons Disease A description
A description of the condition, as well as drug and surgical treatment.
Mayo Clinic Medical Patient Health Research Education Appointment Symptoms Services School Care Conditions Definition Tests Departments Jobs Directory
180 Information on
Information on glatiramer acetate as a treatment for MS. Site sponsored by drug manufacturer.
Copaxone® Ms Relapsing Syringe Solutions® Sign Community Injection Mg Information Shared Taking Insurance How Injecting Co Pay
181 A Focus on Asthma Includes articles
Includes articles, news, drug information, and a message board.
Asthma Health Slideshow Pictures Inhaler Living Symptoms Quiz Oral Kids Skin Medscape Conditions Medications Flovent Take
182 Allergy Associates Clinical drug
Clinical drug trial oriented practice in Seattle, Washington.
Leadingallergyresearchcom Net Requestallergy Research
183 RxList - Phentermine Provides drug
Provides drug clinical pharmacology, side effects, and patient information.
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184 Viagra Pfizers official
Pfizers official site for this drug, with information for both patients and medical professionals.
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185 Contains a
Contains a weblog with links to news stories and original drug information content.
Canada Drug Email Posted Jason News Ive Thisblogthisshare Twittershare Canadian Pharmacy Canadapharmacynewscom Loading Pfizer Health Thelin Archive * Blog
186 Norton Medical Industries Federally approved
Federally approved drug and alcohol testing services.
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187 Urban75 - Ketamine Summarises the
Summarises the drug, its side effects, its health risks, and its legality.
Ketamine Drugs Drug House Urban Commons Special Hydrochloride Advice Dorothy Heroin Information Solvents Cocaine Ecstasy Cannabis
188 NorthAmerican Transportation Association, Inc. A nationally
A nationally accredited drug and alcohol program by DATIA.
189 News and
News and updates on the pharmaceutical industry including research and development, and new drug approvals.
News Manny Awards Ad Med Formsmobilecontact
190 Citalopram Hydrobromide (Celexa) Complete Canadian
Complete Canadian drug monograph from Internet Mental Health.
Citalopram Pubmed Information Responded Medications Prescribing Study Placebo Research Complete Antidepressant Mental Toadverse Articles Comparative
191 Provides information
Provides information on alternative treatments, nutrition, a vitamin, mineral and drug index, and links.
192 Mediscapes Offers inpatient
Offers inpatient addiction treatment for alcoholism, drug abuse and eating disorders.
Parked Domain Contact Internet Anno Thedomainz
193 Canadian Drug Free Powerlifting Association CDFPA -
CDFPA - rules, meets, records, and memberships.
Yahoo Geocities Help Sign Policy Copyright Archiveorg Trying Reach Archives Sports Hosting Finance Sites Guidelines
194 PDS A third
A third party administrator providing pre-employment drug testing services for small to medium businesses.
Drug_testing_signuppdf File Esrcolorlogogif Drug_testing_signup Sigdoc Frontlinehtm Hayate Devilzsechtml Library Location Lookuphtml Order Indexhtml Collection Frontlinebackup Art Accuchex Tmpbackup Ftpquota
195 Midwifery Today Discussion of
Discussion of the drug Misoprostol (Cytotec) and the possible relationship to uterine rupture and other complications.
Today Issue Midwifery Articles Birth Cytotec Misoprostol Labor Conferences Health Number Drugs Dangers Obstetrics Induction Market Magazine
196 Drugs Bite Stephen Arrington
Stephen Arrington is an anti-drug and motivational speaker that has spoken at over 500 schools.
Drugs Bite White Spray Crusader Convict Rinse Dreams Youth Prevention Regular Dedicated Program Dvds Oral Volunteer Books Dust Delorean Seeks
197 Forced Labor Why are
Why are obstetricians speeding deliveries with an ulcer drug that endangers mothers and their babies?
198 Lithium: Mineral And Drug Describes history
Describes history and current uses of this salt in treatment of mood disorders.
199 Sherrys Drug Compounding and
Compounding and natural pharmacy. Health articles, list of services. Oklahoma.
Drug Bio Sherrysdrugcom Testing Contact Sherry’s Here Hormone Staff Identical Doctors Articles Services Consultation Ciick Hormonereplacement Diet Jacobs
200 Cornerstone Offers inpatient
Offers inpatient and outpatient alcohol and drug treatment programs in southern California.
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4. Computer & Drug Games Websites

1 (D2OL) - Drug Design and Optimization Lab Works to
Works to discover drug candidates against bioterrorism organisms such as anthrax, smallpox, and ebola.
Institute News Rothberg Careers Legal Research Privacy Contact Info@childhooddiseasesorg Scrollers Guilford Tsc Charlesabout Whitfieldinc
2 Capstone Network Supports the
Supports the Find-a-Drug project using discarded PC in memory of Ryan Smiths father Terry.
Datenschutzrichtlinien Domain Click Here Informationen Magicwebworkscomdieser Z
3 Insight WW - Pre Employment Screening Reduce workers’
Reduce workers’ comp fraud, illegal drug use, employee theft, dependability problems and workplace violence.
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4 OnTime Rx Medication reminder
Medication reminder software for improved OTC and prescription drug compliance. Stores alarm responses, medical history, dosages, 911 information and auto snooze alarms.
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5 ePocrates Offers freeware
Offers freeware drug and infectious disease databases. Includes system requirements, tour of features, and auto update information. Requires free registration for download.
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6 Partek Incorporated Pattern recognition
Pattern recognition software used in life sciences and engineering for gene expression (microarray) data analysis, high throughput screening, and drug design including SAR and ADME prediction.
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7 SafeSurf Detailed self-rating
Detailed self-rating standard, with categories for profanity, heterosexual themes, homosexual themes, nudity, violence, drug use, intolerance, and gambling, rated on a finely-graded 0-9 scale.
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8 The DC Zone A growing
A growing distributed computing community, currently focused on Folding@Home, Find-a-Drug,, World Community Grid, and DIMES, though open to other projects.
Zone Community Computing Folding@home Dc Distributed Contact Grid Joomla Malariacontrolnet Forum Paper Announcement Dimes Gridorg Vary Devices
9 Partek Inc. - Pattern Recognition Software Statistical and
Statistical and visual data analysis software. Widely used in life sciences and engineering for gene expression (microarray) data analysis, high throughput screening, and drug design including SAR and ADME prediction.
Partek Software Analysis Flow Data Microarray Qpcr Suite Ngs Inc Solution Support Statistics Company News Pathways
1 Be the Drug Dealer Online game
Online game in which the player gets to be a drug dealer competing for business on the city streets.
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2 Gang-Wars Become a
Become a thug, drug dealer, or pimp, and group with others to battle rival gangs in an effort to become number one. Includes high scores.
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5. Sports Websites concerning Drug

1 Canadian Drug Free Powerlifting Association An organization
An organization to give lifters the opportunity to compete in a truly drug free setting at local, national and international competitions.
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2 MMSFitness Articles, drug
Articles, drug profiles, side effects, and cycle information.
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3 La Cour, Skip Includes information
Includes information and inspiration for drug-free training.
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4 Canadian Drug Free Powerlifting Association CDFPA -
CDFPA - rules, meets, records, and memberships.
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5 Thomas Tobin Authored articles
Authored articles and thoughts in the area of drug and medication control in performance horses.
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6 Drug profiles
Drug profiles, side effects, black market prices and other information on anabolic steroids.
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7 OCB The Organization
The Organization of Competitive Bodybuilders. North American drug-free bodybuilding, fitness and figure competitions and information.
Contests Natural Physique Bodybuilding Login Contact Bikini Figure Create Drug World Organization Guidelines Help Contacts Pro
8 Bodybuilding forum
Bodybuilding forum with discussions areas for steroids, drug profiles, womens fitness, nutrition and competition information.
Found Thefound Here Proceedclick
9 Natural Athlete Strength Association Official web
Official web site focused on powerlifting, bench press and other power sports with a drug free emphasis.
Nasa State Entry Powerlifting Forms Mexico Texas Meet Records Nationals National Arizona Iowa Open Year Upcoming
10 Gary Hall Jr. Worship Page Fan page
Fan page with photos and commentary about Halls drug charges and suspensions.
Movedpleasenakedsimplicitycom Simplicity Nakedlinks You Update
11 World Natural Sports Sponsors drug-tested
Sponsors drug-tested and televised bodybuilding comptetions across the country. Includes policies, membership information, news and event schedule.
Superhero Sign Club Mark Bodyproud Body Muscle Nasse Love Sean Transformer Appearance Up Ourselves Mission
12 International All-around Weightlifting Association (UK) UK site
UK site for IAWA drug-free weightlifting organisation. History, general information, rules, results.
Viewmore Business Yahoo Started Small Now Email Hosting Account Website Privacy Terms Please Aabaco Web Inc Registration Upgrade
13 The Exercise Group Official site
Official site of World Natural Bodybulding Federation (WNBF)and International Natural Bodybuilding Federation (INBF), with a variety of drug-free exercise information.
Dosarrest Internet Security Ddosprotection Restricted Client Pleasehost Protection
14 132 Pound Powerlifter Jennifer Thompson Personal bio
Personal bio of drug free powerlifter and current world bench press record holder Jennifer Thompson. Includes: training, nutrition,meet results,pictures and links to powerlifting organizations.
Powerlifting Article Ipf Power Pounds Place Bench Nutrition International Weight Federation Gazette Kg Apparel Charlotte Discountcheck News Amercian

6. Society, Arts and Drug Crafts

1 Drug War: Covert Money, Power, and Policy Illustrated chapter
Illustrated chapter summaries of the two finest histories the drug war: Shamanism and the drug propaganda.
Drug Amazon Propaganda Suicide Strategic Buy Rave Reviews Shamanism Patriarchy Webmaster American Orpheus Modern Assaya Iron Fiends Euroamerica Copyrightdisclaimer
2 Drug Mistreatment by Jake Ginsky Tens of
Tens of thousands of American teenagers are forced into drug treatment programs each year by schools, parents, or the courts - despite not having any serious drug problem.
Candidate Just Debate How Gop Laws State Story Biggest Vicens Became Clinton Could Racism Best Cable Access America Climate Accessshow Schulman Now Change
3 Washington State Association of Drug Court Professionals The WSADCP
The WSADCP promotes the development of 'Drug Courts' that send drug offenders to chemical dependency treatment as an alternative to jail.
Therapist Therapy Health Right Groups Email Explained Wa Group Near Licensed Resources Drug Policy Choosing Social Disclaimer Compensation
4 Foundation for a Drug Free Europe Anti-drug program
Anti-drug program web logs about activities Scientology sponsored drug prevention, education and rehabilitation activities in Europe.
Blogger Blog Nutzungsbedingungen Content Buzz Gefunden Der Namefoundationdrugfreeeurope Hilfeforum Tutorials Registrierung Hilfe *video Hilfe Google
5 A Drug Testing Clearinghouse An archive
An archive of factual drug testing information on the web. Exposing the fraud of the drug testing industry.
Disabled United Sign Freeservers Mypoints Mysite Free Billing Website Netzero Juno Priority Services Classmates Billingissue Statement Additional Been
6 - Church of Scientology Forum interview
Forum interview with Peter Stoker of the National Drug Prevention Alliance on the anti-drug platform created by the Foundation for a Drug-Free Europe at the Church of Scientology International European Human Rights Office.
7 Drug WarRant Weblog features
Weblog features news, analysis, and rants by Pete Guither about current issues in the drug war.
8 The Greens and The Drug War News, statistics
News, statistics and articles on the Drug War, and the Green Party marijuana legalisation and harm reduction policies.
Nader Drug Ralph Green Party Press Worldwide Drugs Reform Mendocino Shortcut County Marijuana York Legalizing Cannabis Universal Garden Fitzsimonssvictory Conference Tigresa
9 Tyler Durden Says Legalize Stop the
Stop the drug war. Its a losing battle that sends billions of dollars overseas to drug dealers.
Legalize Reinforcement Intoxication Tolerance Withdrawal Page Dependence Membership Marijuana Durden Tyler Says Speaking Free Members Americans Chat Aug Drugshigher
10 Narconon Southern California Information about
Information about local drug rehabilitation centers in the program along with specific addictive drug details.
Drug Addiction Rehab Alcohol Treatment Signs Cocaine Withdrawal Abuse Use Rehabilitation Heroin Detox Meth Program Passes South
11 Drug-Free Marshals of Georgia Local drug
Local drug prevention group for kids, their community projects and essay contest.
Yahoo Geocities Sign Policy Help Copyright Popular Longeravailable Finance Mail Toolbar Archiveorg News Archives Sorry Privacy Y
12 Drug Free Ambassadors Blog A Scientology
A Scientology minister in Australia provides news and current information about the anti-drug program he runs.
Instructionswhoops Your Google Errorwordpresscom Clearing
13 The Truth about Drugs Nick and
Nick and Sadie James are commended for their anti-drug activities as members of the Church of Scientology Drug-Free Marshals.
14 Drug Free Ambassadors Church of
Church of Scientology drug prevention in Australia. Includes facts and specific programs to help teens stay clean.
Navigationshilfe Ty
15 drug loot fuels drug war a series
a series of articles on forfeiture by the standard times newspaper of southcoast, ma. very balanced, providing views from both sides of this issue.
Request Errory
16 Canberra Injectors Network Inc. Education, information
Education, information, advocacy and referral for injecting/illicit drug users and people affected by drug use. Lobbying for decriminalisation of drugs.
Here Injectors Canberra Network Inc Warning Please Cin@apexnetau Cinemail Sponsored Z
17 AIDS This HIV+
This HIV+ owned and operated site has easy-to-read guided treatment lessons, drug information, recent news, community forums, and drug interactions checker.
Aids Hiv Treatment News Forums Poz Stories Conference Blogs Aidsmeds Health Exclusives Prevention Smart Subscribe
18 Kids Off Drugs San Diego
San Diego Chapter of the Drug Free Marshals blogs about their events and drug prevention activities. Sponsored by the local Church of Scientology of San Diego.
Blog Ylang Janey Pony Flying Vuitton Monogram Soleil Full Podcast Blogdrive Writing Terms Random Lunettes
19 implications of u.s. whitehouse, cia and 'war on drugs' friends of
friends of freedom paper called 'dupe of drug war,' implicating top us officials and central intelligence figures in complicity with central american drug czars.
20 HIV/AIDS Educators Urged To Add That Against Drugs In Campaigns An article
An article covering the interrelationship between drug use and HIV/AIDS and the need to add drug-education into the fight against HIV/AIDS in Ghana. [GNA]
News Ghana Password Icon Writers Assisting Masters Forgot Sign World Media Business Mobile Entertainment Photos Bikini Urged Abroad Campaigns Adults Elections
21 Plan B Battles Embroil States Washington Post
Washington Post reports that after the US Food and Drug Administration failed to decide whether or not to make the 'morning-after' pill available without a prescription, most states are considering legislation to expand or restrict access to the drug.
Politics Plan Activity Washington News Profile Post Headlines Battles Opinions Section Embroil Political York Reprints Follow Fundraising
22 Drug Awareness A informational
A informational site with facts and information on drug awareness.
23 Drug Abuse And Legalization Arguments including
Arguments including reasons why the U.S. government should legalize all drugs and how legalization relates to drug abuse treatment. Proposes reasonable restrictions needed under a legalized scenario.
Yahoo Business Email Plans Small Ecommerce Marketing Advisor Help Local Gallery Hosting App Geocities Website Please Mail Screen
24 Drug Free Ambassadors A drug
A drug prevention program sponsored by the Church of Scientology in Australia. Includes program history, facts on drugs and specific programs to help youth stay off drugs.
Navigationshilfet Y
25 Corrections Drug Testing Drug testing
Drug testing product information.
26 Glebe Group Makes A Difference About Drugs At The Glebe Fair Drug Free
Drug Free Ambassadors, sponsored by the Scientology Church in Australia, provide information on drugs. Article includes copy of their anti-drug pledge and summary of their activities. []
27 Washington State Association of Drug Court Professionals--WSADCP A membership
A membership organization for professionals working in or with Washington State Drug Courts. Offers articles, board of directors, membership application form, and other resources.
Therapist Therapy Right Health Groups Explained Wa Mental Center Near Policy Court Email Directory Drug Counseling History
28 Backers Defend Anti-Drug Program / School Board Is Told The Science Is Sound Supporters of
Supporters of the Narconon anti-drug program addressed the San Francisco Board of Education to show the value of keeping the program intact in the citys public schools. [San Francisco Chronicle]
Www| Sf Chronicle Sfgate Estate Privacy Advertise Public Drug Program California Giants Contact Business Education Anti Ad|navigation Tweet
29 Food and Drug Administration User Fees Calling for
Calling for reform of the FDA.
Lunarpages Hosting Quicksite Web Plan Page Webhosting Business Basic Community Lunardesk Affiliate Placeholder Forums Program Please
30 irving l. weisen stamford firm
stamford firm focusing on food and drug law.
Offices Irving Law Wiesenz
31 The Anti-drug Parodies of
Parodies of the 'Harmless?' and 'Antidrug' commercials.
Craptaculuscom Cash Advance Insurance Instructions Consolidation Domain Renewal Debt Credit Reportexpired Learn Section Cell
32 Teen Challenge Ex-drug addicts
Ex-drug addicts tell how Jesus Christ delivered them from addiction.
33 d.a.r.e. provides children
provides children with the information and skills they need to live drug and violence free lives.
Dare Training International Conference Officer America Hometown News Bulletins Drug Conferences Board Directors Program Regional Resource Sheriffs
34 osteen & harrison law firm
law firm providing information on litigation against drug manufacturers.
Arizona Injury Personal Lawyers Court Phoenix Medical Osteen Supreme Glendale Accidents Accident Prescott Attorney Legal Malpractice Single Vehicle
35 Biker, Paul Horgan Set free
Set free from drug and alcohol addiction by Jesus Christ.
36 Free To Live Twelve Step
Twelve Step tools to recover from alcoholism and drug addiction.
Disabled Websiterequested Beensorry
37 anderson, terry serving a
serving a 30 year sentence on a non-violent conspiracy drug charge.
Terry Anderson Contact Information Terryanderson@terrylynncom Lynn Po Story Federal Andersons Guestbook Government Drug Fort Direct List
38 law offices of john henry browne, p.s. lawyers focusing
lawyers focusing on criminal law, drug crimes and homicide.
Criminal Henry Browne Practice Attorneys John Defense Seattle Crimes Washington State Areas Offices Ps Court Arson |
39 Drugs Bite Stephen Arrington
Stephen Arrington is an anti-drug and motivational speaker that has spoken at over 500 schools.
White Drugs Spray Bite Crusader Convict Dvds Rinse Books Oral Regular Dust Dreams Prevention Program Reviews Codefendant Documentary American
40 Partnership for a Drug-Free America? Lets look
Lets look closely at the supposed reasons why some drugs are 'harmful'. Are they really?
Drug America Free Sanity Drugs Marijuana Mushrooms Partnership Lsd Fucking Psychedelic Every News They Poetrylyrics Minutes Americamarijuana Dissapointment Mckenna
41 Narco-terrorism Outlines the
Outlines the history of drug cartels in Colombia and their violent struggles with government.
Rejected Requesty
42 keller and heckman packaging law
packaging law resource with information for the food, drug and cosmetics industries, and fda regulations.
Food Contact Materials Packaging Final Fsma Foreign Verification Fdas Requests Fda Rule News Focus Heckman Deadline Third Party Announces Francisco Points Panel
43 daniel cohen la mesa.
la mesa. practice focused on dui, narcotic/drug, assault, robbery and theft offenses.
Dosarrest Internet Security Restricted Client Ddosprotection Protection Host Please Z
44 law office of joseph p. st. louis practicing in
practicing in federal and state courts, with an emphasis on dui, drug and felony offenses.
Crimes Dui Tucson Nesci Louis Criminal Arizona Defense Extreme Attorney Offenses License Pllc Contact Driving James Prescription Topattorney Duichild Firm
45 Bravedave A personal
A personal weblog about the harmful effects of drugs and the work being done with the Drug Free Ambassadors program.
Access Docs Create Pc Onedrive Anywhere Together Store Files Word Photos Work Phoneany
46 law offices of chemnick, moen and greenstreet law firm
law firm focusing on medical negligence and drug liability claims.
Malpractice Moen Chemnick Delays Greenstreet Including Failures Diagnose Errors Gene | Failure Seattle Medical Conditions Post Operative Spinal Cord Plexusinjuries Birth Care
47 tomkins & associates a law
a law firm specializes in personal injury, product liability, and drug recall cases.
Serviceshistory Contact Trustedmobile
48 police corruption in the nypd kenneth eurell
kenneth eurell cooperated with the dea and internal affairs against drug lords and his former partner.
Police Eurell York Officer Blue Nypd True Behind Kenneth Seven Corruption Criminal Cop Dowd Rico Wallkenneth Crime New
49 chemnick, moen and greenstreet seattle firm
seattle firm focusing on medical negligence and drug liability claims.
Malpractice Moen Delays Chemnick Greenstreet Failures Including Diagnose Gene Failure | Errors Seattle Medical Hospital Spinal Cord Post Operative
50 daniel cohen la mesa.
la mesa. practice focused on dui, narcotic/drug, assault, robbery and theft offenses.
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51 james c. barber dallas lawyer
dallas lawyer with focus on adverse drug reactions involving exfoliative skin disorders.
Litigation Injury Attorneys Ten Sjs International Birth Johnson Stevens Tam Devices Espantildeol Medical Drugs Toxic Love Benzene Certain Morcellator
52 richard m. ross practice includes
practice includes government issues, focusing on environment, health, drug, food and agriculture.
Ross Richard California Health Law Food Sacramento Drug Agriculture Environmental Government Attorney Land Toxics Lawyer Av Rated Litigation
53 Stop The Hypocrisy Advocates overhauling
Advocates overhauling the justice system to punish truly violent criminals and not recreational drug users.
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54 kavinoky law firm criminal defense
criminal defense lawyer. legal advice about dui laws, drunk driving, expungement and drug cases.
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55 The Truth about Drugs A free
A free online book by Dr. Patrick Dixon. Analysis of global drug use. Facts and research into treatments.
Future Chapter Futurist Patrick Books Keynotes Truth Dixon Of Trends Global Aids Growth Keynote Westminster Latest Videos Futurewise Leadership Challenge
56 A Different Kind of Drug War An article
An article which discusses a higher standard of care when prescribing mind-altering drugs for school children.
Games Entertainment News Shopping Autos Recreation Arts Diseases Basketball Expert Policy Psychology Terms Analysis Outdoors Browse Updated
57 Lambert, Adam: Adams Page Tells of
Tells of a deliverance from 20 years of alcoholism and drug addiction, also original poetry and links.
Domain Contact Policy Shopping Categories Help Testimonials Cart See Here Usd Pharmacybeautycom Pm Mst Mycolorfulcom
58 Narconon Stone Hawk Drug rehabilitation
Drug rehabilitation center in Battle Creek utilizing effective techniques developed by L. Ron Hubbard.
Datenschutzrichtlinien Domain Here Click Dieser Narconon Stonehawkcomstonehawkcominformationen Informationen Z
59 jeralyn e. merritt denver attorney
denver attorney, defending serious federal and state drug and white collar crimes, and related forfeitures.
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60 How Stuff Works: Athletic Drug Testing Unbiased explanations
Unbiased explanations of all the various performance enhancing drugs, and how athletes are tested for them, with many related links.
Drugs Performance Enhancing Howstuffworks Work Most Quiz Entertainment Popular Baseball Phd Freudenrich Allen Athletes How Advertising Does Hut
61 Arts Education Tobacco and
Tobacco and drug prevention for schools. 'Smoke Screen', mime, juggling, comedy, rap for school assemblies and keynotes.
62 liquid deprenyl alleges a
alleges a conspiracy by big drug companies, the us fda, and department of justice to violate constitutional rights by withholding this medication from the market.
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63 Promises of Recovery Newsletter Focuses on
Focuses on addicts in prison and the issue of offering treatment instead of harsher sentences for drug related crimes.
Anonymous Recovery Narcotics Alcoholics Promises Sobriety Steps Alcoholism Living Drugs Cocaineanonymous Help Biggergamblers
64 The Drug Wars Topics on
Topics on this site include prohibition, abuse, legalization, and the war on drugs. Heavily hyperlinked to authoritative offsite resources.
Drug Crime Abuse Drugs Crimes Killers Killer True Victims Enforcement Legalization River Court Policy Green Ex Wife Mental
65 CIA and Drugs CIA and
CIA and other government agents reveal the CIAs 50-year role in drug smuggling into the United States, in liaison with organized crime.
プラセンタの肝機能の改善効果 全身ケア 効果抜群 活性化 添加物の入っていないプラセンタを選ぼう 肌のくすみ見つけた時がプラセンタ 安く手に入れよう激安プラセンタ これを選ぼうプラセンタの由来成
66 Drug Policy Forum of Oklahoma A grassroots
A grassroots movement seeking better ways to reduce harm caused by the war on drugs and chemical addiction.
Z Request Y
67 Non-Testers List A consumer
A consumer guide to companies that do not drug test. Includes tips, tricks, current news, and reader input.
Z Nontesterslistcom Y
68 Salon news: The war on drugs Prisons, profiling
Prisons, profiling and propaganda: Salons coverage of the U.S. government crackdown on illegal-substance abuse and the drug trade.
Follow Paris Salon Sophia Norton Cruz Tesfaye Burris Trump Carson Sarah Smith Trevor Obama American Vitters Take Stories Lets Here
69 Maximizing Harm - Losers and Winners in the Drug War This site
This site and its accompanying book offers a look at why the war makes problems worse instead of better, and who gets hurt and who gets helped by these policies.
Casino Poker Play Australia Gambling Mobile Omaha Request Winner Guide Palace Best Spin Pokies Reviews
70 St.Louis VNORML Promo Site Facts and
Facts and news about Medical Marijuana, Industrial Hemp and the so-called 'Drug War', including a video presentation.
71 King County Bar Association Drug Policy Project Doctors, lawyers
Doctors, lawyers, and pharmacists in Seattle, Washington join in calling for an end to the states war on drugs.
72 Subtutious Promoting the
Promoting the Calgary and Edmonton party scene. Event and club listings, pictures, drug information, DJ profiles, and a message board.
Z Subtutious Y
73 - educate to eradicate provides drug
provides drug interdiction and narcotics detection resource for law enforcement officers. requires paid registration to access content.
Z Certifications Law Certifying Rescue Explosive Narcotic Security Detection Patrol Enforcementdrugbeat Years Private
74 Dr. Drew Loveline host
Loveline host Dr. Drews campus life section gives college students advice for coping with stress, sex, and drug or alcohol abuse.
Drew Podcast Dr Featured Books Prager Dennis Laxamana Chris Health Loveline Call Press Media Pinsky Crawford Lavell Park Author Readmore
75 hyman, phelps & mcnamara, p.c. providing legal
providing legal advice and representation concerning food, drug, medical device and cosmetic law and regulation before the fda and other government agencies.
Speaking Kurt Karst Fda Annual Law Panel Conference Hpm Aci Firm News Ranks World Aba Co Chair Three Peat Hatch Waxman Fourth Moderating Workshop Commercial
76 alpha checkpoint of rochester, inc. consulting in
consulting in malpractice, personal injury, drug and alcohol testing including hair, paternity and infidelity kits.
Testing Drug Medical Training Employee Services Free Test Legal Background Paternity Supervisor Rochester Consulting Checkpoint Web Based Non Invasive
77 leonard i. frieling, pc boulder law
boulder law practice, limited to criminal defense, including sexual assault, driving violations,domestic violence, and drug cases.
Colorado Lenny Defense Criminal Frieling Contact Resources Thinking Professional Appearances Renaissance Business Leonard Consulting Norml Canna Firm Stained Honors
78 National Post: 'Drug plans not created equal' Report about
Report about current status about the lack of availability in Canada of life prolonging cancer drugs.
Health Canada Canadacom Happening Blogs Sports Video News National Travel Post Share Lifestyle Article * Football Game Changers Leader Nfl Life Saving Videos Golf Image
79 Witemyre, Matthew: Scary Shit A discussion
A discussion of religion, states rights, the drug war, and politics in general from a Libertarian-Democrat and former Howard Dean staffer.
Blogger Blog Richtlinien Hilfe Google Namemwitemyre Hilfe * Tutorials Gefunden Der Entwicklerforum Nutzungsbedingungenvideo Registrierung Content
80 c.e.s. consulting inc. case review
case review and expert testimony cases involving alcohol and drug impaired driving offenses. based in palm city, florida.
Dui Drug Page Intoxilyzer Enforcement Recognition Attorneys Contact Sobriety Defense Breath Expert National Lawyer Highway Testing Impaired List
81 What You Should Know About Psychiatry and Psychiatric Drugs Book reviews
Book reviews and psychiatric drug data.
Request Nginx Cloudflare Z
82 Canada Drug Talk Provides facts
Provides facts, tips and news about importing prescription drugs from Canada.
Check Talk Canadian Pharmacy Pharmacies Canada Drugs Drug Straight Prescription Importing Tips Facts Ratings
83 The Victorian Drug Scene Provides information
Provides information on the historical use of drugs, such as ether, with footnotes to resources of information.
84 The Case of Ian Stillman The case
The case of a deaf British man imprisoned in India for alleged drug smuggling.
85 Saras Story The story
The story of a girl who experienced abuse, neglect, and drug addiction before being born again.
Sara Saras Jesus Lord Christian Mother Suicide Self Even Away Father Around Full Christians Story
86 Web of Addictions Providing information
Providing information about alcohol and drug addictions. Includes fact sheets, links, and other resources.
Apacheport Found Serverfound The
87 Costs of Smoking are Triple Those of Illicit Drugs Results of
Results of a study on the social costs of drug use in Australia.
Bmj Download News Research Sign Members Drugs Bma Article Smoking Views Glance Activate Education Via Policies Endocrine Video Content Triple
88 The Block Center Features information
Features information on Dr. Mary Ann Blocks writings covering the use of Ritalin and a non-drug approach to treating children diagnosed with attention deficit disorder.
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89 steven g. casanova p.a. melbourne criminal
melbourne criminal defense lawyer. handling state and federal drug crimes, felonies, and all misdemeanors including intoxicated driver charges.
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90 douglas a. trant knoxville criminal
knoxville criminal defense attorney, offering services for all crimes, including white collar, health fraud, drug and homicide cases.
Error Requesty
91 charles johnson lawfirm full service
full service firm specializing in criminal defense with an emphasis on drug crimes, driving while intoxicated, assaultive offenses, and homicide.
Johnson Charles Firm Houston Texas Defense Criminal Attorney Phone Austin Legal Drug Assaultive Fraud Day
92 forcon toxicology services
toxicology services, including breath and blood alcohol concentration, drug identification, chemical analysis, and consulting on toxins and drugs. toronto, ontario.
93 nachman brautbar, m.d., inc. providing forensic
providing forensic examination, analysis, and expert testimony for environmental toxicology, pharmacology, drug and alcohol abuse, internal medicine, and nephrology.
Domain Hosting Marketing Network Web Solutions Names Services Website Registration Place Growgo |
94 DestinationRX Provides drug
Provides drug purchasing assistance for healthcare industry clients, as well as product comparisons for consumers. Includes client list, case studies and medicare information.
Sign Drx Team Here Contact Click Government Page Today Join Serve News Acquisition Health Solutions Pharmacy Terms
95 No More Ritalin Book by
Book by Dr. Mary Ann Block covering the use of Ritalin and a non-drug approach to treating children diagnosed with ADHD.
Block Adhd Program Non Drug Center Anxiety Asthma Autism Infection Programs Loss Weight Menopause Allergies Fatigueheadache Other
96 Stop HR 1528 A libertarian
A libertarian weblog monitoring the progress of H.R. 1528, a 2005 recent drug war proposal currently in the U.S. House of Representatives.
Warren Pm Stop Bill Plogresscom Welcome Here Google How Drug Supreme Hr Congress News Republican Minimumsentences Unpopular Congressman
97 6Pervasive6Sins6 Personal observations
Personal observations and opinions from a young person. Includes personal photos, illicit drug reviews, and a guestbook.
Sorryfrozen Contact Frozenwereplease Owner
98 professional law enforcement seminars law enforcement
law enforcement training in drug interdiction, labs, k-9, undercover survival, pipeline and hostage. non-profit.
Survival Warrants Training Law Enforcement Seminars Surveillance Officers Policeinterdiction Security Drugs Airports Heroin
99 Lawsuits which sue the CIA for bringing drugs into America These are
These are class action lawsuits which sue the U.S. government for importing narcotics and laundering drug money.
Constitution Keepers Land Patent Belle Declare Expect Afterwards Write Director Joining Expedited Thankorganization America
100 Genderrain Transsexual persons
Transsexual persons autobiography which also touches on bisexuality, abuse, recovery, drug abuse, gender ethics and politics.
Saving Throw Added Fixed News Minor Genderrain Throws Extras Gender Still Made Brendamakecom Rain National Htmldocument Transgender Menu
101 brian j. grossman focuses on
focuses on criminal and traffic law. faqs on traffic court, drug cases, and arrest, search, and seizure.
Request Nginxgrossmanrealty
102 w. patrick noonan law firm
law firm emphasizing food and drug law and regulation, including state regulations for dietary supplements, foods, pharmaceuticals, medical devices, veterinary and cosmetics.
Rejected Requesty
103 The Scientology Religion Helping Children Covers such
Covers such community programs as drug-prevention, literacy, human rights education and volunteer ministers and how they assist young people.
104 Drugging America Promotional site
Promotional site for a book. Government whistleblowers reveal the truth associated with the war on drugs, the CIAs history of drug trafficking, and widespread coverups and judicial abuses.
Justice Department States United York Americas America Cia Corrupt Rodney Former American Mexico Drugs Stich Canada Personnel
105 bukowski & associates criminal defense
criminal defense law firm. experience includes child molestation, drug offenses, dui/drunk driving, domestic violence, and white-collar crimes.
Request Rejectedy
106 Attitudes Toward Seeking Treatment Among Alcohol-using College Students. Article originally
Article originally published in the American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse.
Games News Entertainment Opinion People Business Food Canada Outdoors Pets Hints Software Kids Biology Money Technology Teens Sports Society Analysis Errors
107 know gangs private organization
private organization that disseminates information on street gangs. site also addresses drug abuse and school safety issues.
108 Shamannik and Co.s War Against the War on Drugs The drug
The drug policy reform movement. The psychedelic experience, LSD, and Peyote calls for the de-criminalization of soft drugs and Marijuana.
Against Shamannik Homepage Policy Drugs Internet Drug Hillpotians Sept Lets Common Hail Ctapoto Preprohibition Ethan
109 panola county district attorney contact information
contact information, statistics describing prosecution results, and information on how to turn in drug dealers.
Youre Ever Happened Found Errorsure Place Ownervisitor Feel Things Wrong
110 The Cali Drug Cartel Writer Matthew
Writer Matthew Kwan conducts a marketing analysis of the cocaine trafficking cartel based in Columbia.
Internal Server Error Please Errordocument Additionallyz Error The
111 Know Gangs Private organization
Private organization that disseminates information on street gangs. Site also addresses drug abuse and school safety issues.
112 Mexico On The Edge: The Drug Cartel Threat Albuquerque Journals
Albuquerque Journals 1997 special report on the rise of narcotics trafficking organizations in Mexico.
Mexican Guerrero Army Mexico Barrera Tlapa Revolutionary United Tepetixtla Drug Mexicos Navarrete Chilpancingo Marquez Catholic Merely Firefight
113 richard b. huttner criminal defense
criminal defense lawyer concentrating in dui defense, domestic violence, drug offenses, child abuse, and murder cases.
County Attorney Denver Violence Domestic Defense Richard Criminal Huttner Crimes Assault Dui Colorado Lawyer Arapahoe
114 long island k-9 service provides training
provides training of narcotic and bomb dogs. also sells dogs as well as conducts drug prevention programs. new york based.
Island Long Security Greco Detection Contact Consultants James Teams History Canine Personal Licensing Programs Dogs Do Aid
115 Club Kids Against Drugs .com Offers T-shirts
Offers T-shirts and other items that carry anti-drug messages, stresses the need to advertise continuously and effectively against drugs.
Pathway Kids Drugs Legacy Michael Meredith Against Family Network Welcome Blog Choices Founder Members Download Drug Prevention Ones Now Mesa
116 The Pharmaceutical Drug Racket The Campaign
The Campaign Against Fraudulent Medical Research produced this online book to alert readers to the effects of pharmaceutical drugs.
Drug Pharmaceutical Drugs Animal Racket Fraudulent Medical Part Research Testing Vivisection Tested Doctors Fraud Tests Species Under
117 The Elijah Program Christian organization
Christian organization helping families having difficulty with children who are at risk of rebellion, defiance, school drop out, running away, pregnancy, drug use and other behavior that puts them in danger.
Prepaid Serve Card Account Express American App Digital Payment Mobile Credit Debit Wallet Green Here Activation Pak
118 jonathan i. kelman criminal defense
criminal defense attorney specializing in dui, sex crimes, molestation, prostitution, drug offenses, assault, battery, domestic violence, probation violation, theft and narcotics.
Crimes California Defense Angeles Domestic Dui Criminal Drug Case Violence Theft Marijuana Kelman Jonathan Violent Pre File Testimonials Field
119 katz law office chicago, illinois
chicago, illinois law firm handling immigration, dui, sex crimes, drug crimes, guns and weapons, divorce and child custody / visitation.
Law Immigration Child Chicago Il Attorney County Criminal Wills Support Modification Katz Visa Family Employment Myerscough Mueller Non Compliance Property
120 The Results Behind Narconons Truth About Drugs Program An article
An article from the president of Narconon International on the effectiveness of this groups drug education program. [San Francisco Chronicle]
Www| Sf Sfgate Chronicle Drug Estate Privacy Advertise Giants Public Business Place Contact California Click Sfgate|navigation Staff|navigation
121 the realities and issues facing todays juveniles susan magestro
susan magestro explores teen problems such as bullying, drug use, school shooting, gangs, and family issues.
Magestro Associates Violence Crisis Conferences Susans Contact Events Corner Intervention Nurses Blog Interest Consultations Community Family Administrator Teen
122 Drug-free Denomination The Scientology
The Scientology church in Washington D.C. says that recent media coverage of Tom Cruise, while controversial, has increased public interest in this religion even more. [Washington Examiner]
123 Dr. Drew Lovelines Dr.
Lovelines Dr. Drew provides online chats and articles for relationship advice, sexual health, and drug addiction. Includes music reviews and celebrity interviews.
Drew Dr Podcast Books Loveline Watch Health Show Help Call Forrest Adam Live Maloof Shop Tucker Celebrity
124 district attorney general for sullivan county information on
information on the office and its staff, on the domestic violence and drug task forces, and on county death penalty cases.
Please Displayedcannotcontact Error Providerfor Page
125 Big Tobacco Threatened Drug Manufacturers Tobacco industry
Tobacco industry memos show cigarette companies pressured makers of stop-smoking aids to mute their message.
Morris Tobacco Philip Nicorette Drug Ciba Hand Rj Manufacturers Threatened Smithkline Smoke Ccaa Reynolds Cancer Times David
126 kay cox arizona animal
arizona animal psychologist, providing services for animal behavior, dog bite, drug-sniffing dog, and animal abuse cases.
Internet Servers Wireless Private Server Virtual Dsl Hosting Dial Provider Web Dedicated Phoenixemail
127 mary e. conn and associates criminal lawyer
criminal lawyer concentrating in white collar crimes, embezzlement, dwi/dui defense, domestic violence, drug trafficking, assault and battery, car jacking and juvenile crime cases.
Criminal Santa Cruz Defense Federal Jose Michelle Spencer County Attorney Lawyer Contact Clara Bay Reduced
128 True Crime and Justice Provides a
Provides a collection of resources and articles on unsolved cases, homicide, forensics, missing persons, victims, domestic violence, drug wars, various types of abuse, and criminal activity.
Crime Killers Serial Killer Crimes Justice True Missing River Murder Scenes Green Enforcement Women Investigation Colorrgb Border Count Victims Anthony
129 joseph, joshua in memory
in memory of josh joseph, a 22 year old who died of a drug overdose on october 6. contains a poem he wrote which became his eulogy, photos of his life and a guestbook. (1981 - 2003)
Found Pageurl Sorry Otherwise Please Z
130 Detox Center Seeks Wider Acceptance Describes the
Describes the new Narconon center in Clearwater, Florida, utilizing the discoveries of L. Ron Hubbard in the field of drug rehabilitation. (St. Petersburg Times)
Times North Pinellas County Tampa News Detox Sports Letters Forums Travel Center South Contact Seeks Farley Text Only Course Weekly Nation Tourism
131 Marty: LongRiders Testimony Testimony of
Testimony of how Jesus saved this biker from a life of drug and alcohol abuse. Testimony of US President G.W. Bush is also included.
Lord Christian Jesus Mission Bible York Sword Open Door God Bradford Click Church Community Fellowship Through Icould Bushs Kathleen
132 Fact Sheet - Adolescents and Substance Abuse Information on
Information on teenage drug abuse and alcohol abuse, from a provider of residential treatment services.
Programs Education Aspen Assistance Representative Immediate Program Fact Officers Sheet Permanently The Apache | Signs Tuition
133 A community-based HIV intervention program to MtF transgenders in Hollywood, California. 'ISSUE: Los
'ISSUE: Los Angeles County is home to a large and heterogeneous male-to-female transgender population, many of whom are at high risk of HIV infection from both drug use and sex work.'
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134 browne, flebotte, wilson, and horn criminal lawyers
criminal lawyers handling traffic violation, dwi, arson, conspiracy, sex offenses, kidnapping, armed robbery, drug offense, murder and white collar crime cases.
Carolina Browneflebotte Northcarolina Services Articles Mission News North Contact Wilson Flebotte South Webb Staff Prepaid Advantage Individuals Small
135 the drug war comes to the rez when alex
when alex white plume planted a field full of industrial-grade hemp, he hoped that his crop might lift his family and community out of poverty. then the dea came to pine ridge. by leora broydo, mother jones.
Worlds Shows Candidates How Hillary Drum Burma Love Chart Stand Where Debate Really Kevin Country Michaels Exactly Bats Line Republicans Still Film Unveils
136 Sydney Medically Supervised Injecting Centre Managed by
Managed by UnitingCare NSW.ACT the MSIC is a NSW Government sponsored project that aims to reduce harm associated with illicit drug use by supervising injecting episodes.
Msic Sydney Factsheet Centre Supports Quotes Supporters Policy Full Kings Training Cross Background Works Jobs Injecting Darlinghurst Do
137 The Fieldstone Foundation Funds programs
Funds programs which deal specifically with projects for children and families, including drug and alcohol abuse, child abuse, community violence, and school retention.
Fieldstone Soon Quick Communities Contact Page Move Ins Request Careers Warranty Farmington Companies Homefitting Acquisitions Missing
138 Why Our Drug Laws Have Failed and What We Can Do About It By Judge
By Judge Jim P. Gray. In addition to the comments from the author of this book, who is a veteran trial judge in Southern California, the views of more than 40 judges and justices nationwide are cited in this documented.
Gray Judge Americans Articles Drugs Video Grays Handbook Wearing Court Musical Robe Laws Jim Why
139 Luvox and the Littleton Columbine High School Shootings Article that
Article that suggests Luvox, a Prozac-like drug, could have caused manic and destructive behavior by a teen responsible for the shooting. By Peter R. Breggin, M.D.
School Luvox Shootings Littleton High Prozac Columbine Psychology Psychiatry Here Visit Click Teens New Study Breggins
140 Health Beat - Detoxification Clinic Offers Hope for WTC Responders Drug detoxification
Drug detoxification technology of L. Ron Hubbard applied to help New York fire fighters who responded to the 9/11 World Trade Center crisis.
Navigationshilfe Ty
141 Health Beat - Detoxification Clinic Offers Hope for WTC Responders Drug detoxification
Drug detoxification technology of L. Ron Hubbard applied to help New York fire fighters who responded to the 9/11 World Trade Center crisis.
142 Steve Drasche A professional
A professional piano tuner, song-writer and Church member for 20 years, Steve shares how he handled a drug problem, created a stable marriage and family using Scientology.
Z Request Y
143 Winstons Full time
Full time southern gospel faith ministry consisting of family members. When Steve was saved in 1984, the Lord delivered him instantly from a 14 year drug addiction. Their testimonies and singing will surely bless you!
Winstons Page Rightsreserved Copyright Clawd Kerrville Singer Folk Records Andyfolkpop Songwriters
144 Life Promotions A non-profit
A non-profit organization with communicators who speak to youth on topics such as self image, respect, leadership, abstinence, drug abuse and peer pressure. Includes speaker profiles, event information, and links to other organizations.
| Events Life Youth Bob Donate Promotions Faith Wi Hope Based Volunteers Lenz Instilling Staff
145 coalition for higher education act reform recommends revision
recommends revision of the u.s. higher education act which denies or delays financial aid to students with drug offenses.
146 Haram and Khamr Discusses haram
Discusses haram, khamr, drug abuse, drinking alcoholic beverages, from a Muslim perspective.
Viewmore Business Started Small Yahoo Now Hosting Email Privacy Web Aabaco Terms Help Domains Website Domain Get
147 Club Drug Counselor Contains information
Contains information on club, rave, and circuit drugs. Gives information on addiction and related issues.
Issues Counseling Contact Anxiety Joseph Depression Locations Relationship Rates Lafleur Resources Diversity Psychotherapy Primary Areas Disorders
148 DAFFY - Professional Artists Anonymous 'Drug And
'Drug And Alcohol-FFree, Yeah' is a supportive community of clear-minded professional artists, who are honest with one another.
Viewmore Business Started Yahoo Small Now Email Hosting Help Aabaco Domains Terms Customer Account Privacy Reliable
149 Mary OKeefe A licensed
A licensed family counselor offering services for alcohol, drug and other addictions, as well as depression, loss and grief, anger management classes, and family issues. Located in Putnam, Connecticut.
Error Requesty
150 carolina correctional services non profit
non profit provider of day reporting centers, drug courts, mediation services, and electronic house arrest. programs, board members, contact information, organizational background.
Emeritus Inc District Court Reliant Director Attorney Directors Security Management Judicial Group Chairman Carolina Judge Correctional Administrator Edwards Bridges
151 Plan B Pill Snarls FDA Nominee Hearings US Today
US Today reports that over-the-counter emergency contraception was the main issue in Congressional hearings on the nomination of Andrew von Eschenbach to head the Food and Drug Administration.
Eschenbach Plan News Mail Senate Usatodaycom Barr Travel Fda Sports Print Administration Clinton Education Drug Committee Money Permissions Since
152 Footscray Cares Footscray community
Footscray community concerned about heroin abuse on the street. We support a trial supervised injecting facility to save lives with a view to rehabilitation, as part of comprehensive drug strategy.
153 Addiction recovery is something to celebrate come September Article from
Article from the Portsmouth Herald explains the role of Narconon in National Abuse and Drug Addiction Recovery Month.
Dec Consectuter Illit Dolorem Epluribus Lorem Services Portsmouth Group Reader Password Subscriber Local Obituaries Media Today Premium Original
154 More Proof of the Global Harmonization Scam to Wipe Out Access to Vitamins 'The Drug
'The Drug Cartels effort to Harmonize the laws world-wide in order to KNOCK OUT competition from the dietary supplement industry is no longer mere conspiracy theory!'
Codex Health Fdas Medicines Pharmapact Safrica Eapc Cartel Rath Pharma South Committee Complimentary Africa Ed Pharmaceutical Hatch Virginia Control Freedom
155 More Proof of the Global Harmonization Scam to Wipe Out Access to Vitamins The Drug
The Drug Cartels effort to harmonize the laws world-wide in order to knock out competition from the dietary supplement industry is no longer mere conspiracy theory.
Codex Health Fdas Medicines Pharmapact Safrica Eapc Cartel Rath South Pharma Africa Ed Complimentary Committee Court Pharmacists Raths Folb
156 More Proof of the Global Harmonization Scam to Wipe Out Access to Vitamins 'The Drug
'The Drug Cartels effort to Harmonize the laws world-wide in order to KNOCK OUT competition from the dietary supplement industry is no longer mere conspiracy theory!'
Codex Health Medicines Fdas Eapc Safrica Cartel Pharmapact Pharma South Rath Committee Complimentary Africa Ed Global Ive Paulings Cfh
157 More Proof of the Global Harmonization Scam to Wipe Out Access to Vitamins The Drug
The Drug Cartels effort to harmonize the laws world-wide in order to knock out competition from the dietary supplement industry is no longer mere conspiracy theory.
Codex Health Fdas Medicines Safrica Eapc Cartel Pharmapact Rath South Pharma Ed Africa Committee Complimentary German Commission Destruction Identical Authority Medical
158 News - Deadly immunity 'When a
'When a study revealed that mercury in childhood vaccines may have caused autism in thousands of kids, the government rushed to conceal the data -- and to prevent parents from suing drug companies for their role in the epidemic.'
159 The Narco News Bulletin Reports on
Reports on the drug war from Latin America with breaking news, analysis, investigative journalism, translations of journalism from Mexico and beyond, and media criticism.
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discount prescription drug plan membership healthcare plan card for health, medical, physician and dental care without insurance.
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161 Lupron Petition Petition to
Petition to the FDA from people who have taken Lupron and incurred medical problems after taking the drug.
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162 Washington Post: Littleton Shooter Was Rejected by Marines Columbine High
Columbine High School shooting suspect Eric Harris was rejected for induction into the Marine Corps because he lied about having been prescribed a mood-altering drug.
Harris Littleton Klebold Washington Colorado Rejected Investigators Shooter Violence School Kenworthy Columbine Anderson Parr Washingtonpostcom Handgun Kyle Authorities
163 timothy r. bussey criminal defense
criminal defense attorney handling sexual assault, domestic violence, drug use and distribution, driving under the influence, and other felony conviction cases. highlighting attorney profile and related links.
Information Criminal Dui Colorado Bussey Springs Defense Timothy Attorney Crimes Lawyer Video Consultation County Practice Lawyersreg Confidential
164 ullman, shapiro & ullman, llp new york
new york city law firm, offering services for matters including food, drug, and cosmetic law, and consulting services relating to intellectual property.
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165 help victims of violence in hana, maui, usa a call
a call for help in a rural town on maui in hawaii with a high number of domestic violence cases, theft, and drug related crime.
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166 wilson law firm represents clients
represents clients in areas of admiralty claims, dui and criminal defense, drug crimes, catastrophic personal injury, and mass torts including defective products and pharmaceutical litigation. offices are located in ridgeland and biloxi.
Wilson Mississippi Firm Pc Association Defense Personal Disclaimer Contacts Injury Bp Claims News Justice University Please
167 Scientology Lies Reviews and
Reviews and refutes Scientologys claims about its founder, its members, its critics, its cost, its drug treatment program, its policies, its ethics, its beliefs, and its compatibility with traditional religions. Includes anecdotes about the site owners harassment by Scientologists.
Scientology Scientologys Lies Wrong Whats Crimes People Critics History Scientologists False Hubbard Fraud Against Imprisonment Lies Lying Criminalactivities Attacks
168 This Is Your Life If You Choose Drugs Anti-drug information
Anti-drug information, including: signs of teen usage, rehabilitation and help links, crack baby syndrome, and negative effects of club drugs such as roofies, marihuana, cocaine, and ecstacy.
Z Request Y
169 RJ Reynolds and Smuggling Washington Post
Washington Post editorial summarizes the evidence that R. J. Reynolds aided in smuggling, made deals with organized crime and Columbian drug gangs, and violated U.S. sanctions on Iraq.
News Dc Business Terms Washington Post World Politics National Sports Obama Policy Photos Watch Local Same Sex Incrementalism Bush Cheney
170 Drug Minimization Prohibition of
Prohibition of drugs, as with alcohol, has been a failure. Outright legalization, as with alcohol and tobacco, would also be a failure. What is needed is a middle ground, a true policy of 'decriminalization.' Specific proposals are examined here.
Douglas Could Dunn Minimization Drugs Drug Wizards Legalization Word Middle Ground Must Those Abuse They Directed Just
171 The Party Vibe Collective A non-profit
A non-profit organisation centred around a community of party collectives and soundsystems. Site contains news, event listings, MP3s, drug resource, party photographs, message board, and mailing lists.
172 Reports on
Reports on various abuses in therapeutic communities, particularly Straight, Inc. (in Saint Petersburg, Florida, 1976 to 1993) and other drug rehabilitation programs for teenagers modeled on Synanon. Includes news reports, legal documents, weblogs, and related links.
Thestraightscom Cash Advance Insurance Debt Consolidation Policy Credit Browse Free Report Privacy Lifelearn
173 FDA Official Quits Over Delay on Plan B US Food
US Food and Drug Administration official in charge of womens health issues resigned in protest against the decision to further delay a final ruling on whether the 'morning-after pill' should be made more easily accessible.
Plan Activity Health Delay Wood Profile Official Susan Crawford Women Quits Washington Drug Womens Post Resize Hillaryrodham Mike
174 Students Against Destructive Decisions Provides students
Provides students with prevention and intervention tools to deal with the issues of underage drinking, other drug use, impaired driving and other destructive decisions.
Sadd State Level Events Coordinator Care Chapter Resources Safety Driving Google+ Communications Role Student Sign Alcohol Locations Abuse Reporting
175 Lesbian Help and Information To educate
To educate people regarding health and well being issues, including casual sex, STDs, HIV/AIDS, relationship abuse, drug and alcohol abuse, codependency, and mental health issues.
Tripod Create Pageshopping Lycos Website Hosting Tripodcom Login Please Couldntrequested Signup
176 texas police reform center alleges that
alleges that the south central texas regional narcotics task force engaged in systematic racial profiling and set up innocent people in drug busts, as well as documents recent incidents of police misconduct.
Page Requested Found Tofoundsorry Navigationshilfe
177 premarin farms welfare issues
welfare issues associated with the treatment of pregnant mares on farms used to produce the hormone replacement therapy drug premarin. contacts, links and information about the farms and premarin itself.
Yahoo Geocities Copyright Help Policy Sign Longeravailable Visit Terms Guidelines Privacy Machine Maps Games Sorrywayback
178 Haughey, Bob: A Testimony Of Answered Prayer. A testimony
A testimony of how a prayer, a cry from the heart for an only daughter who was almost lost to the drug world was answered in less than an hour.
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179 christian counseling services of connecticut mary okeefe
mary okeefe is a licensed counselor located in putnam connecticut offering counseling services, to individuals, couples and families. specializing in drug and alcohol abuse, as well as other addictions.
Mary Okeefe Policycontact Intelius Maryokeefecom Cart Database People Privacy Errorrequest Sale
180 prevention of cruelty to animals a petition
a petition against ohio state university from trying to determine the effects of drug abuse in humans who are hiv-positive by injecting cats with the feline immunodeficiency virus (fiv) and then giving them doses of methamphetamine. according to experts, fiv is a poor model for hiv and the findings of this cruel experiment probably would be irrelevant to humans with hiv.
Petition Beenhas Retired Changeorg Z
181 ullman, shapiro & ullman, llp law firm
law firm offering services including food, drug, and cosmetic law, and consulting services relating to intellectual property. includes partners, attorneys, related links, firm overview, and contacts.
Law Ullman Shapiro Contact Food Enforcement Drug Compliance Firm Fdas Directions Requirements Defense Map Legal Ndi Litigation
182 whats your response on social issues a discussion
a discussion page on many issues asking for your response to abortion, alcohol abuse, bullying, domestic violence, drug abuse, gun controll, pornography, recycling, truancy, with links to information and resources.
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183 fox plans reconquista. bush plans.? argues that
argues that 'the fox plan [of unrestricted immigration] is an absurdity on its face, because it would not only open up the united states to the unlimited drug smuggling and other unpleasantness bred in mexico but also because only mexicans would make use of its open immigration proposal. '
Vdarecom Buchanan John Patrick Malkin Michelle Derbyshire Coulter Paul Nicholas America Sean Party James Immigration Specter Obama Load Claims Data
184 Dragon Clan Circle Dragon Clan
Dragon Clan Circle is an small family oriented drug free circle based in the beautiful rolling hills of Southern Indiana.
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185 U.S. Officials To Visit Mexico Prison To Get Look At Drug Program One hundred
One hundred female legislators from the United States visit the state prison in Ensenada to see the results of a Narconon prisoner rehabilitation program based on the works of L. Ron Hubbard. [San Diego Union-Tribune]
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186 Harold S. Dalton, Jr. Provides Biblically
Provides Biblically based counselling as well as traditional counseling services which include individual, couples, family and group counseling on a ongoing weekly basis. Specialty services include drug testing, intervention, and advocacy with the courts and other social service agencies.
Counseling Therapy Abuse Disorder Dalton Harold Conflict Christian Addiction Relationship Solution Gambling Bereavement Treatment Jr Panic Abortion Job Reached
187 lca private criminal justice and social services private criminal
private criminal justice and social service agency providing electronic monitoring, home detention, drug and alcohol testing, global positioning, and other sentencing options.
Monitoring Electronic Services + Programs Attorneys Resources Re Entry Jobs Lca Contact Participants Provider Courts
188 Prophetic Prayer Counseling and Innerhealing Online prophetic
Online prophetic (spirit-led, anointed & professional) prayer counselors trained to minister to the emotionally hurting, drug addicted, depressed, and sexually abused. Counsel also for those seeking personal prophetic ministry or understanding of Gods call into ministry.
Prophetic Inner Healing Ministry Counseling Prayer Leadership Word Spirit Eph Life Bible Gift Bishop Prophet Natal Deeper Wounds * Pre
189 morris, sakalarios & blackwell, pllc asbestos lawyers
asbestos lawyers, also representing individuals and class actions in areas of drug litigation, bankruptcy, family law, car accidents, workers compensation, oil field injuries, wrongful death, products liability and catastrophic injury matters, servicing clients in hattiesburg, jackson, biloxi, pascagoula and surrounding areas.
Last Directory Name Description Parent Size Modsecreport Port Apacheservermodified
190 sidley and austin ny office
ny office of international (hong kong, london, shanghai, singapore and tokyo), headquartered in chicago. banking and commercial finance, bankruptcy, corporate, environmental, food and drug, intellectual property (including a full service patent practice), litigation, real estate, tax, and trusts and estates for domestic and foreign clients. includes articles.
191 - schools backing of behavior drugs comes under fire state legislatures
state legislatures are moving to prevent schools from recommending or requiring that parents put their children on behavior medication. this comes at a time when many drug manufacturers are encouraging parents to consider their products as possible solutions to school problems. [requires free registration to view.]
Times Page Nytimescom Terms York Most Help Work Topics Sale World Archives Something Real Health Estate
192 Scientology link to drug case keeps jurors from reaching verdict Jurors in
Jurors in a misdemeanor case against Jesse Prince, a critic of the Church of Scientology, were unable to reach a verdict after some on the panel suspected the church had set him up. The vote was deadlocked at 4-2 in favor of acquittal. [Associated Press]
Prince Scientology Jurors Case Scurlock Church Verdict Entertainment Wire Weather Reaching Neighbors Marketplace Keeps Mail Press How Assistant
193 Drugs: The United States and Latin America A few
A few mordant words on drugs, drug abuse, and the disgraceful ties that bind Latin America and the United States.
Latin States America United Americans Drugs Drug Mexico Mara Mexican Illegal American House Angeles Baby Boomers Disgrace
194 Codex Showdown in Berlin Points to Dire Need for Congressional Oversight of FDA 'If we
'If we fail to get the Codex draft proposal for vitamins and minerals removed entirely... consumers world wide will be deprived of access to potency levels within the therapeutic range, restricted to strictly RDA levels of nutrients, and deprived of health information about these products via labels and labeling. Moreover, anything without an RDA would be regulated as a drug. This would kill millions of people.'
Codex Congress Oversight International Rath Court Justice Berlin Health Fdas American Committee Hearing German United Pharma Cartel Congressional Outside Harmonization
1 Juliette Lewis Is All Grown Up The latest
The latest on her career and how she handled her drug problem.
Lewis Sfgate Chronicle Privacy Ad Juliette Blogs Actress Has Things Grown Policy News Business Pitt Fear Quot Working Video Rates
2 Apollo Leisure Guide Review of
Review of the drug-addled action comedy.
Internal Server Errorthere Displayedresource Looking Iis Problemerror Itcannot
3 The Smoking Gun: Archive - 50 Cent Legal documents
Legal documents containing information on drug charges and other problems with the law.
Document Crime Buster Documents Smoking Girl Cent Wife Reports Mug Bag Tryst Celebrity Tweet Gets Drunken Shots Backstage Sign
4 Robbins Productions Available for
Available for conventions, corporate events, comedy bookings, drug awareness.
Comedy Mike Magician Robbins Alaskas Magic Testimonials Brain Contact Freeze Rightsreserved Magician_ Call Ill Going Copyrightc
5 The Gateway A group
A group of Widespread Panic fans who choose to remain drug and alcohol free.
Dates Gateway Tour Click Widespread Fans Clean Panic Added Sober Contacts Wsp Journal Fellowship Photos Panicfans
6 qolla, izzy poetry reflecting
poetry reflecting the life of the author, including drug addiction, love and death.
Create Tripod Errorpage Requested Signup Lycos Page Check Lycoscom Shopping Couldnt Login Please Hosting Found Y
7 Drug Store Cowboys Austin based
Austin based hard rock band. Contains tour schedule, photographs and links.
Drugstore Cowboysy
8 B.C. Provincials 1999 British Columbia
British Columbia Provincial Drug-Free Powerlifting Association. Both the text and the standings include Robert O.
Yahoo Plans Email Business Local Ecommerce Marketing Gallery App Small Hosting Help Geocities Terms Privacy Shut Answers
9 Mr. Mysterrio Combines motivational
Combines motivational speaking, sales training and marketing to create presentations. Also presents educational and anti-drug shows.
Magic Mysterrio Page Mark Show East Everyone Stroudsburg Magician Sign Thanks Close Judgeclub
10 FamilyStyle Film Guide Rating charts
Rating charts provide parents with information about the profanity, nudity, sex, violence and drug use in movies and videos.
Familystyle Film Movie Image Random Privacy Productions Latent Guide Movies Policy Guide * Commission Regrettably Thank
11 WWWF Grudge Match: Miami Vice vs. Charlies Angels Humorous account
Humorous account of these 70s and 80s fashion and sex appeal icons trying to take down the same drug dealer.
Angels Vice Miami Tubbs Crockett Charlies Johnson Farrah Match Drug Brian Charlie Bosley Movie Fawcett
12 Dr. Drew Loveline host
Loveline host Dr. Drews campus life section gives college students advice for coping with stress, sex, and drug or alcohol abuse.
13 Ranard, John Social documentary
Social documentary photography. Included are photographs of drug use and HIV issues in the former Soviet Union, boxing, prisoners, New York, and weddings.
Request Rejectedy
14 purcell, sarahbeth nashville-based author
nashville-based author of 'love is the drug' (2004). biography, journal, reviews, and news of book signings and appearances.
15 College on a Sense-Enhancing Drug Critique with
Critique with MPAA ratings advice and a list of the principal cast and crew. By Janet Maslin [New York Times].
16 CBS News - Traffic Jams Nick Sambides
Nick Sambides writes about Soderberghs deep venture into the Altman-esque where he treats the drug trade like a layer cake.
Cbs News Local Store Radio Mobile Face Youtube Now Internships Overtime Dafoe Cbsnewscom Movie Soderbergh
18 phills trippen stories short stories
short stories dealing with drug problems among teenagers and young adults.
Guestbook Trippen Glen Muck Lost Houses Sign Poetry Webrings Please Phills Mail Storys Shakespeare They Never
19 bad medicine - drug company protest musical protest
musical protest of the harmful policies of pharmaceutical and healthcare companies.
20 newsweek - i am addicted to prescription pain medication collection of
collection of news and commentary about rush limbaughs confession of drug abuse. includes background material about opiods.
Nbcnewscom News Local Weather Subscribe Careers Pages Page Video Travel Breaking Photos Sign Entertainment Games Horoscopes Full
21 are you a vinyl junkie? - 2002 carls garage
carls garage and house website looks at why some record collectors are likened to being drug addicts. listen to the 30 minute streamed documentary on this page of the same name.
Guitar Garage Musiccom Learn Lessons Simple Play Playing Journey Articles Benefits Rights Form Using Found Nothing
22 Nailed A psycho-thriller
A psycho-thriller about two criminals who stumble across a strange house while fleeing from a drug sting. Synopsis, cast and crew, stills, downloads, and links. [Requires Flash]
23 Phantom Projects Educational Theatre Performs plays
Performs plays for and by young people addressing drug and alcohol prevention, prejudice, and promotes teen abstinence. Available to perform throughout California.
Theatre Help Rentals Shows Classes Costume Tickets Projects Gala License News Jobsinternships Space Arts Phantom Group Welcome Season Singing Fundraiser
24 'Along with
'Along with sex jokes and drug jokes, the humor pivots on cross-dressing dilemmas: stuffing bras, teetering in high heels and applying cosmetics.'
Movie Video Review Boys Sorority Comedy Buy Games Trinity Reviewer Reviewscom Contact Dvd Movies Dvds Sci Fifantasy Posters School Dvdvideo Oceans
25 Warren, James Provides customized
Provides customized entertainment for companies, private parties, and special events. Also anti-drug, anti-smoking assembly programs for schools.
Magician James Corporate Magicians York Warren Magic New Hollywood Coast Contact James_ East City Castle Steve
26 Burr, Richard Richard and
Richard and Josette, close-up and grand illusions. Television. corporate events, anti-drug shows. Client list and photographs.
27 Blue Sky Puppet Theatre This professional
This professional touring company presents educational, fine art, and fun performances. Topics include: math education, peaceful conflict resolution, drug and alcohol prevention.
Puppet Theatre Blue Sky Childrens Shows Workshops Nj Theater Holiday Education Touring Drug Pa Repertoire Math Assemblies We Safe Abuse Washington
28 Chaos Control: Marc Almond 1999 interview
1999 interview about his present and past career, including the Soft Cell reunion and the influence of the drug Ecstasy years before it caught on in the club scene.
Control Interviews Chris Chaos Badler Jane Grandmaster Insect Underworld Four Ultramarine Gang Rasputina Bloor Connelly Pwei List Digizine Blog Return Eszter
29 Class Act Theatre Inc. Theatre company
Theatre company in education for primary and secondary schools covering issues such as bullying, health, nutrition, drug awareness and head lice.
Class Theatre Melbourne Education Sydney Perth Act Plays Disclaimer Company Contact Info@classactcomau Incorporated Webdesign Acthas Thecompany Hannie Even
30 ghetto-fabulous: the series a continuing
a continuing urban drama updated twice monthly. based on a harlem drug dealer, his siblings and their quest to make the best of life in the ghetto.
Ghetto Best Place Fabulous Fabulouscom Z|
31 Class Act Theatre Inc. Theatre company
Theatre company in education for primary and secondary schools covering issues such as bullying, health, nutrition, drug awareness and head lice.
Class Theatre Education Sydney Melbourne Perth Act Plays Info@classactcomau Webdesign Company Disclaimer Contact Incorporated Tina Raysons
32 Dr. Drew Lovelines Dr.
Lovelines Dr. Drew provides online chats and articles for relationship advice, sexual health, and drug addiction. Includes music reviews and celebrity interviews.
Drew Dr Podcast Books Loveline Watch Health Show Help Adam Call Shop Drunk Drews Contact Bienne Bio Reunion
33 Puff, Puff... Explains lyrics
Explains lyrics of Puff the Magic Dragon, countering rumor that they contain drug references.
Z Found Port Foundfor Server Apache Monday Nov Fipsmod_bwlimited Found Theopenssle Please
34 High Action Bikes Producing professional
Producing professional bicycle stunt shows and demos worldwide. We also perform drug prevention and bicycle safety for school assembly programs.
Action School Stunt Assembly Shows Assemblies Team High Bikes Awareness Safety Bullying Special Sports Program Packed Feel Indiana
35 Dallas Taylor and the Taylor/Neely Band Official site
Official site with biography, lyrics, audio, photographs, Taylors recovery from drug addiction, book and CD ordering, and links.
Z Rehab Y
36 FoolProof Improvisational Theatre Troupe Made up
Made up of teenagers from Carroll County, Maryland, it presents improvisational scenes dealing with drug abuse, alcoholism, suicide, date rape, and broken homes.
Members Intro Foolproof Rightsreserved Troupe Theatre Sitesmembersimprovisationalcopyright
37 Prism Awards Entertainment industrys
Entertainment industrys annual recognition of outstanding contributions for the accurate depiction of drug, alcohol and tobacco use and addiction in film, television, interactive media, and comic book entertainment.
Prism Winners Awards Gallery Industry Capitol Nominees Release Media Click Draft Celeb Press Eicnetworktv Treatment Copyright Draft_ Are
38 Fastimes at Slayers High Feat. Xellos
Feat. Xellos, Zelgadis, Gourry, and Valgarv as the Metallium brothers and Amelia, Lina, Filia, and Martina as their love interests. Set in modern day times. Rated R for slightly mature content and drug references.
Yahoo Business Email Plans Ecommerce Marketing Small Advisor Local Help App Gallery Hosting Website Terms Shut Partners Celebrity
39 peoples pharmacy produces a
produces a radio show addressing drug-related topics. summaries may be read for free, recordings of shows must be purchased. summaries of the shows are published in a number of newspapers around the usa as well.
Drug Radio Hellip Library Health Shows Doctors Remedies Peoples Show Contact Herb Side Guides Live Skin
40 daya dissanayake novels by
novels by author daya dissanayake: 'the saadhu testament' (first e-novel by an asian author), 'the bastard goddess', 'the kat bitha', 'the healer and the drug pusher', and 'the thirst'.
Blog Auditorium Saadhu Testament Miracle Tree Colombo Under Dissanayake Eavesdropper Daya Bitha Inequality Goddess Moonstone Kat Library Sinhalanovel
41 Disco Duo Comedy series
Comedy series about 70s detectives Dick Long (played by Jory Sutton) and Betty Big (Jaki Covington) fighting against the evil drug-lord Hard-Ball (Jason Wilford) and his gang of evil minions. Also starring Jennifer Treadwell as Lucy Lube.
Request Errory
42 Grading the Movies, Music and Games Provides information
Provides information about the amount of violence, sex, language, and drug content in movies, music, and games.
43 The Musicians Life On The Road Colorful stories:
Colorful stories: the musicians life on the road: the difficult, sometimes bizarre, always amusing experiences of the professional musician. Essays about New Orleans music, musician-related drug addiction and a full journal of a Concert Tour with legendary guitarist Danny Gatton.
Road Musicians Orleans Stories With Drug Aboutcom Fundraiser Gatton Addicts Sounds Working Danny Somewhere Life City Whats Including

Drug Dictionary

drug bust / drugs bust: seizure of illegal drugs by the police
withdrawal drug withdrawal: the termination of drug taking
iontophoresis / ionic medication / iontotherapy / electromotive drug administrat: therapy that uses a local electric current to introduce the ions of a medicine into the tissues
substance abuse / drug abuse / habit: excessive use of drugs
drug traffic / drug trafficking / narcotraffic: traffic in illegal drugs
drug war: conflict between law enforcement and those who deal in illegal drugs
abortifacient / aborticide / abortion-inducing drug: a drug (or other chemical agent) that causes abortion
Adam / ecstasy / XTC / go / disco biscuit / cristal / X / hug drug: street names for methylenedioxymethamphetamine
adrenergic / adrenergic drug: drug that has the effects of epinephrine
antiarrhythmic / antiarrhythmic drug / antiarrhythmic medication: a drug used to treat an abnormal heart rhythm
antibacterial / antibacterial drug / bactericide: any drug that destroys bacteria or inhibits their growth
antibiotic / antibiotic drug: a chemical substance derivable from a mold or bacterium that can kill microorganisms and cure bacterial infections, "when antibiotics were first discovered they were called wonder drugs"
anticholinergic / anticholinergic drug: a substance that opposes or blocks the action of acetylcholine
anticonvulsant / anticonvulsant drug / antiepileptic / antiepileptic drug: a drug used to treat or prevent convulsions (as in epilepsy)
antidepressant / antidepressant drug: any of a class of drugs used to treat depression, often have undesirable side effects
antidiabetic / antidiabetic drug: a drug used to treat diabetes mellitus
antidiarrheal / antidiarrheal drug: a drug used to control or stop diarrhea
antidiuretic / antidiuretic drug: a drug that limits the formation of urine
antiemetic / antiemetic drug: a drug that prevents or alleviates nausea and vomiting
antihypertensive / antihypertensive drug: a drug that reduces high blood pressure
anti-inflammatory / anti-inflammatory drug: a medicine intended to reduce inflammation
antimalarial / antimalarial drug: a medicinal drug used to prevent or treat malaria
antineoplastic / antineoplastic drug / cancer drug: any of several drugs that control or kill neoplastic cells, used in chemotherapy to kill cancer cells, all have unpleasant side effects that may include nausea and vomiting and hair loss and suppression of bone marrow function
antiprotozoal / antiprotozoal drug: a medicinal drug used to fight diseases (like malaria) that are caused by protozoa
antiviral / antiviral agent / antiviral drug: any drug that destroys viruses
astringent / astringent drug / styptic: a drug that causes contraction of body tissues and canals
brand-name drug / proprietary drug: a drug that has a trade name and is protected by a patent (can be produced and sold only by the company holding the patent)
club drug: a controlled substance that is usually taken by young people at dance clubs and raves
cytotoxic drug: any drug that has a toxic effect on cells, commonly used in chemotherapy to inhibit the proliferation of cancerous cells
designer drug: a psychoactive drug deliberately synthesized to avoid anti-drug laws, mimics the effects of a banned drug, law was revised in to ban designer drugs
diuretic drug / diuretic / water pill: any substance that tends to increase the flow of urine, which causes the body to get rid of excess water
drug a r: a substance that is used as a medicine or narcotic
drug cocktail / highly active antiretroviral therapy / HAART: a combination of protease inhibitors taken with reverse transcriptase inhibitors, used in treating AIDS and HIV
drug of abuse / street drug: a drug that is taken for nonmedicinal reasons (usually for mind-altering effects), drug abuse can lead to physical and mental damage and (with some substances) dependence and addiction
fertility drug: a drug used to increase a woman's fertility
fixed-combination drug: drug containing fixed amounts of two or more ingredients
gateway drug: a habit-forming drug that is not addictive but its use may lead to the use of other addictive drugs, "one college athlete recently called beer a gateway drug for young people"
generic drug: when the patent protection for a brand-name drug expires generic versions of the drug can be offered for sale if the FDA agrees, "generic drugs are usually cheaper than brand-name drugs"
hallucinogen / hallucinogenic drug / psychedelic drug / psychodelic drug: a psychoactive drug that induces hallucinations or altered sensory experiences
hard drug: a narcotic that is considered relatively strong and likely to cause addiction
immunosuppressant / immunosuppressor / immunosuppressive drug / immunosuppressiv: a drug that lowers the body's normal immune response
lipid-lowering medicine / lipid-lowering medication / statin drug / statin: a medicine that lowers blood cholesterol levels by inhibiting HMG-CoA reductase
medicine / medication / medicament / medicinal drug: (medicine) something that treats or prevents or alleviates the symptoms of disease
miotic drug / myotic drug / miotic / myotic: a drug that causes miosis (constriction of the pupil of the eye)
mydriatic / mydriatic drug: a drug that causes the pupil of the eye to dilate, used to aid eye examinations
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory / nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug / NSAID: an anti-inflammatory drug that does not contain steroids, "NSAIDs inhibit the activity of both Cox- and Cox- enzymes"
nontricyclic / nontricyclic drug / nontricyclic antidepressant / nontricyclic an: a class of antidepressant drugs that are not tricyclic drugs and do not act by inhibiting MAO
over-the-counter drug / over-the-counter medicine| a drug that is sold without a:
oxytocic / oxytocic drug: a drug that induces labor by stimulating contractions of the muscles of the uterus
prescription drug / prescription / prescription medicine / ethical drug| a drug : Reviews for Drug. The business hours may vary on holidays like Valentines Day, Washingtons Birthday, St. Patricks Day, Easter, Easter eve and Mothers day - Statistics: 4 SiteBook Points for "Drug" (visitors of this topic page). Drug › Reviews & Experience Experience and Review Drug Opening Times and Reports. Date:

Our Recommendations:

A drug is any substance other than food, that when inhaled, injected, smoked, consumed, absorbed via a patch on the skin or dissolved under the tongue causes a physiological change in the body.

44 results for Drug: