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Best entries for Pride and Prejudice

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16 IMDb: Pride and Prejudice (2003) Cast, crew
Cast, crew, plot summary, viewer comments, links, photograph gallery, and other related film data.
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17 I Love You Because A modern-day
A modern-day telling of Jane Austens Pride and Prejudice. Site includes production history, profiles of creative team, and song samples.
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18 IMDb: Pride and Prejudice Plot summary
Plot summary, user comments, memorable quotes, filming locations, and other detailed information on this A & E movie made in 1995.
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19 What Price Love? A full-scale
A full-scale romantic musical comedy by Alan Weitzman, based upon Jane Austens best-selling masterpiece Pride and Prejudice, is introduced here.
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Instructions for the English country dances featured in movie adaptations of Jane Austens novel.
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Instructions for the English country dances featured in movie adaptations of Jane Austens novel.
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MGM film starring Greer Garson and Laurence Olivier. Cast listing, film summary, user comments, photographs, and other miscellaneous information.
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