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Genbu Experience


2. Shopping and Genbu Trade

3. Genbu Recreation

1 Genbu-Kai Karate International Run by
Run by Shihan Fumio Demura, based Santa Ana, California, USA. Events, history and class details.
Genbu Kai History Dan Usa Dojo Galleries Calendar Karate Fumio Archive Hombu Do New Demura Rengo

4. Computer & Genbu Games Websites

5. Sports Websites concerning Genbu

1 Genbu-Kai Karate International Run by
Run by Shihan Fumio Demura, based Santa Ana, California, USA. Events, history and class details.
Genbu Kai Karate News Ryu Do Shito Batto Fumio Kobudo Events Found The Registered Instruction Logos

6. Society, Arts and Genbu Crafts