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Integer Experience


1 Integer Communications Focus on
Focus on product knowledge and sales training.
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2. Shopping and Integer Trade

3. Integer Recreation

1 Funky URL Converts a
Converts a web page URL in to a 32-bit integer.
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4. Computer & Integer Games Websites

1 Extended Precision Arithmetic on the TI-85 A simple
A simple system for long integer mathematical operations on the TI-85.
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2 Apple II Programmers Reference A listing
A listing of Applesoft, Integer BASIC, DOS 3.3 and ProDOS commands with descriptions.
Apple List Reference Programmers Applesoft Operators Integer String Computer Real Displays Ii Commands Prodos Greater Domain Exponentiation
3 Lindo Systems Whats Best
Whats Best allows the creation of optimization models in Excel. It solves linear, nonlinear and integer programming problems.
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4 The Pentium: An Architectural History of the Worlds Most Famous Desktop Processor, Part I Article treats
Article treats integer pipeline, P6 architecture, impact of legacy x86 support. [Ars Technica]
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5 Integer Technologies Offers e-commerce
Offers e-commerce consulting, database development, as well as development services for business, industry, and academia.
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6 HanoiOS Self booting
Self booting x86 OS implementation of Towers of Hanoi puzzle, very simple bootstrap loader and kernel, boots, presents shell-like prompt for valid integer input, used by kernel as count of disks to solve, prints list of moves.
Operating Hanoi Publications Iit Singh Amit Programming Bell Systems Linux Networking Delhi System Nasm Fair Legalese Labs Software Internals Device
7 CypherCalc - the Cryptographers Calculator a full-featured
a full-featured, programmable calculator designed for multi precision integer arithmetic. You can use CypherCalc to perform 'big number' math operations such as exponentiation, modular multiplication, and Montgomery products.
Cryptographers Gcd Calculator Montgomery Crc Cyphercalc Number Modular Exponentiation Arithmetic Herethank Math Click
8 Andrija Radovic´s Algorithms Several unique
Several unique algorithms for fast and optimal computations with integer numbers and graphics suitable for hardware implementation: dividing, square rooting, line drawing, ellipse drawing, Haiku plot routine.
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9 Extended Fortran Types (XFT) Library Set of
Set of modules by Jugoslav Dujic which wrap some of Win32 functionality most used for building GUIs. It is distributed as free, open source resource. Currently, XFT is available only for the Compaq/Intel Visual Fortran compiler since it partially depends on some extensions, namely, integer (Cray) pointers and DEC$ metacommands.
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10 ABCQSORT A cunning
A cunning sorting tool for Delphi. Really faster than other QuickSort methods you could find in Pascal. Shareware version limited to long integer and TStringList sorting (because the shareware version is compiled and doesnt include the source code).
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11 Koalog Constraint Solver Java library
Java library for constraint programming. It provides technology for solving satisfaction and optimization problems including: scheduling, planning, routing, time tabling, resource allocation, configuration and many others. KCS includes a solver on boolean, integer and set domains, global constraints. KCS also includes a local search solver useful for solving huge problems when exact methods are too slow.
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12 Feeware Delphi/BC++Builder
Feeware Delphi/BC++Builder Components: TParserAll - a non-visual component that takes parsing one step further by a using a generic approach of a Backus Naur-Form grammar, TComboSpinEdit - a visual component especially designed for efficient data entry of floating-point and integer numbers, TUndo - a non-visual component that links to any existing edit control (TCustomEditControl descendant) to provide undo and redo capabilities, among other features, TVisualStream - a visual component that displays the contents of any data stream, allowing to modify it and navigate. Also customized programming.
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5. Sports Websites concerning Integer

6. Society, Arts and Integer Crafts