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Rootwork Experience


2. Shopping and Rootwork Trade

3. Rootwork Recreation

4. Computer & Rootwork Games Websites

5. Sports Websites concerning Rootwork

6. Society, Arts and Rootwork Crafts

1 Rootwork: a cyberhoodoo website Arthur Flowers
Arthur Flowers poetic exploration of contemporary hoodoo.
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2 InquiceWeb Major introductory
Major introductory site to various Kongo derived faiths as practiced in the Americas, such as Umbanda, Kimbanda, CondomblÂŽ de Congo, and CondomblÂŽ de Angola in Brazil, Kumina and Obeah in Jamaica and other Caribbean countries, and Rootwork or Hoodoo in the USA. Includes in-depth articles on the worship of the Nkisi (Enkises), bibliography, guestbook, and useful link-list to other Palo, Kongo, and Bantu sites.
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