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Valdese Experience


1 Valdese Weavers Producers of
Producers of upholstery and decorative fabrics for residential furniture manufacturers.
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2 Valdese Weavers, Inc USA. Design
USA. Design and manufacture of jacquard woven decorative fabrics for upholstery, furnishing and bedding applications in home and contract markets.
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2. Shopping and Valdese Trade

3. Valdese Recreation

1 Justa HairShort Kennels News, photographs
News, photographs, pedigrees, breed standard, and kennel history. Valdese, North Carolina.
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4. Computer & Valdese Games Websites

5. Sports Websites concerning Valdese

6. Society, Arts and Valdese Crafts

1 The Waldensian Museum Devoted to
Devoted to the Waldensian settlers of Valdese, North Carolina.